View Full Version : RIP Conjurers
09-22-2010, 07:26 PM
So I was wondering what do my fellow conjurers think about the update,
09-22-2010, 07:28 PM
Poll Fail
09-22-2010, 07:31 PM
Poll Fail
Not anymore :D
09-22-2010, 08:16 PM
The Update isn't good neither it is bad Conjurers still are playable !
I think conjus are still playable but i dont like the cast time and the 12% heal ally. And mass resseruction isnt what i thought it would be, with the first fireball everyone is dead again.
But life savior is really a huge + its an awesome spell:D
09-22-2010, 08:17 PM
I voted all changes are positive, although I really dislike %heals... It's bad for lows.
09-22-2010, 08:32 PM
Fix mass res(currently it gives no ressurection dizziness nor +HP, a level 1 fireball can insta kill a mass ressurected area) and I'll be happier. :P
09-22-2010, 08:34 PM
I like it, in general.
The cast times of greater healing, greater regeneration and life saviour should be shorter (mana communion is shorter too!).
Bring old heal ally back and i'm fine.
09-22-2010, 08:40 PM
Needs some more changes but i like it in general. Conju is more fun to me.
09-22-2010, 08:52 PM
i like the new conj
it's way more fun now
09-22-2010, 09:08 PM
I dislike heal % , and 2% for a full point/maxing at 12% is pretty worthless, to be using almost 300 mana for a possible 800 hp, makes mana issues and micromanagement even more tedious for conjs, to have to dbl cast a spell that worked fine using only once, putting yourself in danger for longer, or trailing someone needing to be healed because the first one did only 300 or so hp.
Life savior is a nice concept, but cast times are too slow for many mage spells, just to cast for example force armor and barrier, i lose 3-4 seconds. they need half that cast time, and all self buffs should be vshort gcd. I dislike the whole concept of gcd anyways, it breaks reaction based gameplay where someone with better coordination usually wins. I find myself constantly getting the nagging "recharging" message. mage gcd to me is about a second too long..
I dislike cast times for alot of skills, along with gcd bereaking the fluid motion (for example casting ambitious+heal self, is a standard combo for some players, yet their gcd is different and makes it seem not very streamlined to the whole process.)
Staff mastery is pretty much useless, not worth the cost.
i dislike the nerfing of summons healing, forcing me to stay in support setup only, many used a summon+ heals to grind slowly while waiting for people to support, now this is impossible.
I dislike our range limitations, 20 range heals and 25 range skills, very rare to see mages with 30 range staffs that arent slow (and even then some are slow 25s), and unbuffed staffs do pitiful damage, and are easily in range of hunter/marks fast 30 bows, so a med 25 vs fast 30..ouch. i wouldve liked to see range 30 meds and fast 25 staffs.
summons, i do not like, they are either worthless (zombies/imps, who have a very short range (about 15 meters to me? mabe 20) and die after mob is dead, regardless if they have a duration left. Its still buggy to me to cast a zarkit/lich along with zombies or imps, as it usually means one will stand around doing nothing.
Melee golem summon takes far too much damage, even with the protection spells, meaning he has aggro alot, and usually dies before his timer is half done (id have LIKED to be able to heal it yet, or cast buffs such as mat wall, not just limited to a wrath buff, % HP and protection passive. they are just too short, cost too much and dont offer any real advantage in using them, as the points it takes to make them battle ready are better spent just levelling a dmg skill to make up for it.
I honestly dont see any big improvements to mages other than mana regen, the class got more micromangement, less effective skills, longer cast times with the newer system. so its like we stay the same..or slightly worse off.
I still play but to me, it just made conjs weaker in the healing departments. sure savior is a nice bit of hp in a single go..but when you think of it..a lvl 5 heal could have sufficed, if it was simply made a bit cheaper, instead of making heal ally worthless in favor of one more spell to manage healing with.
one more thing..concentration is still kinda worthless, i get manay misses/resists yet despite having a high passive conc, or using metabolic. we have no real hc bonus skills for ourselves, aside from lowering targets HC.
id liked to have seen int bonus worth more for mages, like how conts is to warriors. we need more mana sadly, or cheaper costs..
As i have yet to really test many things, i do have one question though 9as the wording is a bit hard for me to understand)
the greater heal says 550/600 on lvl 5 i believe, what does this mean? I understand i thinbk regen..that one is a tick and the other instant..but im not clear on the other.
09-22-2010, 09:22 PM
I feel sorry for the Warjus the golem suks a marks can take it our before it hits someone xD
and the heal % suks aswell... poor conjus :/
09-22-2010, 09:24 PM
Maybe instead of the % Heal Ally
Make Heal Ally 500hp on lvl 5 but reduce cd to 5 seconds
Life Savior is a really awesome spell when used in proper situations
Heal ally just need to be 20%. Now cooldown is good. Little more hp will do the job. Maybe there have to be added a fixed part, so low hp players will benefit from it too.
09-22-2010, 10:15 PM
Heal ally just needs to be something different to % :P
Again, grant a bonus if it's cast on warriors or something like that, but this is ridiculous... How should a level 15 conjurer ever support someone ? That's just impossible!
And it's annoying for lows in the war zone, conjus tend to heal them less often.
09-23-2010, 05:15 PM
I didnt vote. But i most say there are not any more much conjs who play in war. Ok there are many (boss conjs) But they are never in a war. Maybe they need somethings special. And maybe than more ppl will make a conj?
09-24-2010, 08:58 AM
well i'm not gonna play my conju anymore till ngd fixed it a bit.
Sorry.... i really dont like the new conju's. Even warju's are screwed. The new point system is screwed. You will only see me on my marks now.... Thank you NGD for that :(
The overall balance is good. A bit of improvement on the fun factor needs to be made though.
For example, instead of 5s CD 12% heals, why not make it 25% with a 10s CD? Or make Heal Ally a constant 600hp heal with a 10s CD? Both will have roughly equivalent numbers we have now, but having to cast it once only will give Conjurers the impression that they are actually contributing more.
A reduction in CD on Regenerate Ally is needed. Conjurers now tend to support single targets now to make the most of their current spells. A Regen Ally that you can cast several times on maybe 2-3 people will make Conjurers feel like they are more effective in war. It won't unbalance the spell since they don't stack anyway.
Shorter cast on Life Saviour and area heals will be nice. Increase their GCD instead.
Overall I like the update. It's not perfect, but the direction NGD seems to be going with Conjurers look good in my opinion. A few adjustments here and there and the class would be really fun to play.
09-24-2010, 06:09 PM
For example, instead of 5s CD 12% heals, why not make it 25% with a 10s CD?
Having to cast it more often means more fun. I mean, there are games out there with 3 or less seconds cooldown on heal, now that's exhausting :razz:
But it's cool, and it's the reason why healer is a real hardcore class, you have to learn a lot until you can play it well. I'm glad it's finally like that in regnum, too. :)
09-24-2010, 07:00 PM
well i'm not gonna play my conju anymore till ngd fixed it a bit.
Sorry.... i really dont like the new conju's. Even warju's are screwed. The new point system is screwed. You will only see me on my marks now.... Thank you NGD for that :(
I play some times on my conj. But yes now more on my marksman. There are not any more many conjs. I would say why you make them not powerfull (with heal ppl)
09-24-2010, 07:01 PM
I don't play my conjurer at all because of these changes. It's too slow, you don't make a difference, % heals, ...
It just isn't fun anymore.
09-24-2010, 08:00 PM
I didnt vote. But i most say there are not any more much conjs who play in war. Ok there are many (boss conjs) But they are never in a war. Maybe they need somethings special. And maybe than more ppl will make a conj?
Always was like this ...maybe more warjourers ,a few conj and moust of them parked at dragons...and there will not be any changes on this...all like to kill nobody to heal.
09-24-2010, 11:49 PM
Bye bye conjs
09-25-2010, 12:12 AM
I dont understand whats so apocalyptic about the changes to conjus. Their power at bosses was nerfed (prolly a good thing), and GH was turned into a buff. Heal ally is a %, but it can still be quite effective because of the low cd. Its fine.
09-25-2010, 01:34 AM
I dont understand whats so apocalyptic about the changes to conjus. Their power at bosses was nerfed (prolly a good thing), and GH was turned into a buff. Heal ally is a %, but it can still be quite effective because of the low cd. Its fine.
The main attraction of playing a support conjurer is saving lives. This is what makes the role fun. The current changes make support more of a maintenance job.
It used to be that a conjurer could potentially save someone's life every 10 seconds with heal ally. Now this spell doesn't heal quickly enough to do the same job. Life saviour could have helped, but the casting time (3 seconds) is far too slow and the cooldown is 60 seconds.
GH was replaced by two less-effective healing areas. These spells aren't bad except for the casting times -- 3 or 4 seconds is far too long to hit moving allies most of the time.
Where we once had 3 very strong ally-healing spells, we now have 5 weak ones. Having all 5 is less effective than before, yet this costs more points.
Before the update, support was hard due to the lack of mana. The update fixed this, but the other changes made the healer role a lot less fun.
09-25-2010, 04:26 AM
Having to cast it more often means more fun.
Agreed. I like Heal Ally's reduced CD; 10s CD was a bit frustrating when I wanted to heal people and all my heal skills were CD.
09-25-2010, 06:12 AM
i am currently having two problems -
the usual selection madness (is it really so hard to make select the person who "owns" the pixel under my cursor?)
running out of mana, which probably can be solved with changing setup, though i have only 2 points which can be considered for moving, if i don't want to completly change setup.
09-25-2010, 06:17 AM
for me it is more micromanagement with a weaker lower cd skill, as if it wasnt tedious enough. thats my biggest gripe about the new heal ally and area heals, they require more clicking, more watching, and basically the conj solely deciding on when and where to cast a heal area. before with the auras, it allowed the other classes to interact with the conj and help move to the radius of support, keeping him out of danger zones more often.
todays healing spells require him to not only risk getting into rough spots and marks range, wait till the wounded all get in range as best as possible, then wait for a slow as heck ct while praying he isnt knocked before it goes off, or allies disperse before effect connects.
its just not intuative to me, to have a heal skill that costs the same but split into 2 weaker spelll casts, where 5 seconds can basically cost the whole heal if an enemy gets in a decent hit. I find myself using regen mainly, and just augmenting with heal ally 4, because its pretty weak and unreliable at a glance how much you MAY heal an ally. I like to depend on skills and know reliably it will be effective and what the amount will be, however this spell requires babysitting to see if you need multiple casts to get the effect you expected of a heal.
sorry but 300 or so for mages, and 500 for knights isnt a value i can base my guesses on whether someone lives or dies, because of gear/items, levels, classes, are so varied in WZ and Inner, so telling someone sorry he died because i thought itd heal more sorta sucks.
I also dislike the static feel of the area heals, putting all pressure on conj to find the best placement and hope he casts in time. This doesnt really allow allies to interact/react to his cast if things are a bit hectic. A chat message to group can be overlooked, or simply not enough time to let allies know when and where to be, as well as waiting for the cast affects other classes fluid gameplay as well IMO.
not to mention how heal ally is now wasted on lower levels, that isnt fair to me, to have them suffer and be frustrated, because my heals are determined not by my investment into points and levels, but his level and hp..How would marks like their range determined by whether a player has 5000 hp, or whether he has a seems that sillly to me, bring it back to a set amount currently even if it was raised % wise it would still favor high Hp and level characters and still be weak towards lower level classes and those with low base hp. I feel stupid when i forget to skill regen because im on a half grind setup, and someone low level asks me to help him grind, and i cant even keep him from losing hp faster than my awesome heal ally 4 can provide.
of course this is my fault for not being able to remain in full support setup though due to the silly cant heal summon against ALL spells that do not function as they should in both pve and pvp. things like this can someday make grind harder for classes (hey guys we decided south cross will now not affect mobs..ok maybe that wont happen but its the same concept.)
I used to be able to use a level 5 zarkit, and regen+heal ally to keep him alive while i grinded alone, waiting for people to support, so I could heal/bless/mana my party and bind summon to defend so I could earn steady xp along with sporadic xp from buffs because my zarkit would be able to hit mobs at least 1-3 times and help out too, specially barbs using slow weaps or ranged classes, made grinding faster and overall more xp gained by killing more mobs than usual for slightly less xp.
Now i wait and do nothing, because i cant have any type of grinding setup that will kill anything worth xp, because i invested points into support skills/trees, as well as not having points for mental+summon or that leaves..basic unbuffed staff hits or if i even TRIED to use a summon, id need to max health passive/protection passive as well as use Blooddrinker to keep it from dying well before its duration is even 1/3 done. This means I have to sit to regain HIS HP because yay I cant heal him with a skill that is labeled heal..
Another big problem to me is the fact that no matter what I do, I cannot simply outdmg my summon, so he takes most aggro regardless (arcane missile every 5 secs+ blaze 10 sec, Ivy 40 sec? i forget. not much to work with, and guess what yellow mobs resist just as bad as they always did, no matter if i max my int/conc, i will average 600+ mana in spell costs to kill a single challenging mob, or more if I get resists. Not counting summon costs..
If i get these chain resists, guess what, aggro beats on my summon while i hit him with 7 dmg staff shots waiting for my cooldown for my only real ranged spam damage skill (AM) or a slow cd and often resisted CC and pray he doesnt die because blood drinker is on CD and i just casted him..
Mob armor is also crazy resistant. I dont expect all of it to pass through, but when a skill thats rated at around 550 dmg, is hitting for 239, and my 410 attack power using staff mastery, is dinging it for 180 max hits, even thats not enough to keep my summon from being aggroed at times, sometimes even dying. It all amounts to if i get a cc effect not resisted really. and it is so weak, that a staff and gear i used before with all lvl menal CCs only, now needs lvl 5 CCs along with blaze since my sm shots are so weak, I hope to CC and gain some hits, and Blaze is needed when hes in melee range if i already used swarm.
Sorry for the rant and offtopic about grind frustration I love this class yet, I love feeling useful and helping people, but I just feel i cant do what I enjoy most and helping people grind, unless I am patient enough to wait sometimes half an hour for a party or even one person to arrive, as like I said..I cant keep myself busy by myself grinding, unless Im not a supporter mode. but then I'll be useless to supportee, and have to run back to reskill..I just want to be able to equally support a character my level or half my level without surprises or different setups because I forgot that Heal Ally sucks for noobs..
i dont usually agree with anything ernest says, but i do like the ally regen to be more dynamic, to be able to at least support 2 players with regens. itd let me mix up spells a but more anyways..and thats always a good thing.
