View Full Version : random resists are bs

07-07-2011, 06:27 AM
So sick of your stupid system constantly giving these random resists out. Constantly find myself dying after some god dam stupid resist that, if the skill worked, would have won the fight.

How about this for an example... today I roared two people and one of them got a random resist to the stun. Generally stunning the two would give me a good chance to win the fight. I turn on 'unstoppable madness' and immediately get knocked through Madness from the one that resisted my roar randomly ending in my loss.

This is some serious bullshit and I hope you fix this crap NGD. It's a game of skill and your game mechanics need to reflect this more. All this random luck garbage needs to be toned down.

07-07-2011, 08:35 AM
Another one who wants to be untouchable and to win against parties of enemies.

07-07-2011, 09:01 AM
yeah make all fight the same, totaly predicted, how borring ....

resist/evade/blocked make some fun here :p

you need to know how to react when you skill fail, that make use of brain <(^_^)>

07-07-2011, 09:48 AM
Wee allrady discused this many times......

If there are not random resists ..then can be only absolut 100% resist or 0% resist.
-random resist offer chance to weak person too.

07-07-2011, 12:55 PM
The funny part is that NGD did tone down resists/evades and blocks around the time they removed resist and block under knock.

I remembered people crying that players resisted too much and it broke gameplay etc etc. NGD in turn reduced and probably modified the resist/evasion/ block rate formulas. In turn this was the thing keeping CC in check.
With that stopper reduced or removed it allowed CC to become a bit more powerful. I don't see too many barbs rushing to tell NGD to nerf CC as well. Well, unless they get pwned by a marks or lock. In such cases CC effects are all bad.

Hidra is right .Without the random resist/evade/block/miss, it will have to be no resist at all or 100% resist on effects.

07-07-2011, 03:02 PM
I'm not talking about block or evades. I'm talking about a fight where my roar gets randomly resisted and 3 seconds later my lvl 5 madness fails. I wouldn't mind if this happened once in a while but this is about how every fight goes. NGD's retarded random resist system decides the winner.

I am not asking for absolutes either. If you took the time to read my post you will see I don't mention blocks or evades and I am asking for random resists to be toned down. Read the post before replying and reacting like a turd throwing monkey, eh?

07-07-2011, 03:14 PM
I agree, the luck in this system is just ridiculous. All it takes is one skill to be resisted to lose a fight which removes the whole skill factor. I tried to hunt yesterday and kept dying because someone resisted something.

I think everyone should have 0 resist, unless under a skill or passive. I resist a hell of a lot against groups of people to the point where I can kill 2 people because of the important skills I resist, no skill in that, just my luck.

The luck system combined with the stun/dizzy/freeze/knock down chain every class has makes it a very easy fight unless of course you're the one being resisted as well.

07-07-2011, 04:08 PM
lol, i know the solution is, make um 100% and passive give barbs 55 range and ...

no seriously their are classes that are hurt harder by that than barbs *cough* warlock *cough*. funny that 1 with a lvl 57 warlock finds it great that warlocks should have 0% chance to resist ccs as long as no wm is around.

07-07-2011, 05:23 PM
I'm not talking about block or evades. I'm talking about a fight where my roar gets randomly resisted and 3 seconds later my lvl 5 madness fails. I wouldn't mind if this happened once in a while but this is about how every fight goes. NGD's retarded random resist system decides the winner.

I am not asking for absolutes either. If you took the time to read my post you will see I don't mention blocks or evades and I am asking for random resists to be toned down. Read the post before replying and reacting like a turd throwing monkey, eh?

I read it pretty well. You can harp on my mentioning evades and blocks yet ignore the fact that I did mention resists as well. You can also ignore the fact that NGD toned it waaay down from what it used to be.

This complaint has been around a very long time. Trying to insult me (good one though, should have sent me red Karma, I am a collector of profane red Karma ) won't solve your problem either.
If they removed base resist outright and then gave people resist type skills what then?
They could give a 100% resist spell but then such would have to come along with a malus pretty much like precise block, low profile and sanctuary. That could be interesting. Without it we would have to rely on evades to keep things interesting.
Optionally they could offer a % resist spell but with attack abilities. However this simply means more randomness and based on your irate responses, this would be a no no. The fact that might this spell might be able to be dispelled meaning you can have your resists all removed in a swipe and become a total victim to CC and spells, may not auger well either.

