View Full Version : Invasion System Change Needed

01-05-2011, 08:01 PM
I am Not sure If i am the first to suggest this but We need a change in the system of Invasions. This is what needs to be changed. The Invading Realm and Defending Realm are the only realms allowed to touch the gems in the Inner realms and War Zone. the Third should not be allowed to pick up gem at all. reasons simple Multirealmers who Log off Near the gem Stand and pick up gem and run it into a city or Drown it, We in Ignis and i am sure in other two realms are sick and tried of a few multirealmers spoiling the hard work that Invasions are worth. Also the 3rd realm should not be allowed to attack the invading realm and defending realms at all. suggest only after the 2 gates have been broken something Like immunity for the defending and invading realms.

Peace Out

01-05-2011, 08:21 PM
reasons simple Multirealmers who Log off Near the gem Stand and pick up gem and run it into a city or Drown it

this ofc is a theory not accusal proof its unknown if this is happening or can be implamented but if so and can happen , ngd should look into this

01-05-2011, 08:23 PM
I am Not sure If i am the first to suggest this but We need a change in the system of Invasions.

I agree there is indeed a need for a change in Invasions, currently I find them boring and no fun.

The Invading Realm and Defending Realm are the only realms allowed to touch the gems in the Inner realms and War Zone. the Third should not be allowed to pick up gem at all.

So the 3rd realm would have to be forced to do nothing while the other two realms are having their fun pursuiting each other for a shiney gem? That does not sound fair to me, every realm should have the right to mess around with other realm's plans, it makes it more interesting.

reasons simple Multirealmers who Log off Near the gem Stand and pick up gem and run it into a city or Drown it, We in Ignis and i am sure in other two realms are sick and tried of a few multirealmers spoiling the hard work that Invasions are worth.

Wait, whut? So, let's say Syrtis' gates are in danger and Ignis is invading. The multirealming Alsian would just need to get on his Syrtis char parked near the gem and throw it into the water? I see no reason then for the 3rd realm to be prohibited to pick up the gem. It makes no sence.

Also, if you do know someone who is a multirealmer and does these kind of actions, you can just send a ticket to report them. That easy.

Also the 3rd realm should not be allowed to attack the invading realm and defending realms at all. suggest only after the 2 gates have been broken something Like immunity for the defending and invading realms.

Wtf, I'd love to see if you'd like to be from the 3rd realm, unable to do anything in the warzone while the other two realms are having their fun.

Peace Out

In conclusion, your suggestion would just kill the fun in invasions even more. Actually, it would kill the purpose of having a 3rd realm in this game.

01-05-2011, 08:23 PM
well, by terms of service multirealming and multiaccounting is forbidden therefore implementing such changes would legalise it.

as for not allowing third realm to participiate in invasion war would be against the war dynamics "driver". the third realm is to provide some dynamics and unpredictability in game.

01-05-2011, 11:37 PM
I do agree that the mechanics need , I would use the term : adjustment.
I have made many suggestions over the years which a lot have read.

I still believe the third realm must have a role to play in the dynamic and as such they can pick up the gem. If you wanted (although I am not really for this) you can place a weak protective orb around the gems that three players can smash easily but 1 finds it slightly more challenging. Weak meaning a powerful barb needs maybe 4 swings while fully buffed to break through. The player can still get it but wastes time while pounding away. I just had an odd idea of making the player that carries the gem slower but gains boosts in speed by the number of allies surrounding him/her. This only happens inside the realm. Once you break free it goes back to normal. It would be funny if you got even slower as you came close to the cities of the realm while holding the gem.

Unfortunately, I do not think we can or should expect NGD to legislate all behaviour in the respective realms. Actions can be condoned or frowned upon. It is the collective responsibility of all players to remember first and foremost this is a game and while you can win using "any means necessary" , are you really a better player for it? Is the win not sweeter when you do it within the confines of honourable play and be able to hold your heads high?
Of course many players are young and might not care about these ideals but it can be frowned upon by seniors.
It is a game by NGD but it is also ours. It is our responsibility to protect fun for friend and foe alike.


01-06-2011, 04:01 AM
In conclusion, your suggestion would just kill the fun in invasions even more. Actually, it would kill the purpose of having a 3rd realm in this game.

Well in the last few Days it feels like Sytris and Alsuis have become one realm so in a nut shell hit has become a 2 realm game and alot of ignis are sick of it, so a simple immunity for the 3rd realm well be welcomed, and just remember how many times has Ignis and its zerg screwed up a invasion for other realms, sure great fun and all but we go for the Gems and take them home, these other gem stealer have "NO" interest in taking gem back to there own realms. just run to a city or drown it

01-06-2011, 04:26 AM
Regarding the point about two realms creating an alliance, sometimes that's the only option left to a realm when they are being consistently dominated by another. Ignis has been the dominant realm lately and the other two realms know that when one of them is invaded successfully then the other will soon follow. So in a way, alsius being invaded is a failure for syrtis because it puts them more clearly in harms way as they become the only target left.
Just for the record, when Ignis got one of Alsius gems into the wz and then lost it, syrtis immediately attempted to scoop it up and steal it for themselves. So we are not as friendly as you may think.

01-06-2011, 05:30 AM
Well, it's a three way war game, the third can choose whatever they want to do. It doesn't make sense that you're punishing the 3rd realm so that they can't participate while the other realm invades another realm because someone from the 3rd realm switches to another account where the other realm is being invaded... Also, since most invasions are mostly done when not a lot of people of the invaded realm are on (unless they log on when checking the war zone status), I think it's only fair that the third realm could "work" together with the invaded realm.

And this alliance thing is ridiculous, if some (not the whole realm) Alsians want to help Syrtis, they can, but that doesn't officially sign them up as best buddies forever for ages to come.

Yeah, invasions need some work, but NGD already has tons of work on their hands.

01-06-2011, 06:07 AM
hard work that Invasions are worth

Funniest thing I've seen in this forum, ever! :theking:

Well in the last few Days it feels like Sytris and Alsuis have become one realm

You forgot last time Syrtis invaded, Ignis got inside Alsius, picked up a gem and was hiding it in Gok...

Also, it's so much fun to be able to participate in invasions, especially if you're not the realm invading or being invaded

01-06-2011, 07:05 AM
We need a change in the system of Invasions. This is what needs to be changed. The Invading Realm and Defending Realm are the only realms allowed to touch the gems in the Inner realms and War Zone. the Third should not be allowed to pick up gem at all. reasons simple Multirealmers who Log off Near the gem Stand and pick up gem and run it into a city or Drown it, We in Ignis and i am sure in other two realms are sick and tried of a few multirealmers spoiling the hard work that Invasions are worth. Also the 3rd realm should not be allowed to attack the invading realm and defending realms at all. suggest only after the 2 gates have been broken something Like immunity for the defending and invading realms.

Peace Out

Yes, I completely agree with you. It's not right that after you do all the hard work, another realm could get the price. Also it can prevent indeed that those annoying multirealmers spoil it all by hiding the gem(s).

01-06-2011, 07:40 AM
Guys as other sayed it is 3 realm game. So when you invade be ready someone to interfere. Restricting the third realm from interfering is plain stupid, because that way the whole purpose of having third realm is gone.

I still do not understand why you invade? For having fun, for getting a wish, for growing and e-peen? Tell us the reason.

When you give yourself this answer you will see how absurd your proposition is. Whole game is build around having fun. All players should have fun. But in same time you propose some of players not to have fun, because they will break fun of other ones. Of course this will happen this is war after all.

Hard work??? You guys take this game way too serious.

01-06-2011, 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by TheOre View Post
hard work that Invasions are worth

Funniest thing I've seen in this forum, ever! :theking:

You forgot last time Syrtis invaded, Ignis got inside Alsius, picked up a gem and was hiding it in Gok...

Also, it's so much fun to be able to participate in invasions, especially if you're not the realm invading or being invaded

LOL anyriand , Yes Invasion are hard work getting people together etc etc and makeing a plan it really is But ofc You would no nothing about that since Alsuis has invade and open the portal how many times now?????? i think i can count that on one hand. As for the last sytris invasion i remember was New years eve when 5 ignis or so on so yea :clapping5365: :clapping5365: good job sytris (sarcasm)

01-06-2011, 08:37 AM
I still do not understand why you invade? For having fun, for getting a wish, for growing and e-peen? Tell us the reason.

Well Simple for me to see who is the Better gamer , the better player the better realm, the better team, co-operation thats what playing MMO's are all about :smile:

01-06-2011, 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by TheOre View Post
hard work that Invasions are worth

LOL anyriand , Yes Invasion are hard work getting people together etc etc and makeing a plan it really is But ofc You would no nothing about that since Alsuis has invade and open the portal how many times now?????? i think i can count that on one hand. As for the last sytris invasion i remember was New years eve when 5 ignis or so on so yea :clapping5365: :clapping5365: good job sytris (sarcasm)

Luckilly you only invade at 6am for me, midnight usa, but let's not get e-peens in this already useless discussion.

01-06-2011, 09:20 AM
Inviding Alsius at 7:00 CET, when there is like 10 ppl online does not make your realm a better one.

01-06-2011, 09:42 AM
Well Simple for me to see who is the Better gamer , the better player the better realm, the better team, co-operation thats what playing MMO's are all about :smile:

Invasions in common do not make you better gamer, team, realm simply because they are possible only when other realms sleep. You invade at our sleep time too since most Syrtis and Alsius are Europeans. Usually time you do it is workday and it is 5 - 7AM for us. I really really doubt many people to sacrifice their sleep and jobs to guard an virtual realm in game.

So if you want to prove something do it in prime time when all realms have players. Then we will see who is better. :¬¬:

Main purpose of RO is fun, not who is better. Here is your mistake. Proving anything in a game is strange by default.

01-06-2011, 11:53 AM
back when i was playing ignis, i held that high morale about teamplay and stuff too :D useless to argue against. not sure why complaining about third realm interfering though, as you cannot take gem out of own gem holder or portal, and any enemie have to run from the gate invaders and third party included.

and yes, messing up invasion is the basic thing any realm can do to avoid leaving them as sole target for invading realm

01-06-2011, 01:04 PM
Oh oh the thread is taking a turn for the worst. Remember it just a game folks.

But the arguments just cement a few things in my mind. Invasions need to be :

1: More Dynamic > kill the timers.
2: More Tactical > Spread the war across the map instead of gate mashups. Every invasion should be able to have spoiler involvement from the time you take the forts to the very end. The spoiler would be the third realm.
3: Different reward system > kill the voting thing and portal. Holding gems alone confers benefits. Give each realm 1 additional gem.
4: Make it easier to invade and more interactive > invasions should be constructed to make it much more readily available and gives much more chance at player interaction. All realms interaction.

Right now invasions are too klunky. Capture this and wait. Then move there and wait. Rush enter or die. More waiting. Group and rush. Escape and most times you are clean through. Then anti-climax at end. Reset and go again. Invasions still has too much system involvement. To my mind I think the most the system should intervene is in the area of terrain (including structures). If NGD manages to hatch a solution that integrates that heavily, I would be impressed.

If invading was easier then the realm could keep the gems instead of resetting and hold their bonuses. These bonuses do not power you up in war but may reduce your realm specific weaknesses. Once it is easy enough the place will be in a constant state of war and flux instead of days and weeks of no invading because of apathy. Gem holding can be adjusted to making it safe once you cap it for several days.
NGD could do so much with invasions it boggles the mind. I do think they are holding their hand to drop the new structures before the go forward. I think this would be a wise move. We have no idea of the mechanic of the new battlements and how they will impact invasions.

If I really wanted to be radical I could say to give each realm 3 gems . 1 major and 2 minors. Come up with really big and nice Castle and forts and put gems in there. Drift the great wall back a little bit and make towns like Raeraia, Birka and Medenet gate towns. In effect these towns are the main gate. Kill invading the inner areas and let the wars rage outside endlessly. Each fort has 1 extra gem holder to accommodate the opponents gems. The castle gets 2(yes the idea is you cannot hold every gem. A choice must be made). Would that not be an interesting take? Gem capturing now takes place on 3 fronts instead of one. Actually the possibility exists that it could exist across 6 fronts.


01-06-2011, 02:40 PM
Oh oh the thread is taking a turn for the worst. Remember it just a game folks.

But the arguments just cement a few things in my mind. Invasions need to be :

1: More Dynamic > kill the timers.
2: More Tactical > Spread the war across the map instead of gate mashups. Every invasion should be able to have spoiler involvement from the time you take the forts to the very end. The spoiler would be the third realm.
3: Different reward system > kill the voting thing and portal. Holding gems alone confers benefits. Give each realm 1 additional gem.
4: Make it easier to invade and more interactive > invasions should be constructed to make it much more readily available and gives much more chance at player interaction. All realms interaction.

Right now invasions are too klunky. Capture this and wait. Then move there and wait. Rush enter or die. More waiting. Group and rush. Escape and most times you are clean through. Then anti-climax at end. Reset and go again. Invasions still has too much system involvement. To my mind I think the most the system should intervene is in the area of terrain (including structures). If NGD manages to hatch a solution that integrates that heavily, I would be impressed.

If invading was easier then the realm could keep the gems instead of resetting and hold their bonuses. These bonuses do not power you up in war but may reduce your realm specific weaknesses. Once it is easy enough the place will be in a constant state of war and flux instead of days and weeks of no invading because of apathy. Gem holding can be adjusted to making it safe once you cap it for several days.
NGD could do so much with invasions it boggles the mind. I do think they are holding their hand to drop the new structures before the go forward. I think this would be a wise move. We have no idea of the mechanic of the new battlements and how they will impact invasions.

If I really wanted to be radical I could say to give each realm 3 gems . 1 major and 2 minors. Come up with really big and nice Castle and forts and put gems in there. Drift the great wall back a little bit and make towns like Raeraia, Birka and Medenet gate towns. In effect these towns are the main gate. Kill invading the inner areas and let the wars rage outside endlessly. Each fort has 1 extra gem holder to accommodate the opponents gems. The castle gets 2(yes the idea is you cannot hold every gem. A choice must be made). Would that not be an interesting take? Gem capturing now takes place on 3 fronts instead of one. Actually the possibility exists that it could exist across 6 fronts.


I like your thinking this is why this thread was made we need as a gaming community to have ideas to change the invasion system and have NGD look at it and rethink it for gamers

01-06-2011, 02:51 PM
Invasions in common do not make you better gamer, team, realm simply because they are possible only when other realms sleep. You invade at our sleep time too since most Syrtis and Alsius are Europeans. Usually time you do it is workday and it is 5 - 7AM for us. I really really doubt many people to sacrifice their sleep and jobs to guard an virtual realm in game.

Well the times we invade is the time when we have the players. Time zones are not.... no excuses. We get North Americans South Americans Central Americans and Europeans at these times who want to invade and have fun. Shall we all stop because you're asleep?

If the numbers in sytris and alsuis are low at these times, then its the lack of players from that time zones playing in those realms, or they grind alts and don't care whatever the reason is NGD has invasion and they can happen anytime or planned

01-06-2011, 03:07 PM
I've got mixed feelings on this topic, and let's face it... this thread isn't about new mechanics, it's another thread bitching about syrtis and alsius "teaming up." Similar threads tend to spring up from every realm when things aren't going their way.

On the one hand, it would be unfair to restrict the third party from participating. It's their right to kill who they want to kill, and to be expected that they kill the invading realm; they want to get the gem for themselves, and to keep their enemies from opening the portal. This is fine, and is a good reason to allow all realms to fully participate no matter who endangered and broke the gate.

On the other hand I do hold issues with working together to the extent of Alsius taking the gem off of the holder, carrying it to, and holding it inside of a Syrtis city, all the while being escorted by their Syrtian "enemies." That is too much in my opinion. Unfortunately any way of forcing that particular behavior to stop would also remove any chances of the third realm stealing a gem for themselves, on the off chance they actually tried to.

01-06-2011, 03:12 PM
And for reasons stated above that is why I think my radical approach may be an option. No matter what time you are on or the army you have, you have a chance to maybe round up the few you have and make an assault on one fort and try to come away with a gem. Depending on the type of fort NGD makes , you can even weaken the fort and set it up for another assault later on.
You get a specific bonus for just pipping one . No need to get all. This will lead to mercenary and guerilla type warfare and more fort battles more open field interaction , more need for intel by hunter , more everything. Every fort battle becomes important in such a case.
The only downside I can see would be that war is relentless leading to tired players.


01-06-2011, 03:13 PM
Ban all multi-realmers and balance realms population, than you will have your fun in invasion, if you can really invade.

01-06-2011, 03:20 PM
Ban all multi-realmers and balance realms population, than you will have your fun in invasion, if you can really invade.

Easier said than done.

I think invasions in its present format encourages this kind of play. It might be interesting if they changed the mechanics so that multi-realmers become less relevant. Why would you steal a gem from yourself to hurt yourself when you return to the realm you just stole from? Balance may still be a problem but spreading the war changes the perception of any unbalance. This game needs the war spread on different fronts. The clumping of players on one front make the imbalance look more glaring.

01-06-2011, 03:34 PM
@bois if you can make your europeans to get up at night, then plan one in EU time and make americans participate. I doubt you will ever make this, because it will fail.

Lets face it if there is defenders you need really massive zerg to do something. Even then it can fail.

I know this because we tried to make invasions in peak times - some times it was success, but it was really lucky.

So all invasions are planned in dead times of other realms, not because there are more players, but because there is less resistance.

01-06-2011, 03:52 PM
@ieti , I was referring to this concept in my ramblings :

If I really wanted to be radical I could say to give each realm 3 gems . 1 major and 2 minors. Come up with really big and nice Castle and forts and put gems in there. Drift the great wall back a little bit and make towns like Raeraia, Birka and Medenet gate towns. In effect these towns are the main gate. Kill invading the inner areas and let the wars rage outside endlessly. Each fort has 1 extra gem holder to accommodate the opponents gems. The castle gets 2(yes the idea is you cannot hold every gem. A choice must be made). Would that not be an interesting take? Gem capturing now takes place on 3 fronts instead of one. Actually the possibility exists that it could exist across 6 fronts.


If you are referring to this in your response then I accept your argument.

01-06-2011, 04:09 PM
/me scratches head.

2009 called, and wants its thread back.

01-06-2011, 06:29 PM
If I really wanted to be radical I could say to give each realm 3 gems . 1 major and 2 minors. Come up with really big and nice Castle and forts and put gems in there. Drift the great wall back a little bit and make towns like Raeraia, Birka and Medenet gate towns. In effect these towns are the main gate. Kill invading the inner areas and let the wars rage outside endlessly. Each fort has 1 extra gem holder to accommodate the opponents gems. The castle gets 2(yes the idea is you cannot hold every gem. A choice must be made). Would that not be an interesting take? Gem capturing now takes place on 3 fronts instead of one. Actually the possibility exists that it could exist across 6 fronts.


This is very radical...but I like it. I wonder though, if this is something NGD could do without creating 1,000,000 other bugs.

01-06-2011, 07:05 PM
If I really wanted to be radical I could say to give each realm 3 gems . 1 major and 2 minors. Come up with really big and nice Castle and forts and put gems in there. Drift the great wall back a little bit and make towns like Raeraia, Birka and Medenet gate towns. In effect these towns are the main gate. Kill invading the inner areas and let the wars rage outside endlessly. Each fort has 1 extra gem holder to accommodate the opponents gems. The castle gets 2(yes the idea is you cannot hold every gem. A choice must be made). Would that not be an interesting take? Gem capturing now takes place on 3 fronts instead of one. Actually the possibility exists that it could exist across 6 fronts.


+1 I like the idea of having a 'frontier town' that serves as the gateway to the inner realm.
2 points tho:

What is the purpose of capturing the gems and taking them to your castle/fort? like the current wish system?

Second, I like 'invading the inner areas'. Part of the fun, for me at least, with invading is the running amuk in the enemy realm. Running and hiding from their hunters that want to evict me, and yes of course ganking the obligatory noobs that normally feel safe inside the wall. mmmmmmmmm fresh rps :)

I think that if the wish system were 'tweaked' a bit, it might be a good thing again.
Its become stale, same 7 options to pick from (minus the last wish).
+xp isn't much of an incentive for 30+ lvl 50's to gather and invade. We don't need the xp, so its more of a favor to the up and coming players. +gold is nice, but lets face it, we are all pretty tired of the grind, and that detracts from the high level players warring.

LMS is just something that could have been ok gone horribly wrong. It tears the realm apart and factions do more fighting with each other than with the enemy (at least in ignis). I'm curious, has syrtis every voted LMS? how did it affect your realm? Oh ya alsius, how about when you... DOH nvm :mf_hide:

Invasions are an object of the game, they just need help. More/better reward for the participants, something they can actually use could go a long way to motivating people.

01-06-2011, 07:10 PM
Oh ya alsius, how about when you... DOH nvm :mf_hide:

HEY!! We did open it, twice xD, and we voted +xp and - for iggies(great choise /sarcasm)

01-06-2011, 09:23 PM
What is the purpose of capturing the gems and taking them to your castle/fort? like the current wish system?

Second, I like 'invading the inner areas'. Part of the fun, for me at least, with invading is the running amuk in the enemy realm. Running and hiding from their hunters that want to evict me, and yes of course ganking the obligatory noobs that normally feel safe inside the wall. mmmmmmmmm fresh rps :)

Keep in mind this idea is radical and may have holes in it. The purpose of capturing the gems is that each one holds it own "bonus" whatever that is. While you have it you have the bonus.

Second I have no problem with people wishing to invade the inner areas. My idea is not intended as an absolute solution but rather just exploring possibilities. Current invasion can be tweaked. A fine example is tweaking or removal of timers as I mentioned before.

01-07-2011, 01:15 AM
This kind of things have been wrote in many and many post in the past.
I find the only boring things here is invade a realm when it got not enough to defend.
In syrtis in the months Oct/Nov/Dec we tried to show all how to make the game more fun...try to invade during the 15/16 gmt (so europe time) when the most of ppl were on from all realms.
Not happy of that,we organized 2 invasion at the 18/20 gmt.
All the invasions ended with a fail(just 1 gem token,and the 2 time we did it at 20 gmt no gems token).
Yeah some ppl in syrtis gone in depression state (not understanding the meaning of the invasion).
But a lot of us had fun,and our enemys had fun too on defending.
We took no gems,but we broke the gates all the times and we had some fantastic 3 way wars,and epic battles at gate .
Do you want to have fun at the invasion?
Change the invasion time and make them more challenge for your realm.This is the only fun that the invasion can give.Then not matter if some asshole stole you a gem,especially if is done in that multirealm coward way...a double moral victory only for you!
Don't cry for multirealmers,report them if you know their identity.
They ever been on RO and they will ever stay here.

01-08-2011, 06:14 PM
I do feel that invasions need changing. Way back when they first started, they were very near perfect. I had some of the best times back then. As the game got older, however it started to become very one-sided and time-based. I wish this to not be the case. I do NOT think the 3rd realm is a nuisance, I actually like the challenge. It makes victory much sweeter. Then you can walk into your realm with the pride of defeating both realms at the same time (assuming you only invaded once of course) I like thinking we are so BA that we "slapped" both realms at once. I mean that why we all like 3-way battles right? So we can kind of play "king of the mountain"? That's what I find so fun about this game, you can predict what may happen, but also in the back of your mind you know they will be predicting what you will do, so you must act accordingly. I like the fact the 3rd realm can throw the monkey wrench.

If it really was so simple that all we had to fight was one realm, we would get in every single time. It would get very boring, we would lose the will to invade anyway.

However, I did say I wish they were different. Times have changed you see, the times of brute force, I believe, are at an end. The strength of a fighting force cant be judged by door-bashing.

I have always agreed with Bois, he has a very sound and logic mind. I do beleive he has something with this new invasion system, while it may have holes and such , I'm sure the NGD team could find fillers.

While I am all for Bois' Plan. I do believe I have my own.

Keeping the same system as before, the forts and castle are taken. I do believe a timer should be held, maybe the same 30 min timer as we have now. Don't decrease the timer with more then one fort. Then once the timer runs out. The realm door comes down, no door bashing. Then we can give timers to the individual cities which hold the gems. Here is how the timers will work

Initial Timer: 30 min. The city will have a small "town guard(AI guards)" defense and home realm players will be able to position themselves inside the city so they can add further protection. ( Think of how this will look now, Archer classes will be able to use height to there advantage, warrior classes will get the up close and personal fight inside a city, the mage classes will be able to use more tactics to either heal, or weaken the opposing force. ) I just think its why we like "open-door fort-fights". The closeness of the area and all, that's just me though.

Second Timer: 45 min. The city gets "reinforcements" maybe more guards and such... IDK....

Third Timer: 1 hour. The city gets GCs and the city becomes damn near impossible to invade and get the gem.

Now with this setup... it should be really, really hard to make it out with all the gems. May only have time for 2, but there will be 4 gems to take. We will then have to decide which ones we need and then set ourselves up for the next invasion.

Granted... it will be much much harder for us, as players, to do. Having to fight our way through the entrance, get to the city, fight in the city and then run out... Yes the casualties will be bad when we get to that point, but my solution is this:

Make a Xim product that can resurrect yourself, and/or make the mass resurrect spell have a 85% chance with a 1000 hp heal.
This way... it'll make NGD some more money, and...well lets face it...it'll make conjurers happy :D

Holes? you betcha... but then again... its something I dreamt last night when I was asleep...

01-08-2011, 08:00 PM
Make a Xim product that can resurrect yourself, and/or make the mass resurrect spell have a 85% chance with a 1000 hp heal.
This way... it'll make NGD some more money, and...well lets face it...it'll make conjurers happy :D

That will make conjus happy in no way......

It just will make premium players happy. Res for xim no TY!

01-08-2011, 09:06 PM
I agree with Ieti that is a bad idea, but i think it would be lovely to fight inside the city's.
Yes invasions at Prime time will be impossible but most realms dont even try that atm, and it will give the defender a better position to hold the gems.
But imo the gate should stay, not because its tactical but because it gives a good feeling to know that you are stronger then the other side. Thats the reason why i didnt mind that syrtis didnt get the gems the times we invaded in 2010 oktober-november.

There have to be some more thinking to be done about it but it would be nice if city's are going to be more important at invasions.

01-09-2011, 03:03 AM
I stopped reading the thread, but I just wanted to say I LOL'd at "hard work."

01-09-2011, 04:56 PM
That will make conjus happy in no way......

It just will make premium players happy. Res for xim no TY!

I did not mean for the rezz for xim to be apart of that statement. I meant for the mass resurrect to be

01-09-2011, 07:10 PM
AKM still it will be unfair for players. All players have to be on common places. Premium stuff should not have big impact to game.

01-09-2011, 07:22 PM
I did not mean for the rezz for xim to be apart of that statement. I meant for the mass resurrect to be

LMAO retard think what i ever heard....soon cast spring/mobility will cost 50 xime /cast....

01-09-2011, 08:46 PM
AKM still it will be unfair for players. All players have to be on common places. Premium stuff should not have big impact to game.

Yes. And with how NGD has premium items, this will, fortunately, never happen. It's not a good suggestion.

01-10-2011, 12:53 AM
As for the last sytris invasion i remember was New years eve when 5 ignis or so on so yea :clapping5365: :clapping5365: good job sytris (sarcasm)

Hmm...what does that say about invasions then? It really is hard work to take down a gate and grab 2 gems when you have 5 ppl defending isn't it?
You're kinda contradicting yourself here...

01-10-2011, 02:47 AM
Originally Posted by TheOre
As for the last sytris invasion i remember was New years eve when 5 ignis or so on so yea good job sytris (sarcasm)Hmm...what does that say about invasions then? It really is hard work to take down a gate and grab 2 gems when you have 5 ppl defending isn't it?
You're kinda contradicting yourself here...

I believe what we have here is a triumph of the subjective.

Through the eyes of one Ig:
When Syrtis invades with a zerg vs. only a handful of Ignis defending, it's not hard work at all for Syrtis to do that.
When Ignis invades with a zerg vs. only a handful of Syrtis/Alsius defending, it's really hard work for Ignis to do that!

So, subjectively what we have here are two possibilities:

1. A double standard where invasions are only worthy of praise when Ignis accomplishes them.

2. TheOre is indirectly inferring that somehow Ignis sucks and that even with a zerg vs. a handful of players it's real hard work to overcome that small group of half-dozen.

The only 2 times Alsius invaded and opened the portal successfully, I think we failed the first time, every time, we got on the realm gate (meaning we had to re-assemble, and try again) before we broke it, got in, broke through the chaos, grabbed the gems, and ran interference for the gem-runners.

But yeah, zerg vs. handful = weak-sauce.

01-10-2011, 03:14 AM
I believe what we have here is a triumph of the subjective.

Through the eyes of one Ig:
When Syrtis invades with a zerg vs. only a handful of Ignis defending, it's not hard work at all for Syrtis to do that.
When Ignis invades with a zerg vs. only a handful of Syrtis/Alsius defending, it's really hard work for Ignis to do that!

So, subjectively what we have here are two possibilities:

1. A double standard where invasions are only worthy of praise when Ignis accomplishes them.

2. TheOre is indirectly inferring that somehow Ignis sucks and that even with a zerg vs. a handful of players it's real hard work to overcome that small group of half-dozen.

The only 2 times Alsius invaded and opened the portal successfully, I think we failed the first time, every time, we got on the realm gate (meaning we had to re-assemble, and try again) before we broke it, got in, broke through the chaos, grabbed the gems, and ran interference for the gem-runners.

But yeah, zerg vs. handful = weak-sauce.

In all honesty though, even while we do intentionally invade during off-hours, our invasions are still a lot of work, and we do fail more often than we succeed. If I had to guess I'd say we have a 25% success rate (counting 1 gem gained as a success). This is rather different than the 4 (5?) invasions on new years, where the gate fell in like 1 minute all four times, without losing a single player. Just sayin'.

01-10-2011, 03:14 AM
AKM still it will be unfair for players. All players have to be on common places. Premium stuff should not have big impact to game.

*facepalm* Of course its unfair. And I do agree that it would be stupid... The way it was said wasn't right... I meant as it to be an "obviously stupid idea" vs. "a better idea" so it would make more sense to take the second option, but forget it...I have given up on this thread

01-10-2011, 03:49 AM
In all honesty though, even while we do intentionally invade during off-hours, our invasions are still a lot of work, and we do fail more often than we succeed. If I had to guess I'd say we have a 25% success rate (counting 1 gem gained as a success). This is rather different than the 4 (5?) invasions on new years, where the gate fell in like 1 minute all four times, without losing a single player. Just sayin'.

I agree. But there are periods, worthy of mention, in the past month or so where I recall both Ignis and Syrtis swarming a gate with VERY few defenders.

(in some cases even when the defending realm had no gems but the invaders were simply invading to raid the low-level grinders in the inner realm or take inner-realm tours or whatever).

So I don't presume to think that all the hard work to be about gems, when after-all invasions still happen to gem-less realms. In some cases it seems rather ad-hoc and impromptu, so I would disregard those invasions as having any hard-work but rather just timing.

I guess some people just like the fun of the war and the chaos of the unexpected, which is what the 3 realms is all about in the first place.

Always interesting to have a wild-card thrown in to keep things interesting.

01-10-2011, 09:54 AM
I am Not sure If i am the first to suggest this but We need a change in the system of Invasions. This is what needs to be changed. The Invading Realm and Defending Realm are the only realms allowed to touch the gems in the Inner realms and War Zone. the Third should not be allowed to pick up gem at all. reasons simple Multirealmers who Log off Near the gem Stand and pick up gem and run it into a city or Drown it, We in Ignis and i am sure in other two realms are sick and tried of a few multirealmers spoiling the hard work that Invasions are worth. Also the 3rd realm should not be allowed to attack the invading realm and defending realms at all. suggest only after the 2 gates have been broken something Like immunity for the defending and invading realms.

Peace Out

Do you think like this, when an Ignis tried to hide the gem away while we are invading against Alsius? (See the picute bellow!)


01-10-2011, 07:48 PM
I picked up that gem. The gem was at the edge a centimeter to the right and he would have fell in the water (if that's possible), was hard to manouvre trough all those guards....:eek24:

01-12-2011, 01:51 PM
I know I followed you with the gem.
It was an ugly unfair behaviour by that Ignis hunter.

01-12-2011, 07:13 PM
It wasn't, it was a fully clean and smart move to stop you from getting all 6 gems, which you should try to prevent the other realms from getting right? And since the gems are visible on the map it isn't really possible to just hide it anywhere either is it? >.<

01-13-2011, 04:47 AM
I picked up that gem. The gem was at the edge a centimeter to the right and he would have fell in the water (if that's possible), was hard to manouvre trough all those guards....:eek24:

The Gem was carried by someone I know and was on mumble he was never going to drown the gem... as a whole point of this thread was to start talking about new system and about other realms stealing gems and running away.. now sytris and alsuis see what i am talking about. how did it feel that your gem that you worked for be taking off by 1 i repeat 1 hunter.. not cool is it

01-13-2011, 04:50 AM
I know I followed you with the gem.
It was an ugly unfair behaviour by that Ignis hunter.

look to my post of tjanex now you know how it feels......

01-13-2011, 04:54 AM
Do you think like this, when an Ignis tried to hide the gem away while we are invading against Alsius? (See the picute bellow!)


ofc I dont Like gem thief's thats why i started the thread.. what happened was tit for tat, eye for eye on that gem.. someone from your realm stole a gem we worked for. someone stole a gem from your hard work. so again we need a invasion system change . whatever it may be, let it be fair and balanced.

Thank you

01-13-2011, 07:51 AM
ofc I dont Like gem thief's thats why i started the thread.. what happened was tit for tat, eye for eye on that gem.. someone from your realm stole a gem we worked for. someone stole a gem from your hard work. so again we need a invasion system change . whatever it may be, let it be fair and balanced.

Thank you


All knows your overpopulated but poor in brain Ignis zerg uses any atctions to sabotage any realm's invasion.
Your original ask is a sweet dream, but you must to know: you chaet as you will be able to do it. (Hidining gems in water, and the last new magna and speedhack cheats,)
Come back for askes when your realm will be clear.

01-13-2011, 07:57 AM

All knows your overpopulated but poor in brain Ignis zerg uses any atctions to sabotage any realm's invasion.
Your original ask is a sweet dream, but you must to know: you chaet as you will be able to do it. (Hidining gems in water, and the last new magna and speedhack cheats,)
Come back for askes when your realm will be clear.

Please do not judge the whole realm on a few people's actions. It is not true for everyone.
I know that you are upset that you were not able to catch and take a gem from ONE hunter, but that doesn't mean Ignis is full of cheaters.

01-13-2011, 10:07 AM
Please do not judge the whole realm on a few people's actions. It is not true for everyone.
I know that you are upset that you were not able to catch and take a gem from ONE hunter, but that doesn't mean Ignis is full of cheaters.

Another bad thing in the game caused by multirealmers.

01-13-2011, 08:20 PM
Another bad thing in the game caused by multirealmers.

Ive been trying to stay away from commenting in the forums but you are pissing me off.

Where are your facts that this all cause by multirealmers? How about we just blame multirealmers for everything that is wrong with this game? Even though in reality most of the problems in this game have next to nothing to do with multirealmers.

How about you stop talking out your ass. You spend too much time on these forums. You should be in the game learning how to play marks. You are terrible.

And no, multirealmers are not the reason you are a terrible marks/player.

Stfu and gtfo.

01-14-2011, 03:20 PM
This thread has derailed into each side attacking each other with insults.