View Full Version : [Horus] Fuse Syrtis & Alsius to one realm

06-24-2011, 08:42 AM
What is a point of 2 seperated realms if they cooperate and don't attack each other ?

Brave Ignis vs Alsius & Syrtis , where one realm is a dog of another (you know which...).
It's hard but we still win :play_ball: versus this crazy Alliance :clapclap:

06-24-2011, 10:07 AM
st0p 1nfat1ng @ n1gt th3n

06-24-2011, 10:13 AM
Fuse Ignis with vegetables and make a green desert! Nom nom nom! Even better fuse Ignis with kelontes! :facepalm3:

Ignis still wins because it is the realm with most nolife players, despite of sorry state of the game. Most of Syrtis do not play or do not care anymore. Horay for another e-p**n growing thread!

Stop calling Alsius like this will you! They are good and proud fighters.

06-24-2011, 10:53 AM
What is a point of 2 seperated realms if they cooperate and don't attack each other ?

Brave Ignis vs Alsius & Syrtis , where one realm is a dog of another (you know which...).
It's hard but we still win :play_ball: versus this crazy Alliance :clapclap:

what's the point of having 3 realms if you can't have alliances between realms? yeah.. it probably sucks if your strategy backfires because both realms decide you are their main enemy. smart alsius and syrtis vs timezone imbalanced ignis. congratz to alsius and syrtis for taking advantage of strategic opportunities.

06-24-2011, 12:59 PM
It's hard but we still win

Ignis players are so good that they can win over two realms alone !!!

06-24-2011, 01:01 PM
Ignis players are so good that they can win over two realms alone !!!

Well thay are all simply perfect players, us mere mortals could not hope to match their skills ^^

06-24-2011, 01:06 PM
No way in hell do I want to merge with Syrtis.

There's only just enough ale to keep us dwarves happy, I don't wanna be sharing it with some pansy elves getting all frisky!

06-24-2011, 01:06 PM
Ignis players are so good that they can win over two realms alone !!!Well thay are all simply perfect players, us mere mortals could not hope to match their skills ^^

It's nice to see you acknowledge the truth. :ignis: <o/

06-24-2011, 01:16 PM
Yet another retarded thread with the compulsory equivalent retarded responses to prop it up.

Why even make such idiotic threads? A system with 3 teams will always mean 1 v 1 v 1 or 2 v 1 or even none vs none depending on the circumstance.

I like to win but if I lose so what ? Its a freaking game. If sides team up against us who cares? Just play the damn game and have fun while you are there.

Somebody just take this thread round back and shoot it. Please.

06-24-2011, 01:28 PM
No way in hell do I want to merge with Syrtis.

There's only just enough ale to keep us dwarves happy, I don't wanna be sharing it with some pansy elves getting all frisky!

Oh come on. I would spank you little bottom for free every day. And we have nice green beer. Don't be so stubborn. So how it is gona be? :>

06-24-2011, 01:35 PM
No fucking way to merge Syrtis with Alsius....

I left Syrtis for Alsius and now back to them?!?!!?

Maybe Alsius it's not a organised realm but have lots of good players too.

About Ignis from begin of this game they play as a group and use strategy...They understood team work.

06-24-2011, 01:37 PM
Oh come on. I would spank you little bottom for free every day. And we have nice green beer. Don't be so stubborn. So how it is gona be? :>

What kind of dwarf do you take me for!? My wife Oddi would kill me if she found out about such behaviour. I'm a loyal dwarf, I'd never do anything like that... Except that one time where I mistook my brother for my wife, but that's an easy mistake, all dwarves have beards... Err...


Green beer... Blasphemy. No merge! The goats would never be happy sharing their hay.

06-24-2011, 02:41 PM
What kind of dwarf do you take me for!? My wife Oddi would kill me if she found out about such behaviour. I'm a loyal dwarf, I'd never do anything like that... Except that one time where I mistook my brother for my wife, but that's an easy mistake, all dwarves have beards... Err...


Green beer... Blasphemy. No merge! The goats would never be happy sharing their hay.

Loyal dwarf is redundance Matt. Dwarfs are always loyal.
Besides 3 is a number of chaos, it is described as it since greek mythology. alliances in number of 3 are always unstable, alsius helps syrtis when it suits for alsius, nothing more.

Alsius dont exact lack organization, alsius lack leadership and humble to follow leaders.

06-24-2011, 03:03 PM
What is a point of 2 seperated realms if they cooperate and don't attack each other ?

Brave Ignis vs Alsius & Syrtis , where one realm is a dog of another (you know which...).
It's hard but we still win :play_ball: versus this crazy Alliance :clapclap:

you think would win? ignis will end up playing alone because no one else is linking to your invasion
stupid idea : Facepalm3:

06-24-2011, 07:34 PM
Lol Hepha is also teaming up with goats so don't whine :D

06-24-2011, 08:05 PM
as i said before: go goats!

we luv u long time <3<3<3<3<3

06-24-2011, 08:10 PM
Hepha is a cool mate - he's not a sponger on low hp grinders from alsius oc.

To be on topic - there is nothing like Alsius/Syrtis alliance. We just respect some players from enemy realms and not always fight each other. The best example is Imperia Beach - today we did grind there with syrtis and ignis mates. Just all grinders knew that we were there for exp/drop and all respect that. Of course there are always some brave and honored hunters, who only wait when you will be less than 50% hp and knocks you when you try to rest :) That's my favs.

No comment needed for that pic :)

06-24-2011, 09:37 PM
what's the point of having 3 realms if you can't have alliances between realms? yeah.. it probably sucks if your strategy backfires because both realms decide you are their main enemy. smart alsius and syrtis vs timezone imbalanced ignis. congratz to alsius and syrtis for taking advantage of strategic opportunities.
during the hours i play i syrtis sees it as ignis and alsius vs us? dont know which world you come from :/ lol we are not as friendly to each other as you think.

06-25-2011, 06:36 AM
Fuse retards to smart people plz.
:facepalm3: :facepalm3: :facepalm3:

06-25-2011, 10:10 PM
I merely play a strategic game with the focus on balance.
Alsius and we Syrtians often fight each other as well (the warmaster quests being incentive to do so) it's just a rare few of us whom are able to tell how best to spend their efforts.
I'll give an example.
Every night at roughly 1am - 4am GMT, Ignis vastly outnumber either Alsius and Syrtis and promptly destroy any defence (most of the time) we throw up.
You've attained all six gems far more often than is reasonable thus naturally the aims of Syrtis and Alsius become similar: Stop Ignis procuring all six gems.

How is this goal best achieved? By working together.
It's simply common sense, it's nothing personal.
If it were the other way around and Alsius were dominating Syrtis and Ignis, our cause would be the same - just focused on Alsius instead.
Personally, I am just as willing to side with Ignis as I am with Alsius, it's just that of late you've not needed much help - quite the opposite.

It's hard but we still win

Not last night, thanks to a certain Alsian knight heheh. :angel1:

06-26-2011, 09:44 AM
actually alsius was dominating the server and tbh, i hardly ever fought ingis players, we always worked together to fight the goats (that where camping alga 100% of the time)

06-27-2011, 11:54 AM
Even better fuse Ignis with kelontes! :facepalm3:

Ignis still wins because it is the realm with most nolife players, despite of sorry state of the game.

Syrtis has in general the highest population, and always invades while most of us are offline. Similar to what Ignis does. Anyway no ima call you a nolife player! Syrtis haz all t3h n0 lif3r5 n00bz!

BTW Id go for the Kelonte idea.