View Full Version : SOTW has a major problem

06-18-2011, 02:25 PM
I don't think +1500 resistance is working very well, it's like 20% resistance.

I get ambush and kick all the time while on SOTW and never resist them, even confuse. Barbs have UM which is almost around 95%, and they resist almost everything.

It isn't fair :p

06-18-2011, 02:43 PM
I already delet softw in my setup along time ago. And yes softw is not realy good anymore.

06-18-2011, 02:52 PM
I don't think +1500 resistance is working very well, it's like 20% resistance.

I get ambush and kick all the time while on SOTW and never resist them, even confuse. Barbs have UM which is almost around 95%, and they resist almost everything.

It isn't fair :p

True, I find my self frozen while sotw on a lot of times.. it's just bullsh*t. I'm actually using this advantage on my lock, everytime I see someone cast SOTW I keep casting -Lightningg-Willdomain-Iceblast-Fireball-Manaburn.

Almost always 1 gets through and if I'm lucky it's will domain hehe.

06-18-2011, 03:52 PM
The main issue is when SOTW fails and a knock passes through, then you are owned.

The knock nullifying all protections is really unfair.

06-18-2011, 04:00 PM
Off topic:i saw PLAYER that managed to resist spell when knocked.... but it was mage :P
On topic:main issue:we don't know what means +1500 spell resistance

06-18-2011, 05:06 PM
Barbs have UM which is almost around 95%, and they resist almost everything.

It isn't fair :p

Barbs are melee, they don't "resist" anything except the CC effects and still take full damage from spells, and it's 5 seconds shorter. The only issue with sotw is that it's nullified by a knock.

06-18-2011, 05:30 PM
And that's why UM is like 20000x more useful than sotw nowadays. UM fails, too, but not nearly as often as sotw. And because 90% of all spells in fact are knocks... :P

06-18-2011, 05:35 PM
I often wonder about these kinds of spells. Was it now broken, broken all along or works as designed?

What is +1500 resistance ? What is +6 spell focus? Anybody actually knows what this means in terms of a fight? I wager no.

Second, is it SOTW or is it that your main defence (speed/evasion ) was stripped away and now you have to depend on SOTW much more than before to live. It's failures become more glaring as a consequence.

To me, a hunter barely had to depend on SOTW in the old days and it was more for speed boost than anything else. If the resistance failed it would hardly be noticeable because the opponent barely got anything off on you before you jumped it. If you got knocked you still resisted on the ground so not noticeable.

Lastly ,the fact that NGD nerfed evasion and resistance (standing) base figures across all classes would not help that +1500 .

06-18-2011, 10:29 PM
Son of the wind doesnt seem to block anywhere near as much as it once did thats for sure. In my experience lock spells simply ignore it. If i fight a lock doesnt matter if I get sotw up first seems every spell hits me.

06-19-2011, 12:19 AM
Son of the wind doesnt seem to block anywhere near as much as it once did thats for sure. In my experience lock spells simply ignore it. If i fight a lock doesnt matter if I get sotw up first seems every spell hits me.
my experience as a lock is that about a third gets through.. very rough estimate..

enough to own a lock, unless the lock is lucky

06-19-2011, 12:47 AM
Give barbs sotw and UM to archers!

06-19-2011, 11:25 AM
Give barbs sotw and UM to archers!

Holy shit :P

06-20-2011, 06:46 AM
Personally, I've never liked SOTW, particulary not when it 'worked.' It was a failsafe 'I win' button, as dumb as the dispell magic on oneself that many mages spam with every tenth second.

My view of archery is not dancing unhittable ninjas jumping up and down in the face of an enemy who is not allowed to hit them with anything. Archery to me is about using range (and a lot of footwork to maintain it). If all you do with the arrowheads is to poke the enemy in the eyes from armlength's distance, then what you want is not a bow and arrow, but a dagger or a rapier. There are two subclasses for hand to hand combat. Use that if you want to play melee.

06-20-2011, 07:26 AM
Personally, I've never liked SOTW, particulary not when it 'worked.' It was a failsafe 'I win' button, as dumb as the dispell magic on oneself that many mages spam with every tenth second.

My view of archery is not dancing unhittable ninjas jumping up and down in the face of an enemy who is not allowed to hit them with anything. Archery to me is about using range (and a lot of footwork to maintain it). If all you do with the arrowheads is to poke the enemy in the eyes from armlength's distance, then what you want is not a bow and arrow, but a dagger or a rapier. There are two subclasses for hand to hand combat. Use that if you want to play melee.

+1e100 :drinks: :swordfight:
most of archer's complaints directed to be untouchable. Overrun archer for knight is a very hard job. But if it happens archer should have really small chance to stay alive.

06-24-2011, 08:41 AM
Sotw works well as 60 block and 25 evade on knight so fk Sotw

06-26-2011, 06:03 PM
Can't say, Sotb wouldn't do it's job. I mean, yea, it sometimes failes, but it is not supposed to be an immunity spell. Imo the real power of this spell is, that many players don't even cast some spells with long cooldown in the first place, since you have to anticipate a resist. But this might be an Horus effect and not work in very big group fights.

..., as dumb as the dispell magic on oneself that many mages spam with every tenth second.
C'mon, dude, stop complaining about dispell in every thread you answer. It's not that bad.

06-26-2011, 06:49 PM
Dont compare SOTW with UM, cause UM doesn't resist all spells, SOTW has an resist rate on ALL spells

06-26-2011, 07:59 PM
But all spells don't matter, just CCs do. You mainly use sotw against CCs nowadays. :P

06-27-2011, 09:17 AM
But all spells don't matter, just CCs do. You mainly use sotw against CCs nowadays. :P

^ this....

06-27-2011, 10:44 AM
hmm it works fine for me. its not 100% spell resists. that's for sure. but i Do resists alot.

06-27-2011, 11:38 AM
But all spells don't matter, just CCs do. You mainly use sotw against CCs nowadays. :P

Use brains please....:facepalm3:

06-27-2011, 06:58 PM
Use words to participate in this thingy called discussion.

06-27-2011, 09:04 PM
Use brains please....:facepalm3:

Maybe you should. I can easily out damage a lock, its just Ill get beaten by the ccs. If a barb cant cc me, I can slow/run/cc him. CCs are all that matter.


06-28-2011, 03:40 AM
Maybe you should. I can easily out damage a lock, its just Ill get beaten by the ccs. If a barb cant cc me, I can slow/run/cc him. CCs are all that matter.


For an archer UM might be better, in most archer's opinions anyway

But as a barb SotW is much more preferable.