View Full Version : Creating characters across all 3 realms?

01-04-2011, 11:03 PM
I'm new and trying to figure out how I can have a toon in each realm. Do I have to delete my current one to choose another realm?

01-04-2011, 11:06 PM
You need to make a different account for each realm - It's technically against the rules but NGD doesn't enforce it

Though some players get upset with people who multi realm - there apparently "Traitors" and "Spy's" personally don't care :P

01-04-2011, 11:23 PM
Ah, I was under the impression that there are different races on the different servers. Pardon the ignorance, I'm coming off of WoW and trying to understand the hierarchy of the servers, realms etc.

01-04-2011, 11:35 PM
Ah, I was under the impression that there are different races on the different servers. Pardon the ignorance, I'm coming off of WoW and trying to understand the hierarchy of the servers, realms etc.

Each server is completely independent from the others. Characters belong to a certain server. An account can have access to 1 or more servers depending on country. In each server your account has access, you can have characters in only 1 realm - not necessarily in the same realm in all the servers. For example, if your account (country) has access to Ra and Horus, you can have characters in Ignis realm on Horus, and Alsius realm on Ra. An account may have up to 3 (extensible to 6 via premium content) characters on each server. Each realm has different races.

The term "realm" in this game has the meaning "faction/nation", not "world/server". In WoW terms, Alsius vs Ignis vs Syrtis is the equivalent of Alliance vs Horde. Here we have 3 instead of 2.

Hope this clears things up :)

Here's a useful resource you might wanna check up on for other things:


01-04-2011, 11:41 PM
There are Servers and Realms. The servers are RA and Horus. the Realms are Alsius, Ignis, and Syrtis.

You can have characters in both RA and Horus on the same account, and within the server, you choose a Realm.

There is no difference between the Servers.

The difference between the Realms are the character Races. Some races are better towards a certain attribute than others.

Oops, I guess my post wasn't needed :p Miraculix explained it better

01-04-2011, 11:44 PM
You are supposed to play in one realm, I hope more people understand that and stop switching.

01-05-2011, 12:25 AM
I didn't want to necessarily play across all 3 realms. I was curious as to what other races they had and what abilities.
Thanks Miraculix. Good breakdown

01-05-2011, 12:28 AM
I didn't want to necessarily play across all 3 realms. I was curious as to what other races they had and what abilities.


This is prolly the best help i can give ^^

01-06-2011, 05:07 PM
There is no difference between the Servers.

Probably should point out that RA is espaniol based server, and HORUS is english based server.

RA has more players then HORUS. However, if you speak english and not spanish....HORUS is more fun!

IMO anyway :theking:

01-06-2011, 06:35 PM
yeah that'd take the fun out of it if i didn't know wth they were saying :/

01-06-2011, 07:09 PM
yeah that'd take the fun out of it if i didn't know wth they were saying :/

you'd be surprised how much more fun it can be.

less talkie more fightie :bananajoy:

01-07-2011, 01:56 AM
yeah that'd take the fun out of it if i didn't know wth they were saying :/

Which will likely still occur. You'll have noticed by now the chat tabs? I do think of realm chat as 'trade' chat only insofar as it's communal. People are far more kind and respectful, the language rarely becomes offensive. It does, though, become varied. We have a huge number of worldwide players. I enjoy the music of language so for me, whenever a few people begin to speak Dutch or Italian or German or Croatian I just watch and enjoy. Most everyone does speak English too, though, and realm chat will be primarily in English.

01-07-2011, 01:34 PM
yeah that'd take the fun out of it if i didn't know wth they were saying :/

You will discover, in the war zone slang, that a few Spanish terms are in use also on Horus, inherited from the player base that played on Ra before Horus was started. Most notable is the word 'aca' ( 'acá': here! this way!) used when spotting an enemy, and the acronyms for the bridges: "pn" for puente negro (black bridge) etc. Some people still call the vulcano crater in Alsius wz for "pozo" (the hole). Short and easy to type words stick, I suppose.

Apart from that, multirealming is a violation of the rules, and although NGD hasn't been enforcing it, they should. It messes up the realm balancing calculations; some of the more exceedingly lame multirealmers show up only for superboss killings (and then leave, potentially with a rare drop that never will be used for the realm sake in combat), some I suspect hoard around in all three realms in a pack creating momentaneous severe realm unbalance which makes the war zone acitivites predictable and boring. (you can't do much when outnumbered 5:1) Rumor has it however that they are banning players now who are caught using multiple accounts, so maybe they have finally started to do something about the problem with MR's.

You don't actually need multiple accounts to try out different realms. If you delete all your charachters, you restart from scratch and get to choose realm again. A fast way to experiment without losing you chars in the selected realm could be to toss in some cash for xims, and start new characters on the test server Amun when it is open for public (and buy an instant lvl 30 scroll etc). Xims spent on Amun are not spent for real.

01-10-2011, 03:34 AM
i've noticed a lot more maturity in the world chat than on wow.

01-12-2011, 11:28 PM
i've noticed a lot more maturity in the world chat than on wow.

Hopefully :-)