View Full Version : Ranking Horus: even more unknown characters with high RP score...

05-24-2011, 11:48 PM
#20 Saelur Syrtis Wood Elf Hunter 50 152.171
#21 Haelur Syrtis Wood Elf Hunter 50 152.171
#22 Saelur Aeren Syrtis Wood Elf Hunter 50 152.171
#23 Saelur Alae Syrtis Wood Elf Hunter 50 152.171
#24 Saelur Lamae Syrtis Wood Elf Hunter 50 152.171
#25 Saelur Luminae Syrtis Wood Elf Hunter 50 152.171
#26 Saelur Ariael Syrtis Wood Elf Hunter 50 152.171
#27 Saelur Ilidae Syrtis Wood Elf Hunter 50 152.171
#28 Saelur Oma Syrtis Wood Elf Hunter 50 152.171
#29 Saelur Vivia Syrtis Wood Elf Hunter 50 152.171
#30 Saelur Faerei Syrtis Wood Elf Hunter 50 152.171

From RO Horus rankings / Champions (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/ranking/index.php?l=1&opt=2&realm=0&world=horus)

Any official word about this ? xD

05-25-2011, 12:28 AM
Name change scroll?

05-25-2011, 12:33 AM
I saw it and I thought that they were a group of vicious friends (?) but now, i realise that it isn't the have EXACTLY the same rp's :s

05-25-2011, 05:24 AM
Those entries have been there since March 18 according to my RP Manager.
All of them appeared at the same time, with the same RP.

05-30-2011, 03:29 PM
Yeah..so i don't understand what's this?:)

05-30-2011, 07:01 PM
Most likely characters created by NGD to test some features (the ranking itself?). Was reported several times, but as the player of the week is long inactive, I think it doesn't matter anyway.

05-31-2011, 10:47 AM
Are you worried your name wont be on it soon?

OT: It's for testing purpose's.

05-31-2011, 10:58 AM
Are you worried your name wont be on it soon?

OT: It's for testing purpose's.

Lol. I'm not worried about my character's name to be on any list, but i'm worried about how "features" related to RegnumOnline are abandoned:

- website isn't maintained as it should
- rankings are buggy
- "character of the week" abandoned without notice
- "questions to NGD" stopped without notice (on forums)
- in-game bugs aren't fixed

This weird ranking list is yet another thing that doesn't work well and is not fixed since a long time. Nothing that important in fact, just one more...