Im understanding I am backward so used to babying mages and archers, so i expect a heal to do most on them and low levels, so its confusing though i know why..and I still think this way some times with knight, because my heals always sucked on knights i sometimes still hesitate.
id rather just have a standard fixed number if i could ask them to grant me anything..
(took my ambien sleepy pills while writing i dont know if i made sense..sorry if not)
09-25-2010, 07:30 AM
For me what I don't like about the heal ally is that if you are watching an archer or mage on the wall and they get hit with an ivy i could throw 600 hp to then and they would stay alive till they hit the ground. Now you are only casting 300 hp to them and they are dead before you get a chance to recast.
It used to be that it only took 3 power points to get to 600 now it takes 5 power points to give them 300 hp. What good does it do to get extra power points if you have to waste them on a next to useless spell?
I am happy with the variations that you can get now. I like the moves in the spell trees that were done. It is just the healing spells that I think need changed. I have to admit I love life saver. When a knight comes in you can fill up his HP tank pretty quick now and get him back in the field.
Yes main drawback is loss in electiveness. I do not play support conju to support at doors, this is most boring part of all. Auras was always been secondary tool to help me leave more attention to targets who need more healing. Problem in them is in usability - cast time is too big. Actually this is main problem in all support spells right now.
Conju have to react fast and to be capable to save lives, this job now is nearly impossible to do so. You have to get your crystal ball and to ask - do my target will die before i cast "Life Saver". Most of times it dies ofc. This turns this spell not to primary support tool, but mostly to heal someone who managed to return back with 100hp.
I think life saver is spell to help your allies to survive longer in their rushes. Actually now this function is like rolling a beans and most of times your target dies before you manage to cast it.
Actually i start to like new Heal Ally. New cooldown is great. Only problem is low hp on some classes. It maybe need some fixed part.
Biggest enraging things on conju is to:
- see your ally dies and you can not help him (spells slow and unnefective, devotion...)
- to see your ally cremated while you try to ress him (sanct removes your devotion...)
- slowness, confuse, MS removed your buffs (devotion devotion devotion...)
- combat mode (uber unnoying)
- no mana (nearly no problem now)
- your allies left you to die, they do not see hunter, knight killing you (ehhh...)
Actually people who choose to play conjurer want to help. And thing that annoys most is when they can not help.
Conjurer pre 1.0 is what i want to see again. This was the state when it was uber fun in support. Spells was same, but gameplay was alot more fun.
Making us dependent of devotion is not a good decision for me. As i see it now most of my problems are actually related to Devotion and slow cast times.
09-25-2010, 09:42 AM
Well after some more detailed tests and heavy setup changes I must say.
Conjurer is not that bad. Saying RIP Conjus is exaggerated.
It looks like all mages classes are based on Arcane Devotion now. Considering that the cast times are almost fine. Life Saviour and greater healing could be reduced to 2 seconds though because people will still easily run out of it.
Usually in a conjurer setup there are no points left to have devotion on 5. You either have to sacrifice Defense or Support.
A setup where you have perfect support AND defense is not possible anymore. You have to rely on other conjureres so that your setups complete each other.
The completing setups could be implemented better. For example one conjurer focuses his setup on giving very heavy heal support and the other one giving very heavy mana and buffing support. But therefor the buff system needs a drastical change. Because you only get rewarded for one kill.
That makes a lot of conjurers stay away from using enchantments in war.
About heal ally...
I still cannot be a friend with it. Yes, it is possible to use it and it seems to have some use but because of the short cooldown I feel overstrained sometimes.
And for gods sake. People stop crying for heals. Life Saviour has high cooldown and won't possibly be used in quite safe situations. Heal Ally heals too less though.
Crying for heals increased a lot since last update. If people are thankful for heals it's just for life saviour...
All in all Conjurer class is not dead. No. But still some tweaks urgently needed.
09-26-2010, 02:44 PM
My biggest problem now with conj is I can no longer grind effectively alone. As solely a support conj I need to grind with lvl 48-50 to gain any reasonable exp. There simply are not enough high lvl grinders on Horus anymore. If more exp was given for buffs, mana, healing, when grinding with slightly lower lvl people, maybe I could level this character. It seems I have to buff each attack to get exp even though the buff last longer then that. I have found the summons are now useless at this lvl for grinding.
The problem with Heals and XP still exists:
If the target you heal casts a spell immediately after a heal, you will get no XP.
If the target you healed immediately hits with a normal, you get XP.
This should be fixed IMO.
Also, Conjurers (or any class with allied buffs) should receive XP for the entire duration of the buff, and not merely per mob. Maybe you can make the XP rewards diminishing as the buff runs over time.
09-26-2010, 04:42 PM
New greater healing ( no more running like... no ideas )
Life savior - awesome, only to heal warriors and arch/mage out of firerange of enemy first lines
Mana comm. - good step was moving it to Mana Tree but with improved manaregen it's useless ( except situation when you want rp fest...)
Fixed armor resists- sometimes saves your ass.
Heal Ally should have more % per point in it. Healing targets same as savior.
Crowd control weak- when you ( conj ) are hitted by : meteor + confuse +
poison + winter ( forgot name, lock one) you're DUMMY waiting for dispel from
another conj or slow death.
Greater healing - make it heal around healthfully target or delete it- on bosses you are losing time, amount of healing is funny.
09-26-2010, 06:55 PM
The problem with Heals and XP still exists:
If the target you heal casts a spell immediately after a heal, you will get no XP.
If the target you healed immediately hits with a normal, you get XP.
This should be fixed IMO.
Also, Conjurers (or any class with allied buffs) should receive XP for the entire duration of the buff, and not merely per mob. Maybe you can make the XP rewards diminishing as the buff runs over time.
Regnum should use the exp share system other mmorpgs use. Where party members have xp divived between themselves but if a party member who is higher than you in level gets exp you lose a percentage of it for sharing witha higher player. It's easy to balance if you get the ratios right. IE soloing and partying between a level 10 player and a level 50 should go no faster for the level 10. Maybe slightly faster in the party.
It's obvious the current exp system isn't working and seems overtly complex and hard to manage/fix.
09-27-2010, 09:38 AM
I said it before in another thread, I like the idea behind most of the changes done to conjurers, but the current implementation on the live servers is ... well ... retarded. This doesn't mean people can't have any fun playing conju (I still do on occasion). But if there's something wrong, what's so bad in pointing it out?
Sides will never be balanced 100% in numbers, so I'm not complaining about that here. But on a usual fight there will always be 1 group that is larger in numbers. Or at least has the fort advantage. For the sake of illustration lets call them "purples". The other group has less numbers, lets say they are "yellows" here.
Conjurers in the purple group, can survive more easily (if they watch over each other). Yes they can heal, give mana, ress on occasion, etc, etc. But since the new update their importance is way less. If the same people were there on a different character, chances are it wouldn't influence the outcome of the fight by as much as it would pre-1.6.3.
As the poll results show, yes conjurers can still be fun. But part of what made conju's so much fun was also their necessity and that has diminished fun a lot for some of us.
Conjurers in the yellow group still have the same, if not higher necessity than they had before. Obviously the yellow group really needs support from their conju's. However, high cast times, less points for self-defense, pitiful Heal Ally's, and the insane range of some archers and their spells like Burst of Wind make it insanely difficult to do that. Frustration about knowing what is needed, wanting to do just that, but just not being able to do anything is extremely high. And they have to spend way more time watching out for their fellow conjurers (dispell, di, heal,...).
Again poll results show it still can be fun for some, but ... erm .. really?
Proposed changes (nothing original here):
Lower cast times on support spells.
Improve Heal Ally with a fixed number. 200HP +5% at level 1, 300HP +12% at level 5. (Better for lower level players than just doubling the percentage).
Cut back on the insane range of some (crowd control) spells. E.g. 35m max would still outrange any important mage spell most of the time.
These things would, imho, not make the conjurers from the purple group insanely OP. But it would give conjurers from the yellow group a better chance of contributing something useful. And more fun for everyone. Right?
I also thought it wouldn't be bad to have some spell or passive that significantly reduces all ranged damage done to you from beyond range 20-25. Implementing this might be a bit tricky, since it's already difficult to find enough points for a decent setup imo.
While I agree with your proposed changes to the healing spells, my experience in Conjurer gameplay has been rather the opposite of what you state.
I find it easier to survive now than before the update. Sure archers can reach further, but I can still easily support my ranged allies while staying just out of enemy range and if they do hit me, the damage I receive from them isn't as bad as before. I can support warriors too since by the time they charge, enemy focus are on the warriors and not the ranged units supporting the rear.
A damage reduction passive isn't needed. I think we have enough tools to survive ranged fighters. Actually, I find it more fun playing in the "yellow" group. Being exposed trying to retake a fort is tons more fun than being inside, defending one even if you are losing.
09-27-2010, 10:08 AM
Hmm, ok. Point taken.
From an RvR point of view the ranged damage reduction is indeed maybe not needed. We now have knights for that. (I usually play in yellow groups against "very purple" ones xD, with not enough knights to fill that role, but that might improve over time).
It was just something that came to mind while I was typing. Please don't regard it as a part of the rest of my post then.
I do stand by the fixed range on some spells though. BoW'ing someone at range 50 is just, too easy/cheap imho.
Agreed, being in the "yellow" group is always more fun than staying inside or on the wall and supporting static allies. After 1.6.3 archers tend to focus fire more on single target, which sometimes is devastating. You simply can not save this guy with Heal Ally we have now. Fixed part will be perfect to have.
Cast times as many ppl said will cut alot of frustration conjurers now have. Nearly 1/3 or more of my slow spells go to a already dead targets. Result is you are frustrated and you loose mana. This will increase fun alot too.
Tanking is erm difficult. Every warrior have maxed CC setup now. Usual spells + Mind Squash. This is unplesant but in most of cases more fun.
Warlocks focus on DoT's mainly which makes Dispell a must. Archers are not so big threat unless you are not focused by more than two of them.
Conjurer is still fun. Main cons i see are:
- Dependency of Devotion level 5.
- Slow and sluggish casts of some spells.
- Heal Ally.
I usually got Karma Mirror for archer damage, and smaller warrior one, and if things go bad i elevate to Steel Skin. Both are MS magnet anyway. Mind Blank reacts pretty well in most cases. It is still a chance spell, so it can fail in most unapropriate situations.
HINT: Static Field can not be MS'ed so sometimes can save your ass. Still his area 6 puts you in danger.
09-27-2010, 11:13 AM
Some more then:
Without wanting to derail the thread, and still using my silly purple-yellow metaphor; A group of 40 vs. 20 is still a purple group. Irregardless of whether they find themselves outside or in a fort. *
Tanking vs. warriors, especially more than one at the same time, should just not be possible. So yeah, if you can use the MS magnets.
Tanking vs. archers, should to a degree be possible. Ieti mentions karma mirror, and I hope to see more knights helping with that too.
Balancing an MMO should logically be done with the top level in mind for most of it. But I feel atm it is directed a bit too much towards level 50's only. As it is now low level conju's can either choose to heal twice, syn bond, dispell and die, or they can get more self defense and.. uh ... just stand there?
I'm not really low level (48) but I already run without healing aura, without MC, I hate to have to consider giving up pylon as well just so I can spam people with dispell, bond and crappy heals and not die immediately.
Free-ing up some points from things like devotion would greatly help with that, both for high and mid/low levels. As it is now, things like Karma Mirror, Static Field, etc are simply beyond my reach.
* I'm doing my best to be very careful here. But like it or not, the objective situation is relevant to the topic at hand, conjurer gameplay. Not directed to anyone in particular.
09-27-2010, 11:25 AM
I don't like it. Reasons:
- Confuse still ruins my experience.
- Mana is a problem, with my hunter for example I don't have that problem.
- Casting times of healing spells are absurd and frustating.
- Area 6 is a joke.
- Heal ally would be ok if there were no barbarians doing 1000 of damage, it's time consuming, frustating and boring. It's not funny to spam a spell, there are limits, but perhaps someone would find a heal ally of 3% and cd 1seg funny.
- My defense is lower.
- I have less powers.
My experience as a support conjurer:
Is very dangerous to get near the fight because of lower defenses, confuse, warlocks (steel skin is useless) , skills of constant damage, mind squash, etc. Let the knights do their work.
I need to expend more points in self healing (archers more range, constant damage is a pain and there are less conjurers) and in different healing spells, there are 2 more in this update and also they give me the sensation that I heal less.
I think the best thing is to buff barbarians, material wall 5, friendly shielding 5 (now it's very good), divine intervention 5, and magic barrier 1 and you have a barbarian that receives south crosses of 300 or less and devastates the enemies. A buffing conjurer is not the most funny, and normally you wont have more buffs because between this, your defenses and dispels you are short of power points and need healing powers.
In my opinion the gameplay is more static, more time watching, more posibility of wasted powers... less fun and more boredom.
My experience as a "warjurer".
First time I try it. It's like a hunter without speed, defenses, versatility...I prefer to use my hunter.
Marksman can retain their range easily, I feel like a warrior vs hunter in other updates. All archers can confuse me, and HDV and constant damages are big problems.
Against warlocks all depends on mind blanck, and I have few attacking powers and versatility contrary to them.
Barbarians and knights are difficult, more if they use blunt weapons.
Bad think after 1.6.3 is that you can not get so wide setup because of so many spells you have in your hands. So specialize more. Get single target setup only or aura only. The only drawback is that it is hard to get many conjus this days who will choose different setups. In Syrtis it is easier, but still a pain - sometimes there is only 1 conju, sometimes there are 3-5.
I still think conju is a surviver if played carefully. Most of times i die is because i do stupid things to get more fun, or i try to save someone and get left behind and killed.
I like single target spells now - they are relatively fast(except Life Saver) and you have points to get maxed defense and speed. I still miss auras and mass dispell, but they are hard to use anyway. Getting more wide setup gets you even more fragile and even harder to keep you alive. Maybe if you are more protected this can work, but sadly this is a hard job and noyone wants to do it. So everything is in hands of conjus. They have to protect and help each other and choose setups that fit well.
Conjus that play good in a team are my favorite - Dark Vivien, Syrtisa, Arwen, Isemon, Medichick.... It is pleasure to play with them and looking for each other makes the job easier and more fun.
09-27-2010, 12:24 PM
So I was wondering what do my fellow conjurers think about the update,
As a lvl 30 conjurer (going by your sig,) you are not qualified to make such a poll however, the update has given me interest in playing my lvl 50 conjurer again
09-27-2010, 12:36 PM
As a lvl 30 conjurer (going by your sig,) you are not qualified to make such a poll however, the update has given me interest in playing my lvl 50 conjurer again
I have a lvl 45 conj on Horus
09-27-2010, 12:39 PM
then you are still not qualified until you hit lvl 50 and thus have access to all combinations
as i am not qualified to comment on the new knight setup as im only lvl 42 on that class
or on my marks which is still in its 30's
the other 4 classes i have at lvl 50 however i am :)
09-27-2010, 01:02 PM
It's not funny to spam a spell, there are limits, but perhaps someone would find a heal ally of 3% and cd 1seg funny.
It's not funny to wait for cd, there are limits, but perhaps someone would find a heal ally of 45% and cd 20 secs funny.
09-27-2010, 02:55 PM
It's not funny to wait for cd, there are limits, but perhaps someone would find a heal ally of 45% and cd 20 secs funny.
The thing is that wasting mana and time healing 300-400 life when people receive 1000 damage is absurd, for me it's not funny seeing how my allies die while I'm running out of mana healing them.
Note that we already have a spell of 60% and cd 60seg, only to compensate the nerf to heal ally.
09-27-2010, 03:03 PM
The thing is that wasting mana and time healing 300-400 life when people receive 1000 damage is absurd, for me it's not funny seeing how my allies die while I'm running out of mana healing them.
Note that we already have a spell of 60% and cd 60seg, only to compensate the nerf to heal ally.
Then the issue is not about its cd, it's about how much it heals.
09-28-2010, 09:43 AM
And CD, it's a matter of balance (and tastes). I would prefer to heal more and cd 10sec, and heal less with life savior but with a CD of 30-40seg.
Also I don't like % at least in heal ally.
09-29-2010, 01:07 PM
1) Somehow MD finally works for me. TY NGD. It wasnt possible for me to use this apell before, somewhy.
2) Transfering MC to mana control tree - nice move. TY NGD.
3) All changes in heals tree... May be they focused to make conj getting more xp/rp while healing... But personally I dislike it. Also I dont think that I will use areas GH/GR. Those changes at least didnt ruined conjus' dedication and valuability as class. So let it be, we will try to live with it.
4) Strange changes in summon tree. Ok, ok, we dont like warjurers. But tell me how to get from Syrtis CS to Samal (Shaana) on Horus while all guys are in Samal (Shaana)? Bridges/limit are camped too often. My zarkit helped me to stay against campers...
Now, with weak summon i cannot join war outside zerg.
Anyway, conjurers feel much better than, i.e., hunters. IMHO. Conjurers are still playable.
09-29-2010, 01:57 PM
4) Strange changes in summon tree. Ok, ok, we dont like warjurers. But tell me how to get from Syrtis CS to Samal (Shaana) on Horus while all guys are in Samal (Shaana)? Bridges/limit are camped too often. My zarkit helped me to stay against campers...
Now, with weak summon i cannot join war outside zerg.
I love the new summon tree. I have all summons except for kit at 5 and all passives/buff at 5. Ever tried unloading everything on lvl 5 with bestial wrath lvl 5? It actually does a good amount of damage, plus, Im sure its unnerving to have 16 different things attacking you at once.
It may be almost useless, but I enjoy it, and if someone isnt in this game for fun, they shouldnt be in at all.
09-29-2010, 03:09 PM
i tried my 39 conju in war the other day, and its not half bad imo. i had to give up on a few spells to be able to use the more practical ones. i find it slightly more challenging to keep multiple people alive, but this makes the gameplay more challenging.
the only thing i dont like is mass resurrect. it doesnt give any HP or protection after they get ressed. it makes this spell useless.
10-07-2010, 10:47 AM
I've started to use my support conjurer again with the new changes.
Healing now is ok with the new casting times and the new heal ally.
The only thing I miss is that I can not tank with my conjurer, I miss the old greater healing, I could heal myself and heal others. I hate they changed it and didn't change other auras like mana pylon, mana comunion, etc, all for a promise of less lag. :rolleyes:
Really I don't know what to use defensively, probably i will not use any defense skill of conjurer, steel skin always gave me a good support but now with marksmen unleashed it's pointless.
10-08-2010, 12:29 PM
The new update made me get less value for the heals... bah! :ranting:
10-08-2010, 12:44 PM
To me healing is now more fun than ever before.
10-08-2010, 01:01 PM
it is seher. 500ish heals were needed like i said before. its really funny now to play supporter,
but but but
like jeti said - u still have to rely on arc dev all the time. better make it passive or dura=cd 120s. passive might be a bit op in sanc but hell... u usually need sanc for resses and 6s or 3s(arc dev5) is still enough time for enemys locks to use cremate imo.
mostly ur allies die 1by1 cuz of ur slow castspeed, which makes spells like life survior almost useless then, when u are in sanc :/
10-08-2010, 02:23 PM
it is seher. 500ish heals were needed like i said before. its really funny now to play supporter,
but but but
like jeti said - u still have to rely on arc dev all the time. better make it passive or dura=cd 120s. passive might be a bit op in sanc but hell... u usually need sanc for resses and 6s or 3s(arc dev5) is still enough time for enemys locks to use cremate imo.
mostly ur allies die 1by1 cuz of ur slow castspeed, which makes spells like life survior almost useless then, when u are in sanc :/
120s cd would be bad. Mages and especially locks could be completly useless for nearly 2 minutes if killed right after casting it.
