View Full Version : question about arrow in mastergrinder update

03-02-2011, 10:21 PM
Will be possible to buy arrows lvl 50+ by merchant or they are mented only to be dropped?
Remember arrows effect the dmg......especially with new kind of armour protection options(soket) arrow are useful.
Do you intend to put them "one day" in game?
Or you done it for a precise cause?So will be impossible to have arrows in game exept if you drop them?

03-02-2011, 11:07 PM
There are already arrows for lvl 50+ at main markets in wz. The problem with them is that highest lvl of slashing arrows is lvl 53. The rest are piercing -.- Hope NGD will add some different types of arrows.

03-02-2011, 11:10 PM
mmmh then can some one in syrtis tell me where i can found that arrows? i gone around for all merchants...or woodworker...i still have not found arrows

Ok i founded arrows... -.-''
Ty for reply^^