View Full Version : The Mill

10-31-2010, 11:43 PM
I am having a problem with a level 6 quest called The Mill. I collect 8 of the spikes it calls for but when i try to put them into the mill nothing happens. I do get a hand but when i click on the box (which looks like the only place it could go) I still have the same spikes in my inventory. Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong or does this quest have a bug.

11-01-2010, 01:53 PM
You've sent me a PM regarding this thread, and have your forum PMs turned off so I can't reply. I will do so here instead.

They should ban you from the forum for being such a wise ass. you're the kind of person that no one really likes or wants your help. Smarten up pal, you'll live longer.:mad:

I had not yet replied to your question about the mill, and it's your only post on the forum so far, so I'm confused as to why you're PMing me... let alone with veiled death threats (?) Since we're blatantly judging other people, I'll throw in my piece as well; you're the kind of person who takes a game and gaming forum way to seriously, no one really likes you or wants to help you. Loosen up pal, you'll have more fun. :mad:

Is your computer on?

11-01-2010, 01:57 PM
Check this article in the wikia. Hope this helps. (http://regnum.wikia.com/wiki/The_Mill)

11-02-2010, 02:43 PM
They should ban you from the forum for being such a wise ass. you're the kind of person that no one really likes or wants your help. Smarten up pal, you'll live longer.:mad:

Speak for yourself. I like Van, and Mudkipz.