Of course being able to deliver attacks 100% of the time once you can get your opponent off guard (dizzy or prevent them buffing a resist spell) without even a prayer of a recovery maybe an ideal solution for some.

Toning it down further (they did already) will solve the problem? I am not sure.
I suppose the real problem is that we don't have a clue of the formulas behind resistance, if and how we can boost our resistance and if anything depletes it badly, making us more prone to attacks. Is it related to intelligence? Unknown.
What about spell focus rings? I use one on my knight and it "seems" to make my spells go through better. I could be imagining it too. What about concentration? There is a lot we just don't know about these two features in the game to be able to be sure that reducing base resists will do the trick.

Of course you could be right and it is broken as heck, hence they won't release the numbers behind resistance and spell focus .

Just another monkey turd for your collection. Feel free to respond . I think I got a few still wet ones round back.

07-07-2011, 05:37 PM
Oh no, poor barb took on two people and failed to win a fight, please NGD alter it so a barb can solo 5 people and still win!

07-07-2011, 05:49 PM
... so a barb can solo 5 people and still win! ...

Isn't already the case ? :devil:

07-07-2011, 05:58 PM
Isn't already the case ? :devil:
nope cause 5 players are normally:

07-07-2011, 06:24 PM
lol, i know the solution is, make um 100% and passive give barbs 55 range and ...

no seriously their are classes that are hurt harder by that than barbs *cough* warlock *cough*. funny that 1 with a lvl 57 warlock finds it great that warlocks should have 0% chance to resist ccs as long as no wm is around.

Too bad a marksmen can't out dizzy/stun/knock a warlock, oh wait. Every class has a resistance spell, yet you prefer the luck system. It's understandable that people like this luck system, because it makes fighting so much easier. If you land the first dizzy, you deserve to win. not a Scenario like this:

"I've been hit by meteor, 7 seconds dizzy, oh well... I'll resist will domain and win!, even though I am not using buffs."

I've played every class during my duration of my time here, nothing is more annoying than losing a fight you should have won BUT you don't because of the enemies luck in ONE skill resistance. All it takes is one skill to lose. Unless the enemy misses too, then you have the advantage until he/she resist... which is a chain of utter bullshit to be quite honest.

07-07-2011, 06:38 PM
I read it pretty well. You can harp on my mentioning evades and blocks yet ignore the fact that I did mention resists as well. You can also ignore the fact that NGD toned it waaay down from what it used to be.


I was directing that at the three above you. Your posts are always well thought out and I appreciate your opinions.

Three of my fights today were decided by these bs resist. First I was fighting a lock and a knight. Toward the end of the fight I had the lock dizzy and was going after him but the knight was close behind. I roared the knight and he got one of these bs resists and killed me moments later. If not for that I could have very well won. My next emample I was riding around on my horse when I spotted a small hunting group after me consisting of a hunter, conju, and a lock. Now granted I could have just rode away but I am not one to shy away from a fight even if I know I will lose. Maybe I can kill one forbore going down or at least make a good show of it. So I hid waiting for them to get in all close and I got my chance. I sprang at the two that were together, the lock and hunter. I roared them and the hunter got a random resist, went into sotw and I failed to get my one kill I had hoped for. Now if he had not resisted I am prety confident I could have killed the conju and put up a decent fight against the other two less their conju. Now if he had resisted due to casting sotw before I roared I would have no complaint.

My point is that these resists affect the outcome far too often. More than 50% of my fights are decided by these random resists and this is far too much imo. A players skill should decide the outcome more times that not. Sadly I feel this is not the case.

07-07-2011, 07:12 PM
Too bad a marksmen can't out dizzy/stun/knock a warlock, oh wait.
i hope that was sarcastic cause a marksmen that can't dizzy/stun/knock a warlock till the lock is dead and keep him at a distance the lock can't hit him should proly quit.
Every class has a resistance spell, yet you prefer the luck system.
Did you ever play a lock? guess not cause warlock are the only class that don't have such a res spell. ;)
It's understandable that people like this luck system, because it makes fighting so much easier. If you land the first dizzy, you deserve to win.
so haveing a better ping or range is skill for you? made my day. if that's your point than there should be just 1 class and that's a marksmen.
not a Scenario like this:

"I've been hit by meteor, 7 seconds dizzy, oh well... I'll resist will domain and win!, even though I am not using buffs."

I've played every class during my duration of my time here.
wait you played a lock? great and you didn't find out lock have no cc resi spell?
oh and for the scenario, running 10 meters and casting will domain is faster than meteor as long as you don't have uber cast time gear.
nothing is more annoying than losing a fight you should have won BUT you don't because of the enemies luck in ONE skill resistance. All it takes is one skill to lose. Unless the enemy misses too, then you have the advantage until he/she resist... which is a chain of utter bullshit to be quite honest.
this would be right as long as not every class has a counter to cc and warlocks but the warlock himself. so a warlock without a wm for banner is just dead meet. is that what you want? ok a warlock could use curse but that has range 25 and won't therefore work against any ranged toon.

07-07-2011, 07:13 PM
My point is that these resists affect the outcome far too often. More than 50% of my fights are decided by these random resists and this is far too much imo. A players skill should decide the outcome more times that not. Sadly I feel this is not the case.

Actually, I think the problem here is that one CC (roar) is deciding the outcome of the battle.

Yes, there can be some skill involved in landing it; but once it's cast, whether or not it is resisted decides the battle. This is more a general problem of overpowered CCs.

07-07-2011, 07:29 PM
My apologies Droc. I am allergic to monkey turd you see. I think I will look at that anger management thread again xD .

I still would like to have some info on resistance and exactly what affects it. We have people here who have suggested that it works a specific way but nobody knows for sure.

Which class innately has more resistance than another ? Do we really know if this is the case? What about spell focus? Intelligence and concentration , how do these if at all define resistance and ability to land spells? These are questions that have been here since the dawn of the game. Maybe the original players know but I for sure do not. CC is an issue but really , players should be given an opportunity to make builds that modify their base resistance like they do with passive resist (damage reduction) dexterity and so on. If I have spell focus , intelligence and concentration gear I should know exactly what that means to my build. It should show on my character sheet as well.

NGD has always shied away from even giving the most basic of answers here. They practically ignored it in 'ask NGD'.

BTW : lock does need a resistance type defence spell. If curse worked for you Chrisuf I am happy . That one still gets me killed xD

07-07-2011, 07:29 PM
It's understandable that people like this luck system, because it makes fighting so much easier.

Oh lol non-sense that i ever saw.. :)))))))

-Luck is luck dude...luck means chances are on both side...
-100% chances on a side means absolut victory.....

% chances it's much more diferent != like 100% chance...

Maybe ppl want to think more realistic this way.....

Imagine 3-4 barb that cast howl 5 and roar 5 on a zerg at 100%...what you think will happen?!?!?!!

Imagine any kind of area that disable complete...as sultar terror...even noone use them ...but can be used as mass knock ...and noone to be able to resist........

Ppl realy need to think a bit more large that a single situation that a PvP....

07-07-2011, 10:54 PM
50% chances aren't bad, the game just needs to be designed for stuff like this. Meaning: No spells with 52342seconds cool down that are frustrating to either the attacker or the victim no matter what, no imbalanced CC effects. 3-4 seconds knock down max., etc. 50% block chance is absolutely no problem then.

Right now chance stuff in Regnum is rather a duck tape "fix" for overpowered spells. You don't notice them that much, because you can still win against those spells with some luck. See above, HidrA describes very well what luck in Regnum is - and that's at the same time what it should NEVER be.

07-08-2011, 01:50 AM
While some randomness is important to adaptive gameplay, it has been ridiculous lately.

Several times per playing session I have 75% of those hit by roar resist it, even lower-levels who "supposedly" have much lower intelligence so my conc-based spell focus should have won out.

There needs to be some kind of cutoff or bell-curve or something.

Roar and howl for example, (and kick which I've unskilled), seem to get resisted more often than not.

I dont mind the fights where one or two things get resisted. It's the back-to-back, resist, resist, resist BS that drives me mad. I often have mages (locks especially for some reason), resist every single cc I try to use on them.

But whatever, keep on truckin'

07-08-2011, 04:39 AM
Roar and howl for example, (and kick which I've unskilled), seem to get resisted more often than not.

With the exception of kick, I think this is the way it should be. The more spread out a skill's effect is, the less effective it should be imo. I've noticed this pattern of wicked resists with Sultar's Terror too.. 90% knock chance my ass xD

07-08-2011, 06:37 AM
Several times per playing session I have 75% of those hit by roar resist it, even lower-levels who "supposedly" have much lower intelligence so my conc-based spell focus should have won out.
well you have a point there, i sometimes have people resisting 90% of all spells/ccs on my warlock. (interesting fact is, that it seems that specially my leech skills are resisted about 75%+ guess i'm just unlucky using them)
I dont mind the fights where one or two things get resisted. It's the back-to-back, resist, resist, resist BS that drives me mad. I often have mages (locks especially for some reason), resist every single cc I try to use on them.
i know what you mean. Well with the last update it seems that this resists without skill have increased from around 10% to 25% so it's now alot more likely to resist than before. (i myself resist normally around 20% of the ccs thrown at me but that's because i'm only lvl 48 so a bit lower than the average, and not only stats but also lvl difference have direct impact on the resist chance.)

little example (not that spells/ccs use the same resists if no special cc resists are there):
before update 10% chance ==> 1% chance to resist 2 spells/ccs in a raw (rather unlikely)
now 25% chance ==> 6.25% chance to resist 2 spells/ccs in a raw this means 1 out of 16 times. this is not that unlikely anymore. (i'm not exactly sure if it's now 25% but somewhere around that seems to be the random resists. if you now add sotw you look at 75%+ and ofc knights passive block increases that to 66%+ which makes me smile everytime i manage to get my 2 dots or a knock on a knight, cause else i have no chance beating 1. -66% dmg only from random resists and block is alot.)

but tbh, i'd rather have shorter ccs, longer immunities after that and better balanced dmg.

knock lasts 3s
than you could get at the same time a 9s immunity letting knock hit you the next time 6s after the last ended (or what ever ration seems balanced)

i guess mages should have at least a way to counter this, as those are hit hardest by it. it's kind of a 2nd knock for a mage.

but as long as such changes aren't added, random resists are needed. (and you can't balance ccs without balancing dmg, as because of ccs barbs got insane dmg, random resists have an impact on warlocks dmg and so on. people seem to forget that. just for the note the increase of random resists lowered warlock average dps by 20%. ;))

07-08-2011, 07:45 AM
The problem is not that your crowd controls are resisted too often, but that this single resist more often than not can determine the outcome of a fight. I realize how useless it is to say this yet again, but the problem is the crowd controls. Of course one resist is going to turn the tides of a fight, when every class has the ability to completely disable an enemy for the entire fight (or in the case of barbarians, disable a group of enemies for an entire fight). This makes the resists more noticeable, whether they are actually more common or not. Resists determining fights is a symptom of a larger problem.

07-08-2011, 12:38 PM
The problem is not that your crowd controls are resisted too often, but that this single resist more often than not can determine the outcome of a fight. I realize how useless it is to say this yet again, but the problem is the crowd controls. Of course one resist is going to turn the tides of a fight, when every class has the ability to completely disable an enemy for the entire fight (or in the case of barbarians, disable a group of enemies for an entire fight). This makes the resists more noticeable, whether they are actually more common or not. Resists determining fights is a symptom of a larger problem.

I think we all acknowledge that CC among other other niggling issues are a big problem in the game. Even NGD suggestively realised this and brought in the beacon as sort of a tuck tape fix. Since the game got sped up it became even more glaring. I also think the community is weary of kicking that horse hoping for a substantial balance update to make these tactical without overshadowing the rest of game play.
So we just move on to the next thing. Resists. Don't think that evades and blocks are fine because you hardly see them. They have issues as well.
Miss is a whole other story. I have no idea where NGD will take that antiquated layer. Hidden behind all this is the matter of seemingly broken Hit chance system. Van , both you and I asked for info on resistance and spell focus multiple times so we could understand it better. To no avail. I am weary asking but I keep at it. I hate to sound like a broken record but we really need this info too. Why is it some kind of national secret?

07-08-2011, 01:06 PM
Game of skill my ass, don't feed your ego.

Random resists are luck, luck is life.
Moving on.

07-08-2011, 02:18 PM
Of course one resist is going to turn the tides of a fight, when every class has the ability to completely disable an enemy for the entire fight (or in the case of barbarians, disable a group of enemies for an entire fight).

Let's not overlook locks, with that same ability (MoD, Sultar's Terror, Twister, Mind Push, et. al). When was the last time someone actually spell-resisted Master of Doom anyway?

So really I see no need to isolate barbs in this ability. But that's aside the point; Artec has it right with the need for transparency in how spell-resistance functions. The character window still has plenty of room left for such things NGD :angel1:

07-08-2011, 03:12 PM
It's more noticeable for barbs perhaps because against a lock that one resist can be fatal. Barb vs good lock you don't get second chances. Often times you're lucky to have got the first.

07-08-2011, 03:43 PM
It's more noticeable for barbs perhaps because against a lock that one resist can be fatal. Barb vs good lock you don't get second chances. Often times you're lucky to have got the first.
it's quite noticeable on locks too cause if 1 cc doesn't work against a barb, the lock is dead. (not enough time to cast a 2nd cc if the barb knows what to do.)

07-08-2011, 08:12 PM
+Resists/evades/blocks/miss are not possible without RANDOM

Resists/evades/miss for sure are not possible.

Please calm down your argue about warlock/barbs or other kind of argue and read above explanation...at least try to understand.

There are many point of view.Let's take one of them Resists.

How ppl can build this system?Lets try many ways:

Without using random system but using skills that influence resists.

Lets take Inteligence as factor.

Lest say by default wee have number as 100 as absolut factor and he give 0% resists.So nobody resist at something.
Now lets try to add Int as factor that confere us resist.
60 int will give us 30% resist.
Good...now troble is how wee build table of resist.......
So from 100 hits, 30 of hits must be resisted.Without a random factor that generate a random result wee need to build a fixed chain of numbers.

Hit 1=resist,Hit2=non-resist,Hit3=non-resist....etc till 100=resist.

So wee asigned at 30 hits from 100 resist.

Troble is a person can learn this chain and know when is resist and when is hit.

Conclusion 1 =any kind of attribut that have influece confere % chances

To build a system using 30% of hit by time.This it's not posible because noone can know long i will stay online...or to define the time that i want to play.
Only if there is a count that count my time that i stay online and is raported as 100 at predifined time as 1 hour..10 hours etc.

To build a system that can print results without a player can know that results.
The only option is random from table or with range.

Conclusion is sample..and there are 2 options:
-a)REMOVE resists/evades/blocks/miss
-b)Make only absolute spells with 100% resists/miss/block/evades and remove any kind of % chances.Also is a must to remove any kind of attribute as intelligence in resists etc....

07-08-2011, 09:49 PM
I really don't get what you try to say.

60 int will give us 30% resist.
Good...now troble is how wee build table of resist.......
So from 100 hits, 30 of hits must be resisted.Without a random factor that generate a random result wee need to build a fixed chain of numbers.

Hit 1=resist,Hit2=non-resist,Hit3=non-resist....etc till 100=resist.

? ? ? No, you don't have to resist 30 out of 100 hits just because it's supposed to be 30% chance. Chance means it should be somewhere around 30(%), and gets closer the more tries you repeat.

There are things like random number generators. They work. The only thing not working are players that don't understand what random means, or think they've got representative tests while they don't.

07-08-2011, 10:14 PM
I really don't get what you try to say.

? ? ? No, you don't have to resist 30 out of 100 hits just because it's supposed to be 30% chance. Chance means it should be somewhere around 30(%), and gets closer the more tries you repeat.

There are things like random number generators. They work. The only thing not working are players that don't understand what random means, or think they've got representative tests while they don't.

Some ppl was telling that int supposed to be the main factor that contribue to resists.
Probleme is if any attribute contribue to resist system means % chances.
% chances cannot be printed out to be a fair system wihtout random....

If you don't understood again that i wrote tell me other way how can contribute 60 int for example at resist system :)
How can be printet and when or why that resists? I am oppened to suggestions and ideas.

The only ways are that i wrote in blue.

07-09-2011, 09:15 AM
I don't disagree that there should be some evades/resists but this sometimes gets ridiculous.


07-09-2011, 10:47 AM
% chances cannot be printed out to be a fair system wihtout random....

But why should any game be completely without randomness? That's rather a decision of design, both ways are possible and have their advantages and disadvantages. Plus it's a quite common thought that randomness is good for MMOs, that there are more advantages than disadvantages.

Randomness in Regnum is just fucking annoying because the balance isn't compatible at all with it. Too many spells with too much influence on combat ("OP"), too much frustration once something is resisted.

07-10-2011, 12:30 AM
Oh no, poor barb took on two people and failed to win a fight, please NGD alter it so a barb can solo 5 people and still win!

hahahahaha :clapclap: