View Full Version : Little guide on how to grind your characters
08-18-2011, 06:45 PM
I'll post a little guide here on how i think is the easiest way to grind a char to higher levels.
-Don't use high mana cost spells on mobs.
-Don't use high cooldown spells on mobs.
-Try to minimize your mana output (with some classes this is ofc very hard).
-Try to minimize the damage you take (with for example knock downs).
-Choose your buffs wisely for example dead eye is no good because it lowers your attack speed which means your DPS (damage per second) will be lowered aswell.
-Grind on normal mobs only or the lowest level on challenging (means 2 levels higher then your own).
Use this to find your mobs:
-In between mobs run in normal stance (weapon sheathed) this increases mana regeneration and can really increase the time you can spend on killing mobs instead of resting.
-I also don't like using debuffs on mobs, feels waisted
In general:
-You will notice you don't have much mana to start with so don't use very expensive buffs.
-I would advise not to skill maneuver to high because the cooldown is way to long (40 sec duration and 120 (!) seconds cooldown).
-Also stay clear of evasion buffs, they don't work properly.
-I found long bows to be the best to grind at lower levels.
-Don't use sudden strike, i know it sounds great with the -50% protection but while grinding your constant damage output is more important then debuffing one mob.
-I don't like to use ambush on mobs because i see it as "empty" mana use: no damage done + the cast time is a bit long.
To grind a marksman 4 skills are most important: Recharged arrows (damage buff), foresight (passive range buff), parabolic (range buff) and at low lvls shield piercing arrow (damage spell).
Skill these first before you do other stuff.
The idea is to maximize your normal attack damage output and maximize your range so that mobs can't or can barely reach you.
Also passives like lightness and specialist will help you out too (although more limited).
I found specialist to be better then lightness, so if you need to choose between the 2 go for specialist, if of course your level and setup allows you to.
I found this great combo (but i advise you to keep it when you're higher lvl cause you need lot's of points).
Foresight 5 + parabolic 4/5 + dirthy fighting 4/5 + recharged arrows 5.
Keep DF and parabolic at the same level, you'll notice they have the same duration.
The idea is to lower your range and add a big increase of damage.
I would also recommend to skill winter stroke, it does damage, has a low cool down (mana cost is somewhat higher tough).
This is a lesson learned for later on in game, if you are in trouble, simply cast WS (winter stroke), take some range and attack again.
The basics on grinding a hunter is the same as a marks, all tough you don't have recharged arrows, you need to maximize your damage and range.
At low levels hunters have a little advantage over marks because they have 2 low cooldown, low mana cost attack spells: ensnaring arrows and shield piercing.
Damage bonuses from specialist and lightness are welcome for a hunter because you don't have a lot of damage buffs.
Don't skill maneuver to high tough, for the same reasons above, if you have points left you can of course ;).
The pet will help you out nicely while grinding.
Go for the best possible pet you can have, which means on par with your level (for example: level 23 character has a lvl 23 character pet).
You will notice you can only tame a pet that is "normal" to you.
Use this to find your pet:
In general:
-Maximise your damage output.
-Use your knockdowns.
-I think slash is the best tree to grind (with south cross).
For barbarians it's important to skill damage buffs first (berserker, overwhelming stength, thirst for blood, acurate swings (for slash) etc.
Grinding a barb is the most easy thing ever, just buff, run to a mob, watch him die and go to the next one untill your mana is to low or you are near death.
You'll have troubles grinding a barb at low lvls but this will improve with every level you rise.
I grinded my barb from 38 to 40 like this:
Setup lvl 38: (at lvl 39 i made berserker and overwhelming strenght 5) aaaa
cast accurate swings (4) and berserker (4/5) go to a mob use kick (4) kill it, go to next one use charge (4) go to the next, if kick wasnt out of cooldown yet i used south cross (4), kill it and move on, then repeat.
I din't use my defencive buffs alot because i wanted to keep the mana output on buffs minimal to have more for kick, south cross and charge.
So in short:
buff -> got to a mob ->kick + normals->next mob -> charge -> normals -> next mob -> kick + normals ->...
-> southcross + normals -> kick + normals ->...
Eventually you run out of mana, then with your last mana you cast thirst for blood (TFB) on level 2 and keep on going.
Basic idea: try to have 2 hits/mob at all time, with a good weapon this is no problem.
I could do 4000-5000k (4000-5000) xp from one rest (due to low hp) to another with extremely crappy gear (i used a lvl 35 slow axe with +23 base damage and nothing else :p).
I'm sorry but i have no experience grinding a knight what so ever, so please if anyone has experience share it here.
In General:
-There are 2 ways to grind a mage, or with spell casting or with staff mastery (this requires a good damage staff tough).
SM is the most easy way: skill your magnifications (fire, ice and lightning), arcane accelaration, arcane projection and combat magic to the maximum, cast, click on a mob and there you go.
Later on it's a good idea to have aura's build in too, some crowd controle spells (cc's) from the mental tree will do nicely aswell.
Forget about arcane devotion (the cast sped buff) and you can skill ambitious sacrifice on 2 because you need a lot less mana.
