View Full Version : Why no stage today? :'(

08-24-2010, 09:44 PM
:tsk_tsk: :ohill: :tsk_tsk: :ohill:

08-24-2010, 09:46 PM
maybe there's something BIG comming at stage 10? =O

EDIT: yesh i m sad too :'( :'(

08-24-2010, 09:48 PM
You only got away because me powers are weak! I NEED ME STAGE!

08-24-2010, 09:50 PM
maybe there's something BIG comming at stage 10? =O
hopfully a change that lets me enter Amun without crashing before even entering the game world xD

08-24-2010, 09:55 PM
maybe there's something BIG comming at stage 10? =O

OMG you are rite!



08-24-2010, 09:56 PM

We started with the new summon concept and it's taking some time.

Also. We found an error (not a bug but some nasty code) in the protection / damage formulas.
Again, it has to do with multi damage and we will have to re-code the system

this things take time, please be patient.

08-24-2010, 09:56 PM
OMG you are rite!




08-24-2010, 09:58 PM

We started with the new summon concept and it's taking some time.

Also. We found an error (not a bug but some nasty code) in the protection / damage formulas.
Again, it has to do with multi damage and we will have to re-code the system

this things take time, please be patient.

Omg those are great news. \o/ Thank you soo much for the little update!

08-24-2010, 10:01 PM

We started with the new summon concept and it's taking some time.

Also. We found an error (not a bug but some nasty code) in the protection / damage formulas.
Again, it has to do with multi damage and we will have to re-code the system

this things take time, please be patient.

Oh that might explain why +protection buffs sometimes didnt work out well.
7 ap per 1 damage redux on normal armor resist with hunter ap modifier worked fine for 1 damage type but when mixed it seemed screwed up.

Get UM reworked soon too (or decide about it) as it will greatly change the balance/tactics/behaviour in fights we can test with it. \o/

Thanks much for the update on progress :)

08-24-2010, 10:01 PM

Thanks for the info!

08-25-2010, 03:24 AM

Nice to know what you are working on... at least in English :p

08-25-2010, 03:27 AM
Nice to know what you are working on... at least in English :p

from what chilko tells us you Spaniards brought it on yourself :p

08-25-2010, 04:19 AM
"from what chilko tells us you Spaniards brought it on yourself"

FLAME ON :fury: xD

08-25-2010, 05:43 AM
Great news thanks for your good news! Next is Marksman? :nunchaku: I can fight watch out /me wants Marksman better!!!!

08-25-2010, 02:34 PM
from what chilko tells us you Spaniards brought it on yourself :p

Not all of us... :S
Because of some stupid apocaliptic comments of some users, they close our official thread about the update.... :fury:

08-25-2010, 02:34 PM
Get UM reworked soon too (or decide about it) as it will greatly change the balance/tactics/behaviour in fights we can test with it. \o/

UM is going the Ao1 way and it will stop Beetle Swarm too (its already done but not up on AMUN).

08-25-2010, 02:36 PM
UM is going the Ao1 way and it will stop Beetle Swarm too (its already done but not up on AMUN).

Yes!! <3

Also take a look at the Slaying Jaw & look at the 2handed Great Claymore - tell me it doesn't need a fix :p

08-25-2010, 02:38 PM
UM is going the Ao1 way and it will stop Beetle Swarm too (its already done but not up on AMUN).

i personally think this is a good thing (although i predict alot of negative posts to come). would it be possible for Hawks Gaze to follow the same approach?

08-25-2010, 02:39 PM
i personally think this is a good thing (although i predict alot of negative posts to come). would it be possible for Hawks Gaze to follow the same approach?

Thats actually a good idea

08-25-2010, 02:45 PM
i personally think this is a good thing (although i predict alot of negative posts to come). would it be possible for Hawks Gaze to follow the same approach?

REally dont think so. The idea behind ao1 and UM is protection. Hawk is basically a damaging spell.
I think hawk should be reworked, but hardly the same way as ao1 and UM.

