View Full Version : News in AMUN - Testing

08-05-2011, 08:42 PM
Good news, everyone! We have uploaded some great changes to Amun that we need to stress test. Some are visible and some are under the hood and might affect the client's performance and/or stability.

These are the changes:

Jumping: Now you can jump in Regnum! Besides freeing players from the tyranny of the ground, this feature allows for new strategies using the game's many structures and obstacles in the world. Characters cannot attack or use powers while jumping. Jumping is assigned to the space bar by default.

Falling Damage: We have introduced damage from falls into the world. Players falling from a 5 mts distance and up will receive damage. The bigger the fall, the bigger the damage. This adds a whole new dimension to the game and helps with the sense of spatiality, giving the 3D world a bit more sense.

Collision/Physics: We have updated the physics system. These should fix issues were collision errors let the players go through objects and walls - including the Great Wall-.

Premium Interface: The Premium buying window has been updated to make it easier to read.

Things to notice:

Even if it's not yet implemented in the AMUN server, the realm gem carrier WILL NOT be able to jump. Similar exceptions might rise up and be applied during testing.

We are very thankful for any issue you might think of or experience and post in this thread, including any steps necessary to reproduce it and any necessary screen captures.

Note: This thread is not meant for opinions. Any post not related to an issue or exploit will be eliminated and the user's account will be liable for sanctions.

08-06-2011, 12:46 AM
Can't log in Amun. Client keeps crashing after having choosed Amun server.

error_log.txt and log.txt in attached files.
No bactrace file dumped.

- CPU: AMD Athlon 64 X2 5200+ (2.6 GHz)
- RAM: 4 GB
- Video Card: Nvidia 9600 GT 512 MB

- Distro: Ubuntu 11.04 64bits
- Drivers version: Nvidia 275.19

Tried with Shaders 4.0 and Fixed pipeline.

It's fixed now. Thanks. :)

08-06-2011, 02:35 AM
I think you forgot to mention that characters are "knocked" for (3?) seconds when they fall from a high place, and then slowed down for 10 seconds.

08-06-2011, 05:57 AM
In Eferias castle, you can jump from tower to the mid-height rampart.
Once there, you can hide inside walls and cannot be hit by any warrior, unless they jump from tower too.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9rKaLVuOgQs&html5=1

In Herbred fort, you can "walk in the air" if you jump above tree trunks.
http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/thumb/1312609301.jpg > http://pix.toile-libre.org/?img=1312609301.jpg
http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/thumb/1312609441.jpg > http://pix.toile-libre.org/?img=1312609441.jpg

At pb, you can jump on end-block.
Once there, you can hide inside the scenery and "probably" cannot be hit by any warrior, unless they jump (and don't fall) on end-block too.
http://pix.toile-libre.org/upload/thumb/1312609798.jpg > http://pix.toile-libre.org/?img=1312609798.jpg

08-06-2011, 07:25 AM
Very funny bug! must watch... now you can take a strong style "ninja" http://www.xfire.com/video/4b9509/

And the Ximerin window is not working, it takes forever to load.

My RA hunter is able to access the Ximerin Window but the Nemon character isn't able to.

08-06-2011, 07:49 AM
Very funny bug! must watch... now you can take a strong style "ninja" http://www.xfire.com/video/4b9509/

And the Ximerin window is not working, it takes forever to load.

You see? Jumping opens many gameplay possibilities :)

08-06-2011, 07:54 AM
I'm not sure how to explain this and I can't reproduce it very easily, but it's possible to "negate" the falling damage --> http://youtu.be/1WVMQBHKNBI (sorry for the poor quality for the first 7 seconds or so, encoding problem)

Basically, the first fall was to show that I was supposed to take damage from that kind of a fall. The others show that I didn't receive any. It's somewhat tricky to pull off and I can't seem to do it anywhere besides the place shown.

