View Full Version : Updates are great!!

09-10-2010, 03:50 PM
You know, I think the best thing about Regnum, for me anyway, is how it is always changeing, even though sometimes I dont agree with the changes. I think it makes the game maintain its "ohhh ahhh" factor. Id rather play a game that was always changeing then play a game that was always set...Can you imagine running around useing the same set ups every day? Sure theres a good number of possibilites but eventually we would find all of them. Id rather them give us new things to work with in the wz. There is also a pattern to there updates... Remeber WAY back when knights were the ruleing class? For a while now they have been talking about pretty much amping knights back up. there are many other occasions where this has happened. Trade-Offs, Updates, more Trade-Offs, more Updates. Its just another classes time to take a step down.

My advice for those who have a class that they like but is getting nerfed... Make another toon, keep your old one that I know you worked so hard on, and just play the waiting game... OMG TWO GAMES AT ONCE!!! DOUBLE WHAMMY!

I aplaud you NGD, while I may not agree with your changes, I like that you still keep things changeing. Dont let us get too comfortable

Oh and NGD, Id be really flattered if I were you. You wouldnt get this up-rising from yourp layrs if you hadnt made an exceptional game. Cant wait to see what happens.

09-10-2010, 03:53 PM
I want something like Facebook's 'like' button :P

09-10-2010, 03:55 PM
+1 for this!
New Challenges!

09-10-2010, 04:10 PM
I want something like Facebook's 'like' button :P
[Forum Suggestion] Rate single posts (http://regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=64268) :superpusso::superpusso:

09-10-2010, 05:31 PM
Yeah, I agree. I would have stopped playing long time ago if the game didn't change. I just love to be the first one to adapt to new situations. ;P Who needs waiting? Adapting is way funnier. I think it gets boring when you play in the same situation for a long time. (And I really need a balance update, the last one was ages ago !! :D)
And I like watching game development, yeah.

I even followed every single update/hotfix when I didn't play at all for more than half a year :S

09-10-2010, 05:56 PM
Yes good job indeed! One of the things that's keeping me in this game are the changes made to it. Sure I may not like all of them, but every update makes me feel like I'm playing something new, and the learning process keeps going.

I'm looking forward to this coming live!

09-10-2010, 07:12 PM
Since i've started playing i'm always saying that, usually to ppl who ask me for ro so :drinks:

09-10-2010, 07:19 PM
I want something like Facebook's 'like' button :P

Here we call 'em "green karmas" :D

I like updates too (I rant about some details tho xD), but a game needs to change constantly, otherwise it becames boring.


09-10-2010, 09:38 PM
I am happy to see that Regnum is finaly noticable going in right direction. Personally, I cant wait those new forts posted on blog.

Really good job this time :thumb_up:

09-10-2010, 11:13 PM
We are getting balance and game changes implemented after discussion with the community (15+ topics of discussion for the new balance, many chilko posts etc), updates that are being tested by the community in public, we are getting new models for mobs, we already got new tech, we are now even getting new forts...

Where is the real NGD and what did you do to them? :D