08-25-2010, 02:46 PM

Cross castle bow ^^.:imstupid:

08-25-2010, 02:51 PM
UM is going the Ao1 way and it will stop Beetle Swarm too (its already done but not up on AMUN).

WOOOOT This is EXACTLY what i was hoping, that it also stops "cannot attack" but is short and on lower CD.

I love you.

08-25-2010, 03:01 PM
UM is going the Ao1 way and it will stop Beetle Swarm too (its already done but not up on AMUN).
finally <3

08-25-2010, 03:26 PM
Awesome! I can't wait to see the new version!

08-25-2010, 03:33 PM
As long as UM isn't too short, I will be happy.

Thanks NGD for taking your time more on this update. I think it is turning out to be the best update since beta. XDDD

I still think mana costs/regeneration needs to be addressed for the marksman and Barb class.

Keep up the good work!!
Refe :drinks:

08-25-2010, 03:42 PM
As long as UM isn't too short, I will be happy.

As long as UM isn' too long either.

I just tried to imagine how you could defend vs 15s UM. Its not like SoW wouldnt be too long in my opinion too, but barbs will kill you easily in half the time. You die easily in 4 hits now with Fulmination being 70% as a mage/unprotected archer.

Concerning 1v1 balance, if you chose to use UM from range 30+ to get to target, you should lose it soon after arriving at that position.

So i tend to a 10/30 or 10/40 version.

Edit: \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/ \o/

08-25-2010, 04:57 PM
add stun fist to that list of UM fail spells too then..if im gonna die because barbs can spam a shorter cheaper um with no cc counters, then archers should die too :)

08-25-2010, 04:58 PM
add stun fist to that list of UM fail spells too then..if im gonna die because barbs can spam a shorter cheaper um with no cc counters, then archers should die too :)

Chilko was referring to "cannot attack" effects, stunfist wont work on new UM either.

08-25-2010, 08:05 PM
will slow downs still work?

08-25-2010, 08:20 PM
Today no update too u.u

08-25-2010, 08:40 PM
will slow downs still work?

Yes, but barbs have now more speed

08-25-2010, 08:50 PM
Today no update too u.u

Patience young padawan

08-25-2010, 08:52 PM
Patience young padawan

Well if you got back to working on the game, and quit watching star wars; maybe the update would get done faster surak!!! :guitar::guitar::guitar::guitar::guitar:

08-25-2010, 08:55 PM
UM is going the Ao1 way and it will stop Beetle Swarm too (its already done but not up on AMUN).

O.o i love this change, it will stop stuning first too ?

08-25-2010, 09:00 PM
NGD ,pls try check oGL code ,its performance is terible against other oGL games with better graphic ( You got something rotting there)

08-25-2010, 09:03 PM
UM is going the Ao1 way and it will stop Beetle Swarm too (its already done but not up on AMUN).

I guess barbs are happy with it, but what need other classes to do to take the barb out when he is under UM?
Exept killing him asap

08-25-2010, 09:09 PM
I guess barbs are happy with it, but what need other classes to do to take the barb out when he is under UM?
Exept killing him asap

First, UM will be short duration, 10~15 seconds I think;

Second, you can slow them down with MindPush, Slow, Caltrops, Lightning Arrow, Hinder and Disable Limb - just DI'ed barbs will be worse now...;

Third, have Particle effects on otherwise you won't see the spell animation :P

08-25-2010, 09:13 PM
Third, have Particle effects on otherwise you won't see the spell animation :P

I play without particles on, and I can see UM on the barbs head very well.
It's AoO that requires Particle effects... 2 simple knight figures on your shoulders require particle effects... -.-

08-25-2010, 09:18 PM
2 simple knight figures on your shoulders require particle effects... -.-


I thought this were rubber ducks u.u

Enio likes rubber ducks u.u

08-25-2010, 09:48 PM
the problem is though..barbs need only that amount of time to kill, if properly buffed, it will be a nightmare, and I worry. I play a barb as well, so I look at it both ways, part of me of course would like to be able to kill a target without fear of retaliation or any possible counter aside from pure damage.

just because barbs cried enough to get their wish (to rush a group of enemies and be able to kill a target with no counter, it IS what you asked for honestly)

I hope there is a compromise, sort of like the way offensive stance is a debuff to armor, so should UM, be like the old berserk.. a loss of protection, so if he wants cc counter for a mad rush, he needs to sacrifice his armor, or possibly even evasion idk. I just do not like the idea unless its presented in a way that allows a counter or drawback to exploit by a good player.

I just dont want barbs to be a class even a horrible player can kill with, i was hoping this update would force barbs into using more skills, and shy away from pure dmg builds with only caution/frenzy and UM for defense, and only 2 other skills needed are south cross and kick.

You rarely see back slam, beast attack, rend etc because for as nice as these spells are, in a barbs case its better to just keep hitting him when the target will die in 2-3 hits, instead of debuffing his ap, malus to his stats, draining his mana or dizzying him..most just kick and south cross because its more efficient than wasting a turn for a debuff or cc when you could easily just do pure dmg and finish. THATS how i hope barb will be in this update, more skill use, less damage buffs, better dps, and more effective use of warcries and two hand mastery.
So i will wait and hope it turns out fun, instead of just another easy mode skill. Insane dmg, AND unstoppable by CC, what are you thinking? one hit kills for mage isnt fun for me, maybe to some..but not me. Did i mention you took away our skills to avoid that Lethal combo?

I just hope you add some weakness to UM aside from a short duration, even 10 seconds would be overpowering. Its not even comparable to ao1, as knights CAN NOT kill a target in 10 seconds, NO matter what class he is, doubtful even if he was unbuffed.

08-25-2010, 10:01 PM
I just dont want barbs to be a class even a horrible player can kill with, i was hoping this update would force barbs into using more skills, and shy away from pure dmg builds with only caution/frenzy and UM for defense, and only 2 other skills needed are south cross and kick. [...]

You realize that a max10s complete (apart from slow) UM can be countered way better then a max45s lasting immunity to stun, immobility, dizzy and knock?

You can move away trying to get it run off so you can use ALL your cc to deny the contact, or you can cc preemtively to deny the UM.

The only problem i see are at doors where you now have to rely more on a quick Mind Push. On another hand knight auras will cover the full UM duration (when its 10s after the change) so it will be a nice counter to an UM driven area rush out of door.

So rethink your concerns, tehy are kinda baseless. Um will be better to counter and at the same time better to use so you have an advantage off of it. The skill you put in its use will decide, finally.

The killing with 2 hits is rather a problem initiated from the Fulmination damage modifier, its easy to dodge however still a bit too high in my opinion. The values are still not final yet though so we might see there changes if NGD considers the damage boost for too high.

The UM change however is a win - win if all numbers are put correct, this we have to see by testing on Amun and in wars on Live server.

08-25-2010, 10:22 PM
You rarely see back slam, beast attack, rend etc because for as nice as these spells are

Well... i ran with a setup with BA (beast attack) with my barb for like? 1 month? and i mentioned atleast 70% of my BA's while i was under effect of onslaught were resisted... i don't know why.. without onslaught i had like a 70% chance to hit which was kinda low to.. i don't know wether it is just bad luck of my low HC.. but now i switched to southcros and yes this works for almost every time! xD

but don't get me wrong your kinda right ;)

Regards B A R B A R O S S A

08-26-2010, 12:39 AM
NGD ,pls try check oGL code ,its performance is terible against other oGL games with better graphic ( You got something rotting there)


NGD, when you were doing the graphics update, initially the opengl performance was unmatched. With my Geforce 360 mobile I was getting FPS in the 100s around aggs with just a few people around at full detail. One of your updates broke this amazing performance, I'm not sure which one. It never came back to what it was.

I have this laptop on dual-boot Windows 7 and Linux Mint, and I can tell you that the D3D performance is at least +50% (sometimes +100%) the OpenGL performance in all situations. There's also a significant difference in terrain detail between the D3D and OGL; flowers on the ground, pebbles in forts, etc.. Please have someone do a new performance review if you can, so the linux performance can be what it was. Thanks to Dracice for bringing this up.

08-26-2010, 01:19 AM
Patience young padawan

Tomorrow? yes? :D

Seriously. Push that new UM on Amun, im dying here xD

08-26-2010, 04:47 AM

NGD, when you were doing the graphics update, initially the opengl performance was unmatched. With my Geforce 360 mobile I was getting FPS in the 100s around aggs with just a few people around at full detail. One of your updates broke this amazing performance, I'm not sure which one. It never came back to what it was.

I have this laptop on dual-boot Windows 7 and Linux Mint, and I can tell you that the D3D performance is at least +50% (sometimes +100%) the OpenGL performance in all situations. There's also a significant difference in terrain detail between the D3D and OGL; flowers on the ground, pebbles in forts, etc.. Please have someone do a new performance review if you can, so the linux performance can be what it was. Thanks to Dracice for bringing this up.
Same for me. I used to get 100+ FPS in shader modes in version 1.5, however after 1.6 I am lucky to get 60 in fixed pipeline.

(OpenGL is also alot darker in shader modes than Direct3D, its almost unbearable.)

08-26-2010, 06:33 AM
the problem is though..barbs need only that amount of time to kill
If their target is completely retarded. A single mind push can almost completely negate UM. Today, barbs can die in a single 7 second knock from full hp. It happens all the time. If left alone, we are the most dangerous class - but we have absolutely no escape options, which means we are the most targeted class as well.

just because barbs cried enough to get their wish (to rush a group of enemies and be able to kill a target with no counter, it IS what you asked for honestly)
What we asked for is to be able to do something.

We have no gap closer. We can't do anything to a target we don't intend on killing, like marksmen and locks can freeze, hunters can stun, etc. Once we rush, that's it. Our side better overwhelm the enemy within the next 40 seconds or we die. We have no escape options. We have no defensive options if focused. Do you remember the old days of Yoseba 1-shotting people on 100% hp? How you had absolutely no counter to that, how no amount of skill, no amount of anything would save you? It's like that for us.

Now, to finish this off...how about a joke?
Why did the warrior cross the road?


Because the chicken was kiting him.

08-26-2010, 11:43 AM
totally +1+1+1 because if you dont want to be attacked when barbs rush.. you have to run and if you don't just dont whine you are dead because barbs should overpower the enemy in 2/8 sec in this game because otherwise they are dead...

08-26-2010, 05:40 PM
I just hope you add some weakness to UM aside from a short duration, even 10 seconds would be overpowering. Its not even comparable to ao1, as knights CAN NOT kill a target in 10 seconds, NO matter what class he is, doubtful even if he was unbuffed.
yea, mb a weakness like 0 evade. this would fit the description.
and everything under 15 seconds wouldn't be worth skilling IMO. At least if it costs more than 150 - 200 mana.

08-26-2010, 05:53 PM
Instant cast, 200 mana on 5, 10 secs duration, 30-40cd and immunity to ccs (100% resist) would be nice imo. A very high chance just sucks, enemies cant rely on hitting but they often try to hit with a cc and the barb cant really rely on it too, give it 100% resist.

08-26-2010, 06:19 PM
Instant cast, 200 mana on 5, 10 secs duration, 30-40cd and immunity to ccs (100% resist) would be nice imo. A very high chance just sucks, enemies cant rely on hitting but they often try to hit with a cc and the barb cant really rely on it too, give it 100% resist.
pretty nice idea

08-26-2010, 09:10 PM
The new stage is here: