View Full Version : If you could would you go back to Pre-warmasters?

06-20-2011, 05:09 PM
If you could would you go back to Pre-warmasters?

06-20-2011, 05:29 PM
Other Poll by Torcia (TM)

Not voted cose are a few thinks that seems you will never understand.
-Warmasters it's a good idea but with a bad implementation.
-In balance ...version 1.0.7 was the best one(less random ...more calc of skills)

-No need to argue more about WM update bad implementation because are allrady tons of threads where ppl argue with this.
-Going back before WM means a Downgrade of the game.
-If you revamp WM can be a great game.

06-20-2011, 05:34 PM
shield + armor with SUN ^^

06-20-2011, 05:41 PM
I am missing the option to go back to pre invasions.

06-20-2011, 05:59 PM
Same as Znurre. I still think pre invasions regnum was 1024 times more fun. I even add fun, friendship and respect. Update after update this was lost.

I can bet majority of us do not play RO, because of it's graphics. RO was competitive, fun for low and high levels, for gamers and not so skilled ppl, provided place to make friends and even fall in love.

RO was game where we felt nice. Now it is more of a place i feel stressed and sad.

I hope NGD see what was lost.

06-20-2011, 06:58 PM
Cast another vote for pre-invasion era. That was the best, and most dynamic playing experience in Regnum, in my opinion. <3 I miss how Regnum used to be.

Invasions can be fun, but now that invasions seem to have taken over Horus, I'd much rather have none at all. The warmaster update seemed interesting at first. Having new objectives to work towards was an awesome idea.

But it wasn't what I had been hoping for. The beacons make things too easy sometimes. The teleports are annoying, they stop bridge fights and make the warzone so much smaller than it used to be. I personally can't stand them. If they tele'd people to bridges (as Wes suggested the other day) I think they'd be 100x better. I like the horn of the wind simply because I love old Onslaught, and the ability to run a whole group together. As a barb, it was fun to run back and help slow mages keep up with the rest. But with the tele's, what's the point of that skill other than to run away?

So, voted yes.

06-20-2011, 07:15 PM
Yes, because...

See here for my opinion and vote for improvements:
"Defensive beacon" isnīt listed there for a change, but isnīt very interesting anyway.

New level cap:
I can understand, that NGD needs money (booster...), but if you raise the level cap you have to create interesting and balanced new content. I donīt think this can be said of the "Warmaster" skills, at least as they are implemented now.

Ok, gaining XP by defeating players of other realms is a nice improvement.
I am also not against the different quests to gain WM coins.
But killing WZ bosses and dragons is almost useless, collecting Magnas is useless and there is no useful currency in the game anymore. So there is LESS to do than before.

Apart from that: New forts are nice and interesting, but all the same.
It would be better to create at least one architecturally different design for three of the forts. I call it "Design B".
Herb, Aggers and Samal can use your current new design
Alga, Trelle and Meni can be build with "Design B".
There will be no balance problems at all. All realms have exactly one castle, one "design A fort" and one "design B fort". So "Design B" can be totally different from "Design A" and we will have more variation.

And new saves?
This is really annoying.
No long and intense battles anymore but running to die and running to die...
If the other realm has more warmasters they are faster at your fort than yourself, and they have the fortification at the back.

Formerly there was balance: Attacker + Save vs Defender + Fort
Now (worst case): Attacker - demoralized allies vs Defender + Warmasters (portal) + Fort
OR: No attackers at all = No battle

06-20-2011, 07:29 PM
Pre-invasion era was the most fun. But reverting back to that now would be pointless and would probably be the final nail in the coffin.

With all the crazy items, WM bullshit etc. etc. there is these days, it wouldn't even come close to how good RO used to be.

Plus, the community has changed, for the worse. RO 3 years ago was a much nicer place.

Reverting to pre-invasions is a nice idea, but it just wouldn't be the same.

06-20-2011, 08:10 PM
Don't know about pre-invasions era but .... yes i voted for back.... but i LIKE my new power points :P

06-20-2011, 08:10 PM
i even would pay for a "pre-invasion" server :)

with current state of ro i felt, like i'm wasting my time -> i stopped playing.
i don`t know, if it's technically too complex to make a server with a different version of ro then all others ... but i can*t imagine, that it would be sooooo expensive, when this server (with a preserved version of ro) is running once. there would be no updates etc to maintain^^

the question is ofc, how many users would be interested in such a "special" server.
i know quite a few, that would come back for such a server ...

06-20-2011, 08:12 PM
i even would pay for a "pre-invasion" server :)

with current state of ro i felt, like i'm wasting my time -> i stopped playing.
i don`t know, if it's technically too complex to make a server with a different version of ro then all others ... but i can*t imagine, that it would be sooooo expensive, when this server (with a preserved version of ro) is running, there would be no updates etc to maintain^^

the question is ofc, how many users would be interested in such a "special" server.
i know quite a few, that would come back for such a server ...

I bet NGD used rm -rf on old version sources.

06-20-2011, 08:30 PM
Old spells was more balanced. Example - Terror vs Protection Dome. Old regen self, old sanct, old mc, old old old awesome spells and gameplay...old run and cast....old not combat mode after every spell...sigh...game was alot more fun...

I will be uber happy to play on pre 1.0 server. Eeeh sweet memories.....

06-20-2011, 08:36 PM
Yes because in the times NGD was just creating new Mountsa new mobs and other unimportent stuff they didnt had the chance to ruin the part of Regnum i liked, the RvR.

Now they found out how to really frustrate the people and they are very successful with it.

Trading system with magnas dont work, grinding as a Questmob level 50 is just a joke, Additional advantages for highly poplated realms are getting bigger each day frustrated farmed players quit. Bind system of course, and many many more, so what to do nowadays?

Level a marksman because its jiust the OP-Class running aroiund in 5-8 man teams to kill grinding players and camp empty saves for new logging in people? No thx not my kind of RvR as a healing conjurer...

06-20-2011, 09:13 PM
If I could would I go back to pre warmasters?


I heard Matt say that before the warmaster update we had a very nice community here, which is true. However, the warmasters update did not make people change. Alot of us in the beginning were all friends from other games with a long history together. Regnum was made by friends and player base was built by friends. We all supported each other, listened to each other. In combat situations we did not ask for nerf to other classes, instead we asked how can we learn to defeat this player. So about the community now, yes alot of people are selfish greedy disgusting proud arrogant and down right nasty. There are still some decent players in the game that will take time to assist you and answer your questions.

I personally love the warmasters update. It brings some validity back to what NGD told me 4 years ago, "XIM ITEMS WONT EFFECT THE OUTCOME OF WAR". Now everyone can have a horse free of charge if they are willing to put in the time and effort. I love being able to teleport to forts. I love horn of the wind.

I would like the old dual shot back though (cast time .5 seconds).

After all the countless games played regnum still has an element of fun to it.
Most other games I have played become too cash shop based with a handful of players being impossible to kill.

Let's wait and see what happens.

06-20-2011, 10:04 PM
I am missing the option to go back to pre invasions.
On Horus,the last weeks before invasions, I remember that during european evenings, the only alternative to grinding was to "paint" the map in green, and to kill the guards at ignis gate after. Ignis "night crew" of this ancient time had exactly the same problem. people from realms with lower population just stayed in inner realm. invasion was a solution to put people in war zone.

06-20-2011, 10:08 PM
Not the best option tho. Whole realization could be alot better. And coming changes after that could preserve most part of the fun we got at that times. Now game is so Invasion and WM centric that people fun is put somewhere at the closet...

Sorry but, going 100 times from gate to herb is not fun, loosing open fights is not fun, cc immune barbs are not fun, pu*sy running marks and hunter zergs who gank saves and run on horn or tele on danger?!? Is this fun...

Sorry but when we are supposed to have fun?!? Where are old fashioned battles? Where is the need of conjus now when everyone can tele back? What is the need of hunters now? I can continue with things that make today's RO extremely boring and lame!

Is this fun? What today's RO is better than before?!? Cmoon you got to be kidding to like this state of the game...

06-21-2011, 04:38 PM
yes because...


Saves some typing.

06-21-2011, 06:55 PM
Open Wars I (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8oV7R2ME-5g&feature=related), Open Wars II (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DKHW5O22wfI&feature=related), Open Wars III (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4udMNAlMKY&feature=related), Open Wars IV (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_b8-QQ0MFm8&feature=related) made by Scias.

Old stuff (Regnum Online) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMs3u6UovUs) by Winds

Regnum Online - Fail video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sYAbdpXumwM) by RegnumIrae

Regnum Online (http://www.own3d.tv/video/14104/Regnum_Online) by Envy (pre invasion)

3 way world war (http://www.own3d.tv/video/13240/Regnum_Online__3_way_world_war_) by Matt (pre invasion)

This was the good old fun. So so awesome. There was even more awesome fights not taken on video. This is what we lost...

I bet others can get others can put more videos of what RO was before. Good old open fights... :crying1:

06-21-2011, 08:36 PM
3 way world war (http://www.own3d.tv/video/13240/Regnum_Online__3_way_world_war_) by Matt (pre invasion)

I remember it well. Such good times :') When has there ever been an event like this on horus? :(

06-21-2011, 09:09 PM
Old g-spot aka high spawn area at PB1... so fun place to grind and fight at... First Horus 50% XP week... even hide and seek games we done at Fisgael with first clan i was in...Terror & Hubris...

Great great times...

06-23-2011, 07:24 PM
I dont know I started playing when invasions just launched but I am 1000000000000000% sure that Invasions is MUCH better then Warmasters only thing Warmasters caused is much more grinding and even less balance (People using WM skills in 1v1 fights Realms with most WM's online wins) stupid running from gate to pp when agger is captured, Teleports killed bridge camping....

and about the saves Fuck central save CS killed all the grinders at herb and eferias...

06-23-2011, 07:32 PM
It killed whole War Zone...now it is simply empty...

Before it was fights at Samal, Pinos, PP, PB, open fields around, hunters, hunt parties. Whole war zone was alive!

Now is afk at herb, afk at gate...tele...tele... 10 sec fight...afk...zerged...afk...tele...tele...afk... 10 sec fight...tele...teleeeee...lets wait next tele...afk...afk...telee....lets leave allies to die...they will tele back....

Sick of teles!

Can we please have our old more real and fun game again. With good ol running around. With good ol CS.

06-23-2011, 08:14 PM
It killed whole War Zone...now it is simply empty...

Now is afk at herb, afk at gate...tele...tele... 10 sec fight...afk...zerged...afk...tele...tele...afk... 10 sec fight...tele...teleeeee...lets wait next tele...afk...afk...telee....lets leave allies to die...they will tele back....

Regnum 2011

Such a shame.. I mean take a look at this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jb8RBOk3-e0 Me and fear were very low lvl here we were cute little newbies but we had ALOT of fun Why? There were plenty of grinder spots just take a look at the video.. we were hunting arround herb back then nowadays you can run arround herb for 100 hours you will not find 1 grinder...

And take a look at this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDio1nRYkfA I know it isnt high quality but take a look at 1.12 we killed 6 people back then eferias beach was so crowded.... now you will find NO-ONE grinding there....

Shame Regnum has become soo...... Boring..

06-23-2011, 08:46 PM
Regnum 2011

Such a shame.. I mean take a look at this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jb8RBOk3-e0 Me and fear were very low lvl here we were cute little newbies but we had ALOT of fun Why? There were plenty of grinder spots just take a look at the video.. we were hunting arround herb back then nowadays you can run arround herb for 100 hours you will not find 1 grinder...

Hahahah, damn! Good old times! When hunter was still the most OP class... miss the old regnum..

06-24-2011, 02:37 PM
I miss the old times, some of the best fights I have ever been in. Ever since Warmasters came everything went down hill. Many players quit, a few clans got disbanded and the game now isn't as fun as it was. I liked the old bridge fights and the journey around warzone (travelling to forts). I know NGD are trying their best to make their game the best that they can. But to me, a good game is a balanced game, I know there was many balancing updates from what I have heard. I no longer play this game anymore, as I feel Regnum has lost the organisation it once had.

06-25-2011, 08:53 AM
NGD says: In the new expansion let's make everyone immune to 90% of the skills in the game in nearly every fight!

