View Full Version : where to download

09-14-2010, 04:15 PM
The last 2 downloads I had done for 64bit linux I'm not getting the bin file. I right click the file and left click property and for the type: executable (application/x-executable)

if this is the bin file then I don't have a clue on how to install it in ubuntu 10.04 LTS. yes I'm new to linux and still learning how to install things outside of the synaptic packager manager. I did search the forum first but was unsuccessful.

09-14-2010, 04:26 PM
The last 2 downloads I had done for 64bit linux I'm not getting the bin file. I right click the file and left click property and for the type: executable (application/x-executable)

if this is the bin file then I don't have a clue on how to install it in ubuntu 10.04 LTS. yes I'm new to linux and still learning how to install things outside of the synaptic packager manager. I did search the forum first but was unsuccessful.

Open on terminal or just press alt+ctrl+F2
cd /home/$USER/Desktop
for example or where you downloadet the client...

Now make him executable:
sudo chmod 777 installername.bin
Launch installer :

2)*Or try aditional download and install metod:

Open terminal:
Now downlaod client by using command:
wget http://download02.regnumonlinegame.com/downloads/installer/RegnumOnlineInstall_64

Now set him executable
sudo chmod 777 installer.bin

Run installer:

if you use wget and terminal you dont need to use "cd" command for change directory.
The installer will be same place.

3)*Or another method of download and install

Download client from terminal using wget in defined place:
(copy and paste in terminal.
wget http://download02.regnumonlinegame.com/downloads/installer/RegnumOnlineInstall_64 /home/$USER/Desktop

Change directory to Desktop:
(copy and paste in terminal)
cd /home/$USER/Desktop

Make him executable:
sudo chmod installername.bin
Launch instaler

If you dont have wget just install him from terminal usingcommand:
sudo apt-get install wget

WHen you are asked for password type your username password.

09-14-2010, 04:48 PM
I got it installed, but having big time video lag. going to download the drivers from nvidia site instead of using the drivers from ubuntu and see if it helps.