View Full Version : Platnium Boxes
12-25-2010, 11:07 PM
As much of you are aware of, the platnium boxes to me are very good and effective for getting uber items very quickly and would make this game alot harder for the people who haven't gotten one yet if it was removed from the game but i've come to observe that at a time platniu, boxes can give the same items repeatively, that is, it'll give you leggings like 4 times in a row but each different and thats a real bummer when you are low on budget and you were looking for a breastplate so I believe and i'm sure all 300'000 other players of this game believe to that we should choose what we want. Now i'm not saying i choose as in scroll through a weapon/armour inventory and chose (although that would be a gift from god xD) but i'm saying we should chose what kind just like how you do when buy gem boxes if you click a box you should open up to an option window where you can chose like for example in a knight if you click armour it should open up to a 6 option window that would say helm, pauldron, gauntlet, breastplate, leggings, shield and supposedly you click breastplate then you would randomly get a BREASTPLATE not a GAUNTLET or some other item you werent looking for so that way the random aspect of it is still established but at least we know were getting the item of choice
12-27-2010, 12:03 AM
does anybody kno if they are already working on this or if you have any ideas i'd like to hear them
12-27-2010, 02:15 PM
does anybody kno if they are already working on this or if you have any ideas i'd like to hear them
This has been suggested before a few times and I doubt that they're working on it. I think this would up sales a lot, but at the same time create a huge premium to non-premium player imbalance.
I would agree to this if non-premium players had some way of acheiving something similar within time.
12-28-2010, 03:09 AM
This has been suggested before a few times and I doubt that they're working on it. I think this would up sales a lot, but at the same time create a huge premium to non-premium player imbalance.
I would agree to this if non-premium players had some way of acheiving something similar within time.
Not exactly, I mean it's not like the items they get will be exactly what their looking for you kno? The may be looking for a mana helm but the got a resist something helm but all in all the wanted a helm and they got it that way the boxes randomness is more precise this would up sales by alot and for the non-premium their is really no change because even if they're opponents have box items whether this is implemented in the game or not premium buyers genereally have better equipment then them anyways that's why there non-premium and the buyers are premium
12-28-2010, 10:27 AM
So if it's OP they keep it and non-premium gets leftovers? Nty system is fine as it is...
12-28-2010, 12:37 PM
So if it's OP they keep it and non-premium gets leftovers? Nty system is fine as it is...
What do you mean OP? If you can get it from the box obviously its been approved by the NGD team as a non-OP item if they were OP items in the game you think you wouldn't hear other people complaining? and on top of that you make it seem like with this idea everyone will suddenly get the set of their dreams its not like that some people buy 2,3,4 up to 5 times before they even get a usable item talk more of an OP item? what are you talking about...
12-28-2010, 01:24 PM
What do you mean OP? If you can get it from the box obviously its been approved by the NGD team as a non-OP item if they were OP items in the game you think you wouldn't hear other people complaining? and on top of that you make it seem like with this idea everyone will suddenly get the set of their dreams its not like that some people buy 2,3,4 up to 5 times before they even get a usable item talk more of an OP item? what are you talking about...
No, I think Gabburtjuh is right on this one. Although you may not get the item you wanted, the chance would be MUCH higher then. Non-premium players can't choose what drop they get either, so it's completely fine as it is.
edit: Oh, and there are indeed many OP items in-game. If you really signed up for regnum at nov. 2010 then you probably wouldn't know it, so I won't blame you.
12-28-2010, 05:40 PM
No, I think Gabburtjuh is right on this one. Although you may not get the item you wanted, the chance would be MUCH higher then. Non-premium players can't choose what drop they get either, so it's completely fine as it is.
edit: Oh, and there are indeed many OP items in-game. If you really signed up for regnum at nov. 2010 then you probably wouldn't know it, so I won't blame you.
Actually I've been playing since 07 and yes the chance is higher but notice the word CHANCE is still there and of course you can't chose your drops because you didn't buy whatever the creature is holding you get for free if non-premium players got to chose they're drops then there would be no point in boxes anyways I think this is a really good idea. Oh btw I play ra server. I can tell by the way you guys speak English that y'all are from Horus.
12-28-2010, 06:58 PM
I think this is a really good idea.
It's your idea.....
But there's clearly no point in arguing with you, because you won't change your point of view and because you are failing to see this idea from a non-premiums point of view.
Now, you can buy armor for example, get a good breastplate while you already have one and try it, for the part of armor you need, if you can pick whatever item type you want, you can just keep doing that over and over till you get a nice one, and you will try to sell all the ones that acctually suck, this has a few results:
1. The small item market in RO will shrink even more
2. NGD will lose money because it will get alot, yes, the chance increases alot since you have 100% instead of 17,67% chance on getting the part you want, easier to get what you want
3. This would improve abusability, since you can just buy alot of things of thesame type and flood the market with it, and get magns/boss gear fast for example
(didn't want to make a new post so: I am one of the premium users, it's not like it would give me a disadvantage...)
12-28-2010, 08:19 PM
you are failing to see this idea from a non-premiums point of view.
I just have to do a quick word on this.
Non-premium players are living the life. There is no significant advantage do being premium, other than the horse that gets you killed more often than not. There are only corners to cut, everything can and with this idea would still be able to be achieved without premium.
Most games with some form of premium content adds a huge advantage to the people that drop some coin. Some games you can buy your way to the highest of lvls with the best equipment, not doing any work. Some give such amazing equipment that non-premium players dont even have a chance. Non-premium players in RO have it so much better than that.
Im actually kind of sick of the attitude some non-premium players have. Its a harsh reality, but face it, premium people have a stronger opinion than yours. You are lucky NGD even listens to you, lets you make suggestions, try to change the game, without you even paying them a cent. Premium players help the game, help it build and grow. We support the team behind the game. We keep it alive. In a normal game with not so awesome devs, your opinion wouldnt even be listened too, they wouldnt care.
This all may come off as selfcentered and douchey, but really, be thankful that NGD provides you all the services they provide to the people that support their company.
To end it all, I do not agree with the suggestion of this thread. I think it wouls be too easy for premium players to get their gear. Im a premium player against this idea. The above was just my rant about how some non-premium players come off way too confident in themselves.
12-29-2010, 12:33 AM
I just have to do a quick word on this.
Non-premium players are living the life. There is no significant advantage do being premium, other than the horse that gets you killed more often than not. There are only corners to cut, everything can and with this idea would still be able to be achieved without premium.
Most games with some form of premium content adds a huge advantage to the people that drop some coin. Some games you can buy your way to the highest of lvls with the best equipment, not doing any work. Some give such amazing equipment that non-premium players dont even have a chance. Non-premium players in RO have it so much better than that.
Im actually kind of sick of the attitude some non-premium players have. Its a harsh reality, but face it, premium people have a stronger opinion than yours. You are lucky NGD even listens to you, lets you make suggestions, try to change the game, without you even paying them a cent. Premium players help the game, help it build and grow. We support the team behind the game. We keep it alive. In a normal game with not so awesome devs, your opinion wouldnt even be listened too, they wouldnt care.
This all may come off as selfcentered and douchey, but really, be thankful that NGD provides you all the services they provide to the people that support their company.
To end it all, I do not agree with the suggestion of this thread. I think it wouls be too easy for premium players to get their gear. Im a premium player against this idea. The above was just my rant about how some non-premium players come off way too confident in themselves.
I concur premium boxes are fine as it is although it does suck to get 10 gauntlets in a row but it happens. I to am a premium player and the only changes I would like to see happen with premium is tradeable mounts & barbarian weapon boxes should only drop items the class can use.
I have several people that I am friends with that are either in a country they can't buy xim in or simply can not afford it that I would GIFT a horse to if NGD permitted it. Just my 2 cents.
12-29-2010, 01:03 AM
OKay well you guys have given me your 2 scents and i concure that i guess its not a good idea for now but they really have to work on that 10 gauntlet in a row thing i mean c'mon
12-29-2010, 06:28 PM
Well i guess it was just bad luck. The chance you get a pair of gauntlets is completely random. I can agree with you that NGD implements a 1h weapon or 2h weapon button for barbarians but thats another discussion.
12-29-2010, 10:59 PM
There is no significant advantage of being premium....
Well if there were not for premium players this game would be dead but if there were not for the non-premium players this game would also be dead (empty of people = dead).
That said we have to admit that in general premium players do have a substantial advantage towards the non-premium buyers. If you cannot afford a horse you will very often get late to take part in some battle. Generally heavy premium buyers have better equipment than others. Players who cannot afford it, will try to get good equipment from drops, (super)bosses etc., but this take time and many players do not have the time or patience for that and get frustrated when they get killed because the others have better gear. Skills are very important but in case of equal experience, fights get decided by better gear. Thats a fact.
Of course NGD needs money to survive, like every company, but I think that the best gear should have to be available for everyone and not only for premium buyers. There are many other ways or items that can provide a really good source of income. Its all a matter of thinking.
I dont care about Karma or messages because I never look at them. I dont care about rp's or to be on a top players list. I care about helping my realm and my real mates
12-30-2010, 02:31 AM
Lol, two scents. How did they smell?
In all seriousness though, for my class I've had better drops from grinding than buying premium – I did once get a moderately awesome 1h axe from a box, but I can't really use it, and that's a story for another thread. I am at this point in time not using a single item that I personally received from a lucky box. Sad, perhaps?
I've come across better premium item systems than NGD's (buy extra dungeon tickets, for example), but I've also come across much, much worse.
12-30-2010, 08:25 PM
Well if there were not for premium players this game would be dead but if there were not for the non-premium players this game would also be dead (empty of people = dead).
That said we have to admit that in general premium players do have a substantial advantage towards the non-premium buyers. If you cannot afford a horse you will very often get late to take part in some battle. Generally heavy premium buyers have better equipment than others. Players who cannot afford it, will try to get good equipment from drops, (super)bosses etc., but this take time and many players do not have the time or patience for that and get frustrated when they get killed because the others have better gear. Skills are very important but in case of equal experience, fights get decided by better gear. Thats a fact.
Of course NGD needs money to survive, like every company, but I think that the best gear should have to be available for everyone and not only for premium buyers. There are many other ways or items that can provide a really good source of income. Its all a matter of thinking.
I dont care about Karma or messages because I never look at them. I dont care about rp's or to be on a top players list. I care about helping my realm and my real mates
I'm pretty sure all the items in thegame are available to the public its just the items we get from boxes can be dropped but that would be so rare you'd have a better chance at getting one from vesper
12-30-2010, 09:29 PM
Well if there were not for premium players this game would be dead but if there were not for the non-premium players this game would also be dead (empty of people = dead).
That said we have to admit that in general premium players do have a substantial advantage towards the non-premium buyers. If you cannot afford a horse you will very often get late to take part in some battle. Generally heavy premium buyers have better equipment than others. Players who cannot afford it, will try to get good equipment from drops, (super)bosses etc., but this take time and many players do not have the time or patience for that and get frustrated when they get killed because the others have better gear. Skills are very important but in case of equal experience, fights get decided by better gear. Thats a fact.
Of course NGD needs money to survive, like every company, but I think that the best gear should have to be available for everyone and not only for premium buyers. There are many other ways or items that can provide a really good source of income. Its all a matter of thinking.
I dont care about Karma or messages because I never look at them. I dont care about rp's or to be on a top players list. I care about helping my realm and my real mates
I really don't think that this is the case. The "best gear" comes rarely from premium boxes. Just look at the threads where people in fact moan about boxes being almost useless. The game is also quite a bit about the skill and unfortunately also about luck.
Everyone can get uber gear WITHOUT the help of premium boxes; it depends on how long you play really (trading, buying/finding magnanintes, drops from mobs)
Apart from horses there is no real advantage of being premium. It only allows you to take shortcuts, look better and have bigger stash :)
The only must-have premium item is a horse. But even without it the game is fuly playable.
I thing NGD did an amazing job with their premium content.
12-31-2010, 12:21 PM
I really don't think that this is the case. The "best gear" comes rarely from premium boxes. Just look at the threads where people in fact moan about boxes being almost useless. The game is also quite a bit about the skill and unfortunately also about luck.
Everyone can get uber gear WITHOUT the help of premium boxes; it depends on how long you play really (trading, buying/finding magnanintes, drops from mobs)
Apart from horses there is no real advantage of being premium. It only allows you to take shortcuts, look better and have bigger stash :)
The only must-have premium item is a horse. But even without it the game is fuly playable.
I thing NGD did an amazing job with their premium content.
In my opinion there is an advantage of being premium specially if you are a heavy premium buyer. I know a few and believe me they've got ubergear for everyone of their characters.
I do have a horse but thats all. I do not have uber gear and like me many others, so I do not agree with you that everyone can have it. As I said not everyone can afford to spend lots of money or grind for hours and hours or log in when it's boss time.
And yes this game is "fully" playable without premium but you will often have some disadvantages. Besides of being late very often to some battles if you do not have a horse, some players will most of the times win from you due to their ubergear even if you know they have the same skills and battle experience as you. And thats a shame.
For the record, I think NGD has done an admirable job with the premium items. Many games are far far worse. In actuality you would not be even slightly competitive at higher levels without buying stuff. This game allows you to still have fun and still places some emphasis on skill,experience and knowledge of your character. Because you have uber gear, it will not guarantee you the win. It helps though.
Once this game is not for charity it will always be this way. You cannot stop a heavy investor (read Ximerin buyer) from purchasing to get what they desire. NGD needs to make money. Maintaining the game costs money. And besides this is not a PVP game. It is supposed to be a collaborative RVR game so the best unified and coordinated team wins. Not the most geared up single player.
The only issue is the horses. I suggested a while back that NGD run the 'gift a horse' system through the redeem code system. That way they have the records, the oversight and the control to keep things in check and flag unwanted activities. The player buys the horse gift voucher at the site and gives the receiver the redeem code to enter to get their horse. Limits can be imposed by this system. Other than the horse thing I see no other major issues with premium.
12-31-2010, 07:38 PM
Believe it or not, the sole reason why i chose to play Regnum Online was because of its premium content. The reason for this was because the game i played prior was called 4story, which was a similar epic RvR game which arguably that is better than RO in many ways but its biggest downfall was the fact the only way you stood a chance in the battlefield was if you spent $500 or more on your gear.
The fact that NGD's policy of premium not effecting the outcome of war is one of the best features of Regnum
I buy scrolls, mounts, teleports, banners and fireworks. I have never purchased anything from a lucky box and have very nice gear and have given away a lot of nice gear. I am considering trying the platinum gem box for the first time, but it really isn't necessary.
I don't think Regnum has any imbalance between premium and not premium at all, other than that it takes forever to level if you don't scroll, and that everyone needs a horse. A plain brown horse costs about $2.50, or the price of a Starbucks latte, small size. Inevitably, there are more good items than there are high level players, so good gear gets passed around. Every player 45 and above I know has quality gear.
Finally, I don't object to premium buyers having some advantage. In Tennis, if you purchase an awesome racquet you will probably get a few more points. Marathon runners have very expensive sneaks. Same deal. Nobody mandates that Tennis players use wooden racquets from the 70s. All in all, gear is not nearly as important as battlefield awareness, the absence of which gets you killed far more often than having no const on your tunic. If your gear sucks than just look at it as a challenge to beat those with good gear, and brag when you win.
01-04-2011, 03:20 PM
The only issue is the horses. I suggested a while back that NGD run the 'gift a horse' system through the redeem code system. That way they have the records, the oversight and the control to keep things in check and flag unwanted activities. The player buys the horse gift voucher at the site and gives the receiver the redeem code to enter to get their horse. Limits can be imposed by this system. Other than the horse thing I see no other major issues with premium.
+1 for RVR lots of people seem to forget that.
side note, WTF can't I trade a horse? I mean what does NGD care, the horse was paid for -NGD made money- I gave a horse to someone who cannot buy one for what ever reason, -NGD has a happy player that will tell his friends about the game.
Seems like a no brainer to me.
01-04-2011, 09:00 PM
Something more important the option to choose between 1H and 2H weapons and no more dual wielding excuses thats what we want thats what we pay for.
NGD should simply put system like gem box.
Platinum boxes, choose armor or weapon.
If you choose armor, choose your part. BP, Helm, Gaunts, Leggings, Pauldron.
If you choose weapon : Choose 1H or 2H if it's warrior class.
If you chosse weapon : Chosse SB or LB if you're archer class.
It will stay random because it still depends of luck if you fall on special or magical or epic nice stuff but less crappy for any players who wanna use these premium service and spending sometimes too much € or $ for finally no armor parts or no weapon they wanted.
They should put gem came from boxes tradable indeed. We don't understand why armor and weapon came from boxes are tradable and gem not => Nonsense.
Xhim cost is already too expensive (1k xhim over 1€/1$) so improve the existing service without raise the price would be something very appreciated IMO.
If NGD really needs more money, the basic xhim cost should be changed to the same cost when there is promotion period and much more attractive during promotion period (+20% on each purchase, c'mon it's not like xhim was almost given to players ... It's meaningless promotion).
Just a PoV after all.
01-17-2011, 08:46 PM
NGD should simply put system like gem box.
Platinum boxes, choose armor or weapon.
If you choose armor, choose your part. BP, Helm, Gaunts, Leggings, Pauldron.
If you choose weapon : Choose 1H or 2H if it's warrior class.
If you chosse weapon : Chosse SB or LB if you're archer class.
It will stay random because it still depends of luck if you fall on special or magical or epic nice stuff but less crappy for any players who wanna use these premium service and spending sometimes too much € or $ for finally no armor parts or no weapon they wanted.
They should put gem came from boxes tradable indeed. We don't understand why armor and weapon came from boxes are tradable and gem not => Nonsense.
Xhim cost is already too expensive (1k xhim over 1€/1$) so improve the existing service without raise the price would be something very appreciated IMO.
If NGD really needs more money, the basic xhim cost should be changed to the same cost when there is promotion period and much more attractive during promotion period (+20% on each purchase, c'mon it's not like xhim was almost given to players ... It's meaningless promotion).
Just a PoV after all.
A great source of income would be adding new and USEFULL premium items to the game.
01-17-2011, 10:15 PM
A great source of income would be adding new and USEFULL premium items to the game.
such as..?
01-18-2011, 12:26 AM
such as..?
1. A leroy jenkins warcry
2. More costumes
3. A discoball for when I'm dancing again
More serious, some of the existing premium items could use some improvement, and I'm sure that there might be new options to after we had 3 updates more.
If you want ideas for premium I resurrect this one from way back in the day:
In addition to enhancements of platinum boxes this could go a long way to helping NGD gain some extra income.
The second idea. This one needs tweaking and my thinking has changed a bit, but it is from an older thread so I link it as it was:
01-19-2011, 02:42 PM
such as..?
Enough have been suggested plz read the suggestions topic once in a while..
01-19-2011, 02:46 PM
We have asked NGD for an long time to change the platinum boxes.
I don't think they would change it, although it would be much better if you can ask for an 2-handed weapon or an helmet, if you need it
01-19-2011, 03:04 PM
My gear is all shop bought :-)
01-20-2011, 07:09 AM
My gear is all shop bought :-)
Mine too. : )
I just got a +15 fire gem on the first try( ;
I have +12 lightning gem and I'm looking for a maganite axe for knights
my name is Eradoom I'm in RA server
01-28-2011, 10:23 AM
Oh dear god, I hope they do this, I spend god only know how much money on my hunter trying to get a BP and Legs, but I just kept getting paulds and gaunts, and one helmet! It was SO not worth it anyway, because while all the items were epic and magic, the bonuses were so low I can't believe I wasted the money!
I swore I'd never buy another box again. But if they implement this idea, I think I might. :thumb:
~ Regnum-Addict
01-31-2011, 04:03 PM
Oh dear god, I hope they do this, I spend god only know how much money on my hunter trying to get a BP and Legs, but I just kept getting paulds and gaunts, and one helmet! It was SO not worth it anyway, because while all the items were epic and magic, the bonuses were so low I can't believe I wasted the money!
I swore I'd never buy another box again. But if they implement this idea, I think I might. :thumb:
~ Regnum-Addict
this how it is for me exactlyy!!!
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