View Full Version : Stages

08-27-2010, 08:37 AM
I was just wondering how many further stages there will be till the whole "balancing act" will be terminated???

Does anybody know something about that?

Thanx & Greetings :guitar:

08-27-2010, 02:02 PM
I don't think any player knows it :P

08-27-2010, 07:59 PM
I don't think even NGD knows. They should have a list of changes to be made by now, however fine tuning these spells might take more iterations than they can predict. Some of the stages we see here are simple tweaks to adjusted spells.

I do not think they have a set number of stages. They will finish the changes they have planned, tweak them to an acceptable point in balance and apply them to the main servers.

08-27-2010, 09:24 PM
And I think it is not best to rush NGD on this update; beacause we all know what happens when things are rushed. :wiggle14:

I am willing to be pretty patient as long as everything is going how it is now. I think NGD is doing a great job at the moment!!

08-28-2010, 02:01 PM
Yeah I think so, too ;D
I really LOVE the new invocations, they look great!!!!

I was just curious about it :P

08-28-2010, 02:56 PM
They can have 30 stages in my mind if they like :P I'm loving the fact that they're asking everyone to test and provide feedback in a cohesive and successful manner. I think they might have found themselves a process for Amun testing that works best. I think the stages finish when they're ready to post this chunk of changes up onto the main servers, then they'll restart the stage numbers again. Looking at the topic changes in each stage, I'd guess that we'd have anything from 1-5 more stages. :)

08-28-2010, 03:31 PM
I'd guess that we'd have anything from 1-5 more stages. :)

And Id say about triple that, because so far theyve done knights, and a first glance at barbs, conjus, and hunters, and warlocks. They need to finish those 4, and go towards making marksmen more enjoyable.

Then, I expect this balance might also include more realm balance, as well as this.


There is no need to do a poll for this :)

In an upcoming balance stage we will check some realm specific items that may differ in "value" and require balance to avoid cases like this one, in which one realm's item is less powerful than the others.

As always, we trust in your infinite source of patience. ;)

Suck it Evendim whores!