View Full Version : HORUS - Ignis realm resists rate

07-28-2011, 02:58 PM
It is unfortunatly not a joke.
I notice everyday that as a syrtian, I resist spells a lot less than this realm. After speaking about it with many people in my realm, we are agree on this point.
We have no informations about how works resist mecanisms, some said it is random, others said it is related to lag...
Actually spells are not reliables and realms seems have different settings about resists and maybe evades (maybe there is a sort of moderator realm settings..).

What do you think about it ? (with an objective point of view please...)

07-28-2011, 03:01 PM
You would notice this to on Alsius, if you attacked them once in a while instead of always camping Ignis zone's.

It's random resists tiger, everyone is having them and they are bullshit.

07-28-2011, 03:04 PM
Are you seriously suggesting that NGD coded higher resist rates for one of the realms as opposed to, say, you just noticing their resists more than your own?

07-28-2011, 03:06 PM
I noticed Alsius resisted lots of my spells. Since devastated, invulnerable, <insert other crappy states here>, and so on... I don't notice it anymore. Thx to crappy states. \o/

07-28-2011, 03:07 PM
Are you seriously suggesting that NGD coded higher resist rates for one of the realms as opposed to, say, you just noticing their resists more than your own?

Yes this is serious.

I think there is realm global settings behind this. There can also be players settings too.

07-28-2011, 03:09 PM
Yes this is serious.

I think there is realm global settings behind this. There can also be players settings too.

Yes, were Surak's favorite and I asked him if he could raise our resist rate atleast 90% higher then any other realm.

You caught us Tigerious.

07-28-2011, 03:12 PM
Well you are way nice to know this, when you resist 1 ambush, 1 distraction shot, 1 caltrops arrow, and 1 ensnaring arrow in a row, without warmaster beacons and without Unstoppable Madness. It is not like this happened only one time.

07-28-2011, 03:16 PM

07-28-2011, 03:16 PM
Well you are way nice to know this, when you resist 1 ambush, 1 distraction shot, 1 caltrops arrow, and 1 ensnaring arrow in a row, without warmaster beacons and without Unstoppable Madness. It is not like this happened only one time.

That's a lie, I also resisted stunning fist.

07-28-2011, 03:19 PM
Long time no see yet another retarded paranoid Tiger quote/thread.

More please :clapclap:

07-28-2011, 03:20 PM
I think there is realm global settings behind this. There can also be players settings too.

So the dev's are not only playing with realm resists for poops and giggles, but also screwing up individual players resist rates? Paranoia.

It's random, any old crap can happen even with a slight resist chance, you could resist nothing all day then 10 spells in a row.

I once got 4 blocks in a row as a barb using a 8 block chance shield...

07-28-2011, 03:26 PM
Long time no see yet another retarded paranoid Tiger quote/thread.

More please :clapclap:

This is an objective point of view.

No kids there please.

07-28-2011, 03:28 PM
Derpy thread?


I have to admit, this thread is hilarious and clearly made my day xD

07-28-2011, 03:33 PM
That's epic thread Tiger,MOAR PLZ.

07-28-2011, 03:39 PM
This is an objective point of view.

Yes, as I'm playing Ignis and that I deliberately create threads (remember the capture cancelling one ?) pointing out critical assumptions without any form of prooves/tests/evidences and only based from my experience of seeing enemies' resists without considering myselves' or any other point of view nor the fundamental laws of the Universe.
That is objectivity for sure.

Derp is the right answer to this.

07-28-2011, 03:59 PM
Are you seriously suggesting that NGD coded higher resist rates for one of the realms as opposed to, say, you just noticing their resists more than your own?

Hahahahahha, I don't know why but your posts always seem to make me laugh.

Anyway on topic: Really dude, thats just ridiculous.. I mean a realm? Come on.. saying a race would have more resists would already be insane but a whole realm?

07-28-2011, 04:06 PM
Is there any official answer on forum about resists/evades mecanism ?
There was already some threads about resists/evades (see Enio's one) and and don't remember to see a devel or moderator answer about it.

07-28-2011, 04:08 PM
To be honest, we hack.


07-28-2011, 04:12 PM
http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTrgifzuvpWHtN310tHG_4Pi_uXGd9ee 0LAmMzipRrdBFMd7ArL

07-28-2011, 04:13 PM
Its no kidding NGD is plotting to take over the world, and this is the first stage.
They are aliens. And also !KENNEDY! just think!
Even Nostredamus foresaw that NGD is the 3rd and 4th anti-chrysler.
Soon they will be resisting all over the world, and you cant do anything about it.

You really playing ignis Scias? Where? What name? Where do you grind?

07-28-2011, 04:25 PM
You really playing ignis Scias? Where? What name? Where do you grind?

I may have forgotten this in my post


07-28-2011, 05:08 PM
I may have forgotten this in my post

Today 05:13 PM

Dammit Scias crushing my hopes like that.

07-28-2011, 05:25 PM
hey um this mite seem stupid. but last nite i was fightin some srytis guis and i think it was dami pl and also posibly jeses but my point is i my dizzy spell on dami got resisted then jeses resisted my stun spell i thought i was just unlucky but i maneged to run from them in a rock luck had it dat they coudnt find me cuple minutes lata i go back to my fort then i go back to my grindin spot then alendator comes up so i get 2 dizzy this guy 1st and ffs he resisted my knock down spell then he nocks me down and u kno him ambush 5 bla bla bla well evenchewally he kills me so i go back to my spot and xaro comes i dizzy him 1st do some dmg try for a stun he resists itr ,,, i was more then pissde i think pissed off even point is i think i was more then just unlucky..coud of been a bad day we all got those dnt we

point is i think ur a big fat liar syrtis resists a lot and a lot more then ignis or alsuis it aint fair u come in here like some royal dipolmist and start goin on and on how it aint fair 4 u i bet u take baths with cheeseburgers and french dollas u kind of ppl dispise me u kno wat i think u might b related to dat dominiq staurs kahn or whtever dat rapist is called u remind me of him with ur complainin ways and inoscent lil bickery DATS RIGHT bickery now if ull excuse me i got a life to work on


ps: i aint votin u scummed up this poll u subjective (or objective i mix those 2 words up) douche

edit: oh ya ur a horus whiner u horus whiner and i got enougb of ur kind u cnt win it all beach

07-28-2011, 05:31 PM
I hate you fred. I almost died reading it.

07-28-2011, 05:34 PM
hey um this mite seem stupid. but last nite i was fightin some srytis guis and i think it was dami pl and also posibly jeses but my point is i my dizzy spell on dami got resisted then jeses resisted my stun spell i thought i was just unlucky but i maneged to run from them in a rock luck had it dat they coudnt find me cuple minutes lata i go back to my fort then i go back to my grindin spot then alendator comes up so i get 2 dizzy this guy 1st and ffs he resisted my knock down spell then he nocks me down and u kno him ambush 5 bla bla bla well evenchewally he kills me so i go back to my spot and xaro comes i dizzy him 1st do some dmg try for a stun he resists itr ,,, i was more then pissde i think pissed off even point is i think i was more then just unlucky..coud of been a bad day we all got those dnt we

point is i think ur a big fat liar syrtis resists a lot and a lot more then ignis or alsuis it aint fair u come in here like some royal dipolmist and start goin on and on how it aint fair 4 u i bet u take baths with cheeseburgers and french dollas u kind of ppl dispise me u kno wat i think u might b related to dat dominiq staurs kahn or whtever dat rapist is called u remind me of him with ur complainin ways and inoscent lil bickery DATS RIGHT bickery now if ull excuse me i got a life to work on


ps: i aint votin u scummed up this poll u subjective (or objective i mix those 2 words up) douche

edit: oh ya ur a horus whiner u horus whiner and i got enougb of ur kind u cnt win it all beach

This made my day.

07-28-2011, 05:48 PM
Not been playing for a while so dont know the current ignis situation but I'm fairly sure I was seeing something similar againsed syrtis about 6 months ago. Combat logs showed about 40-50% resists againsed syrtis and about 20-30% againsed ignis.

07-28-2011, 05:53 PM
Epic poll :D
Tiger can be very funny without knowing :)

Ah well wee had allrady threads about this....this can be true or fals.

I think only DEV-s that created resist formula know the true.(If they dose not forgot allrady how they did) :D

If some base attributs of rases from Ignis influence somehow formula can be true.If not ,then is only the impression gave by RNG.And you can tell you are a unlucky guy :)

07-28-2011, 07:10 PM
Actually, in the years I've been in the wz, I don't think I've ever landed any spell on you, Tiger.

It's probably a perception thing.

07-28-2011, 07:37 PM
It is unfortunatly not a joke.

Perfectly started. Trolling is a art.

07-28-2011, 07:42 PM

Translation to understandable english:

Greetings fellow regnumites!

This may seem a sub par topic to broach, however i feel it is my duty to do so. The night before this day had broken, I was doing battle with a group of wood dwelling elves, perhaps including such chaps as Dami pl and Jesus.
The matter I wish to draw to your attention, despite my lengthy introduction, is that during the altercation, I attempted to set Dami pl's attention off balance, and thus restrict his actions in order to gain a few moments in which to further my assault. However, he remained unaffected, as did his companion known as Jesus.
I pondered whether perchance misfortune had struck me, and continued to evade my pursuers. I concealed myself within a monolith, and this time lady fortune granted me attendance. After a short pause, I returned to the reinforced communal domicile of my bretheren, after which I travelled onwards to an area of progressive enlightenment.
It was not long before the unexpected arrival of Aliendator caused me to relive the earlier imbalanced event. That being an ineffectual attempt to turn the duel to my favour by immobilising such person before he was able to inflict wounds upon myself. Goodness gracious! The one to whom I am referring was also unperturbed by a heavy blow I sent his way, which should have caused his behind to meet
In a calamatous cruelty, that same method was immediately afterwards used effectively by he against mine own self.
I lay for a considerable time, contemplating the inequality of this situation, until my demise occurred.
Unabashed by this chain of miseries, I once more resumed my active meditation, only to be waylaid by none other than Xaro. This time I successfully inconvenienced the equilibrium of my target, and began to draw blood thereafter. My followup flourish did not strike as truly as I had hoped. The consequences of which I shall leave you to imagine. Needless to say, I was frustrated - nay highly frustrated.

I considered that mayhaps the rising of the sun that morning had been at an off angle, and stirred chance towards a darker turn than was usual. Have we not all known such times?

The reason I tell thee of this saga, is so I might share the conclusions I have drawn from my unpleasant experiences. Syrtisians of the township of Raeraia are blessed by fate, enabling them to succeed where I, my brothers, and my estranged aquaintences in the cold mountain lands, have failed.
I reiterate that such happenings are unjuste. I find the elitist manner in which you present yourself to this discussion distasteful. Your continual claims of misfortune are mocking, which leads me to believe that you exist in a privileged state, no doubt accustomed to bathing in enlarged sandwiches filled with finely chopped steak and fromage-frais, joined with inexplicable currencies from the continent.

It is then unavoidable but for me to consider the influence of types such as you to be anything other than negative. I question you to challenge my epiphany, that you may be within kinship to another fellow with disreputable manners and infamy, known to have caused greivance to a maiden upon at least one occassion.
It is that semblance which draws comparison to you and he. The proclamations of undeservedness and petty squabbery mirroring the natures between you both. That is correct in absolution! Squabbery! Presently I must declare that I shall forthwith remove myself from this discussion for the forseeable hours ahead. This is due to my continued existence upon this mortal plane demanding immediate labour.

07-28-2011, 07:52 PM
Translation to understandable english:
:) roflmao

07-28-2011, 08:08 PM
scias, should you ever consider to become the intergalactic leader, you have my vote

07-28-2011, 08:12 PM
Okay, Scias you made my day.

07-29-2011, 12:24 AM
To Tigerious:

Add line pl_resist=0.4999 to the game.cfg file in Regnum's folder. After logging in you should see that you'll resist most of Cc's. Whole Ignis already did this hack, it's so strange that multirealmers didn't inform Syrtis about it xD

By the way, you can also add line no_cowarding=true, and your character will be able to fight till death instead of runnig away even from 1vs 1. It's highly recommended for you to do it first, after you can play with resist rates :)

Good Luck.

07-29-2011, 12:27 AM
I agree, but alsius resists more

07-29-2011, 12:36 AM
trololol this thread is funny. Resists r pretty random to me bec yesterday the iggs and goats were resisting spells like no other and today i resisted 4 or 5 spells in a row. so it happens to allxD. WOOT FOR RANDOM RESIST CHAINS!!!!!!!

07-29-2011, 01:21 AM
To Tigerious:

Add line pl_resist=0.4999 to the game.cfg file in Regnum's folder. After logging in you should see that you'll resist most of Cc's. Whole Ignis already did this hack, it's so strange that multirealmers didn't inform Syrtis about it xD

By the way, you can also add line no_cowarding=true, and your character will be able to fight till death instead of runnig away even from 1vs 1. It's highly recommended for you to do it first, after you can play with resist rates :)

Good Luck.

What do you suggest to a hunter level 53 against a marksman level 60 that launch to you a BoW trought your SOTW and then resist your ambush and distraction shot hmm ?
For me I just see another unbalance there.

And once against this go in personnals attacks while this poll is just here to get opinion of the community ...

07-29-2011, 03:01 AM
And once against this go in personnals attacks while this poll is just here to get opinion of the community ...

Well since you asked. This is a completely retarded thread.

07-29-2011, 03:05 AM
Translation to understandable english...


07-29-2011, 04:00 AM
We agree? I don't.

I think it's all silly suspicions caused by taking this game to seriously.

07-29-2011, 04:39 AM
Translation to understandable english:

EPIC :clapclap:

07-29-2011, 04:46 AM
Translation to understandable english:

Epic post even better than it was originally xD

07-29-2011, 11:56 AM
What do you suggest to a hunter level 53 against a marksman level 60 that launch to you a BoW trought your SOTW and then resist your ambush and distraction shot hmm ?
For me I just see another unbalance there.

And once against this go in personnals attacks while this poll is just here to get opinion of the community ...

You shouldn't be suprised resisting lesser then an opponent 7 levels higher then you. That has nothing to do with imbalance but with higher stats for example.

07-29-2011, 01:33 PM
Wheres the 'This post is BS' button?

07-29-2011, 03:08 PM
dude there are great guys working for people with paranoid syndrome like you ... ok they may cost a bit but i suppose that can be a good investment for your future life..

07-30-2011, 04:58 AM
Translation to understandable english:

LMAO!!!!!!!!!!! This should be sticky'd XD

07-30-2011, 10:15 AM
hey um this mite seem stupid. but last nite i was fightin some srytis guis and i think it was dami pl and also posibly jeses but my point is i my dizzy spell on dami got resisted then jeses resisted my stun spell i thought i was just unlucky but i maneged to run from them in a rock luck had it dat they coudnt find me cuple minutes lata i go back to my fort then i go back to my grindin spot then alendator comes up so i get 2 dizzy this guy 1st and ffs he resisted my knock down spell then he nocks me down and u kno him ambush 5 bla bla bla well evenchewally he kills me so i go back to my spot and xaro comes i dizzy him 1st do some dmg try for a stun he resists itr ,,, i was more then pissde i think pissed off even point is i think i was more then just unlucky..coud of been a bad day we all got those dnt we

point is i think ur a big fat liar syrtis resists a lot and a lot more then ignis or alsuis it aint fair u come in here like some royal dipolmist and start goin on and on how it aint fair 4 u i bet u take baths with cheeseburgers and french dollas u kind of ppl dispise me u kno wat i think u might b related to dat dominiq staurs kahn or whtever dat rapist is called u remind me of him with ur complainin ways and inoscent lil bickery DATS RIGHT bickery now if ull excuse me i got a life to work on


ps: i aint votin u scummed up this poll u subjective (or objective i mix those 2 words up) douche

edit: oh ya ur a horus whiner u horus whiner and i got enougb of ur kind u cnt win it all beach


i'm rolling on floor... (and not being knocked!)

07-30-2011, 03:43 PM
Just when you think Tigerious have finally hit bottom, he ask you for a shovel.

07-30-2011, 05:48 PM
Just when you think Tigerious have finally hit bottom, he ask you for a shovel.

... and flowers. Can be ' Forget me not ' ? Name suits to the owner of the grave. Dude find another dealer , thats a calculus of probability ( you had that in school! Even if a chance is 1/100 you can get 10 the same accidents/ situations in row, and its not a lie).

So when we dig? :rale:

07-30-2011, 09:39 PM
I do think some players know a way of getting high resist rate.
It is probable that you cast 4-6 spells in one single player and all are resisted, the times i got something like this was against a mage, so no UM or SOFT, and i used both cc's and damage spell, all resisted.

07-31-2011, 07:48 AM
Up: lvl difference, high const points of mage, mind blank 5 for conju ( +40% resist dizzy, knock, stun, freeze ), luck...

07-31-2011, 02:16 PM
we're talking about resists : Facepalm3:

07-31-2011, 11:23 PM
my god I can not play, them always resists ambush or ds, fuck

08-01-2011, 01:07 AM
Problem is not ignis syrtis or alsius guys.....
It's simply:you plan an attack,counting on your spell.If one of your spell fails,in a hot moment of the battle,is a real pain.
I play others game,and there is no game with such hight evaion/resist rate like Regnum Online.
Luck is allowed,in other game there are resist/evade too.But when their rate is hight like in Regnum,it cause frustration.....
Would be nice to see this resist/evade system,drastically reduced.
If you have balanced classes,there is no need of a such hight rate of this shit.
Resist rate,can work fine when you are 10 lvl more than your enemy,but no when you are just 5 lvl highter,or when you have the same lvl of your enemy,so he can fight you back.

Sorry for my non-english.


08-01-2011, 08:12 AM
Up: lvl difference, high const points of mage, mind blank 5 for conju ( +40% resist dizzy, knock, stun, freeze ), luck...

Yet, this dont explain how a mage can avoid 2 or 3 damaging spells, in a row.
WHAT A LUCK GUY!!!!!!!!!!

08-01-2011, 08:15 AM
Problem is not ignis syrtis or alsius guys.....
It's simply:you plan an attack,counting on your spell.If one of your spell fails,in a hot moment of the battle,is a real pain.
I play others game,and there is no game with such hight evaion/resist rate like Regnum Online.
Luck is allowed,in other game there are resist/evade too.But when their rate is hight like in Regnum,it cause frustration.....
Would be nice to see this resist/evade system,drastically reduced.
If you have balanced classes,there is no need of a such hight rate of this shit.
Resist rate,can work fine when you are 10 lvl more than your enemy,but no when you are just 5 lvl highter,or when you have the same lvl of your enemy,so he can fight you back.

Sorry for my non-english.

I have no problem with some1 resisting one or 2 spells. I do have a problem with some1 resisting 4, 5 or even 6 spells in sequence, and not also avoiding cc spells but also damaging spells.

08-01-2011, 10:54 AM
Epicness...all through this thread..omfg..... i love you guys , made me laugh so much :clapclap:

08-01-2011, 11:31 AM
Epicness...all through this thread..omfg..... i love you guys , made me laugh so much :clapclap:

[OT]-----> Orimae!! GRATS!! Aye told me of the happy events!!

a new real Ignis is growing up?! ehehe

08-01-2011, 12:00 PM
Yet, this dont explain how a mage can avoid 2 or 3 damaging spells, in a row.
WHAT A LUCK GUY!!!!!!!!!!
Uhm, actually it does.

That's just what it is:


(Am I too late for the party guys?)

08-01-2011, 12:02 PM
[OT]-----> Orimae!! GRATS!! Aye told me of the happy events!!

a new real Ignis is growing up?! ehehe

yeah and thank you!! :wub2:

On Topic...lol at this again XD

08-02-2011, 09:37 AM
Just fighted u tiger on your hunter and some other and u resisted 3 of my spell in a row, i dont count BoW i tried when u have Sotw, so stop complain, dont forget its just a game (with some random luck), sometime you win, sometime you lose :facepalm3: