View Full Version : Hey NGD , Wake Up , Horus Is Dead! :D

08-05-2011, 08:19 PM
The title says all, i hope that u are gonna take out from ur mind some good ideas because the server who u would make high population one is dying fastly...
I hope that u noticed that, i'm not complaining cause we are underpopulated, just i don't undestand why u keep opening useless servers and splitting ppl.
I guess u are going to do a good job with the next update , and call back many old players, cause they are the spirit of Regnum, there are no newbies cause the grind system is wrong, the bugs are wrong, the game is wrong.
Maybe i'm just blabbling but as i noticed, alsius are totaly vanished here, ignis moved all to raven, syrtis.... 70% of us are lvl 45 scrolled ppl that don't know how to play. I wish good things dears, but wake up and fix something in that game and stop to open new servers, RO isn't so populated as u think, it's pointless to move mass of ppl around 10 different empty places.

I would like to know if it's possible to do trasfers i don't want to spend another minute in a phantom server,

If u care about ur players, fix it or make trasfers... I warn u ... many more ppl gonna leave the game depending on the next update (me included), so be careful...


08-05-2011, 08:33 PM
If u care about ur players, fix it or make trasfers... I warn u ... many more ppl gonna leave the game depending on the next update (me included), so be careful...


xD main troble is :
-WM was some kind of kaboom xD all people even old players tought this is a change ,after they made all they chars lvl 60 and got some wars was very disapointed about changes that was made and left the game or changed to new servers.
At the moment lots of people dont like new saves and instead of run they just log off.
WM was some kind of temporary booble that made NGD to think wowowo wee have lots of activity on new game.
This was not true ..after all made lvl 60 over 60% of ppl just gave up to play again also very disapointed about cap lvl 60 that is a premium feature or waste your life in game...they just gave up.
If before or in time of Grindamsters-age ..was hunt partys with over 20 ppl ,now entire invading zergs are limited to 10-15 people...
The huge mistake made by NGD was splitting game in more servers made on time of this fake booble.
Next time make sure you have a strong base of player and constant number of them that play when you split in 2342 servers a server that need over 3 years to touch 20% of Ra capabilitys.

08-05-2011, 09:39 PM
I don't think level raise is the biggest problem, i won't say ngd isn't doing their best but there is no (good) action anymore cause of the new saves. It's been said already, old saves will return a large amount of war. All you can do now is break the door before a zerg of 'afkish ppl' arrive and kill you...
I really hope balance update will change something, cause i loved this game, but otherwise I'm out too...

08-05-2011, 09:51 PM
Warmasters led to Ignis domination -> less fun for Syrtis/Alsius
New saves -> no more fluidity to fort wars, game becomes more reliant on WM teleports
WM teleports cooldown increased -> even less fluidity to fort wars
Raven opens up -> New start, awesome support, no warmasters

I haven't been on Horus for a while, though. Can't really say if it's 'dead' or not.

08-05-2011, 10:27 PM
Warmasters led to Ignis domination -> less fun for Syrtis/Alsius
New saves -> no more fluidity to fort wars, game becomes more reliant on WM teleports
WM teleports cooldown increased -> even less fluidity to fort wars
Raven opens up -> New start, awesome support, no warmasters

I haven't been on Horus for a while, though. Can't really say if it's 'dead' or not.

Your are talking out of your fucking ass. Have u EVER visited this page: http://www.regnumonlinegame.com/ranking/index.php?l=1&opt=9&realm=0&world=horus
There was never any "Ignis domination". Sure, maybe 3 hr late American nights Ignis had by far the most online, but over the whole 24h, not even close to what your talking about!
And if you havent even visited Horus lately, why are u even commenting?

Horus, a "International" server sees less action then BOTH of the (national) German servers Muspell and Niflheim!! That is pretty f**** up! :(
And THEY both "whines" of lesser action after the recent updates!! A simple trip to gamigoforums and googletranslate will tell u this.

Chilko mentioned in an earlier thread that they wont let Horus die. That they have plans for marketing souly Horus:
Pls!! Let us know what is happening!! I love the game, and doubt NGD would intentionally do ANYTHING to harm it's population. But right now Horus sees the bottom of the barrel, and we just want some reassuring words if we should keep playing or simply find another game to spend our time.

/Kind regards

08-05-2011, 11:09 PM
I don't have long range statistics, but I remind that last year(s), during summer holidays, it was also a moment of low activity.

08-05-2011, 11:55 PM
Your are talking out of your fucking ass.


/Kind regards


Before we start insulting each other, just know those were the reasons I left Horus. By "ignis domination" I merely meant there was an excess of Ignis warmasters compared to the other realms for a time (although that isn't the case now). Please calm down :cuac:

08-06-2011, 12:00 AM
Hehe Lune, as far as I remember, holidays don't start the 16th of May (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/index.php?l=1&sec=27&subsec=4&cl=108). :D

08-06-2011, 05:56 AM
I think lune is right on this point, we should wait september to see if something change.

08-06-2011, 07:58 AM
Hey guys,

by the end of August we will release a new patch with some the balance update and fixes to collisions / jumping.
August update will also include al roll back to the only central save system.

September will be the month of the new castles, they look really amazing. I hope we can call a lot of the players back then.

we've opened new servers because we trust that our partners can promote the game much more than us.

let's put a little hope in the game can we?

08-06-2011, 08:04 AM
Hey guys,

by the end of August we will release a new patch with some the balance update and fixes to collisions / jumping.
August update will also include al roll back to the only central save system.

September will be the month of the new castles, they look really amazing. I hope we can call a lot of the players back then.

we've opened new servers because we trust that our partners can promote the game much more than us.

let's put a little hope in the game can we?

Cool, thanks for the info. :)

08-06-2011, 09:05 AM
Great news, thanks.

08-06-2011, 10:01 AM
well chilko u made my day, i'm starting to call back old friends then ;) if the things about old saves are true they'll come back, and well i'm proud to have opened this post , so i got answers to my question , keep going,


08-06-2011, 10:32 AM
TY Chilko! Really really great news. :clapclap:

08-06-2011, 10:37 AM
Hey guys,

by the end of August we will release a new patch with some the balance update and fixes to collisions / jumping.
August update will also include al roll back to the only central save system.

September will be the month of the new castles, they look really amazing. I hope we can call a lot of the players back then.

we've opened new servers because we trust that our partners can promote the game much more than us.

let's put a little hope in the game can we?

You should say this louder imho.

What about a constantly updating roadmap to inform players what is going on ?? 2009 roadmap ...

And yes, IF you do that we can have some hope.

08-06-2011, 10:39 AM
Ive been only screaming this for how long..? XD

08-06-2011, 12:03 PM
hey guys,

by the end of august we will release a new patch with some the balance update and fixes to collisions / jumping.
August update will also include al roll back to the only central save system.

September will be the month of the new castles, they look really amazing. I hope we can call a lot of the players back then.

We've opened new servers because we trust that our partners can promote the game much more than us.

Let's put a little hope in the game can we?
YEAAHHH, Awesome! Freakin' awesome!

08-06-2011, 12:36 PM
I look forward to the changes. Thanks for the information. It should put some minds at ease.


08-06-2011, 12:46 PM
ooh awesome stuff but. about this..

we've opened new servers because we trust that our partners can promote the game much more than us.

If ur partners promote it ur game more than they wont go in horus. They will go in raven or that new server. I read somethings about realms online. Those guys dont even know what is regnum online.... And maybe it is better to get new players and not only the old guys?

08-06-2011, 12:54 PM
Its summer, activity in online games goes down every summer as people go on holiday/go out more.

Sure the state of the game doesn't help much, but a dip in activity is expected. You just need your game to be fun enough to get that activity back after summer when those players are looking to spend more time in game again.

08-06-2011, 01:09 PM
August update will also include al roll back to the only central save system.

I love you good sir.

we've opened new servers because we trust that our partners can promote the game much more than us.

Could you promote Horus a tad bit more? As it's international I would think that it would be priority compared to a single region based server.

Its summer, activity in online games goes down every summer as people go on holiday/go out more.

Sure the state of the game doesn't help much, but a dip in activity is expected. You just need your game to be fun enough to get that activity back after summer when those players are looking to spend more time in game again.

That's extremely queer - not that it makes it any less true - considering that on a different MMO I play, activity goes up during the summer and falls by autumn.

08-06-2011, 01:42 PM
And i hope with you to see ppls come back to game,cause i'd like come back too!^^

Great news!!

08-06-2011, 03:20 PM
That's extremely queer - not that it makes it any less true - considering that on a different MMO I play, activity goes up during the summer and falls by autumn.

That's odd :P By chance is this a MMO with a mainly eastern player base? In Europe/America people tend to prefer to go out in the hot summer that sit indoors all day :)

In fact the only reason I'm here now is its raining ... But English summer isn't the best example :)

08-06-2011, 03:23 PM
Where I live, summer is everyday. Only time it is bad for beach is when a hurricane is coming. Some idiots still go anyway.

08-06-2011, 04:09 PM
Hey guys,

by the end of August we will release a new patch with some the balance update and fixes to collisions / jumping.
August update will also include al roll back to the only central save system.

September will be the month of the new castles, they look really amazing. I hope we can call a lot of the players back then.

we've opened new servers because we trust that our partners can promote the game much more than us.

let's put a little hope in the game can we?

Thank you for the reply Chilko! Very good news on saves, and castles will be nice to see :)

But how are we (with we I mean us "thats left" on Horus) supposed to keep any hope up for our server? Our population is decreasing both by old players leaving for new servers AND less new ppl joining due to the fact that your partners do promote the game(new servers) more then you.

I personally do have some hope left for the game. For Horus? Not so much :(
It's true activaty decreases during the summermonths. But due to mass dropoff we've recently witnessed (ppl moving to Raven, Wm update, new saves) I'm not optimistic at all that activity will return to Horus

08-06-2011, 04:14 PM
I'm not optimistic at all that activity will return to Horus
Every update sees a big return of players, a lot want to come back (me included), a big step in the right direction should at least double the number active on horus. That and the planned changes should bring the fun back to horus.

08-06-2011, 04:36 PM
I find it kinda funny that when I made a Horus is dying thread I got flamed and when someone else makes a Horus is dying thread everybody agrees xD

08-06-2011, 04:37 PM
Every update sees a big return of players, a lot want to come back (me included), a big step in the right direction should at least double the number active on horus. That and the planned changes should bring the fun back to horus.

Lets just pray people will Massivly join Horus after this update maybe ill come back too then..

08-06-2011, 04:41 PM
August update will also include al roll back to the only central save system


I'm pretty hopeful that this move alone will bring back most of Horus people and the fun coming with them (Welcome back ieti!!!!!!!)

Thanks a lot for rolling back to the old Central Save. Maybe the new ones are fine on the paper, in Ra or would've worked if the circumstances were different on Horus but well we all learn from trial and mistakes.

08-06-2011, 05:05 PM
Oh yes, first they screwed up, then after 2 months they are going to fix it and everybody is going to love NGD.:facepalm3:
Are NGD people so wise, or so many players that dumb?
How about not screwing up.

08-06-2011, 05:05 PM
I still don't agree that it is dying. However 3 things hurt us at Horus
1. The frequent teleporting warmasters. (killed open war, skirmishes)
2. The Noble quest (which led to imbalances)
3. The new WZ bind system (killed regrouping and fluidity, war build-up)

While some may say Raven, I don't think it would have had an impact if the other things I listed above did not exist.
People left because of things they could not stomach at Horus rather than being attracted to Raven and its features.


08-06-2011, 05:50 PM
I still don't agree that it is dying. However 3 things hurt us at Horus
1. The frequent teleporting warmasters. (killed open war, skirmishes)
2. The Noble quest (which led to imbalances)
3. The new WZ bind system (killed regrouping and fluidity, war build-up)

While some may say Raven, I don't think it would have had an impact if the other things I listed above did not exist.
People left because of things they could not stomach at Horus rather than being attracted to Raven and its features.


No... Horus is just dead atm No doubt. Im not even going to argue with you about this anymore... its simply Obvious.

08-06-2011, 07:00 PM
I still don't agree that it is dying.


I'm not a hundred % on the time, but a year ago(?) These numbers were on weekends steady in between 10-15k kills a day per realm. Today we can barely keep action up to 5k kills/day.

How is this not dying?

08-06-2011, 07:26 PM
That's odd :P By chance is this a MMO with a mainly eastern player base? In Europe/America people tend to prefer to go out in the hot summer that sit indoors all day :)

In fact the only reason I'm here now is its raining ... But English summer isn't the best example :)

Not to my knowledge, mainly a western player base.
It's pretty popular.

08-06-2011, 07:28 PM
Cant you people let me have my delusions? Gosh darn it. xD
At least Torcida will stop responding to me on this topic hopefully. If I knew it was that easy I would have done it sooner.
That alone made writing that line priceless. xD

08-06-2011, 07:47 PM
Cant you people let me have my delusions? Gosh darn it. xD
At least Torcida will stop responding to me on this topic hopefully. If I knew it was that easy I would have done it sooner.
That alone made writing that line priceless. xD

Don't write idotic things if you don't want people to respond to them..

08-06-2011, 07:50 PM
I knew you would respond. That is exactly why I wrote that line that way. This game is fun. I hope you heed your own advice in the future. :P

08-06-2011, 07:51 PM
I knew you would respond. That is exactly why I wrote that line that way. This game is fun.

why complain about it then? And ofcourse I will respond to it because its complete nonsense..

08-06-2011, 08:03 PM
I simply wrote it to be 'Devil's Advocate'. It was not a complaint. I wrote the reasons I thought were the downfall of the server afterwards. That was not a complaint either. Just an observation.
But wait, I thought you were done arguing with me about it? No wait ,you are arguing about me writing nonsense on the forums. Interesting....
And besides , the part where I wrote to let me have my delusions was a joke. You know what that is , yes? Why so angry? Tense? Regnum is just a game after all.

Like a moth to a flame huh? Just can't resist flying in.

08-06-2011, 08:54 PM
Hey guys,

by the end of August we will release a new patch with some the balance update and fixes to collisions / jumping.
August update will also include al roll back to the only central save system.

September will be the month of the new castles, they look really amazing. I hope we can call a lot of the players back then.

we've opened new servers because we trust that our partners can promote the game much more than us.

let's put a little hope in the game can we?

I love you

08-07-2011, 12:10 AM
Hey guys,

by the end of August we will release a new patch with some the balance update and fixes to collisions / jumping.
August update will also include al roll back to the only central save system.

September will be the month of the new castles, they look really amazing. I hope we can call a lot of the players back then.

we've opened new servers because we trust that our partners can promote the game much more than us.

let's put a little hope in the game can we?

Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you(...) (http://dagobah.net/flash/thank_you.swf)

08-07-2011, 12:49 AM
As others have said THANK YOU for the old saves.

Looking forward to the new castles and other stuff and too the ppl that return for this update. :syrtis:

08-07-2011, 01:52 AM
No Horus ain't dead yet. Ignis and Syrtis are pretty active during a hour or so and I even managed to meet THREE goats today!!!!!!11! :D

08-07-2011, 07:58 AM
Hey guys,

by the end of August we will release a new patch with some the balance update and fixes to collisions / jumping.
August update will also include al roll back to the only central save system.

September will be the month of the new castles, they look really amazing. I hope we can call a lot of the players back then.

we've opened new servers because we trust that our partners can promote the game much more than us.

let's put a little hope in the game can we?

Sounds good :]

08-07-2011, 10:20 AM
No Horus ain't dead yet. Ignis and Syrtis are pretty active during a hour or so and I even managed to meet THREE goats today!!!!!!11! :D

yesterday night we managed to meet 30 goats! (cause i could complete my quest in 1 invasion)

08-07-2011, 10:40 AM
hurr durr todai I met 1 goat I r so happy and gay !!!!11!1

08-07-2011, 12:02 PM
2. The Noble quest (which led to imbalances)

Very true..allrady told this quest will unbalance game a lots...NGD dose not care about this.
Results...this days played a lots ...and alsius zerg is usualy ha a few warmasters online...i can enumerate this warrmasters...but most of time none.
Usualy is Irsh,reble,Kyro and Anyriad...a WM change a lots the fight results of war simply because that resists a CC and lots of HP.
Wille me as conjurer i am knoked ,frozen a lots other conjureres from others realm are immune at any CC..
Wtv as i told before ...seems NGD dev play in ignis....and maybe Tiger was right....
This is not fair at all to give to other 2 realms easy 10k WM coins and to alsius non....by default this balance will unbalance more in time....as results alsius will have a zerg with most of ppl stuck between lvl 45-60 and long road to get all WM coins wile a ignis or syrtis are able to take 10k WM coins very fast....ah well i need 1-2 days sometimes to get 1k WM coins....balance on my ass....wtv...

08-07-2011, 12:11 PM
Well i noticed this post have been usefull at least

08-07-2011, 12:27 PM
Hey guys,

by the end of August we will release a new patch with some the balance update and fixes to collisions / jumping.
August update will also include al roll back to the only central save system.

September will be the month of the new castles, they look really amazing. I hope we can call a lot of the players back then.

we've opened new servers because we trust that our partners can promote the game much more than us.

let's put a little hope in the game can we?

Thanks for Great news Chilko!

08-07-2011, 12:30 PM
Very true..allrady told this quest will unbalance game a lots...NGD dose not care about this.
Results...this days played a lots ...and alsius zerg is usualy ha a few warmasters online...i can enumerate this warrmasters...but most of time none.
Usualy is Irsh,reble,Kyro and Anyriad...a WM change a lots the fight results of war simply because that resists a CC and lots of HP.
Wille me as conjurer i am knoked ,frozen a lots other conjureres from others realm are immune at any CC..
Wtv as i told before ...seems NGD dev play in ignis....and maybe Tiger was right....
This is not fair at all to give to other 2 realms easy 10k WM coins and to alsius non....by default this balance will unbalance more in time....as results alsius will have a zerg with most of ppl stuck between lvl 45-60 and long road to get all WM coins wile a ignis or syrtis are able to take 10k WM coins very fast....ah well i need 1-2 days sometimes to get 1k WM coins....balance on my ass....wtv...

If they considered my alternate formula for WM in the other thread (http://www.regnumonlinegame.com/forum/showpost.php?p=1386013&postcount=104) , that would not be that much of an issue. From 52 you could have at least 1 power. The impact would be softened. Even so, the noble quest had to be reduced to weekly. But , things are slowly returning.
I engaged in a few bridge wars and noble madness has cooled down. When they revert the saves, hopefully we can start to see a gradual repair of numbers. The damage is already done but hopefully not fatally so.

08-07-2011, 12:31 PM
No Horus ain't dead yet. Ignis and Syrtis are pretty active during a hour or so and I even managed to meet THREE goats today!!!!!!11! :D

Go Meni, goats are there, all of them.

08-07-2011, 12:39 PM
Go Meni, goats are there, all of them.

Yes 6 goats..beetween lvl 40-55 awesome goat zerg...

08-07-2011, 12:55 PM
6?!! omg, our numbers are up already

08-07-2011, 01:13 PM
Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you(...) (http://dagobah.net/flash/thank_you.swf)

lol. you made my day man xD

08-07-2011, 01:34 PM
Most part of goats moved to other servers like piranha or raven, i wish they'll come back with the next update :D

08-07-2011, 03:04 PM
Most part of goats moved to other servers like piranha or raven, i wish they'll come back with the next update :D

I do miss my conjurer ;(

08-07-2011, 04:14 PM
Hey guys,

by the end of August we will release a new patch with some the balance update and fixes to collisions / jumping.
August update will also include al roll back to the only central save system.

September will be the month of the new castles, they look really amazing. I hope we can call a lot of the players back then.

we've opened new servers because we trust that our partners can promote the game much more than us.

let's put a little hope in the game can we?

Yes, binds back, really great news finally unstopable Battleing without minutes of running, thx a lot. Best news ever

08-07-2011, 04:46 PM
Yes, binds back, really great news finally unstopable Battleing without minutes of running, thx a lot. Best news ever

He dose not told he will revert respawn at gates if people take Aggers,Samal,Herberd........

let's put a little hope in the game can we?

AH well in game wee have trust...not in developers that make some changes that make people unhappy :D

08-07-2011, 05:05 PM
He dose not told he will revert respawn at gates if people take Aggers,Samal,Herberd........

August update will also include al roll back to the only central save system.

Sounds like a roll back to the previous save system to me, just the way it was. Not sure what you're reading.

08-07-2011, 05:10 PM
Sounds like a roll back to the previous save system to me, just the way it was. Not sure what you're reading.

Play the game and you will understand instead of camp forum.
Chilko told he will revert central save but he dose not specified if he will change back this sytem of respawn at gates whe enemys take aggers,herberd,samal.

08-07-2011, 05:12 PM

Read the posts instead of being eternally pessimistic.

A roll back* is a revert to something that we have had in the past. Not a new hybrid of the previous two systems.

*Very important pair of words.

08-08-2011, 10:57 AM
NGD schould cancel the most underpopulated server like amun (not sure) and just keep the most pupulated ones like RA,HORUS, and the german sever NEMON the rest schould wait till theres ebough poeple to play on them all. now when they splitted every one regnum got tottaly boring in me time zone at CS there are like max 5 - 8 poeple.

08-08-2011, 11:20 AM
NGD schould cancel the most underpopulated server like amun (not sure) and just keep the most pupulated ones like RA,HORUS, and the german sever NEMON the rest schould wait till theres ebough poeple to play on them all. now when they splitted every one regnum got tottaly boring in me time zone at CS there are like max 5 - 8 poeple.

First of all, Amun is the TEST server.
Second, Nemon is the FRENCH gamigo server, no german one at all.
Third, both german server are fairly populated and with the upcoming rollback to central safe system there will be even more people playing again.

08-08-2011, 11:40 AM
NGD schould cancel the most underpopulated server like amun (not sure) and just keep the most pupulated ones like RA,HORUS, and the german sever NEMON the rest schould wait till theres ebough poeple to play on them all. now when they splitted every one regnum got tottaly boring in me time zone at CS there are like max 5 - 8 poeple.
First of all, Amun is the TEST server.
Second, Nemon is the FRENCH gamigo server, no german one at all.
Third, both german server are fairly populated and with the upcoming rollback to central safe system there will be even more people playing again.


08-09-2011, 12:21 PM
NGD schould cancel the most underpopulated server like amun (not sure) and just keep the most pupulated ones like RA,HORUS, and the german sever NEMON the rest schould wait till theres ebough poeple to play on them all. now when they splitted every one regnum got tottaly boring in me time zone at CS there are like max 5 - 8 poeple.

for a first post, this one is particularly successfull :clapclap:

08-09-2011, 12:52 PM
NGD schould cancel the most underpopulated server like amun (not sure) and just keep the most pupulated ones like RA,HORUS, and the german sever NEMON the rest schould wait till theres ebough poeple to play on them all. now when they splitted every one regnum got tottaly boring in me time zone at CS there are like max 5 - 8 poeple.


08-11-2011, 08:41 PM
Wille me as conjurer i am knoked ,frozen a lots other conjureres from others realm are immune at any CC..
Wtv as i told before ...seems NGD dev play in ignis....and maybe Tiger was right.....

I really hope your being sarcastic about this...i'm mostly (as i have said many times before) the only support conju around in Ignis at war during European daytime..so please...if you see me immune to spells, its res dizzy...

But yay! some news from the top at last!! Thanks Chilko.

08-12-2011, 07:38 AM
I really hope your being sarcastic about this...i'm mostly (as i have said many times before) the only support conju around in Ignis at war during European daytime..so please...if you see me immune to spells, its res dizzy...

But yay! some news from the top at last!! Thanks Chilko.

In second part i was sarcastic...but in first not...even during european time zone there is lack of WM in alsius(and beacons with reist at CC),and the sarcasm was about that 10k w coins was not about realm resist etc....

08-13-2011, 05:02 PM
Hi all,I also play in horus server and as i can see,Horud is dying. ppl from all realms have been tranfered to other servers and horus became "'empty''. Judging from my experiences at Alsius, I see that many players stopped playing or playing on other servers and there are no epic big wars like before altars transferation. I hope NGD will solve these problems or else many ppl will give up Regnum for other games.(so will I)

08-14-2011, 07:51 PM
Well as it looks for now ... I wont play more for some time.
Ingame Dark Omen .. Ignis lvl 57 lock ... ex Blu from Ra (member of many great clans as Thugsters,Valhala,Inqusition...etc),and I have to say that it looks as comming back to RO was big mistake ...
i see less and less players on Horus and I dont wonder more ...
So cya all I gona take longer break (mybe forever cuz RO as this sucks)

08-14-2011, 11:22 PM

Hope these words written to gelfs xD

08-15-2011, 04:37 PM
Hope these words written to gelfs xD

Yeap :) ...well at that replay yes .. and mostly to members of clans I was in and I thought they were manner players Inqisition and Yugo ... and well I will add some save champers as la druga,balin,irish,psychotic (bug abuser),obasu(bug abuser),aliendator... kosecki (guy that loves to jump in watter when he see inc hunter :),freedom and Justice (bug abuser) and on end ... as much I liked to play in ignis I have to say FU save champers from Ignis :)
I can talk and talk and talk etc ... babeling orrraaapp ... and so ...
AND FOR GODs sakes ... NGD ... remove notice that u losse rp when u kill on save + low lvl barbs hitting you for 2,5 k normals on lvl 5 evasive and acrobatics ... ooooor 675 hits on lvl 5 retaliation ... orrrrrr lock with 3,3 k hp beeing oneshooted by barb .... orrrr ... kick,feint,kick,feint ... u cant stand up ... orrr MOVE SAVES TO OLD PLACE ....(and give back - rp on save kill)

08-23-2011, 01:44 PM
2 days ago i login in... and nothing... around 10 players was online... scary xD logout with hope come back...

08-29-2011, 11:12 AM
Yeap :) ...well at that replay yes .. and mostly to members of clans I was in and I thought they were manner players Inqisition and Yugo ... and well I will add some save champers as la druga,balin,irish,psychotic (bug abuser),obasu(bug abuser),aliendator... kosecki (guy that loves to jump in watter when he see inc hunter :),freedom and Justice (bug abuser) and on end ... as much I liked to play in ignis I have to say FU save champers from Ignis :)
I can talk and talk and talk etc ... babeling orrraaapp ... and so ...
AND FOR GODs sakes ... NGD ... remove notice that u losse rp when u kill on save + low lvl barbs hitting you for 2,5 k normals on lvl 5 evasive and acrobatics ... ooooor 675 hits on lvl 5 retaliation ... orrrrrr lock with 3,3 k hp beeing oneshooted by barb .... orrrr ... kick,feint,kick,feint ... u cant stand up ... orrr MOVE SAVES TO OLD PLACE ....(and give back - rp on save kill)

I dont really see the meaning of this?

08-29-2011, 05:18 PM
..i'm mostly (as i have said many times before) the only support conju around in Ignis at war during European daytime...

An you mostly support only your boyfriend, this don''t help your realm mates =)

08-29-2011, 09:37 PM
An you mostly support only your boyfriend, this don''t help your realm mates =)

Yeah..thats why i support him when he is at work 12 hours a day and im online? xD

And i do support others, many others, i always share the DI around ^^ (one conju tho, DI is sparse, but i do try my best )

08-29-2011, 09:46 PM
An you mostly support only your boyfriend, this don''t help your realm mates =)

Yep.. Thats why we both are not 60. Still not a wm.
Thats why im only at war and dont even grind anymore ;)

08-30-2011, 02:06 AM
An you mostly support only your boyfriend, this don''t help your realm mates =)
To be fair, a Conjuror can barely support more than one person in the current implementation.

08-30-2011, 06:56 AM
True, true. Before some support spells was faster and less mana hungry. Conjurer was alot more powerful and fun. When i started good conjus was possible to support upto 5-8 players. And all this was dependent on timing and mana balance.

Now no matter how hard you try you can not save even one. This is sad.

08-30-2011, 01:37 PM
An you mostly support only your boyfriend, this don''t help your realm mates =)

wtf? Ori support all Ignitas in WZ lol

08-30-2011, 02:06 PM
wtf? Ori support all Ignitas in WZ lol

Tiger wants support from Ori :clapclap:

08-30-2011, 02:11 PM
/me slaps tiger around a bit with a large trout...

Ori is one of best conjus in Horus.

08-30-2011, 02:48 PM
You folks actually bit on that rotten fish he was dangling about? That post was barely worth commenting on.

08-30-2011, 02:51 PM
/me slaps tiger around a bit with a large trout...

Ori is one of best conjus in Horus.

You're not so bad too ;)

08-30-2011, 03:20 PM
You're not so bad too ;)

Ieti ... "not so bad" ... lol xD

08-30-2011, 03:32 PM
You're not so bad too ;)

Heheh one of teh best conjs,,,, (and prolly best in Syrtis xD)

08-30-2011, 03:36 PM
Cmon guys, see *wink* in my post about Ieti ))) Sure Ieti is an awesome conj )

08-31-2011, 01:17 AM
True, true. Before some support spells was faster and less mana hungry. Conjurer was alot more powerful and fun. When i started good conjus was possible to support upto 5-8 players. And all this was dependent on timing and mana balance.

Now no matter how hard you try you can not save even one. This is sad.

That's true, but not the changes to conjurers are to blame, it's the barbarians who kill everything faster than you could heal with a 5 sec cool down life savior.

08-31-2011, 01:58 AM
That's true, but not the changes to conjurers are to blame, it's the barbarians who kill everything faster than you could heal with a 5 sec cool down life savior.

Somehow true...before 1500 dmg(SC,dmg) was a art to do,you need onslaught 5 buff ..but this usual you are out of mana to buff UM.And normals hits was posible to 1200 dmg only with evedim hammerr....now awww sc 2k+,1500 normals with blunt....

08-31-2011, 12:55 PM
And still only a handful of posters were against fulminate and more damage for barbarians.
The same with hunters, oh, cold blood, 700 dmg, and then 54s with minimum damage. :rolleyes:

08-31-2011, 12:57 PM
And still only a handful of posters were against fulminate and more damage for barbarians.
The same with hunters, oh, cold blood, 700 dmg, and then 54s with minimum damage. :rolleyes:

lolz when hunter hits my barb with cold blood (my barb have mostly good armor vs pierce) it's 500 enshare When same hunter hits my lock with cold blood it's 900 :O and normals like 300s.

09-09-2011, 11:33 AM
I find it kinda funny that when I made a Horus is dying thread I got flamed and when someone else makes a Horus is dying thread everybody agrees xD

You isnpirated me for a re-write:

And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in Horus' dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people left the Regnum
It's a very, very mad world mad world

09-12-2011, 09:42 AM
You isnpirated me for a re-write:
And I find it kinda funny
I find it kinda sad
The dreams in Horus' dying
Are the best I've ever had
I find it hard to tell you
I find it hard to take
When people left the Regnum
It's a very, very mad world mad world

Tears for Fears fan ?

Sad but true...

09-12-2011, 11:36 PM
Tears for Fears fan ?

Sad but true...

Yeap I like Tears for Fears...

Are Metallica fun? ;)

09-13-2011, 08:02 AM
Are Metallica fun? ;)

What ??? :confused: