View Full Version : This immunity thing has to stop...

03-26-2011, 05:56 AM
I don't think I have to say much about this, its killing the action on horus, its been ignis vs syrtis for a week and its getting old.
I know the point is to cause more offense but i dnt think it works in practice, the temptation to grind might be too big.
Bring back old invasion system please.


03-26-2011, 08:47 AM
I prefer if they'd leave the forts alone and make the realm gate immune. That way, the realm could still concentrate on being offensive(rofl Alsius and being offensive) and still fight for their forts when enemies invade their area. <-- This has always been part of the game's fun, defending your realm increases motivation and Alsius lacks a lot of that.

Right now, because they're immune, they think there's no purpose to fight anymore http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showpost.php?p=1300218&postcount=9&highlight=+If+it+is+currently+as+worse+as+you+are+ saying+just+don't+feed+them+rp's.+So+log+off+or+go +to+inner+realm+or+is+it+still+fun?+We+don't+even+ have+gems+so+why+should+we+Alsians+appear+in+warzo ne+now+?
Which makes our quests harder to finish if we don't camp their market.

03-26-2011, 11:13 AM
Logged on for a few hours once this week. Ignis were camping the road between Aggers save and fort, Syrtis camping Aggers market area. That was the case for the whole session I was online, good luck seeing any offensive with that happening all the live long day. After clearing Syrtis and Ignis we started towards Herbred (had to kill a smaller Syrtis group who were heading back to Agg market on the way), alas Ignis were back camping Agg road/save before we got there.

I don't recall seeing any Syrtis-Ignis war at all while I was online unless the two camping groups bumped into each other while chasing some Alsirian.

03-26-2011, 12:37 PM
I feel so sorry for you that your actually getting a challenging fight.

[/end sarcasm]

03-26-2011, 02:00 PM
Last few days has been a total camp on Alsius. Usually we have Ignis camping Orc Camp, Syrtis camping Imperia Beach or Market. At one point we've had both reds and greens in our save with 30+ people, killing the save guard and just standing there killing anyone who spawns for their quest. I don't know what you guys think actually happens in Alsius - but let me tell you, you do not see even half of it if you think we have any chance to make some offensive. We tried to make an offensive at last ten times yesterday (including successfully capturing Menirah once and Herbred once), but we usually get curbstomped at bridges when the market/OC groups come back across them, so our offensive tends to end there.

Will Syrtis and Ignis ever stop acting like Alsius can actually do something? I mean, I see post after post on these forums about you saying we're grinding, telling us to get more motivation, more coordination, but all it actually shows is your own stupidity and ignorance. We don't have any more grinders or non-motivated people than any other realm, it's roughly the same percentages all around, but the problem is, if we have 5 stupid people, and you have 5 stupid people, we have 5 smart people, and you have 15 smart people, which generally results in us losing. So even if you remove the invulnerability right now, it will just be people logging off from an Aggersborg farm, while our enemies continue to live in ignorance, and care only about their quests, until Alsius is completely destroyed. Already entire clans have moved to games such as [censored], and that other new MMORPG coming out (I forget the name).
(Edited out names as it could actually get me banned from what I understand.)

The game has become completely about Ignis and Syrtis fighting each other 40m from our save, a Hunter tracked 60 ppl there yesterday. And on top of this, our enemies actually have the balls to keep whining about how much we "own" them when we finally get a force after an hour of dying. So yes, please remove invulnerability, but don't think for a second that it will change anything. The majority of Alsius sits facepalming eternally.

[/whine] ;)

03-26-2011, 02:29 PM

It's all about capturable forts. We couldn't capture aggy yesterday and if we'd camp OC u won't come. So we had to farm at save. So i agree with glu and others neutral forts should gone or replaced on neutral wall.
P. S. sorry for bad English.

03-26-2011, 03:33 PM
I have a better solution to all of Alsius' problems. I play on Alsius Horus and am tired of what has been happening.

Dear NGD, please DELETE Alsius from the Horus server and spread the population between Syrtis and Ignis. We Alsirian's have had it.

03-26-2011, 03:46 PM
.... I mean, I see post after post on these forums about you saying we're grinding, telling us to get more motivation, more coordination but all it actually shows is your own stupidity and ignorance. We don't have any more grinders or non-motivated people than any other realm, it's roughly the same percentages all around, but the problem is, if we have 5 stupid people, and you have 5 stupid people, we have 5 smart people, and you have 15 smart people, which generally results in us losing. So even if you remove the invulnerability right now, it will just be people logging off from an Aggersborg farm, while our enemies continue to live in ignorance, and care only about their quests, until Alsius is completely destroyed. Already entire clans have moved to games such as [censored], and that other new MMORPG coming out (I forget the name).
(Edited out names as it could actually get me banned from what I understand.)

The game has become completely about Ignis and Syrtis fighting each other 40m from our save, a Hunter tracked 60 ppl there yesterday. And on top of this, our enemies actually have the balls to keep whining about how much we "own" them when we finally get a force after an hour of dying. So yes, please remove invulnerability, but don't think for a second that it will change anything. The majority of Alsius sits facepalming eternally.

[/whine] ;)

Kitsunie, I am Syrtian (or better I was because I quit playing recently) but I agree completely with you. If you look at those posts telling you to fight instead of grinding you will see they mostly come from the same idiotic persons. The same morons (thank God is a minority) that keep posting threads telling how much they "own". The rest of the community knows the problems Alsius have. Imo ROL has become a stupid game since last "update". NGD is the only one who can do something about it. The only thing we can do is to quit or to keep on playing.

03-26-2011, 03:53 PM
I have a better solution to all of Alsius' problems. I play on Alsius Horus and am tired of what has been happening.

Dear NGD, please DELETE Alsius from the Horus server and spread the population between Syrtis and Ignis. We Alsirian's have had it.

Then NGD should just remove Regnum from world as soon as it will ... without Aisus.

03-26-2011, 03:56 PM
Kitsunie, I am Syrtian (or better I was because I quit playing recently) but I agree completely with you. If you look at those posts telling you to fight instead of grinding you will see they mostly come from the same idiotic persons. The same morons (thank God is a minority) that keep posting threads telling how much they "own". The rest of the community knows the problems Alsius have. Imo ROL has become a stupid game since last "update". NGD is the only one who can do something about it. The only thing we can do is to quit or to keep on playing.

seems the other way around to me, if alsius doesnt have the numbers explain how they manage to kick the ignis zerg and syrtis zerg out of the market? they eventually outnumbers us and kick us out, so they do have the numbers they just dont put forth the effort, so its idiotic to think otherwise.

I'm also tired of alsius moping around and complaining about numbers, when you dont even try what requires very little numbers. When we put syrtis gates in danger alsius does nothing. You would think that some of you would run up to the gate, break it, run in to the main city and kill the leader for your quests. This is not helping ignis in anyway, just yourself and getting your quest done, but i guess sitting afk in aggers save is better. Don't say this isn't possible, ultimate did it alone, so i think its time for alsius to rly take hard look at themselves, there are ways they can participate in this game even if they aren't a huge force. If you say bs im just an idiot who thinks im pr0, ignis was in this spot before, being camped by syrtis for 2 hours and htne being camped by alsius for 2 hours at meni. Being set in danger by both realms constantly ( alsius in meni, syrtis in samal and shaan), but we always fought and when we had low numbers we would run up to the forts where you two were fighting and see if we could kill some. Sure we would complain on the forums, but we never showed the attitude of alsius of just giving up, so any argument about low population you have is utter bullshit.


03-26-2011, 04:02 PM
Then NGD should just remove Regnum from world as soon as it will ... without Aisus.

Hmm why? Oh, you'd miss your favourite punching bags then, wouldn't ya?

03-26-2011, 04:05 PM
seems the other way around to me, if alsius doesnt have the numbers explain how they manage to kick the ignis zerg and syrtis zerg out of the market? they eventually outnumbers us and kick us out, so they do have the numbers they just dont put forth the effort, so its idiotic to think otherwise.

Do you even realize the number of deaths and runs from altars we have to go through to get that done? Easy to say you are outnumbered when we kill your one player at the loss of our one player for five times.

