06-04-2011, 05:04 PM
Just another review...
Well there are many topics about the new changes, but thought I'd still write my own really really REALLY long thread about this just because I can't keep my mouth shut when I see what's going on in Horus (and I'm pretty sure the same thing is happening in Ra, but I can't be sure as I don't play there). I never write about something until I experience it thoroughly first-hand, so I'm not some random player who's pissed off at stuff he doesn't fully understand.
So, I don't know about you all, but I really miss this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b8-QQ0MFm8
and this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYFE0gPNgIo (for people who don't like how syrtis won the majority of the time in the first video)
That is what you call a really great series of wars, but ever since the appearance of Warmasters, that rarely happens anymore. And while that video may be focusing on open field wars, great fort wars rarely happen anymore either. Instead, gameplay in Regnum Online has shifted from nice war's shown in Scias' video, to teleporting around the map, taking forts and invading. If this is NGD's vision, then that's ok, but there are several flaws in the design that reduce the amount of actual "war" in the game. (Just to clarify, when i say war, I don't mean taking an empty fort; I mean large scale fights between two or more armies of different realms).
Bridges: Teleporting Vs. Running
So now we have these new portals that teleport us to whatever fort we like. They're great because because now we get to travel to the action faster than ever, but they do more harm than good. Because of the teleports, open field wars and bridge wars are rare or non-existant now. In other words, now that we can teleport, strategies that the map was designed for don't matter anymore. Strategies like: bridge camping
Yes, it's frustrating to be killed while you're running/riding to a fort and believe me, it pissed me off especially since I am a support conju and I can't do anything to attackers, but the concept of bridges made war very diverse in RO. Here are some examples:
If Syrtis was farming samal during the day you could go and camp pb to restrict reinforcements by sending a couple of players to camp, which would give ignis a better chance to take back their fort.
Hunters could track enemy zergs as they moved across the map, giving the defending realm the opportunity to.......defend :P
Now that we have teleports, however, game tactics like this no longer exists.
Bridges funneled large armies into a tight space and for that reason they were the foundation for great wars. Now, they're insignificant. Honestly, I miss hearing the phrase "Ignis at pb" or "Alsius at pp".
My Suggestion: Remove portals that teleport you to enemy realms, but this is the wrong forum section for suggestions so nvm.
Alters, Warmasters, and the Duration of Wars
Here's a question. If 25 alsius just took herb (and Syrtis is 15) and we're forced to res at the gate because our save is captured, do you think we're going to run all the way back to herb just to die and repeat the process....or are we going to use one of those cool new teleports to go to another fort and avoid the problem? The combination of warmaster teleports and the new alter mechanics significantly decreases fort war gameplay! Because of this flaw, the game has become mainly fort-hopping (with no pvp action).
Now that we have these teleports, if Syrtis dies at Samal or something, we (for example) can easily teleport back in less than 1 min sometimes. How is this fair in terms of giving the defending realm a chance to regain their forts.
It is because of this reason that instead of trying to regain forts, we just choose to move on to another...
My Suggestion: Remove portals that teleport you to enemy realms, but this is the wrong forum section for suggestions so nvm.
Conclusion (Kind of a rant so skip if you want)
Gameplay in Regnum is boring compared to what it once was! I remember a time when armies of 30+ players fought each other at bridges, forts, and even in random places on the map. Now these fights rarely happen....even in invasion attempts because the attacking realm is too concerned with invading through boats to kill some stupid NPC for WM coins. Meanwhile the defending realm is standing at the gate for 2 hours trying to defend their gems when really no one (except maybe the famous ignis night crew) gives a damn about gems compared to killing the damn noble just to become Warmaster and continue the cycle of what's killing the gameplay in this game right now.
It's frustrating, especially when you remember what RO once was and how much fun you used to have with wars.
My Suggestion: Remove portals that teleport you to enemy realms AND give us back ALL ours saves please, but this is the wrong forum section for suggestions so nvm. ;)
Well there are many topics about the new changes, but thought I'd still write my own really really REALLY long thread about this just because I can't keep my mouth shut when I see what's going on in Horus (and I'm pretty sure the same thing is happening in Ra, but I can't be sure as I don't play there). I never write about something until I experience it thoroughly first-hand, so I'm not some random player who's pissed off at stuff he doesn't fully understand.
So, I don't know about you all, but I really miss this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b8-QQ0MFm8
and this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYFE0gPNgIo (for people who don't like how syrtis won the majority of the time in the first video)
That is what you call a really great series of wars, but ever since the appearance of Warmasters, that rarely happens anymore. And while that video may be focusing on open field wars, great fort wars rarely happen anymore either. Instead, gameplay in Regnum Online has shifted from nice war's shown in Scias' video, to teleporting around the map, taking forts and invading. If this is NGD's vision, then that's ok, but there are several flaws in the design that reduce the amount of actual "war" in the game. (Just to clarify, when i say war, I don't mean taking an empty fort; I mean large scale fights between two or more armies of different realms).
Bridges: Teleporting Vs. Running
So now we have these new portals that teleport us to whatever fort we like. They're great because because now we get to travel to the action faster than ever, but they do more harm than good. Because of the teleports, open field wars and bridge wars are rare or non-existant now. In other words, now that we can teleport, strategies that the map was designed for don't matter anymore. Strategies like: bridge camping
Yes, it's frustrating to be killed while you're running/riding to a fort and believe me, it pissed me off especially since I am a support conju and I can't do anything to attackers, but the concept of bridges made war very diverse in RO. Here are some examples:
If Syrtis was farming samal during the day you could go and camp pb to restrict reinforcements by sending a couple of players to camp, which would give ignis a better chance to take back their fort.
Hunters could track enemy zergs as they moved across the map, giving the defending realm the opportunity to.......defend :P
Now that we have teleports, however, game tactics like this no longer exists.
Bridges funneled large armies into a tight space and for that reason they were the foundation for great wars. Now, they're insignificant. Honestly, I miss hearing the phrase "Ignis at pb" or "Alsius at pp".
My Suggestion: Remove portals that teleport you to enemy realms, but this is the wrong forum section for suggestions so nvm.
Alters, Warmasters, and the Duration of Wars
Here's a question. If 25 alsius just took herb (and Syrtis is 15) and we're forced to res at the gate because our save is captured, do you think we're going to run all the way back to herb just to die and repeat the process....or are we going to use one of those cool new teleports to go to another fort and avoid the problem? The combination of warmaster teleports and the new alter mechanics significantly decreases fort war gameplay! Because of this flaw, the game has become mainly fort-hopping (with no pvp action).
Now that we have these teleports, if Syrtis dies at Samal or something, we (for example) can easily teleport back in less than 1 min sometimes. How is this fair in terms of giving the defending realm a chance to regain their forts.
It is because of this reason that instead of trying to regain forts, we just choose to move on to another...
My Suggestion: Remove portals that teleport you to enemy realms, but this is the wrong forum section for suggestions so nvm.
Conclusion (Kind of a rant so skip if you want)
Gameplay in Regnum is boring compared to what it once was! I remember a time when armies of 30+ players fought each other at bridges, forts, and even in random places on the map. Now these fights rarely happen....even in invasion attempts because the attacking realm is too concerned with invading through boats to kill some stupid NPC for WM coins. Meanwhile the defending realm is standing at the gate for 2 hours trying to defend their gems when really no one (except maybe the famous ignis night crew) gives a damn about gems compared to killing the damn noble just to become Warmaster and continue the cycle of what's killing the gameplay in this game right now.
It's frustrating, especially when you remember what RO once was and how much fun you used to have with wars.
My Suggestion: Remove portals that teleport you to enemy realms AND give us back ALL ours saves please, but this is the wrong forum section for suggestions so nvm. ;)