Also, since it wasn't in the first post, I'll add to Scias' post... (estimates)

Falls that receive less than 1000 damage give about a 3 second "knock" (maybe a stun? not entirely sure) and a slow for 5 seconds
Falls that receive greater than 1000 damage give about a 3 second "knock" and a "stronger" slow for 7 seconds

08-06-2011, 07:59 AM
You see? Jumping opens many gameplay possibilities :)

You had a fight with gamigo and don't let gamigo users to enter ximerin in amun ? rofl dude.

08-06-2011, 08:07 AM
[QUOTE=-Kalid-;1390763]Very funny bug! must watch... now you can take a strong style "ninja" http://www.xfire.com/video/4b9509/

Can you climb up the realm wall using this?

08-06-2011, 08:07 AM
Yes, i just did climbed syrtis wall, lol i can climb anything. :)

08-06-2011, 11:18 AM
Just tested, here are my findings:

- spurious jump animation when going out of a fort
- spurious jump animation sometimes when near rocks
- damages for a fall from wall in a fort to ground are around 1500
- you take damages + knock + slow for a fall from 2 meters ...
- necrostasy when dying from fall = 5%
- jump animation should be improved, always the same whatever is your speed or direction
- jumping from top of the tower to ground killed me 100%
- it will be boring to die from unattended fall in fort battles...

08-06-2011, 11:57 PM

After some testing on Amun here are bugs I have noticed :

- Dual banners : If you jump during the duel, your char get stuck and don't allow you to move, you have to jump once more to get back to normal conditions.
- You can kick someone that isn't on the same surface than you.
- If you jump while fighting, animations from weapon (I tried slow weapon and very slow weapon) arn't there or come a lil more time later (As example fight a mob and make jumps while fighting this one, then no more animations from weapons will come on the next mob till you stop all character movements). You can also see fun kick animation "in the air".
- Landscape seems to not be ready for jump, as example go to fallwater near Algaros fort and try to jump on the big rock top of it, it will result of a death because you fall trought it.
- Jump is allowed in water.
- Falling in water after a jump is not realist, the formula count the distance between the jump and ground, not the water level (Jump from a brige to see what happen :).
- Jump in arena is allowed and make you imune from others gladiators (There is also a glitch in syrtis arena not fixed since now 3 years)

08-07-2011, 11:15 AM
If you fall inside the hole at Imperia Plateau, your char remains in "falling pose" inside the hole. You can't jump or do anything to get out of it.

08-07-2011, 08:29 PM
old rotating bug while freeze/knock is back at amun!
if you get knocked/frezzed while turning, you keep rotation while the effect.
pls fix befor going life :)

08-07-2011, 10:35 PM
old rotating bug while freeze/knock is back at amun!
if you get knocked/frezzed while turning, you keep rotation while the effect.
pls fix befor going life :)

I confirm this bug.

08-09-2011, 12:19 AM
Please fix this.
You can randomly "fall" and take 500-1500 damage on seemingly flat surfaces around Ignis OC and the stairs/ramp of forts, castle and cities.

08-09-2011, 06:58 PM
Please fix this.
You can randomly "fall" and take 500-1500 damage on seemingly flat surfaces around Ignis OC and the stairs/ramp of forts, castle and cities.

You can get damages or die from a lag pike too as I saw on AMUN. I think this part is critical too, this means something is missed from the calculation.

08-10-2011, 12:35 PM
It's also possible to avoid being knocked down using spells like UM.
Or is this one of the new possibilities jumping should add?

08-10-2011, 05:09 PM
It's also possible to avoid being knocked down using spells like UM.
Or is this one of the new possibilities jumping should add?

This has always been the way to use UM..
Resistance to Knockdown, Stun, Dizzy, Immobilize etc.

08-10-2011, 06:20 PM
I think he mean you can avoid kick by jumping.

08-10-2011, 08:02 PM
A thought accured to me today when running throu Altaruk.

With the new drop/jump dmg introduced, you might want to consider the location/way to the Ignis general Daracan.

In todays scenario:
Alsius noble is easily reached by entering Mont on the less guarded west side. Only guards to worry about is reaching the town square and Gunnar wich is easily sidepassed.

Syrtis noble just has 1 guard "behind" the building, and is as easily passed as Larissa on the town square.

Ignis noble house is also easily reached by dropping from the large hill behind Daracans house.

Since dropping from the hill behind Ignis noble house will cause sure death. And using 1 of the 3 entrances will cause a much more "hassle" compared to reaching Syrtis/Alsius noble, you might want to consider:

Either changing location of Daracan, or maybe some guards leading up to him from 1 of the entrances.

Hopefully this will attended to before update goes live, or my prediction is a lot of whining threads in the future.

Ty for your time

08-11-2011, 07:16 AM
No idea if it's intended or not, but Energy Barrier doesn't absorb the fall damage.
Also, the falling knock+debuff penalty isn't dispellable and can be cancelled using disconnection or casting horse.

08-11-2011, 08:01 AM

After some testing on Amun here are bugs I have noticed :

- If you jump while fighting, animations from weapon (I tried slow weapon and very slow weapon) arn't there or come a lil more time later (As example fight a mob and make jumps while fighting this one, then no more animations from weapons will come on the next mob till you stop all character movements). You can also see fun kick animation "in the air".

I can confirm this and Archers dont see their arrows while strafing+jumping, don't know if it's reported yet.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3zy8g2JUUyk&feature=channel_video_title

08-11-2011, 10:25 AM
Ignis noble house is also easily reached by dropping from the large hill behind Daracans house.

Since dropping from the hill behind Ignis noble house will cause sure death. And using 1 of the 3 entrances will cause a much more "hassle" compared to reaching Syrtis/Alsius noble, you might want to consider:

The Ignis noble is currently a joke, you can not only jump from the hill but marksmen also reach the place before the nobles house from above the mountain so you can kill guards, enemies safely and then jump and enter xD

However after the update it will become quite difficult, I would suggest to build a stair near the house of Ulitat to go up or down to the mountain area...
this would provide a similiar accesibility as in Montsognir.

Fisgael should be protected better btw

08-11-2011, 07:56 PM
With the new drop/jump dmg introduced, you might want to consider the location/way to the Ignis general Daracan.


Since dropping from the hill behind Ignis noble house will cause sure death. And using 1 of the 3 entrances will cause a much more "hassle" compared to reaching Syrtis/Alsius noble, you might want to consider:

Either changing location of Daracan, or maybe some guards leading up to him from 1 of the entrances.

However after the update it will become quite difficult, I would suggest to build a stair near the house of Ulitat to go up or down to the mountain area...
this would provide a similiar accesibility as in Montsognir.

Not needed. If you search well, there's an alternative way with no guards too, you won't even need to climb a huge mountain anymore.

08-11-2011, 08:35 PM
Did not know about that. Nvm then :D

08-15-2011, 11:56 AM
Is NGD Team working on this ?
No news since two weeks now :}

08-15-2011, 05:37 PM
There was updates on Amun.

But since NGD didn't publish what they fixed / didn't fix, you have to guess yourself and try again one by one all your tests. :sleep_1:

NGD and communication are 2 absolutely separated things. As oil and water, communication is not miscible into NGD.
You can shake them as long as you wish, once you stop you get communication on one side and NGD on the other side.

08-15-2011, 06:48 PM
I'm hopeful since Chilko react and gave us some technicals informations.

08-18-2011, 07:33 PM
Any news about future update ?

08-24-2011, 04:08 PM
In a video on youtube i saw a "Realm Cake"
2 questions:
-How to activate it?
-Is it going to be in live servers too?

09-08-2011, 12:05 AM
A jumping bug being abused here


09-08-2011, 01:58 PM
In a video on youtube i saw a "Realm Cake"
2 questions:
-How to activate it?
-Is it going to be in live servers too?

This is just a gadget showing the connected players of each realm xD