Great idea!

Warmasters totally changed fort fights and it was not a good change.

06-26-2011, 04:35 PM
This game is pretty good either way. The thing that pissed me off though, was the update where they removed the original summons from the conjuror. I don't mind WarMasters however, it adds new strategies into the game and makes it more dynamic.

06-26-2011, 04:49 PM
I don't mind WarMasters however, it adds new strategies into the game and makes it more dynamic.

How to banner bum-rushes count as dynamics? How can immunity to almost all cc effects and a extra lump of health add 'dynamics'?

Personally I think war was more varied when 90% of charges started with Sultar spam... Nowadays in most wars the number of useful spells is a slim list, and most of that list are damage boost or dot spells.

06-26-2011, 05:33 PM
... 50% of my spells now have no effect.

07-02-2011, 12:31 PM
I must say I'm suprised and even somewhat delighted to see how many people feel the same way I do about the old original (and wholly superior) version of regnum. It;s true many of the older players I've spoken too said they felt the same way I did, that if the old version was still available they wouldn't play this version at all. But I never thought I'd see anyone else say it in these forums. Most people have so much time invested that when Ngd screws the game up with a worthless update many say thats it, they're leaving, Then they convince themselves that the changes are really not that bad. This is simply a sign of their desperation to continue playing at all costs, unfortunately by continuing to play Ngd doesn't take a hit in the pocket book, and so continues on their destructive and wrong minded course.
I've said it before, if Ngd started a server with the old good version of regnum this version would die overnight, or at the very least the old version would quickly have more players than this watered down and substandard incarnation.
You would think that Ngd would realize this simply by the fact that the old version had a larger and more active population than the newer versions ever have had. even with all the players coming to horus from other servers horus still doesnt have the population it had under the original version.

07-02-2011, 07:30 PM
Warmasters Update was solely one for an injection of revenue. An IPO (initial Public Offering ) of sorts.

I understand the need to make a profit. However, looking at this enterprise from a business angle, to my mind the previous expansion (invasions) was not nearly tapped out of revenue making ideas. In fact the game had much reserve in terms of revenue potential without playing the level cap raising card.

In fact, this game could have gone to level 52 and still yield decent profit with bringing other ideas on stream. However, this was the business decision.
It worked. However, it was a bit disingenuous to say the least. Players were drawn in by the lack of knowing what the update was and what it entailed. The information blackout combined with the hype engine NGD devised enabled them to reap the benefits with a crowd hungry for something. they were willing to spend and grind to just know. NGD did capitalise on this.

NGD is now left with a game that will have a spike in profits followed by a fairly steep decline when the business model should try to lift revenue , allow it to fall off but level off at a much higher level than before. It is unknown if the second option is the case. For NGDs sake I hope so.

What they have now is a new beta that must be ironed out over time. Of course they are still left with the task of correcting old issues but maybe the gamble is to reap profits and hopefully hire staff to go after these niggling issues. It is risky but I suppose worth a gamble.

At the end of the day, Warmasters is on us. To my mind they had many other options that were simpler , works within the game as it was and could raise profits that were sustainable over the medium term. An incremental level cap raise would have been less traumatic, reap more stable profits over the medium term, extend the lifespan of the expansions, allowed easier balancing and give the dev team some breathing room. This is just my opinion without knowing any internal workings of the company. Only NGD knows the ultimate outcome of this move.

Would I like to go pre warmasters? For the way the WM skills were implemented and the way the level cap was implemented, yes. For everything else? No.

07-02-2011, 07:43 PM
If i could i would go back to before they split the servers, where everyone was together and it was more fun with all the holas =S

@ Bios - Its always about the money =P

07-02-2011, 07:50 PM
True. However , the way this one was done differed in tone from the implementations past.

07-03-2011, 12:29 AM
IMO, Warmasters could have been good, even with the same elements presented differently, but it was put together wrong.

Especially wrong when you consider that in this time where NGD has been so busily reducing spell durations and cooldowns for more dynamic tactical gameplay (eg. change of unstoppable madness to instant, 10 sec, with short cooldown), there's these beacons that last for too long, have too long cooldown, and are actually quite tricky to interact with.