03-26-2011, 04:11 PM
seems the other way around to me, if alsius doesnt have the numbers explain how they manage to kick the ignis zerg and syrtis zerg out of the market? they eventually outnumbers us and kick us out, so they do have the numbers they just dont put forth the effort, so its idiotic to think otherwise.


Our spawn is 100m away from the fight. Come on, you're smarter than this.

03-26-2011, 04:15 PM
[OFFTOP] i done aisus part of quest but if we'll have constant samal->herb->samal most just stop playing xD [OFFTOP]

03-26-2011, 04:18 PM
Many Alsius seem to think that your low morale and population is a result of having no gems, since this causes your save and grinding spots to be camped all day. If this is the case, why don't you try to get your gems back? There's ample opportunity every single night for you to grab a Syrtian fort, put their gates in danger, and then compete with Ignis to get a gem out. Instead you afk in aggs, grind, get bored and log off, help Syrtis recapture their forts, or camp PB. It's fine if that's what you find to be the most fun, but it only perpetuates your gemless state.

03-26-2011, 04:40 PM
Many Alsius seem to think that your low morale and population is a result of having no gems, since this causes your save and grinding spots to be camped all day. If this is the case, why don't you try to get your gems back?

Imposible that.
I already made ​​this suggestion and many alsirians tried to take my neck.See more of my threads from the inn.

Dear NGD, please DELETE Alsius from the Horus server and spread the population between Syrtis and Ignis. We Alsirian's have had it.

Alrady made this suggestion and NGD refuse this....maybe they think or not(?). :)

03-26-2011, 04:40 PM
The only accomplishment of the new invasion system is to force other realms to camp the gemless realm's save to complete quests. Or run around ganking grinders.

The fort immunity is a total fail.

Many Alsius seem to think that your low morale and population is a result of having no gems, since this causes your save and grinding spots to be camped all day. If this is the case, why don't you try to get your gems back? There's ample opportunity every single night for you to grab a Syrtian fort, put their gates in danger, and then compete with Ignis to get a gem out. Instead you afk in aggs, grind, get bored and log off, help Syrtis recapture their forts, or camp PB. It's fine if that's what you find to be the most fun, but it only perpetuates your gemless state.

Now they can also sneak in and kill the general.

03-26-2011, 04:41 PM
Our spawn is 100m away from the fight. Come on, you're smarter than this.

yes, yes this is true, but often times you guys manage to get more than us and im not talking about when we camp it with 20 ppl, but with 10. As I recall though, once when we were camping it with around 20, a group of alsius went around and hit us from behind while the front force rushed us. We outnumbered you, but you killed us, tactics like these can win fights when outnumbered, you did it at least once (from what i know), why give up?

either way the point of this thread is not so much alsius bad population, its how horrible of an idea this immunity/invasion system is, as horus is a testament of this.


03-26-2011, 04:44 PM
yes, yes this is true, but often times you guys manage to get more than us and im not talking about when we camp it with 20 ppl, but with 10. As I recall though, once when we were camping it with around 20, a group of alsius went around and hit us from behind while the front force rushed us. We outnumbered you, but you killed us, tactics like these can win fights when outnumbered, you did it at least once (from what i know), why give up?

either way the point of this thread is not so much alsius bad population, its how horrible of an idea this immunity/invasion system is, as horus is a testament of this.


Funnily enough (from my limited experience there) the times we came from behind the camping group we were heading out to take a fort, only to hear Ignis or Syrtis were already back near our save so we turned around.

I don't think I've heard a single positive word towards the fort immunity.

03-26-2011, 04:49 PM
If you are so goddamn awesome invade Syrtis and get Aggers farm back.

03-26-2011, 04:59 PM
If you are so goddamn awesome invade Syrtis and get Aggers farm back.
this is lol and fail, does not deserve a good response.
again this simple minded person did not understand that this isnt about ignis being awesome, I never even said that lol. The problem to be discussed here is How bad and illogical this new invasion system is, it is fail in all forms and I really think it should be changed.
Even the old broken invasion system was better.


03-26-2011, 05:05 PM
this is lol and fail, does not deserve a good response.
again this simple minded person did not understand that this isnt about ignis being awesome, I never even said that lol. The problem to be discussed here is How bad and illogical this new invasion system is, it is fail in all forms and I really think it should be changed.
Even the old broken invasion system was better.



Please fix this system.

03-26-2011, 05:16 PM
WTF!? Why each topic goes to aisus' complaining about us and underpopulation!?

03-26-2011, 05:24 PM
WTF!? Why each topic goes to aisus' complaining about us and underpopulation!?
Because opposed to ignis, alsius has zero insight in their numbers and is affected heavily by mass hallucinations :/

03-26-2011, 05:27 PM
this is lol and fail, does not deserve a good response.
again this simple minded person did not understand that this isnt about ignis being awesome, I never even said that lol. The problem to be discussed here is How bad and illogical this new invasion system is, it is fail in all forms and I really think it should be changed.
Even the old broken invasion system was better.


What i pointed out is that some of you rather cry about not having your farm and our our attitude problems, than actually do something about it.

As for the invasion mechanics there is already is a thread and a quite clear statement.

Please don't take this changes as final as we plan to continue making modifications to invasions until we get them right and we need to test changes with live server's population. Think of this as an event ;)



03-26-2011, 05:29 PM
As for the invasion mechanics there is already is a thread and a quite clear statement.
Then this topic should be closed cause nothing to discuss.

03-26-2011, 05:34 PM
Because opposed to ignis, alsius has zero insight in their numbers and is affected heavily by mass hallucinations :/

Well said Enio.

This thread isnt about how great Ignis is. Its about how the present system fails. Our recent invasion attempts has seemingly spurred some actual resistance from those who play at night. Lots of fun war from syrtis with alsius nowhere to be found. The only place I have seen goats since the fort immunity is at the fjord, oc, and the save...

So where does that leave us if we want war with goats? If you are on the way to a fort and hear we are at the save, dont turn back. Take the fort. More than likely that is where we will show.

If you dont want to fight us at the save. Spawn realm wall. afk their instead of aggy. go back to grinding. Or hell take a fort. its that easy. Your numbers doesnt dictate what you do. Just how you do it.

Oh and off topic but, nice invasion resistance syrtis. Been a fun few nights that alsius has completely avoided.

03-26-2011, 05:36 PM
Then this topic should be closed cause nothing to discuss.

Why should it be closed? This thread specifically put a part of the invasion mechanics up to debate, alot of reasonable feedback has been submitted. Its post like your last 2 who push this thread towards a lock, not the topic itself.

03-26-2011, 05:37 PM
[OFFTOP] i done aisus part of quest but if we'll have constant samal->herb->samal most just stop playing xD [OFFTOP]

What about OC-agg road-agg market-OC-agg road, not much better for alsius...

03-26-2011, 05:53 PM
If you are on the way to a fort and hear we are at the save, dont turn back. Take the fort. [...]
If you dont want to fight us at the save. Spawn realm wall. [...] Or hell take a fort. its that easy.

Well this is offtopic but i want to answer on that.

For me this is no solution. When my mates in alsius are under assault, i will go and help no matter the numbers or chances. Thats a matter of ideals/honour however you call it. The same reason why i dont stay in zerging, ganking someone, basically i dont have fun doing something where i know its making someone feel bad irl.
So if i can i go support those 'victims', and rather die trying then leaving for a fort/hunt w/e since i wouldnt have fun there knowing theres some being ganked at save/grind/w/e.

This attitude might seem dumb to you, but i rather log off after trying till giving up then leaving mates begind and do my own thing.

Tl;dr: log off or die trying, thats my personal options on these occasional farms/ganks.

03-26-2011, 06:49 PM
Well this is offtopic but i want to answer on that.

For me this is no solution. When my mates in alsius are under assault, i will go and help no matter the numbers or chances. Thats a matter of ideals/honour however you call it. The same reason why i dont stay in zerging, ganking someone, basically i dont have fun doing something where i know its making someone feel bad irl.
So if i can i go support those 'victims', and rather die trying then leaving for a fort/hunt w/e since i wouldnt have fun there knowing theres some being ganked at save/grind/w/e.