10-08-2010, 02:30 PM
it is seher. 500ish heals were needed like i said before.
For me now it's less time to buff people, to dispel, and normally I have to heal more than 500.
10-08-2010, 03:07 PM
For me now it's less time to buff people, to dispel, and normally I have to heal more than 500.
it was better that the previous 12% of the target's total hp. that was crap. 900 was cool but the cool down was a bit long and it was a tad bit OP. i think 500hp and a 5 sec CD is perfect.
10-09-2010, 01:01 PM
The 12% was horrible, I think now 500 is more suited than the old 900 with all those constant damages, but i don't find it more funny or boring.
10-10-2010, 11:24 AM
NGD fix Ressursuction... when you get ressed you can get attacked after it immidiately...
10-10-2010, 12:27 PM
NGD fix Ressursuction... when you get ressed you can get attacked after it immidiately...
Are you sure it was a lvl 5 rez?
10-10-2010, 01:05 PM
120s cd would be bad. Mages and especially locks could be completly useless for nearly 2 minutes if killed right after casting it.
yea true, forgot about that or even the mindsquash but but np make it passive then :)
Sometimes Ress sanctuary is lost around forts. This is pretty old bug. This one is alot more annoying. Right after ressurect if diziness is still active first spell you cast is lost. It casts, but effect never activates. We writed about it many times.
+1000000 for passive devotion. Most of times mages die is because devotion ended or it is Mind Squashed. You simply can not do anything in this situation. Casts are so damn long that you die before you do a single cast.
Another case is why Barbs have Mind Squash after all. This have to be knight only spell.
10-10-2010, 02:41 PM
i just dont agree on passive devotion, this would make locks so OP, there should be a limit to the uber casting times, i dont see barbs have passive thirst for blood or knights passive +50% ap because it makes them function way better, a mage CAN still function without devition, its just harder, like for every class, all classes have to use buffs, i could agree on conjs getting passive devo, but because its in a shared tree its impossible because of warlocks getting it.
Dutch there is limit to cast speed with new formula we got now. More you have less impact on cast times you get. I do not see how it will make warlocks OP. Both mage classes are limited now by GCD and cooldowns. You keep Devotion casted all the time anyway.
There was time long before when mages can function without it only with fast staff, but this times are long gone. I still miss that. Then locks got fast staff for casts and med 30 for terror. Conjus used only fast one with 0 devotion needed.
I really do not see how passive devotion will break balance.
10-10-2010, 03:32 PM
i just dont agree on passive devotion, this would make locks so OP, there should be a limit to the uber casting times, i dont see barbs have passive thirst for blood or knights passive +50% ap because it makes them function way better, a mage CAN still function without devition, its just harder, like for every class, all classes have to use buffs, i could agree on conjs getting passive devo, but because its in a shared tree its impossible because of warlocks getting it.
barbs got passive dmg/str. knights got passive cc protection, const too. marks got passive range/dex. hunters speed/dex, mages got int/mana since mages mana reg didnt get that buffed like for other classes i see some messy here.
dont know why passive arc dev would makes locks op ( only situation is horse/dismounting, which could end pretty lame) anyways. its just annoying to recast it each 60s. id really need the 1 point of insightful somwhere else -.-
10-10-2010, 03:46 PM
Dutch there is limit to cast speed with new formula we got now. More you have less impact on cast times you get. I do not see how it will make warlocks OP. Both mage classes are limited now by GCD and cooldowns. You keep Devotion casted all the time anyway.
There was time long before when mages can function without it only with fast staff, but this times are long gone. I still miss that. Then locks got fast staff for casts and med 30 for terror. Conjus used only fast one with 0 devotion needed.
I really do not see how passive devotion will break balance.
ye id like the faststaff thing back too. even when i got the points for arc dev5 now. could use points for gh too though :)
anyways, there are only 2 options without changing arc dev to passive imo
1) slightly reduce castingtime of ress,life savior, gr, gh, pylon or
2) add +casting speed to sanct -.-
cmon benefit ur conjus!
p.s selfheals should get very short gcd too :/
p.p.s +1 for mindsquasher only-knight spell! :thumb_up:
10-10-2010, 05:50 PM
id rather see arcane devotion as 100% in all levels, but varying duration (up to the max duration which would be same cd and duration)
so lower level players could at least be able to use 100% efficiency in spurts, or a more tactical usage (throwing it on before rezzing or healing, etc) i dont know if that would overpower or hinder locks though, as i dont play one, but for conj at least anything below 5 is not worth it..and gear cannot make up for that gap if you dont have enough points for level 5, or want to save some points.
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