View Full Version : New Warmaster Trainer

06-05-2011, 06:15 PM
Hello, everyone!

I've just uploaded my new trainer, updated with all the latest powers, including Warmaster powers! I've still got some work to do on it, but please have a look and let me know of any problems ;)

CWassall's Regnum Online Warmaster Trainer (http://www.cwassall.co.uk/regnum/trainer/)

I hope it helps.


06-05-2011, 07:06 PM
i just tried to look after a lvl 55 warlock skill. it's not possible to max out 4 trees even there are enough points it says: the discipline is allready at maximum level: not enough discipline points.

you got something wrong there ;)

06-05-2011, 07:09 PM
Great job!
However, I've stumbled across a bug: http://ompldr.org/vOHhvMg/cwassal.png
I have 236 discipline points left, but trying to increase the level of Two handed mastery gives me the following message: "The discipline is already at maximum level: Not enough discipline points.".
It seems it's still using the max amount of discipline points for level 50, although level 60 is displayed and the number of discipline points seems to be correct.

Damn, Darcyeti (http://regnumonline.com.ar/forum/member.php?u=352732) was faster :P

06-05-2011, 07:31 PM
It's not even the amount of DP from lvl 50, as a warlock should be possible to max 4 trees on lvl 50, but even that's not possible.

06-05-2011, 08:20 PM
It's fixed now :)

06-05-2011, 08:23 PM
Yeah, sorry about that. All done now! ;)

06-05-2011, 08:46 PM
Wow good job!

06-05-2011, 09:19 PM
Ok, so they where feedback in the form of bug reports......but......but....what??
It's fixed now
What is this? I am perplexed. I dont understand this....here....in this place....this must be a mistake, surely you should sit in silence for many months and come back with an 'update' leaving the bugs in but adding a feature to tell you how many decades it will take you to get 5000 mags and make it crash with any browser except internet explorer 4...........Got SIGSEGV (segmentation fault)........Saving backtrace to crash_backtrace_32056.log

EDIT above a poor attempt at humor.

Nice work. Could you add costs, cd's and durations for the wm skills?

06-05-2011, 10:02 PM
Um, not quite sure what to make of that last post... but thank you everyone for the feedback! Bug reports and such could be made via the website if it bother's people, I just thought I should let the people who are interested know it is there.

06-06-2011, 04:53 AM
great work man! It's good to see users still so involved with a game that they lovexD