View Full Version : Westcoast play times: Horus or English on Ra?

01-24-2011, 11:30 PM
I'm taking a break from Warhammer Online and want to give this game a shot. I'm an old DAOC player so Regnum has my attention ever since I found it the other day.

I can deal with the spanish server Ra if there's english speakers for me to play with. I want to play an underdog realm, i.e. not tree hugger.

I'm a bit worried Horus will be slow at night during west coast times, can anyone comment on this? If there's small scale RvR that's fine, as long as it's not dead if like 1 clan isn't on.


01-24-2011, 11:52 PM
If you're stuck between servers, you can always start a character on both and see which time-zones suit your liking.

As far as I know there are English clans in each realm on Ra, so you should be ok if you choose to play there.

Horus is pretty dead at late night on weekdays (~1am ish) or at least when I'm on at those times. Save for night invasions of course ^^. On weekends though the war is plenty.

If you want to join the Underdog realm, Horus Alsius is your choice, bud. :)

Welcome to Regnum, enjoy your stay ^^
If you want more info you can check out the wiki at http://regnum.wikia.com/wiki/Regnum_Online_Wiki.


(psst, join Horus Alsius. :eguitar:)

01-25-2011, 12:08 AM
On horus, Ignis is most active during your time zone, and very similar in population to alsius.

01-25-2011, 12:14 AM
muchas gracias!

That's a joke. Thanks!

01-25-2011, 07:39 AM
I'm taking a break from Warhammer Online and want to give this game a shot. I'm an old DAOC player so Regnum has my attention ever since I found it the other day.

I can deal with the spanish server Ra if there's english speakers for me to play with. I want to play an underdog realm, i.e. not tree hugger.

I'm a bit worried Horus will be slow at night during west coast times, can anyone comment on this? If there's small scale RvR that's fine, as long as it's not dead if like 1 clan isn't on.


join ignis ra
I will add you to my guild and show you the ropes (power level)

01-25-2011, 08:40 AM
Ignis has many active West Coast players from the states. In Syrtis we have a lot of Europeans, but generally more Eastern European players. Alsius is generally more spread out, but only peaks around late East Coast time/Early Central European time imo.

Don't waste your time with Ra. The only English players remaining there are the high horse elitists. Horus is perfectly fine, and arguably more enjoyable/playable for things like invasions and fort wars.

Don't take my word for it though, log in here and there and find whatever suits you.

01-25-2011, 03:13 PM
Don't waste your time with Ra. The only English players remaining there are the high horse elitists.

I play RA (and horus) and I am NOT elitist. Nor is anyone in the clan I am in.

If you want to join the Underdog realm, Horus Alsius is your choice, bud. :)

ummm....NOT!!!! horus Ignis is the underdog. The other realms have finally realized that 1 ignis > 2 of them...... Join IGNIS, we'll make you a badazz too!!:thumb:

01-25-2011, 03:31 PM
Don't waste your time with Ra. The only English players remaining there are the high horse elitists. Horus is perfectly fine, and arguably more enjoyable/playable for things like invasions and fort wars.

Don't take my word for it though, log in here and there and find whatever suits you.
I think you are generalizing too much.
You might think I am a high horse elitist (although I do play on Horus too), but what about those people that never set their foot in these forums, who you don't know and who plays on Ra because they prefer it?
And what about those who plays on both Ra and Horus?

If I were to give the op a non-biased view on the both servers, it would be the following:



A lot of well-organized fights
Nice community
Easy to grind
Easy to make yourself a name and gain good items


Not much spontaneous action



Much more spontaneous instant-action
Nice community


Spanish is the official language
Hard to grind

For me, the availability of spontaneous and instant action is worth more than anything else.
That's why I am personally stuck on Ra.

I cannot speak for the timezones, but most members of Valhalla are online in the evenings, European timezone.
I don't know what time this is where you live.

Good luck whatever choice you make, and you are always welcome to chat me if you decide to come to Ra/Alsius :)

01-25-2011, 03:55 PM
Syrtis / RA

We have some nice clans on this side, speaking a mixture of English, German, French and Spanish :) DoL, FWS, TIL, NBK, Syr-t...

I have not much to add to Znurres comments. "On Horus you are a king, on Ra you are never alone."

01-25-2011, 03:57 PM
ummm....NOT!!!! horus Ignis is the underdog. The other realms have finally realized that 1 ignis > 2 of them...... Join IGNIS, we'll make you a badazz too!!:thumb:

Maybe the small organize group of old players in ignis can say 1gnis>2 of other realms. This most ignis players that i see playing now a days plays as much as syrtians so, 1 alsian>2 of them.

01-25-2011, 04:29 PM
ummm....NOT!!!! horus Ignis is the underdog. The other realms have finally realized that 1 ignis > 2 of them...... Join IGNIS, we'll make you a badazz too!!:thumb:

Excuse me, are you sure of what you're saying? And why did I played about a week or two with malus cause Ignis did invade Alsius and Syrtis and get all the gems? and why everytime I login I find that Ignis has captured a fort or the castle in Alsius wz? Alsius has few people, most of the time we're safe from invasion perhaps thanks to people having two accounts in two different reigns..

01-25-2011, 04:41 PM
I am NOT elitist.

The other realms have finally realized that 1 ignis > 2 of them...... Join IGNIS, we'll make you a badazz too!!:thumb:


01-25-2011, 07:00 PM
ummm....NOT!!!! horus Ignis is the underdog. The other realms have finally realized that 1 ignis > 2 of them...... Join IGNIS, we'll make you a badazz too!!:thumb:

hahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahah :drums:

01-25-2011, 07:13 PM

+1 for being the first to catch it :hat:

01-26-2011, 03:40 AM
Heya Mez, good to see another player with DAoC at their roots. I'm also in Alsius, and we're usually around in good numbers until around 10pm or 11pm Central time or so. (11pm EST) We start teetering off after around midnight I think. At least in my experience. Of course it doesn't help that sometimes I'm up til 2am or so :P

Anyway, if you like snow, smelly goats, and teams that arguably work well together, go Alsius.

If you like sunburn, go Ignis, and if you like trees, go Syrtis, but look out for these things!


01-26-2011, 03:41 PM
Take a look here


if you look at the stats for each realm...shows rough activity...if you wanna play the underdog realm for your timezone...it shld give you a rough idea.

01-26-2011, 04:03 PM
Take a look here


if you look at the stats for each realm...shows rough activity...if you wanna play the underdog realm for your timezone...it shld give you a rough idea.

It should be noted that the timeline stats can be misleading though, more fort captures does not always mean more activity or more people online. One realm may capture a "secondary" fort several times in one night, but only hold it for 5 minutes each time. Another may capture no forts at all, but be repeatedly attacking a leveled/camped main fort just to find a fight.

01-26-2011, 07:30 PM
at night during west coast times the population on Horus is pretty low and not so much fun to play than 5-10 hours earlier. If you want to help with timezone balance it's quite obvious which realm you shouldn't join, but on the other hand it's not much fun to play during times when the rest of the realm is mostly empty.

01-28-2011, 12:58 PM
To the OP, don't listen to DemonMongoloid - only thing he can teach you is bug abuse.

01-31-2011, 07:47 PM
I'm taking a break from Warhammer Online and want to give this game a shot. I'm an old DAOC player so Regnum has my attention ever since I found it the other day.

I can deal with the spanish server Ra if there's english speakers for me to play with. I want to play an underdog realm, i.e. not tree hugger.

I'm a bit worried Horus will be slow at night during west coast times, can anyone comment on this? If there's small scale RvR that's fine, as long as it's not dead if like 1 clan isn't on.


Welcom to Regnum mezira! As you can see there´s is a lot of clans to pick in both servers. And if one of this guys give you a hard time let me know so I can ban them to hell! He he, just kidding. Have fun.

01-31-2011, 08:01 PM
Welcom to Regnum mezira! As you can see there´s is a lot of clans to pick in both servers. And if one of this guys give you a hard time let me know so I can ban them to hell! He he, just kidding. Have fun.

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQGc649Ic49VMOu9e5VAPl5ghAXg1FZz X7ZR_Qv2PX8rS-awzeu&t=1

02-03-2011, 09:04 AM
join ignis ra
I will add you to my guild and show you the ropes (power level)

Join my clan at least there are people in it who are active.

Try out both servers would be my advice mezira.

02-08-2011, 08:31 PM
I am on the west coast and in the evening I think I'm the only English speaker in Alsius Ra.