View Full Version : Question about Regnum for all players

07-11-2011, 06:23 PM
Please answer the following questions seriously from your heart, and do not fear others verbally punking you for it. This is an effort to try to help us all see eye to eye as to what is going on in each of our minds for a greater understanding to the core problem of balance.

1) What do you feel it means when you hear that we need to balance the game?

2) What do you feel it means when you hear RVR balance?

3) Do you feel population effects RVR balance? (if yes how would you solve the issue)

4) Do you feel 1vs1 balance is important in a Realm vs Realm game? (why?)

5) Do you consider a 1vs1 battle of two people from different realms RvR <realm vs realm combat>? (why?)

6) What would a 1vs1 battle be of people in the same realm with duel banner?

7) Then is dual banner a valuable tool in checking balance?(why)

8) Is the battle arena a valuable tool in checking balance? (why)

9) Do you feel all classes should have a chance to defeat each other fairly in 1vs1 combat?

0) Do you feel all classes have the ability to defeat each other in 1vs1 combat?

~) What level must you aquire before you can feel any balance in combat situations in the warzone?

Thanks for your time and honesty.

07-11-2011, 06:42 PM
1) What do you feel it means when you hear that we need to balance the game?
That there is some realm or class that has a big advantage over others

2) What do you feel it means when you hear RVR balance?
I never heard of this actually

3) Do you feel population effects RVR balance? (if yes how would you solve the issue)
Population in different timezones yes, i would solve this issue by removing boats as an option to get in if there is a timezone imbalance

4) Do you feel 1vs1 balance is important in a Realm vs Realm game? (why?)
No.. simply because the spells are based around rvr

5) Do you consider a 1vs1 battle of two people from different realms RvR <realm vs realm combat>? (why?)
No, because i believe realm vs realm combat to be more then 1vs1 fights

6) What would a 1vs1 battle be of people in the same realm with duel banner?

7) Then is dual banner a valuable tool in checking balance?(why)
No, it only shows pvp situations NOT rvr

8) Is the battle arena a valuable tool in checking balance? (why)
If its group vs group then yes, if its player vs player, then no.

9) Do you feel all classes should have a chance to defeat each other fairly in 1vs1 combat?
Currently this is possible, but if it wasnt then i still wouldnt care

0) Do you feel all classes have the ability to defeat each other in 1vs1 combat?
~) What level must you aquire before you can feel any balance in combat situations in the warzone I'd say 40/45+

Nice to help you :)

what is the point of this thread btw?

07-11-2011, 07:03 PM
Please answer the following questions seriously from your heart, and do not fear others verbally punking you for it. This is an effort to try to help us all see eye to eye as to what is going on in each of our minds for a greater understanding to the core problem of balance.

1) What do you feel it means when you hear that we need to balance the game?
a) Game balance to me means that no one player will be able to totally rape another player of equal or greater level, when both are equally fighting to the death, each with the best possible skill setup for their class.

2) What do you feel it means when you hear RVR balance?
a) RvR balance to me means that..
- All boss items/drops given to players of each realm will possibly have different names, shapes, designs, colors than other realms, but will not be more powerful that the counter part of another realm.
- All items/drops given from quest will be equally relative to the character levels per realm. As in a level 20 ring from ignis will not be a level 40 ring from a syrtis quest.
- All Save points will be equally spaced from the realm doors and forts so that no one realm has the advantage of arriving first to any location.
- All inner realm monsters will have similar levels per realm per location.
- All warzone monsters of your realm will also have similar levels per realm location (most high end monsters will not be found in 1 or 2 out of the 3 realms.
- Travel (distance) to xp zones and size of xp zones will be equal per realm.

3) Do you feel population effects RVR balance? (if yes how would you solve the issue)
a)Population itself should not effect game content of rvr balance, but can effect the outcome of fort battles. (solution to fort battle balance would be spawn more guards <archers,warriors, and new fort conjurer guard to heal people when there is no conjurer at fort> - when the fort is occupied by at least one of your realm and is being attacked by a larger number of enemy players)

4) Do you feel 1vs1 balance is important in a Realm vs Realm game? (why?)
a)Yes - 1vs1 battles make up the realm vs realm large combat battles. Each of us should have effective ways to fight and defend efficiently vs any class in combat.

5) Do you consider a 1vs1 battle of two people from different realms RvR <realm vs realm combat>? (why?)
a) yes - they are from different realms.. thus realm vs realm

6) What would a 1vs1 battle be of people in the same realm with duel banner?
a) just a duel between an ally to pass time or test armors/weapons/skills

7) Then is dual banner a valuable tool in checking balance?(why)
a) not really - because the duel banner does not give a true sense of how real combat is fought in regnum.

8) Is the battle arena a valuable tool in checking balance? (why)
a) no - many skills/pets do not function the same in the arena as they do in the warzone

9) Do you feel all classes should have a chance to defeat each other fairly in 1vs1 combat?
a) yes - each class should have the ability to attack and kill the other and not just based on 1 skill or max damage output per second.

0) Do you feel all classes have the ability to defeat each other in 1vs1 combat?
a) when you have evenly matched players in skill and one player has godly items the answer is no. Before the introduction of all these powerful weapons, yes there was more balance between the classes in combat situations. But yes I feel all classes have the ability to kill one another if they are evenly "geared up".

~) What level must you aquire before you can feel any balance in combat situations in the warzone?
a) in the past it was lvl 39+ to feel effective rvr in the warzone. However, in lue of the advent of warmasters and level 60, now one has to be lvl 50+ to feel any sense of combat balance. This is in part due to the weapons and armors that come to those past lvl 55. A level 50 archer vs a level 60 archer will do around 12 - 50 damage per shot vs 120 - 240+ damage per shot. The game now focuses more on items than it ever has before in the past.

Thanks for your time and honesty.

My thoughts and feelings listed...

07-11-2011, 07:35 PM
1) What do you feel it means when you hear that we need to balance the game?
balance means to me, to give the players the opportunity to have various ways to play the game, Hunting alone or in groups, grinding alone or in groups, Fort battles with groups, field battles in groups

2) What do you feel it means when you hear RVR balance?
RvR balance can be achived only when you get forced to do a great teamplay, therefore you need variousa useful skills fr all classes, not something like the kick and feint game that is running on the servers right now. RvR Balance is a thing that players have to achieve, NGD is just able to implement the basics for teamplay, and fighting together. for example, Binds, as far away from the forts that the defenders still can spawn there, but not too far away so the defender run more then they fight

3) Do you feel population effects RVR balance? (if yes how would you solve the issue)
Population effects RvR balance, but that is somekind of the surprising, everybody playing regnum knows the feeling to log in and hope for a good fighting evening, its like sports, sometimes you have a good day, and other days it just looks bad to your enemies are more lucky or skilled than you

4) Do you feel 1vs1 balance is important in a Realm vs Realm game? (why?)
No its not, 1 vs 1 balance is often made by some equipment parts, a good aura knight or a fast acting healer can be always the victory bringing factor

5) Do you consider a 1vs1 battle of two people from different realms RvR <realm vs realm combat>? (why?)

6) What would a 1vs1 battle be of people in the same realm with duel banner?
A Dual

7) Then is dual banner a valuable tool in checking balance?(why)
No simple duals have a too wide spread of results to get any marks for balance, its good that there is much luck in it

8) Is the battle arena a valuable tool in checking balance? (why)
No, its good for testing weapons/armors skills

9) Do you feel all classes should have a chance to defeat each other fairly in 1vs1 combat?
Yes, but these days we are far away from any point like this

0) Do you feel all classes have the ability to defeat each other in 1vs1 combat?
No, a sigle hunting marksman who knows how to shoot and run in a good timed way cant be defeated by anybody (i am just talking about marksman that know how to play their char)

~) What level must you aquire before you can feel any balance in combat situations in the warzone?
Depends on classes, the bar is raising as longer the players have time to level to 60, Conjurer and Knights can play from level 45 RvR, other classes especially newcomers should start with lvl 50 in Warzone to not get frustrated that easy

Thanks for your time and honesty.

Its good to see somebody asking himself and others the questions that move many many players

07-11-2011, 07:58 PM
Before answare NGD must define they vision about gameplay..RvR gameplay:

A RvR game where each class has his roll in game(but this make the gameplay more stupid because each realm will need a certain number from each class that make a perfect team combat)So team play to be a must.
-Warlock to have a very low defense but have a very huge power of fire(lots of dmg)
-Barbs and Marx to hit lots of dmg but to die fast also.
-Knight to confere lots of defence via auras hit very low dmg,and having lots of armor and hight HP.
-Conjurer -very low dmg ,but heal a lots.
-Hunters to track,camo,run fast,hit very low.

A RvR game where each class can hit almoust with same dmg,have almoust same tricks,almoust same defence but by specialization(this knd of balance it's good for PvP) also.

When NGD will be able to tell me what kind of road has this game A or B i will tell how i see balance of classes and my opinion what is wrong.
In curent state of game i feel like is something between A and B but not one defined or finished.

About population afect RvR balance ...
Yes ofc this afect because it's about who have more WM and damage dealers will win...
Curent state of balance where Barbs and Marxs deal lots of dmg ,have hight defence and are protected by resist to CC WM spells ,also where warlocks resist at CC breack balance in RvR mode and DMG talk.

07-11-2011, 10:45 PM
Please answer the following questions seriously from your heart, and do not fear others verbally punking you for it. This is an effort to try to help us all see eye to eye as to what is going on in each of our minds for a greater understanding to the core problem of balance.

1) What do you feel it means when you hear that we need to balance the game?

Well first of all you have 2 kinds of balance Class balance and Realm Balance Class balance for me is making sure 1 class can't simply dominate all the other classes every class should have weak points but should also have strong points that can compensate every class should have a fair chance in PvP Realm balance for me is making sure that 1 realm will never be underpopulated and if a realm is underpopulated I think you should give that realm REAL bonusses to make sure new players will join it! Also 1 realm shouldn't have OP rings and boss drops while the other realm shouldn't wear boss drops because NPC bought gear is better....

2) What do you feel it means when you hear RVR balance?

Making sure there will be no 10v30 fights and items should be equal

3) Do you feel population effects RVR balance? (if yes how would you solve the issue)

Ofcourse it does, If 1 realm is very crowded while the other realm is almost empty how can this not effect RvR balance?

4) Do you feel 1vs1 balance is important in a Realm vs Realm game? (why?)

No shit sherlock RvR = a weird kind of PvP

5) Do you consider a 1vs1 battle of two people from different realms RvR <realm vs realm combat>? (why?)

No because it just isn't RvR I mean yes its Alsius player vs Syrtis/Ignis player but I don't think the honour and gems of your realm are in danger in a 1v1 battle in a 30v30 battle however they are

6) What would a 1vs1 battle be of people in the same realm with duel banner?

PvP, only its a pitty that duel banners are so shitty ( Tiny Range which makes ranged vs melee impossible)

7) Then is dual banner a valuable tool in checking balance?(why)

Yes besides arena it would be a very nice option ( if the banners will be fixed ofcourse because now ATM they are useless) just because you could be able to duel someone from another class ANYTIME you want I mean you will always find someone from the other class you want to find at your CS

8) Is the battle arena a valuable tool in checking balance? (why)

Yes if Arena would be adjusted (Make it bigger and give us some trees or pillars in it)

9) Do you feel all classes should have a chance to defeat each other fairly in 1vs1 combat?

Ofcourse however all classes must have strong points and weak points and the strong points don't HAVE to be usefull in PvP

0) Do you feel all classes have the ability to defeat each other in 1vs1 combat?

Yes except for knights ( If we are talking about WZ)

~) What level must you aquire before you can feel any balance in combat situations in the warzone?

I started pwning when I was 43-44 ( however... back then max lvl was 50)

Thanks for your time and honesty.

I like mudkipz

07-11-2011, 11:17 PM
Before answare NGD must define they vision about gameplay..RvR gameplay:

A RvR game where each class has his roll in game(but this make the gameplay more stupid because each realm will need a certain number from each class that make a perfect team combat)So team play to be a must.
-Warlock to have a very low defense but have a very huge power of fire(lots of dmg)
-Barbs and Marx to hit lots of dmg but to die fast also.
-Knight to confere lots of defence via auras hit very low dmg,and having lots of armor and hight HP.
-Conjurer -very low dmg ,but heal a lots.
-Hunters to track,camo,run fast,hit very low.

A RvR game where each class can hit almoust with same dmg,have almoust same tricks,almoust same defence but by specialization(this knd of balance it's good for PvP) also.

When NGD will be able to tell me what kind of road has this game A or B i will tell how i see balance of classes and my opinion what is wrong.
In curent state of game i feel like is something between A and B but not one defined or finished.

About population afect RvR balance ...
Yes ofc this afect because it's about who have more WM and damage dealers will win...
Curent state of balance where Barbs and Marxs deal lots of dmg ,have hight defence and are protected by resist to CC WM spells ,also where warlocks resist at CC breack balance in RvR mode and DMG talk.

Do not worry about the above HidraA. Just give us your own opinion of what you feel about the listed questions. Your opinion matters here, as it will provide insight to how you and some others feel about what balance is or should be.

07-12-2011, 12:04 AM
2) What do you feel it means when you hear RVR balance?
RvR balance= when a small group can (Ex:5 ppl)can beat 10 ppl using strategy and taking advantage of they classes they have.=team play

3) Do you feel population effects RVR balance? (if yes how would you solve the issue)
Yes ... because of curent state of WM spells and classes balance..how to solve ?...sample Revamp all WM gameplay and classes...by making radical changes to all classes.

4) Do you feel 1vs1 balance is important in a Realm vs Realm game? (why?)
Yup ...for lots of ppl PvP is a alternative to RvR mode when not many ppl are online ...case of Horus.

5) Do you consider a 1vs1 battle of two people from different realms RvR <realm vs realm combat>? (why?)
RvR != with PvP...RvR it's more larger and imply a few more ppl that can take forts/invade...and this is not posible in 1 vs 1.

6) What would a 1vs1 battle be of people in the same realm with duel banner?

7) Then is dual banner a valuable tool in checking balance?(why)
Weird question...banner has nothing to doo with balance....

8) Is the battle arena a valuable tool in checking balance? (why)
Arena was most important place to test skills before...now it's just a useless place...also to test diference between armors,gems etc...

9) Do you feel all classes should have a chance to defeat each other fairly in 1vs1 combat?
Ofc ..but its not anymore a PvP game ...random and half balances of classes make this imposible(Ex:put a conj to fight with a barb or warlock :) )

0) Do you feel all classes have the ability to defeat each other in 1vs1 combat?
Nope...example gave allrady barb vs conj=imposible,hunter vs conj=imposible,walock vs barb =imposible

07-19-2011, 12:41 AM
I originally wrote this post for the stage 1 balance discussion thread, but since it got closed as I was typing this up, I'll just copy-paste it here instead. At least it's less off-topic here, as it might answer some of your questions. Here it goes, unmodified:

I personally think 5 seconds knock is too much.maybe for warriors and archers because they use normal hits, but mages can only count on their spells, so you have to subtract 2 seconds because of normal GCD, so you should have 3 "real" seconds where you can cast something upon the enemy, that is one spell when the enemy is on the ground and another just before he stands up and fights back

This is a very 1v1 centric argument. In an RvR situation, those extra 2 seconds aren't just there for you to be able to cast some extra spells on the target, but also for all your allies who do not have the same restriction and can freely attack during those 2 seconds as well. In this case those extra 2 seconds could be seen as quite unfair compared to other knockdowns. If you're not convinced, think of it this way: if the GCD on Will Domain was 30s, would it be justified for it to have a 33s knockdown effect, just so you can still cast a few spells before he can get up? Even if it was "ok" in 1v1, it would be devastating in RvR...

Actually it doesn't completely stand even for 1v1. During those 2 seconds, it's not just your GCD that is ticking. It's also mana regen, cooldowns, buff and debuff durations, DoTs (which might even kill the target because he couldn't dispel or heal himself in time, for example), etc.

Like bois said, adjusting GCD seems like a much better solution in this case (if it's really needed), as it wouldn't screw up RvR balance at least.

I didn't really want to single out this post, I just wanted to take it as an example to say that every suggestion or argument should be checked from multiple angles and not just from a single point of view. I know it's always more difficult to see problems with one's own ideas, but even just checking how a change would affect both PvP and RvR could easily reveal some flaws. I see a lot of single-sided arguments on the forums. (Actually, if you asked me, only RvR is important, but that seems to be just a personal opinion nowadays.)

And now to something completely different... (well, not really, but maybe more on-topic at least)

I see a lot of debate on what the roles of different classes are, what should be the difference between offensive/defensive subclasses, whether 1v1 balance is important at all, and if it is, how important it is, etc.

First off, I think "defensive" is rather misleading, it should be called "supportive" instead. Now, in RO there are two types of support that I can imagine: spells that affect allies, and spells that affect enemies without dealing a lot of damage (i.e. debuffs). The first type is covered by conjurers and knights, with the knight dealing primarily with damage prevention (reduction), and the conjurer with restoration and various buffs. The second type... well I guess that should be hunters, at least according to the website ("Hunter: Defensive discipline. Allows the player to train a pet and use skills to make a target easier to hit.). Curiously the only such debuff that a hunter gets is Death Sentence. I'm not even sure if even NGD wants this role for hunters anymore, or ever really wanted it for that matter...

Now take a look at it from a different point of view. Generally, supportive subclasses have more skills that only really work in RvR and have no use in 1v1 (Shield Wall, Stars Shield, Death Sentence, Camouflage Corpse, Heal Ally, Resurrect, ...). Every point you invest in those skills takes you further away from being a match for any offensive class who doesn't need (or even have) such skills. Hence, I don't see how you can keep up the distinction between offensive and support-oriented subclasses while still having good 1v1 balance between all classes. It just doesn't sound plausible. I guess you could still ask for being able to skill supportive classes offensively, but if that's possible, then what's the point of having offensive classes? Offensive classes would be basically like support classes, just without the option of skilling for support? Less versatility? Who wants that?

Furthermore, if all classes were self-sufficient, then RvR battles would be little more than a lot of 1v1 battles taking place simultaneously in the same area. It's good to have support classes and support skills that might be of little use "personally", but can make quite a difference in a larger battle by making things easier for the offensive classes. Support usually needs a better overview of the battle, needs to keep an eye on what both allies and enemies are doing and make the right calls at the right time - I think it's a bit more difficult and demanding, while offense is usually more "simplistic". But that's all fine, both are needed. Different people like to play in different ways.

I even saw arguments that 1v1 balance is necessary for RvR balance. I couldn't disagree more. Both my conjurer and knight are quite useless in 1v1 (especially conjurer), with not much that I can do other than trying to run to safety from attackers. Yet I don't feel that they're equally useless in RvR.

Getting a little long here again, I didn't really want to write so much. I also seem to have managed to stay rather off topic after all, since the main topic should have been CCs here, or something... oh well. It's all my personal opinion and wishes for the future of RO, and I know a lot of people will disagree, yada yada. No matter. Thanks for reading, have a nice day. :P

07-19-2011, 01:18 AM
1) What do you feel it means when you hear that we need to balance the game?
I think, OMG ... A MMORPG need to have a good balance. Never thought about balance before Regnum. I really miss a good balance in Regnum.
I love the balance in old Real-time Strategy (RTS) games like Earth 2140. I wonder why NGD doesn't develop a balance instead of a imbalanced class.

2) What do you feel it means when you hear RVR balance?
look at I) :D

3) Do you feel population effects RVR balance? (if yes how would you solve the issue)
Yes, hardly. I don't know how to solve it now.

4) Do you feel 1vs1 balance is important in a Realm vs Realm game? (why?)
1vs1 balance is the ground balance for everything else. Very important to have a 1vs1 balance before thinking about CC or rvr balance.

5) Do you consider a 1vs1 battle of two people from different realms RvR <realm vs realm combat>? (why?)
Jep, very very different things.

6) What would a 1vs1 battle be of people in the same realm with duel banner?
I don't use duel banners, thus I don't know how to answer.

7) Then is dual banner a valuable tool in checking balance?(why)
No, because it's only two people which make a duel. Not 5-15+ people.

8) Is the battle arena a valuable tool in checking balance? (why)
No, the arena doesn't represent the whole WZ. It's too tiny.

9) Do you feel all classes should have a chance to defeat each other fairly in 1vs1 combat?
Yes. The simplest way to get a balanced battle.

0) Do you feel all classes have the ability to defeat each other in 1vs1 combat?
Look at 9)

~) What level must you aquire before you can feel any balance in combat situations in the warzone?
At least lvl 57, or higher - but depends on the class and how good or poor you can play the characters class. As a mage, i'll say lvl 70, because a mage can be defeated really fast.

Answers in Quote. :D

07-19-2011, 01:20 AM
The one thing that annoys be when people talk about balance is that they seem to think all the classes should be on equal footing. That is not Regnum online. This is an RvR game, not a PvP game. It is a game where 6 classes work together as a team.

Please stfu about class balance.

07-19-2011, 01:40 AM
The one thing that annoys be when people talk about balance is that they seem to think all the classes should be on equal footing. That is not Regnum online. This is an RvR game, not a PvP game. It is a game where 6 classes work together as a team.

Please stfu about class balance.

Relax and read what Chilko said about balancing pvp and rvr skills.
From the mouth of NGD pvp was stated.

Feel free to state your opinion about balance Droc.

07-19-2011, 02:26 PM
Please answer the following questions seriously from your heart, and do not fear others verbally punking you for it. This is an effort to try to help us all see eye to eye as to what is going on in each of our minds for a greater understanding to the core problem of balance.

1) What do you feel it means when you hear that we need to balance the game?

Complaints about balance from seasoned players indicate there are flaws that leave people without options which leads to frustration. So when i think about balance my question is not how to make all classes equally powerful, but how to ensure all classes are fun to play. There would be no problem with weaker classes in straight fights that still are fun to play due to other valuable tools. So when i think about regnum balance, its how to make balance the fun (!=power) for all involved.

2) What do you feel it means when you hear RVR balance?
RvR balance is the balance of group fights in different environments. Opposed to PvP balance class synergies have to be taken into account. What additionally comes in here is to also ensure that the groups power stays on the same level, no matter the composition. (Here the fun of playing translates more to the power of the group, be it defensive or offensive power.)

3) Do you feel population effects RVR balance? (if yes how would you solve the issue)
Since i see RvR balance not related to the difference in numbers, no.

4) Do you feel 1vs1 balance is important in a Realm vs Realm game? (why?)
Yes it obviously is important since its all about fun, and many encounters translate into 1vs1 fights, at least temporarily. Note my answer to question 1 though, that fun != equal power. (Options that means, eg. 1v1 you might be weaker but you have tools that might allow you to recover/flee if it goes the wrong way.)

5) Do you consider a 1vs1 battle of two people from different realms RvR <realm vs realm combat>? (why?)
I consider any encounter in the wz a RvR battle, but when discussing i prefer to distinguish PvP and RvR, one for considering no class synergies and the other with.

6) What would a 1vs1 battle be of people in the same realm with duel banner?
A straight up PvP ( see 5) ) fight with additional rules.

7) Then is dual banner a valuable tool in checking balance?(why)
Here is the question for your definition of balance. For RvR balance( see 2) ), no of course not since you lack out all class synergies and valuable but not kill related tools. For PvP Balance ( see 4) ), no of course not, here its a straight fight to death starting on a set distance, no element of surprise, limited space to move and - its not quite mannered to eg. flee, recover and attack again. Its a nice thing to test stuff but it has nothing to do with warzone 1v1s.

8) Is the battle arena a valuable tool in checking balance? (why)
see 7).

9) Do you feel all classes should have a chance to defeat each other fairly in 1vs1 combat?
No, but players should have options to still have fun (ways to flee, change tides by smart tactics etc.) and have a chance to either get away or defeat the opponent against the odds by provoking mistakes. ( Options to have their actions have a purpose ).
Example: Imagine a situation where all classes are similarly powerful in straight up 1vs1 fights but one class has access to a powerful area (or whatever else tool with special synergies). This is exactly why balancing is such a difficult task. To manage the goups synergied power to match while maintaining a constant level of fun in the 1vs1 aspects.

0) Do you feel all classes have the ability to defeat each other in 1vs1 combat?
Let me chane that a bit: "Do you feel all classes have the ability to have fun in 1vs1 combat, even if they might be weaker there on purpose?" No.

~) What level must you aquire before you can feel any balance in combat situations in the warzone?
Once you have the mana and the PP to get and use a configuration with enough tools to have fun. Id say lvl 45 is a good value for most classes.

Thanks for your time and honesty.

Thanks for these questions, since i was curious to read others opinions i filed mines here too. Answers in this color which should be somewhat readable for both styles.

07-28-2011, 02:22 PM
I'll just answer a few,

1) What do you feel it means when you hear that we need to balance the game?
That something with class balance is drastically wrong, but 95% of the time it turns out to be that players are the thing wrong with their classes since they don't take time to learn them, instead prefer to whine on forums.

3) Do you feel population effects RVR balance? (if yes how would you solve the issue)
It affects the balance in a way that one realm has more in numbers at a given time. Player retention is the issue here, aka not enough of quality content (aside the perpetual war which tends to get boring sometimes) to keep the players glued to the game. Oh and chronic lack of advertising/promotion of the game by it's developers.

4) Do you feel 1vs1 balance is important in a Realm vs Realm game? (why?)
No. Because it is a RvR game where things are balanced on a bigger level then such low level stuff as 1v1. Team effort is what counts, not solo effort (even tho sometimes it's nice to do some heroic stuff :D). To me, the most important thing is to keep things balanced on a global scale and imo pvp balance can never be accomplished in such a game, because it wasn't even made with 1v1 combat in mind to start with.

5) Do you consider a 1vs1 battle of two people from different realms RvR <realm vs realm combat>? (why?)
Yes. For ego-boost, glory and acknowledgment from other realms and realm mates (something I've managed to achieve :)).

9) Do you feel all classes should have a chance to defeat each other fairly in 1vs1 combat?
Why, but not in a way that re-balancing the classes and skills for 1v1 and upset RvR mechanics by doing so. I remember from old days of Horus that no matter how one class was overpowered (hunters for instance), there were ways for skilled players to win, without starting balance threads and general whine fest on forums saying something is wrong with the game. :)

07-28-2011, 07:42 PM
1) What do you feel it means when you hear that we need to balance the game?
To many different areas for a single word. The main issues for me atm are that skill and good teamwork are no match against a zerg or over powerfull characters.

2) What do you feel it means when you hear RVR balance?

3) Do you feel population effects RVR balance? (if yes how would you solve the issue)
Yes, very tricky to solve though. Limiting loggins or access to the WZ would work, wouldnt make many folks happy though and would need forced loggouts as low population realms loggout. Boost guard strength and numbers? Boost mana and HP? No idea, will think about it though.

4) Do you feel 1vs1 balance is important in a Realm vs Realm game? (why?)
I don't but I do respect it matters to others. I dont think an equally skillful lvl 60 conj should be able to defeat a lvl 40 barb but do think a skillful lvl 40 barb should be able to defeat an untalented lvl 60 barb.

5) Do you consider a 1vs1 battle of two people from different realms RvR <realm vs realm combat>? (why?)
Question answers its self. Yes, the are from different realms.

6) What would a 1vs1 battle be of people in the same realm with duel banner?
As above, fun.

7) Then is dual banner a valuable tool in checking balance?(why)
As above, only for certain classes due to range limitations.

8) Is the battle arena a valuable tool in checking balance? (why)
Idk, dont use it much.

9) Do you feel all classes should have a chance to defeat each other fairly in 1vs1 combat?
Certainly not.

0) Do you feel all classes have the ability to defeat each other in 1vs1 combat?
No, but do feel the situation has changed a lot over the last year, not much of it in a good way.

~) What level must you aquire before you can feel any balance in combat situations in the warzone?
Depends on class. Lvl 50 is to low for my lock, lvl 30 would be ok for conj. I feel RO would benefit a lot with development in this area, difference in lvl's should be important (no other reason for all the f***ing grinding) but feel player skill (including teamwork) should matter more.

Thanks for the thread.

08-05-2011, 12:26 PM
1) What do you feel it means when you hear that we need to balance the game?

Balance is for me to even out the classes so that every class is fun to play. Situations where one class is defeated be another class and never having a chance to win OR to escape shouldn't happen.
I'm always very curious about balance changes since it means that you propably have to get a new skill setup and/or you need to aply new tactics in the game.

2) What do you feel it means when you hear RVR balance?

When we talk about RvR i think about a zerg vs zerg fight.
Lately RvR balance has a bad ring in my ears.
The reason for this is that recent changes made fights appear mostly in army sized battles and hunting parties become more and more unpopular, which I liked the most.
I think the spell "horn of the wind" is to blame for this, since it is so powerful that everyone wants to fight with a warmaster or even better two or more.
If you have no WM in your group you will simply die to a group with WMs without any chance to escape. And hunting alone makes no point even if you are a WM since you need an ally to cast HotW.
This reduces the number of groups in the WZ so that those groups which are left have nothing to hunt anymore (besides grinders which is overkill). So even those groups disappear and what is left are only the big battles.
That's why I think introducing area/aura spell is nice but there shouldn't to many (or too powerful) ones.

3) Do you feel population effects RVR balance? (if yes how would you solve the issue)

More or less. Sure the outnumbered realm has less chances to capture the gems or to defend theirs but being outnumbered can be fun too.
You simply have to look for battles you can win and shouldn't stay where you can only lose. If you do that you can have fun too.

4) Do you feel 1vs1 balance is important in a Realm vs Realm game? (why?)

Yes. Regnum is a team-play game so much is true, but that shouldn't stop people from being able to explore the WZ alone.
If 1vs1 is not balanced and you happen to meet the class that beats yours 100% with no chance of escape, exploring on your own is no option anymore thus reducing the options for you to have fun in the game.

5) Do you consider a 1vs1 battle of two people from different realms RvR <realm vs realm combat>? (why?)

Since I associate RvR with Zerg vs Zerg battles: no.

6) What would a 1vs1 battle be of people in the same realm with duel banner?

Its a duel alright but is very different from the fights in the WZ.
I would only do that for testing bows or armor.

7) Then is dual banner a valuable tool in checking balance?(why)

Hmm... not completely. Many espects are missing to check all the balance, manly space and the influence of other players.

8) Is the battle arena a valuable tool in checking balance? (why)

You might have the influence of other players there but space is still an issue. You cannot kite opponents properly and there is no cover in the arena.
So you can't check balance here completely as well.

9) Do you feel all classes should have a chance to defeat each other fairly in 1vs1 combat?

No but if they can't win, they should have a chance to escape.
I'm talking in Ra standards here. Escape usually means on Ra to get to you next allies and that means about 1 min running at most... depends on your position on the map.

0) Do you feel all classes have the ability to defeat each other in 1vs1 combat?

Defeat each other... no... but the weaker class usually had the chance to escape untill there was Horn of the Wind introduced.

~) What level must you aquire before you can feel any balance in combat situations in the warzone?

Hard to say. It depends on who you are fighting. When alone you should have the skills to escape higher level players and in big battles you kinda have to be lucky that no high level player kills you over and over again.
The best thing to do in a zerg fight would be to skill your char for support and go around most of the dangers by staying in the 2nd line. This can be a lot of fun too and you don't need a high level... maybe around 40+.
But if you want to experience balanced 1on1 fights you should be max level or close below.