View Full Version : Ask NGD - Reply Week 4

02-09-2011, 08:25 PM

The replies to the community questions (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=72089) of the week are:

What was the reason behind removing shield drops with bonuses? (English Forum)

A Balance reason. Knights would have an extra slot to increase their main
stats if we didn't remove them.

Any chance for a larger spellbar in the near future? (English Forum)

Definitively yes. We plan to go for a fully customizable model.
Hopefully we will start working on the GUI soon.

Do you have new Dragon wishes in mind? (Spanish Forum)

Indeed. Our intentions were to add two new wishes per year but we didn´t make it. However, we´ll be implementing two new wishes soon. And we might gather the community to request feedback on new wishes ideas.

Do you have Dungeons with new monsters planned? (Spanish Forum)

Regnum´s engine has been developed with exteriors in mind. In order to do interesting dungeons we´d have to make a serious effort towards the technology (to be able to draw entire rooms without clogging the video board) and the tools required to create the dungeons themselves.
For now, we think that our resources are better spent on the RvR aspect of the Regnum, which where most of the fun is at.

Also, in Ask NGD (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=72085) - Archive you can find all the answered questions from past weeks.