View Full Version : Conjurer issue - MORE INSTANT SPELLS!!!

09-24-2010, 02:44 PM
So let's wrap this up:

Conjurer did not get better. It is not that we don't have good spells. It is not that we need to supply more mana to others, cos we don't. It is not that we lost freebie level one spells. It is not that we are not covered by mighty knight auras, in fact our job is made much easier now - thanks to knight improvement. It is not that Heal Ally is changed, I can live even without it.

All this is pointing that conjurer is better than before, and on paper, it looks so good.

But it is not.

IT is cast times that is killing conjurer fun. In my case, with Arcane Devotion on 5, and with cast speed items of +21 cast speed, I am soo slow and slugish.

Ieti stressed this issue right - adjusting cooldown times is the key, not long cast times.

What is the use of all this good healing spells, even when battles last much much longer, when you cannot provide health to endangered player, because of 1-2-3 seconds that are needed to deliver it, and he is down in 1-2?

Dying is fast these days, and if I anticipate attack on player, I cannot Life Savior him because IT JUST TAKES TOO LONG!

NGD, please, consider this. GIVE US MORE INSTANTS! Now, with all CS bonuses I can have, I feel like DRUNK TURTLE comparing to my knight with no cast speed bonuses nor items.



09-24-2010, 03:06 PM
I have never played a high level conjurer in Regnum, but I have in many other MMOs and FPS' with medic based classes, and I must say that I agree.
A medic should have the ability to heal on the spot without delay.
Position is for the medic and the target to decide, plan and deliver. Which is the skill part of it.
There is some skill behind timing spells, but you barely know the target of the enemies anymore. Even if you know the priority you cannot see forward in time.
Therefore with conjus having instant healing spells (And more of them for that matter) the gameplay would be more fluent.
Also, I would suggest to make regenerate ally stronger, with a much shorter duration and cooldown, but for it to be stackable on one(1) person up to 3.
Would bring more team gameplay into it.

I hope this made at least some sense, my mind seems to be somewhere else.

09-24-2010, 03:14 PM
NGD said that they wont give ranged classes any instant spells on targets anymore (but ive forgotten why lol). Lower casttimes would be nice, 0,5 for heal, 1 for life savior/mass heals fe.

09-24-2010, 03:21 PM
the only spells for conjurers that i think should have a long cast time is resurrect or mass resurrect. other than that they should be relatively fast (.5 to 1 second cast time) 5 sec cast time on greater regenerate is STUPID. by the time you cast it, everyone you tried to heal is already gone.

09-24-2010, 06:04 PM
I've got no problem with casting times. Just life saviour is way over the top.

09-24-2010, 07:25 PM
I think I would prefer heal ally to have no cd, but have a 2-3 sec cs. This way you can essentially spam it all you want due to no cd, but you are limited to the cast time, and if you spam it too much youll run out of mana. Id give regen ally an instant cast, but with a 5-10 sec cd, as it doesnt stack, but maybe give it a higher mana cost. I think it would improve how conjus play, it wouldnt necessarily over power them, it would just promote smart gameplay knowing when to spam your mana and when to conserve it.

09-24-2010, 07:29 PM
I think heal ally should have no cd, but have a 2-3 sec cs. This way you can essentially spam it all you want due to no cd, but you are limited to the cast time, and if you spam it too much youll run out of mana. Id give regen ally an instant cast, but with a 5-10 sec cd, as it doesnt stack, but maybe give it a higher mana cost.

Oh boohooo.
Here's a tissue. Learn to adapt and stop crying.

09-24-2010, 07:33 PM
Oh boohooo.
Here's a tissue. Learn to adapt and stop crying.

:p Im fine with how things are, Id just prefer if I could have it this way.

And I believe I spelt the "boohooo" properly Boohoo

09-25-2010, 01:07 PM
Life Saviour and the area heals should have a shorter cast time and in exchange, a longer GCD. Heal Ally and Regenerate Ally ideally should be instants, but NGD did say they will no longer give ranged classes instant spells.

I still prefer to see Heal Ally to have double the effect (24%hp), double the CD (10s) and double the cost of the current version. This will make the spell more effective as a healing spell, and yet stress the importance of timing and target selection. 5s CD makes the spell too much of a spammable spell, and requires very little thought to use. It dumbs down the class IMO.

09-27-2010, 09:18 PM
I think things are fine the way they are.

Devotion makes things a lot faster and i personally think a Conj should have to rely on Devotion

09-27-2010, 09:22 PM
Conju must not rely to Devotion in any way. This screwed us alot more than you can think of. 5 wasted points for nothing. We must react fast in any moment, devotion in this case gives us big drawback. Even worse if it is dispelled it lowers even more chances of survival against warriors .What is the point of Steel Skin if you can not cast it because no speed to do so? What is the point really? Another ace in the hands of warriors.... Kill the helpless conjus it is peace of cake! FFS!

Devotion do not make things alot faster in any way. It is better only at level 5. All other levels it is pain and boring as hell. And you want conjurers to support you good? And you want us to have all that candy so you can survive. Well we waste precious points for crappy speed spells, so we can heal your b*tts faster. This is not fun and this is big mistake.

I'm MS'ed --> i die. I use sanctuary to ress --> i wait devotion to cooldown. I have no mana --> no devotion less effective. Players around me die because i can not cast properly. Ye ye this is fun.....

Conjurer as support class must be free from devotion crap. For warlock ok, but for conjurer...

More you chain conju with useless spells less effective it will be. My fun is first after all. My survival too. So better i survive, faster i'm more spells for other players. Else you will get nada support in finally no conjus at all.

I bet other conjus think exactly the same!

09-27-2010, 09:46 PM
I think devotion should be useful for conjurers, but it should still be possible to play without it.

That's not the case, mainly because of life savior.

However devotion could be toned down, too :P Warlocks spend more time waiting on cooldowns than actually casting spells... I think it should be the other way round, or at least not that 0.5-seconds-casting-time dominated.

As for conjurers: There should be both - instants and spells with rather long casting time, while those with casting time should have the better cost/effect ratio. Get rid of heal ally/self, fuse it to one spell. ;P (My conjurer-vision :superpusso:)

09-27-2010, 09:53 PM
Conjurers should be restricted by cooldowns, so they can react fast in needed situations. Actually with devotion i do like this. Stoppers are cooldowns and not cast times. Still 5 points lost for nothing...

Most of times i wait for heals cooldowns i use mental, bucause i actually wait for my support spells. Why i need to wait for casts and stand like an onion?

Stoppers for conjus have to be cooldowns and mana. This is enough to limit us from being uber effective spammers. If you time spells good, if you watch your mana and conserve it i see nothing wrong in this.

Making us wait and watching our targets die because we are CASTING in nothing more but annoying. This is not fun.