This attitude might seem dumb to you, but i rather log off after trying till giving up then leaving mates begind and do my own thing.

Tl;dr: log off or die trying, thats my personal options on these occasional farms/ganks.

I see what your saying and it doesnt sound dumb. What i am saying is that believe it or not the ppl at the save more than likely want a fight and the only action to be found is there. If you took a fort that is where the action would be. When syrtis zergs our save I stand there and fight as long as im able. And our forts dont have immunity they just have the numbers sometimes to push us back.

The problem isnt farming. Because all realms do it and now we have quests where we have to kill 250 from each realm plus another quest to kill 30 unique each day. that combined with immune forts is the outcome you are seeing at agg save. That being said i have enjoyed some of the fights there. With the numbers you can get and your constant flow at us it is a challenge. i was hoping since you continued coming that you felt the same.

03-26-2011, 07:07 PM
We continued, why? What else can we do, logg off because we are screwed on numbers? I can say that 90% of alsius isn't enjoying the agg save fights at all...

03-26-2011, 07:37 PM
I see what your saying and it doesnt sound dumb. What i am saying is that believe it or not the ppl at the save more than likely want a fight and the only action to be found is there. If you took a fort that is where the action would be. When syrtis zergs our save I stand there and fight as long as im able. And our forts dont have immunity they just have the numbers sometimes to push us back.

The problem isnt farming. Because all realms do it and now we have quests where we have to kill 250 from each realm plus another quest to kill 30 unique each day. that combined with immune forts is the outcome you are seeing at agg save. That being said i have enjoyed some of the fights there. With the numbers you can get and your constant flow at us it is a challenge. i was hoping since you continued coming that you felt the same.

So you are one of the few ignis that keep fighting up till the end. Both Syrtis and Ignis mostly wait outside fort till have 2x the numbers of alsians in the fort to start acting. And you ppl blame alsius for not going on offenssive.

03-26-2011, 07:58 PM
So you are one of the few ignis that keep fighting up till the end. Both Syrtis and Ignis mostly wait outside fort till have 2x the numbers of alsians in the fort to start acting. And you ppl blame alsius for not going on offenssive.

and alsius doesnt?
why do you think syrtis and ignis have to fight at the road with alsius when they own aggers... yes we still go on the offensive, so whats ur point?


03-26-2011, 08:51 PM
Fort immunity screws a realm more than -xp mallus. Lifeless war zone. People grinding and not bothering to war or help realm mates. I saw it how it was to us and it was terrible. To Alsius it is even worse. Still noyone bothers to remove this thing.

Seems that some guys enjoy it...they know who they are.


HINT: See Ignis stats...

03-26-2011, 10:22 PM
That being said i have enjoyed some of the fights there. With the numbers you can get and your constant flow at us it is a challenge. i was hoping since you continued coming that you felt the same.

If thats directed to me personally:
I played yesterday for 1-2h and it were quite fun, the numbers were fine - much action and constant back and forth. But i think the complaints vented aim to those heavy farm sessions. while i were playing that wasnt the case.

Want to add, when fighting close save keeping a min distance to it has been always a invisible rule of fairplay for alot of people of all 3 realms. A zerg literally camping on the save is quite.. irritating. (but i wasnt there, just got told..)

03-26-2011, 11:28 PM
Can someone make a poll on this subject? That way the NGD responsible can quickly evaluate the impact fort immunity had on the game, at least from the forum users perspective.

Needless is to say I consider the current situation rather annoying. Still, some fights at Aggs road have been epic!

03-27-2011, 12:15 AM
Can someone make a poll on this subject?


03-27-2011, 12:56 AM

Aye, my bad. (and I voted in it already :o)

03-27-2011, 04:51 AM
So you are one of the few ignis that keep fighting up till the end. Both Syrtis and Ignis mostly wait outside fort till have 2x the numbers of alsians in the fort to start acting. And you ppl blame alsius for not going on offenssive.
What? If you have fort already, does it not make sense for the enemy to come to you? What about when we have the fort and you're "attacking"?
I don't get this — we have nothing to lose by staying in the fort, but you have nothing to lose by grouping up and attacking it, which you never commit to. If we have sufficient forces (normally barely more than equal) we'll come attack you because we're bored waiting for you to do something, because this is the only way we see any action. Sometimes while we're waiting for you pussyfooting around not attacking the fort a couple of us will switch to their conj alts specifically so we can take to fight to you with equal numbers, making having the fort at all relatively useless. What the (insert generic swear word here)?
End tangential rant here.

As far as the topic goes, I agree entirely. The camping that happens does so because the immune realm stops attacking and we like to complete quests. I also think that the one warzone save per realm thing isn't working out.

03-27-2011, 06:54 PM
always about those post that alsius is underpop. Than i always think about summer holiday... who invaded every week? who was doning great. Yes you alsius. But why you dont invade now? or next week just for fun....

03-27-2011, 07:35 PM
always about those post that alsius is underpop. Than i always think about summer holiday... who invaded every week? who was doning great. Yes you alsius. But why you dont invade now? or next week just for fun....

what? Alsius invaded every week? You probably mistake Alsius for Ignis. Alsius opened their portal on Horus only 2 times.

But I agree we could stick to the topic a bit more which is actually about the immunity thing.

I rather like the feature, because it encourage people like me to take more regnum breaks and do more useful things. If these people who take such breaks come back after the invulnerable realm has the gems back, its not a bad thing. Maybe we can have almost equal numbers and much more activity for the time when we have our gems back. Hopefully. :viking:

03-27-2011, 10:31 PM
I don't know about you guys, but I had fun last night fighting at meni, sam, shaan, meni, shaan, meni, shaan, meni, meni, samal, shaan repeatedly.

Ignis kept trying to put Syrtis gates in danger and we kept pushing the fight to Ignis and trying to keep them on the defensive with our fort-hopping 6-10 goats.

Frankly, I don't care as much about quests as I do good wars. At the hours I was on, Syrtis didn't have THAT many and I didn't find it feasible to have any fun 3-ways at that time.

Those were some awesome fights and since I didn't have to work today I actually got to stay up late and war pretty much non-stop.

Regardless of who plays for what realm, I find that night-crew on horus, though less people online, is far better action and better fights than the few times (mostly sundays) I get to play with day crew.

Back to original thread:

Fort invulnerability is dumb, but I agree that Realm Gate should be invulnerable when a realm has no gems. But I suppose it's easier to code:

If: No gems { Then: No Flags }

Or whatever than to re-code the invasion to "lock" hp on realm gate. Or they could just make it so when a realm has no gems the realm gate has 1,000,000 hp and regens x200% dmg points faster than received so it can still be attacked but never be taken down while gems are gone. That would be a quicker coding fix for gate invul and not fort invul.

But past two days I've seen tons of action in Alsius, lots of war, mostly open field fights around pp, pn, OC, agg market and sometimes pn2. I don't think it's due to our fort or gem status, but just the time of day/week or whatever.

03-27-2011, 10:33 PM
I have to agree I don't like this immunity thing either, I'd like to have the old invasion system back, or no invasions at all.

And ever since this alienware quest came up, both Syrtis and Ignis have been camping the market non-stop, and although I enjoy some of the fights we have there, you guys have to understand it's really hard to go take a fort like that... we try to move somewhere, but there's always ppl calling a zerg at the market or oc, so we end up turning around. Either that or we get zerged when trying to cross a bridge, and surprise surprise...that zerg ends up at the market again...

At night though, when things die down, a few of us are usually pretty active in taking forts, at least for the last couple of nights. 2 days ago we held efe for the longest time while ignis had herb and alga, then when we lost efe we took herb...we were active and trying to participate in the invasion. And last night we were trying to put ignis gates in danger, but to no avail since we only had 10 people online. But we tried, and I at least had fun. :play_ball:

03-28-2011, 01:34 AM
I agree with the people in this thread about fort immunity being a hmm, buzz kill ;p ? We'd be far better off with invunrable main gate. Also the wall gate needs to be better. Cause atm it seems like the offensive side could pick up one of their mages and throw them through the door to break it. The other net effect of this lack of gate hp is the guards do absolutely nothing as the offensive side just has to spam area CC and/or run strait past them.

These flaws generally show up more on Horus as opposed to Ra where everyone has a zerg, though been awhile since I played my marks on there.

Our spawn is 100m away from the fight. Come on, you're smarter than this.

Couldn't have said this better, kinda had the thought but as usual everyone points stuff out before I get to the thread.

Many Alsius seem to think that your low morale and population is a result of having no gems, since this causes your save and grinding spots to be camped all day. If this is the case, why don't you try to get your gems back? There's ample opportunity every single night for you to grab a Syrtian fort, put their gates in danger, and then compete with Ignis to get a gem out. Instead you afk in aggs, grind, get bored and log off, help Syrtis recapture their forts, or camp PB. It's fine if that's what you find to be the most fun, but it only perpetuates your gemless state.

If only we could spawn more goats, last time sytris tried to invade we were both trying to take meni (the enemy of our enemy is our friend) and we couldn't so doesn't get us far...

03-30-2011, 06:19 AM
This topic just how Syrtis and Ignis player don't care at all about Alsius underpopulation.

And the most funny is you're justifying your acts with the new updates and daily quest. LoLMaO poor you ! You're victims indeed ... x)

So for you, it's normal to camp everyday/everytime the grind zone and save of the underpopulated realm even if this realm already loses his gems because you have your kikoolol daily quest to do and get your warmaster stuff.

Really, I still don't know how realms like that can have fun by doing this ...

With all the respect we should have for you and I'm really sorry to say that but I prefer to stay honest...

For Alsius, this type of behavior in the game sounds retardz and when we see players enjoy doing things like that it really start to give the feeling that these players are not only retardz in the game ...

03-30-2011, 05:05 PM
This topic just how Syrtis and Ignis player don't care at all about Alsius underpopulation.

And the most funny is you're justifying your acts with the new updates and daily quest. LoLMaO poor you ! You're victims indeed ... x)

So for you, it's normal to camp everyday/everytime the grind zone and save of the underpopulated realm even if this realm already loses his gems because you have your kikoolol daily quest to do and get your warmaster stuff.

Really, I still don't know how realms like that can have fun by doing this ...

With all the respect we should have for you and I'm really sorry to say that but I prefer to stay honest...

For Alsius, this type of behavior in the game sounds retardz and when we see players enjoy doing things like that it really start to give the feeling that these players are not only retardz in the game ...

Before this immunity we only camped the save when nobody would come when we took aggy. Now, because of the quests and the immunity, we have no choice but to come to Alsius save or kill grinders. Either that or we don't complete quests.

The new immunity is horrible. The verdict is overwhelming among almost all players.

03-30-2011, 05:24 PM
The thing is, once we eventually kick you guys out of our save/market, we run to pp/pn and there's the same group we just killed looking to camp us again. While these really make for nice bridge and open field fights, it's rather annoying that both realms can't find anything better to do than walk all over Alsius wz.

These daily quests and immune forts don't work together at all.. it basically forces save camping if you want to get the quest done which is just unsportsmanlike. Plus the event came at a bad time too, making the whole immune forts/save camping situation even worse.

Solution? Make forts vulnerable and make the gate invulnerable; it's that easy.. ofc this probably won't stop camping Alsius altogether but at least the fight will be at our fort instead of our save :)

03-30-2011, 06:38 PM
The thing is, once we eventually kick you guys out of our save/market, we run to pp/pn and there's the same group we just killed looking to camp us again. While these really make for nice bridge and open field fights, it's rather annoying that both realms can't find anything better to do than walk all over Alsius wz.

These daily quests and immune forts don't work together at all.. it basically forces save camping if you want to get the quest done which is just unsportsmanlike. Plus the event came at a bad time too, making the whole immune forts/save camping situation even worse.

Solution? Make forts vulnerable and make the gate invulnerable; it's that easy.. ofc this probably won't stop camping Alsius altogether but at least the fight will be at our fort instead of our save :)
They'll never listen, this is only the 10,000th post on this forum saying this, and still nobody gets it.

03-30-2011, 06:43 PM
The quickest way for us the players to get this back to normal, is for syrtis to hand over the gems like they are supposed to.

Then all will be back to normal and we can try for the 10k quest. :clapclap:

Seriously tho, the fort immunity may have sounded good on paper, it really isnt working in practice.

03-30-2011, 06:48 PM
With the new warmaster quest, I think we should just scrap immunity altogether, realm gates included. Currently this quest suggests that during an invasion we should endanger our realm's goal of successfully opening the portal, by running off to kill some NPC. I think we've seen more than enough evidence that invulnerability does not do anything to encourage a realm to go on the offensive:

Attack/Defense Ratio: 0.84
Favorite Forts: Menirah Fort (44.44%)

In case you haven't taken a close look at this stats page, it says that in the last 30 days the ratio of Alsius taking an enemy fort to enemies taking an Alsius fort is .84. This means that even though Alsius forts have been invulnerable for almost half of the reporting period, they were still captured more often than Alsius captured an enemy fort.

I think penalizing a realm for having no gems is the only way guaranteed to encourage them to take the offensive, if forcing them to take the offense is really what you want to do. Yes I know, "boohoo this is totally unfair, we're underpopulated and you everyone will quit if you penalize us because we lost our gems..." but the new invasion mechanics encourage realms to work together offensively, up to the point of endangering the enemy gate. It's extremely easy to put realm gates in danger if both realms really want to play offense, and if all realms are given a reason to play offense (portal opening for realm with gems, removing gemless penalty for realm without gems) gems should change hands quite frequently.

03-30-2011, 06:57 PM
With the new warmaster quest, I think we should just scrap immunity altogether, realm gates included. Currently this quest suggests that during an invasion we should endanger our realm's goal of successfully opening the portal, by running off to kill some NPC. I think we've seen more than enough evidence that invulnerability does not do anything to encourage a realm to go on the offensive:

In case you haven't taken a close look at this stats page, it says that in the last 30 days the ratio of Alsius taking an enemy fort to enemies taking an Alsius fort is .84. This means that even though Alsius forts have been invulnerable for almost half of the reporting period, they were still captured more often than Alsius captured an enemy fort.

I think penalizing a realm for having no gems is the only way guaranteed to encourage them to take the offensive, if forcing them to take the offense is really what you want to do. Yes I know, "boohoo this is totally unfair, we're underpopulated and you everyone will quit if you penalize us because we lost our gems..." but the new invasion mechanics encourage realms to work together offensively, up to the point of endangering the enemy gate. It's extremely easy to put realm gates in danger if both realms really want to play offense, and if all realms are given a reason to play offense (portal opening for realm with gems, removing gemless penalty for realm without gems) gems should change hands quite frequently.
Do you live in some kind of dream world? The last time we helped Ignis invade Syrtis, and attempted to get the gems ourselves, both were lost to Ignis. There is an extreme risk involved when helping an "ally" invade the other realm, because that "ally" can then turn around and use that wish to penalize you. On top of this, even if we get the gems back, Ignis will just have them again the next night after that. There's no reason to play dumb anymore - everyone knows very well that Ignis is fully capable of getting the gems whenever they feel like it, and will. The only thing that held them back for a while was Syrtis cooperating with Alsius, but even that ultimately wasn't enough.

Ignis as a realm just has too much IRL cooperation that goes far beyond the game, no other realms can match that, no matter how hard we have tried (and we have, believe me). So ultimately the invulnerability will have to be removed and replaced with gate invulnerability only. Then - having no gems will be a blessing, as we will still be able to have fort wars but will not be under the threat of nightly invasions and penalties from wishes, because time zone imbalance and extensive coordination beyond the scope of the game isn't something that can really be fixed or mitigated.

It's called just letting people play the game, has anyone ever thought about it? ;)

03-30-2011, 07:05 PM
With the new warmaster quest, I think we should just scrap immunity altogether, realm gates included. Currently this quest suggests that during an invasion we should endanger our realm's goal of successfully opening the portal, by running off to kill some NPC. I think we've seen more than enough evidence that invulnerability does not do anything to encourage a realm to go on the offensive:

In case you haven't taken a close look at this stats page, it says that in the last 30 days the ratio of Alsius taking an enemy fort to enemies taking an Alsius fort is .84. This means that even though Alsius forts have been invulnerable for almost half of the reporting period, they were still captured more often than Alsius captured an enemy fort.

I think penalizing a realm for having no gems is the only way guaranteed to encourage them to take the offensive, if forcing them to take the offense is really what you want to do. Yes I know, "boohoo this is totally unfair, we're underpopulated and you everyone will quit if you penalize us because we lost our gems..." but the new invasion mechanics encourage realms to work together offensively, up to the point of endangering the enemy gate. It's extremely easy to put realm gates in danger if both realms really want to play offense, and if all realms are given a reason to play offense (portal opening for realm with gems, removing gemless penalty for realm without gems) gems should change hands quite frequently.

2 points here Van :D

1. We'd be able to take a completely offensive stance if our save/market wasn't camped 24/7, as mentioned previously. 2 days ago there was a mediocre invasion attempt where your gate was 5 mins or so from being vulnerable (but Syrtis dropped the ball at Samal xD). Saying that Alsius hasn't been trying an offense is false. Everything is camped because of this damned event, the warmaster quests, and the shitty immune forts system.

2. Meni/Alga are generally our only options because its the only way we can get away from you guys. From what little fort action there has been, Meni has been the most fun. :P Fort wars are obsolete now because of the event, and Alsius wants to fix that. We've tried to go to Samal/Herb plenty of times, but we always meet our enemies halfway to the fort and end up getting zerged over.

And btw, the constant camping of our oc/market/save is penalty enough.

03-30-2011, 07:36 PM

If ignis can take the gems any time they want, then why have we only opened the portal 3 times since warmasters, even though we've tried almost every night? More importantly, this has nothing to do with all the realm drama of horus. Take a step back for a moment and give it real consideration, without your constant "we're so underpopulated and ignis are big bad meanies that ruin everything" bias.

Some basic goals that will make the invasion system more fun without making drastic changes:
1) Everyone should want to invade.
2) Invasions should be possible during all hours of the day.
3) Invasions should be commonplace, and gems should change realms frequently.

All realms want to open their portal and make a wish, the realm with the most gems is closest to this goal, and most motivated to invade. If the realm with the least gems is penalized by default (let's say it's rlm xp for the sake of argument) they're also motivated to invade. This further facilitates the offensive teamwork suggested by recent invasion mechanic changes, and makes invasions much more likely to occur, and much more likely to succeed.

If invasions become more common and succeed more often, there will be no need to plan off-hours zerging invasions. If a portal is opened nearly every week, there will be no reason for all the forum boasting and ranting that occurs after each portal opening currently - there will be less "hard feelings" between players. If gems change hands frequently, a penalty for having no gems is just a good reason to get get some gems right now.

You're used to thinking that the most disadvantaged realm always has the fewest gems, but with the new system once a gate is in danger, it takes relatively few players to knock it down and take a gem out. After the point of gate vulnerability, numbers become less of a factor than speed and communication.

Your concerns about portal openings and the xp penalty reward are of course well founded, but completely irrelevant to the point. Remove the xp penalty option from the votes for all I care, but make invasions fun, make them so everyone wants to and is able to participate, and make them occur more often than just when someone can convince 60 friends to log on at 3 in the morning.

03-30-2011, 09:05 PM
Numbers still count so much Van, one fort lost and everything, getting vuln, being vuln or broken, is fixed, getting a camped fort back with around a equal force will be close to impossible, so invading with 40 is possible, but if the other realm has 20, they can just either, run over: fort 1, fort 2, castle or the gem group.

03-30-2011, 09:11 PM
Numbers still count so much Van, one fort lost and everything, getting vuln, being vuln or broken, is fixed, getting a camped fort back with around a equal force will be close to impossible, so invading with 40 is possible, but if the other realm has 20, they can just either, run over: fort 1, fort 2, castle or the gem group.

I'm not sure I see how that has any relevance to what I just said. I often wonder how many people on this forum read the posts they reply to.

After the point of gate vulnerability, numbers become less of a factor than speed and communication.

03-30-2011, 09:14 PM
I really miss war at Aggy...

(Ignean player)

03-30-2011, 09:16 PM
I'm not sure I see how that has any relevance to what I just said. I often wonder how many people on this forum read the posts they reply to.

I do, why would they become less of a factor, even a noob like me with tactics, could think of the simple tactic: Everyone at gate in the begin, if they bring more for that, you all die oblivously, spawn at your wz save, and get to a fort that's now way less populated as before, and with just 2 or 3 barbs the gate takes under 1 minute, which is probably less as the time needed to run back from the gate to the fort.

03-30-2011, 09:50 PM
I do, why would they become less of a factor, even a noob like me with tactics, could think of the simple tactic: Everyone at gate in the begin, if they bring more for that, you all die oblivously, spawn at your wz save, and get to a fort that's now way less populated as before, and with just 2 or 3 barbs the gate takes under 1 minute, which is probably less as the time needed to run back from the gate to the fort.

I'm glad you willingly admit to being a noob with tactics, because you've completely overlooked several factors here. You have 15 minutes from the start of the invasion, to the time your gate is under attack. Even if you want to completely abandon any attempt to recapture a fort before your gate is vulnerable, you would be hard pressed to gather everyone to the gate in 15 minutes. In most cases it would be much smarter to try to get a fort back first, and once you've started you will never recall your zerg to your realm gate in time.

Ignoring that, let's say you did get everyone online to the gate:

Scenario 1) If you successfully defend it against the small group of attackers, then you're in the exact same situation as before: they still have all of your forts, and your gate is still vulnerable. They can try as many times as they like, and if you leave to get back your forts they will get inside. You will have to leave eventually.

The main gate is so weak a single marksmen can take it down from 50 meters away, even if you do camp at it, the gate will fall. Once it's down getting a gem is a simple matter of using camo and stalker. If a gem has been grabbed, there is no way you will take back your forts in time to lock down the gate unless you were at the fort already.

Scenario 2) The invading realm's small group of attackers fails, so they send a larger group, weakening their defenses at the forts and castles. Your group at the gate is run over, and you rez at CS. You now have to take back one of the forts the invading realm has taken players from to the gate before they are able to get the gems out. This fort is likely to be the furthest one from your save, still guarded by a few and level 4. You may get it in time, and you may not, but if you fail you have just given the invading realm a free pass to leave with the gems.


As far offtopic as that was, I think it's a good illustration of how much different invasions are now than they were with the old system. Your realm is no longer forced to one "hot spot" where the action will occur, and if you attempt to play like this now you will fail. After a gate is vulnerable, both the offense and the defense have to fight on multiple fronts, and this is why numbers are a less important factor than they were in the old system.

The only problem is that this depends on the assumption that all realms want to invade all other realms at all times. Currently they do not.

03-30-2011, 11:08 PM
Off Topic:
Im kind of split in this new mechanics, I dont like it for some reasons, but I like it for others. I do believe however it focus' more on the smaller groups, and the skills of the individual in that group. I like that, makes it feel like when horus was new. There was no " Fuck it, we will just get more people later" mentality that I have seen for the past two years or so. Theres a sense of individualism as well as teamwork. Your own performance directly impacts the success of the group. Its not like you have 10 of each class at your back and muscel your way in. You have to be clever, quick, decisive, and above all else, as ruthless as possible. Yeah, maybe I put too much into the game but hey, its been a while since I could say I actually cared.

Yeah, you tried helping Ignis. However our motto has pretty much always been " If its not red, its dead ". We do not discriminate. All you have to do is be faster, smarter and more creative then us. Good luck because Ignis has some of the most creative people I have ever met.

On Topic:

I do think the immunity needs to end.

03-30-2011, 11:15 PM
Van i agree with you, new system involve more tactic i think. And i want add a thing, new warmater skills (teleport):

...numbers become less of a factor than speed ...

03-31-2011, 01:56 PM
Logged on for a few hours once this week. Ignis were camping the road between Aggers save and fort, Syrtis camping Aggers market area. That was the case for the whole session I was online, good luck seeing any offensive with that happening all the live long day. After clearing Syrtis and Ignis we started towards Herbred (had to kill a smaller Syrtis group who were heading back to Agg market on the way), alas Ignis were back camping Agg road/save before we got there.

I don't recall seeing any Syrtis-Ignis war at all while I was online unless the two camping groups bumped into each other while chasing some Alsirian.

Just like in RA except, we play better or we are twice of Alsirians in Horus. This is how NGD wants this game, Alsius cornered in one place and getting harassed all day.

03-31-2011, 01:59 PM
In case you haven't taken a close look at this stats page, it says that in the last 30 days the ratio of Alsius taking an enemy fort to enemies taking an Alsius fort is .84. This means that even though Alsius forts have been invulnerable for almost half of the reporting period, they were still captured more often than Alsius captured an enemy fort.

Thats RA. Check your numbers correctly, because thats a false percentage for Horus.

03-31-2011, 02:00 PM
Thats RA. Check your numbers correctly, because thats a false percentage for Horus.

No. That was Horus. Notice the "/horus" in the URL.

03-31-2011, 02:10 PM
No. That was Horus. Notice the "/horus" in the URL.

Coming from a random source, I use Regnum War status for real updates.

03-31-2011, 02:24 PM
Coming from a random source, I use Regnum War status for real updates.

It's pretty well documented, if you actually care to check it out there's a log of the last 30,000+ fort captures on horus. The data is from Regnum War status. If you really have doubts about it's accuracy talk to Xia. I suspect this is not the case, and you're only questioning it now because you don't like what it says.

03-31-2011, 03:07 PM
It's pretty well documented, if you actually care to check it out there's a log of the last 30,000+ fort captures on horus. The data is from Regnum War status. If you really have doubts about it's accuracy talk to Xia. I suspect this is not the case, and you're only questioning it now because you don't like what it says.

Maybe your right, THAT it way more accurate than the ones made by NGD since NGD really sucks with calculations, MY bad. NGD cant make good accurate numbers for their own game. Silly me.

03-31-2011, 03:09 PM
Maybe your right, THAT it way more accurate than the ones made by NGD since NGD really sucks with calculations, MY bad. NGD cant make good accurate numbers for their own game. Silly me.

You have no idea what you're talking about. These number are NGD's numbers. Do you think Xia is sitting in front of his(or her?) computer logged into regnum writing down every fort capture and entering them onto her stats page? It's a script, it uses NGD stats. You sir, are retarded.

03-31-2011, 03:34 PM
RO Status is website which monitors Regnum Online's "War Status" official page and records any fort/gem changes that happened there, displaying results in a more convenient way to see overall happenings (instead of just throwing some numbers). So, what exists on RO Status website is not made up, or manually entered, but picked up from NGD's website and parsed for a better analysis.

03-31-2011, 03:51 PM
On topic.

The immunity thing is not working out as NGD envisioned. There are many reasons for this. I will not elaborate further as we all know what they are whether we admit to it or not.

First, the forts should be not immune to capture. Rather, the gemless realm should have an instantly upgraded fort to level 2 (maybe 3). They can level it further if they so desire. This would be interim measure until the new structures are delivered. This measure does not do much in real terms but offers (hopefully) a psychological and morale boost to this realm so that they can go more on the offensive footing NGD desires. In addition, this buys a little time so that impending warmasters can teleport their armies around. You can be offensive but still the system gives you a slight advantage on the defensive side. This will provide some pressure release from the market and saves. Grind spots should never be trouble free.

Second, What is the purpose of RP? Further to this , what is the point of -RP? Rather than give negative RP for killing inside the save perimeter, I suggest that :

A. negative XP is given. Only negative XP. Not XP credit then reduction.

B. Kills inside the perimeter do not count toward quest. I would go even further and say that a kill inside the perimeter reduces your quest kill count by 1 for every kill.

Third, I do not agree that the gemless realm should be invulnerable to attack. Rather, I would like to see the strength of the gate increased to maybe 50%-75% of the strength it had before this update. This only applies when you have no gems. This must be so in order for other realms to fulfil their invasion type quests. I can only assume that NGD will add more Warmaster quests like kill the leader so they should adjust it now.

Finally, I think that the approach to loss of gems need adjustment. I have always held the belief that each gem (and holding them) grants the realm certain favours. So, I would not suggest that the realm that stole the gem gain any advantage but that the losing realm suffers some Malus.

To this end I suggest that first, the XP malus wish be abolished. Next, The XP malus is placed on one of the gems of each realm. So, once you have your gem that covers that facet, you suffer no XP malus (10%). If you lose that gem then you suffer the penalty for as long as the gem is lost. This effect applies to players level 45 and above. I suggest that this applies to MOB kills only. Player kills and the resulting XP are not affected. This gem would be the one further inside.
The other gem could be any thing else. It could be for example, increased weapon and equipment repair costs, slight penalty on warmaster quest coin payouts (maybe 5% reduction), reduction in Mob drop frequency etc.
The idea is that only MOB grinding is heavily penalized and not war to any great extent, thereby encouraging more offensive actions.

I strongly believe that the gemless realm must be compelled to be more offensive. I think that offering the options above relieves some of the pressure, increases fun for all sides, provides more options for tactical wars and almost forces the losing realm to either try something on their own or become opportunists and conspire either by act or coincidence.


03-31-2011, 03:56 PM
Don't agree, simply, because let's say alsius IS underpopulated, even though you won't acknowledge, we'd have 10% malus 90% of the time because we can't get 40 ppl on at a time where the other realms only has 10-20 each? ...

03-31-2011, 04:53 PM
Is the current mechanism working out well? Is Alsius able to take advantage of immunity? They should be able to even with small numbers. Ignis tries that all the time.

Unfortunately, addressing under population issues and attitudes and realm psychology is outside the scope of the ideas I proposed. All I can say is that Ignis has faced the under-population and senior player haemorrhage along with player apathy multiple times since I have been there.

Somehow we managed to come past it on several occasions. But then our psychology is possibly different. Ignis lives for war whether we have 5 or 50 or if we have an army of only sub level 50 players. We invade and fail over and over yet we try again, fail and become even more committed to do it. Some nights we try and know we don't have anywhere near the numbers. We still say s*** that, we are going in no matter what. We die trying. We complain but we still pull our socks up and put our heads to the grindstone when it matters.

On topic, the mechanics I suggest are what they are. Have a look at it as if you were of even population and assess it again. If you can strike it down while looking at it from that angle then I will concede or modify my idea to suit.
And what is the issue with losing 10% on mob kills only and for players over 45 on the gem deep in your territory. Is it any worse than having a malus for a week and getting invaded over and over and eventually leading to stacked negative xp? I mean this could happen if things are as bad as you say , yes?
If you feel that it is impossible to hold this gem then suggest a mechanism that allows an underpopulated to defend this gem better. Maybe place it in a city?

You source of XP could be from War kills as well as Mob kills. I have netted over 1 million XP from war.

No game mechanic can fix attitude. I am simply suggesting stuff that can ease the pressure. Notice how you strike down the whole idea set rather than elements of it. I would have thought that you would be happy to have opponent get -xp for kills around your save and -1 kills for quests to relieve pressure there. I suppose not.
It cannot be helped I suppose. No mechanism can help Alsius. Only Alsius can help Alsius. Don't blame NGD. They have done as much as they could do barring offering an ice elf as some suggest. If immunity with no penalty cannot help a realm I don't know what will.


03-31-2011, 05:23 PM
Don't agree, simply, because let's say alsius IS underpopulated, even though you won't acknowledge,

Just about everyone has acknowledged this. You simply won't acknowledge our acknowledgment because we don't believe underpopulation means you can't fight.

we'd have 10% malus 90% of the time because we can't get 40 ppl on at a time where the other realms only has 10-20 each? ...

I'm pretty sure we've been over this already, in this very thread. Invading no longer has to be done by one realm zerging the shit out of another realm, if all realms have a goal of stealing gems as opposed to preventing other realms from stealing gems. I don't know if it's possible to be any clearer on this point, or to explain it any more thoroughly than I already have. In short, the reason you (as a realm) are so often gemless is because rather than trying to take gems, you do everything in your power to prevent gems from being taken.

03-31-2011, 06:36 PM
No game mechanic can fix attitude.

What else if not game mechanics? It's hard to influence attitudes, game mechanics however are able to make players do something. Gaining XP from war just had to be at least as effective as grinding in order to change some attitudes radically. :P

(NGD should finally make war the intended way to grind, implement PvP boosters and just keep mobs as a makeshift for when there's no war)

03-31-2011, 08:47 PM
What else if not game mechanics? It's hard to influence attitudes, game mechanics however are able to make players do something. Gaining XP from war just had to be at least as effective as grinding in order to change some attitudes radically. :P

(NGD should finally make war the intended way to grind, implement PvP boosters and just keep mobs as a makeshift for when there's no war)

And I agree with you partially. Hopefully what you wrote would become more and more of a reality as time goes by.

However, once an attitude is entrenched so much that it become a mantra, my fear remains that even if the mechanisms change, players will not be able to use them to maximum effect because they are bogged down by realm culture. This is why I say the mechanics can't fix attitudes. You must remain buoyant despite the mechanics. Find another way. Change the culture when things are bad so that you can maximise your potential when and if they change. No mechanic can work for you unless you practice it, hone it and have tenacity despite the odds.
No mechanic can fix attitude. The glass is either half full or half empty.

I end my contribution to the thread here.

Best Regards

04-01-2011, 12:03 PM
Without gems(and forts), we have more fair fights. Since that day, our results increased and I really like. :D

My advice is: Try to get syrtis gem first next time.

04-01-2011, 02:22 PM
@ romerosnyder

It's out of the question! Last time we got immune forts, our realm fell into a lethargic state for several days.
People were idling at cs, impossible to gather people to do something, most were just afk. Some other players popped up to see what's going on and went off few minutes after.
One and only one solution, get rid of this stupid immunity.

@ bois

Mechanic can fix attitude. Just remember halloween events few years ago. Massive war, everywhere, all the time, with all 3 realms.
Make a war event, put a time limit, reward all players with useless things (masks), and let's go!

Oh wait! AlienWare event is providing all that stuff! But nah, Alsius doesn't fight. So, what's wrong?

04-01-2011, 02:51 PM
Let me break this down for everyone:

Alsius census 2011

25% Gelf alts - won't attck other Gelfs
25% Igge alts - won't attck other Igges
25% are bots put there by NGD
15% are actual Goats
10% quit after a week because the see that half the realm won't attck half our enemies

04-01-2011, 03:12 PM
25% Gelf alts - won't attck other Gelfs
15% are actual Goats
10% quit after a week because the see that half the realm won't attck half our enemies
Jippy 59 Barbarian Jipp 45 Hunter Jip 50 Knight Gage The Decapitator 50 Barbarian Gage 36 Mark
Proud Member Of `~Something~`Fight For Fun!


04-01-2011, 03:22 PM
idn... at least it = 100% :clapclap:

04-02-2011, 09:38 AM
and alsius doesnt?
why do you think syrtis and ignis have to fight at the road with alsius when they own aggers... yes we still go on the offensive, so whats ur point?


Constantly ganking grinders to prevent them from levelling up, is clearly a defensive strategy.

04-05-2011, 02:15 PM
You have no idea what you're talking about. These number are NGD's numbers. Do you think Xia is sitting in front of his(or her?) computer logged into regnum writing down every fort capture and entering them onto her stats page? It's a script, it uses NGD stats. You sir, are retarded.

Its easy to capture forts. So if thats how you determine how a realm can fight then your the retarded one.

04-05-2011, 02:21 PM
Its easy to capture forts. So if thats how you determine how a realm can fight then your the retarded one.

I'm not sure if you have a problem with me, or if you just really hate this stats page, but it seems you're just set to argue no matter what. First you insisted that the data wasn't from horus (which it is), then you claimed it was a random source (which it isn't), and then that only NGD's war status is accurate (when they're the same). Now you're just putting words into my mouth. I never said this data has anything to do with how well Alsius as a realm fights. I said fort immunity does not encourage a gemless realm to go on the offensive.

04-07-2011, 01:58 AM
I prefer if they'd leave the forts alone and make the realm gate immune. That way, the realm could still concentrate on being offensive(rofl Alsius and being offensive) and still fight for their forts when enemies invade their area. <-- This has always been part of the game's fun, defending your realm increases motivation and Alsius lacks a lot of that.

Right now, because they're immune, they think there's no purpose to fight anymore http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showpost.php?p=1300218&postcount=9&highlight=+If+it+is+currently+as+worse+as+you+are+ saying+just+don't+feed+them+rp's.+So+log+off+or+go +to+inner+realm+or+is+it+still+fun?+We+don't+even+ have+gems+so+why+should+we+Alsians+appear+in+warzo ne+now+?
Which makes our quests harder to finish if we don't camp their market.
maybe if your hackers stop cheating and make the game even then we would fight cheaters never win

04-07-2011, 02:10 AM
how can we play the game when iggis have hackers cheating in game where you cant cast and not be able to do nothing in game i am tired of the on even playing it needs to stop and play right moveing thrue walls not door and when get dizzy are not and i am makeing a site to show all cheaters i am blind and my system tells me who is cheating and hacking somthin needs to be done and relm hopping ngd you need to deleat all accounts of relm hopping your rules state no accounts but one :rale::rale::rale::rale::rale::rale::rale::rale::r ale:

04-07-2011, 02:36 AM

holy crap children, go play the game, this is another pointless battle of words.

NGD: seriously, fix this stupid immunity crap. I joined this game to play war and capture forts.

Alsius, Ignis & Syrtis: you save camping ANYWHERE is lame, childish, and just proves you do NOT care about sportsmanship whatsoever. I don't really care if you need your precious Alsius quest or not. Who cares, give the damn goats the gems back already.

Or . . . . friggin' invade Syrtis already and have your little dragon party and lets be done with it. What are you waiting for anyway???

04-07-2011, 07:50 AM
Hardly anybody actually uses cheats (though they do exist). What you are actually seeing is game bugs. Please stop all this cheater nonsense.

04-07-2011, 10:18 AM
popped in to see if a friend has posted her good bye...saw this thread,and just had to laugh so hard.
you ALL are getting side tracked from the origonal post.so i will too :P
Poor alsius its underpopulated,poor alsius wont fight,poor alsius wont even try,poor alsius has no tactics,poor alsius are useless bla bla bla ..pffts!
in this thread alone,ive read about wood elves having more dexterity than other races,cheaters,realm gates that appear to be made of wet paper,low morale,poor tactics,fort immunity being a failure.
I ask you this?
Do any of you see why these topics are of such importance? ..i mean truely understand why?
It ALL comes back to one thing,and thats balance!
As a hunter,ill sit at aggers save and track for incoming save campers from ignis and syrtis,at times ill track 30-50,then i will look at my friends list that holds 95% of the realm,and see we have 15 online.mostly players under level 50 too i might add.
putting aside the obvious race and class inbalances we face,REALM balance is the major cause for many an arguement here in the forums,and its needlessly so.im sure many of these issues will disappear in time.
the solution is quite simple..its always been simple.
100% total balance is the answer.make an archer from syrtis equal to an archer from ignis or alsius.make ALL class's the same no matter what race or realm they are from.
Growth is the key to survival for any business venture,regnum is no different.NGD require growth,we all know that.but instead many here just ignore that fact and argue about the game mechanics,or poor tactics,or quote that thier realm was once like alsius is now.why not just acknowledge it,and then discuss ways it can be improved for all 3 sides.only a VERY small % of players like to win easy,the majority prefer a challenge where skill enters into the equation.
If we were to closely examine the motives of the nay sayers who constantly bicker and say alsius is the cause of its own problems because they wont fight,or cant.We would see they are REALLY trying to get alsius players to be more active so the farming becomes easier.I suspect They too are now starting to find it hard to complete warmaster quests,more and more alsius players have had enough,they are quitting or just not being drawn into these foolish ideals some people term as honor and bravery.OMG this is just a game,people play for fun,not to become brave,heroic,worshipped by pixels they have never met before.
Ive said it before and ill say it again,NGD are partly to blame,they have treated premium alsius players with disrespect for too long now,its coming back to bite them HARD.Its not respectful to charge an alsius archer the same price for ximerian as a syrtis archer for example.hes buying a lesser product.it would be ok,if that fact was advertised openly,but it isnt.its not until they get to war zone and see the difference themselves,by then its far too late for most new players,they feel let down and disollusioned.they quit.
that type of thing hampers a realms growth.most online games manage the realms better.NGD can too if they choose to.
why havnt they?
why didnt NGD act months/years ago.this isnt a new problem!
so i say to you all,especially you NGD,wise up.if you want an active game where people fight and war like the game is designed,then build a world where its encouraged.
It was a nice idea(dream) to have unique realms with unique attributes NGD,but that is clearly the root of ALL your balance issues,realm,class or what ever!..and its FAILING badly.
if i had one xim for everytime an alsius archer has said to me they are sick of how the enemy archers can do far more damage or how they only did 50 damage to an enemy,id be able to level up 6 alts without buying any xim myself.This is a cause of low morale too.
bios was right,once an attitude starts to creep into the thinking of a group,it can be very hard to remove.thats where alsius is right now,myself included.
its going to snowball too.
i predicted all of this within the first 2 days of the new warmasters update.the writing weas on the wall,i was one of the first dozen to reach lvl 60,i saw the inbalances then,they were even more obvious to me.
we are now in the age of Overpowered players,its a fact,the realm balance issues are only going to become more and more pronounced.with each passing day more damage is done to this game,and in time who knows what is left?

to bad i cant afford a spill chicker,or learn to rite well. haaaaaa :P

04-07-2011, 03:00 PM
how can we play the game when iggis have hackers cheating in game where you cant cast and not be able to do nothing in game i am tired of the on even playing it needs to stop and play right moveing thrue walls not door and when get dizzy are not and i am makeing a site to show all cheaters i am blind and my system tells me who is cheating and hacking somthin needs to be done and relm hopping ngd you need to deleat all accounts of relm hopping your rules state no accounts but one :rale::rale::rale::rale::rale::rale::rale::rale::r ale:

Your system is clearly failing. gtfo

04-07-2011, 03:33 PM
From perspective of an archer an this really has nothing to do with the OP but it has been brought up a few times in this thread. I would gladly give up the very small damage bonus I can get with extra 5 dext in original points compared to alsius to be able to make a dwarf (small as can be) who is damn near impossible to target when moving or in a big group. On a melee same thing goes, even if you made a dwarf base 20 const and base 20 Str compared to what it is, I would gladly select that race and size for the simple an huge bonus the small size gives unless NGD ever decides to fix targetting.

04-07-2011, 08:35 PM
From perspective of an archer an this really has nothing to do with the OP but it has been brought up a few times in this thread. I would gladly give up the very small damage bonus I can get with extra 5 dext in original points compared to alsius to be able to make a dwarf (small as can be) who is damn near impossible to target when moving or in a big group. On a melee same thing goes, even if you made a dwarf base 20 const and base 20 Str compared to what it is, I would gladly select that race and size for the simple an huge bonus the small size gives unless NGD ever decides to fix targetting.

Totally agree I always wanted to play a goat char with size of a dwarf.

04-08-2011, 12:24 AM
I'm not sure if you have a problem with me, or if you just really hate this stats page, but it seems you're just set to argue no matter what. First you insisted that the data wasn't from horus (which it is), then you claimed it was a random source (which it isn't), and then that only NGD's war status is accurate (when they're the same). Now you're just putting words into my mouth. I never said this data has anything to do with how well Alsius as a realm fights. I said fort immunity does not encourage a gemless realm to go on the offensive.

Obviously trying to anger you. What difference does it make if Alsius' forts can be captured? More warrior area whoring in the fort door and more camping?

04-08-2011, 12:36 AM
Obviously trying to anger you.

Good luck with that one, so far you've just made yourself look like an idiot.

What difference does it make if Alsius' forts can be captured? More warrior area whoring in the fort door and more camping?

There's going to be area whoring and camping either way, the difference is only that it would be at Aggers instead of the save. At least at the fort there's an objective for Alsius to capture, instead of just being farmed at the save until the other realms have their quest kills and leave. Fort fights are fun, farming at the save is not.

04-08-2011, 01:59 AM
how can we play the game when iggis have hackers cheating in game where you cant cast and not be able to do nothing in game i am tired of the on even playing it needs to stop and play right moveing thrue walls not door and when get dizzy are not and i am makeing a site to show all cheaters i am blind and my system tells me who is cheating and hacking somthin needs to be done and relm hopping ngd you need to deleat all accounts of relm hopping your rules state no accounts but one :rale::rale::rale::rale::rale::rale::rale::rale::r ale:

All realms have cheaters. There are some spells which prevent casting. Moving through walls is a positioning glitch. You can't spell, much less create a stable web page. We know you're blind. No, it doesn't. NGD 'needs to' do nothing.

04-16-2011, 03:11 AM
ther you are one of the cheaters talking

04-16-2011, 03:26 AM
All realms have cheaters. There are some spells which prevent casting. Moving through walls is a positioning glitch. You can't spell, much less create a stable web page. We know you're blind. No, it doesn't. NGD 'needs to' do nothing.

i will get my sister to make the site i am blind not stupid ok:rale::rale::rale:

04-16-2011, 03:37 AM
ther you are one of the cheaters talking

How are you not banned yet?....

04-17-2011, 03:38 AM
Fort invulnerability for gemless realms makes this happen:


If you don't get it, what's just happened is both Ignis and Syrtis invaded Alsius... but both realms went in with the goal of making sure no gems were taken...

04-17-2011, 07:53 PM
ther you are one of the cheaters talking

Funny, inasmuch as I'm rarely on anymore, and wouldn't know how to cheat in this game even if I was on more often.

So just to clarify; everyone who disagrees with you is a cheater?

04-19-2011, 02:45 AM
sorry whateverusmc i was mad about the cheating didnt mean to take it out on you i bit who replyed first didnt mean that i am not baned becouse i know the rules i didnt spam or do any thing rong but speek the truth

04-19-2011, 02:50 AM
In Ra server, Ignis gave a gem to Alsius :facepalm2:

04-20-2011, 11:37 PM
This immunity thing has to stop...

Would be nice... :facepalm3:

06-17-2011, 11:47 PM
well at least, thank you in this point ngd :)

06-18-2011, 08:29 PM
seems the other way around to me, if alsius doesnt have the numbers explain how they manage to kick the ignis zerg and syrtis zerg out of the market? they eventually outnumbers us and kick us out, so they do have the numbers they just dont put forth the effort, so its idiotic to think otherwise.

I'm also tired of alsius moping around and complaining about numbers, when you dont even try what requires very little numbers. When we put syrtis gates in danger alsius does nothing. You would think that some of you would run up to the gate, break it, run in to the main city and kill the leader for your quests. This is not helping ignis in anyway, just yourself and getting your quest done, but i guess sitting afk in aggers save is better. Don't say this isn't possible, ultimate did it alone, so i think its time for alsius to rly take hard look at themselves, there are ways they can participate in this game even if they aren't a huge force. If you say bs im just an idiot who thinks im pr0, ignis was in this spot before, being camped by syrtis for 2 hours and htne being camped by alsius for 2 hours at meni. Being set in danger by both realms constantly ( alsius in meni, syrtis in samal and shaan), but we always fought and when we had low numbers we would run up to the forts where you two were fighting and see if we could kill some. Sure we would complain on the forums, but we never showed the attitude of alsius of just giving up, so any argument about low population you have is utter bullshit.


I am a syrtian player and yesterday both ignis and alsius were coordingating to give us a major run for our money not once but 2 xs. Perhaps you all dont play the right timezone to see the action but there was a heck of alot of fighting yesterday involving all 3 realms.

06-18-2011, 09:32 PM
I am a syrtian player and yesterday both ignis and alsius were coordingating to give us a major run for our money not once but 2 xs. Perhaps you all dont play the right timezone to see the action but there was a heck of alot of fighting yesterday involving all 3 realms.

Youre imagining things. You are from Ignis and Alsius and Syrtis are teaming up.