Also a good idea to use ROL's (ring of lightning which you will get from a quest at lvl 40) for there extra lightning damage and there +5 attack speed and/or DS (deadly sight ring obtainable at lvl 23 in syrtis not sure if the quest is also at lvl 23 in other realms) this ring gives 15-25 slashing damage.
-Don't ever forget to skill energy barrier!
Even in lower lvls this spell is important, it's the major line of defence for any mage. (And at low character lvls the best defence there is on any class).
-Don't use curse, not worth it.
-Don't forget ambitious sacrifice, if you can skill it, do it.
The most easy way to grind is when you have enough buffs, for example: fox wits, bear strenght etc (mainly in the enchantments tree) and heals (in the heal tree, obvious).
skill these tree's to the maximum, gather as much buffs and heals as you can and go to a very high level and buff/heal him, you'll get a lot of xp.
Notice you have to buff/heal him at least twice per mob to gain xp, but the effort is worth it.
I noticed that a single dispell cast on your ally gives you xp, don't worry if it's necessary or not, just go for it :p.
On higher levels you will gain access to aura's and that's when the real fun starts, in the mana tree there are 2 aura's: mana pylon and mana communion.
If your level allows it, skill these 2 to the maximum, other players only need to be inside the aura to give xp to you.
Best way to use these 2 aura's is the following:
Cast mana communion first, when this is over cast mana pylon and then again mana communion (you'll notice MC has 120sec cd and MP 180sec cd), this way you have for 180 sec non stop aura's.
The other 60 seconds you will need to wait to get em out of cooldown needs to be filled in by heals, buffs and dispell.
When you notice a marks grinding, he's the one you where always looking for, thanks so his high range he hasn't have to move often so you won't have to worry (as much) of him running out of your aura's or out of heal range.
If you rather grind on your own you can still go for staff mastery, mental and summon tree.
Staff mastery requires a good damage staff (as stated before).
Mental is the basic offensive tree for all mages.
So you'll do good to skill at least a few points in here, even if you are using staff mastery.
Summon tree: skip imps and also zombies, not worth it.
Best is to go directly for a demon and later for a lich and eventually a golem.
Some conjurers skill both demon and lich at high level so they can have a summon all the time (here cd is not the same as there duration), this problem is solved with the golem (cd= duration) which is a melee summon tough.
Blood drinker is also not worth the points, it costs to much mana and it's effect isn't that great, a heal self or regenerate self will help much more.
About heals: i think regenerate self is more usefull then healself cause you don't have to cast it over and over, if you're in need tough heal self will prove it's worth more.
ALWAYS have resurrection on 1!
The easiest way to grind warlocks is similar to grinding a conj.
All tough you don't have heals, giving mana, buffs and later aura's will get you your xp.
If you want to grind alone you can choose between spells and staff mastery (SM).
Locks also have a small advantage in SM over conjurers, vitality absorption.
This is the 4th skill in the necromancy tree, gives up to 10% vitality absorption, which means: a part of the damage you deal becomes HP for you, it's similar to blood drinker but passive and just way more usefull!
Don't worry about healing yourself, your normals will do it for you.
I heared from Scias that it also has effect during spell casting but i din't test this yet (not that i don't believe him ofc ;p).
Locks also have the advantage over conjurers in spell grinding.
Good combo's are: meteor + lightning and fire ball + ice blast.
These 2 combo's got my lock from 30 to 44.
Don't forget vampirism in the necromancy tree!
It sucks out enemy HP to give it to yourself.
Even with SM and vitality absorption this spell might come in handy now and then.
I would advise to skill this if you have points left.
And ofcourse: experiment yourself, what i tell you here is what my experience tolled me, if you are a marks and want to grind with sb, you can ofcourse do.
If you have remarks, questions or idea's pls post em below :)
I'll reread this post a lot so it will be edited now and then and grow bigger with more info :)
08-18-2011, 06:51 PM
eey mate!
I think it is realy handy for new players:D
08-18-2011, 10:03 PM
The most easy way to grind is when you have enough buffs, for example: fox wits, bear strenght etc (mainly in the enchantments tree) and heals (in the heal tree, obvious).
skill these tree's to the maximum, gather as much buffs and heals as you can and go to a very high level and buff/hea him, you'll get a lot of xp.
Notice you have to buff/heal him at least twice per mob to gain xp, but the effort is worth it.
as a conju, you gain xp by buffing/healing only if your realmate lands a normal hit after that buff
the fastest way i found to solo grind my knight to 60 is with offensive stance, as many STR/damage as you can, enough A.S. to land 4 hits during a knockdown and A LOT of patience.
weapon tree, tactics and vanguard are the 3 main trees to raise, then blunt/spears to gain passive str. passive resist damage in weapon trees are usefull too.
when your level allows you, skill heroic presence and army of one.
however the fastest way remains grinding in combo with a full support conju and, if you want, another knight in offensive stance.
PS remember to start hitting the mob with normals and not with SC/gutting/forceful blow to make the conju gain xp too. moreover you don't need feint/kick to grind with a conju: it's faster with only normals and damaging spells
As lock, you should skill blaze and crystal blast to finish the mobs that have few hp after your combo of a dot and a direct dmg spell
Well after lvl37 lock with decent staff (dropped is enough) can grind with SM using 1 CC per mob... way is VERY BORING but pretty effective.
08-19-2011, 12:24 AM
For lock grinding I reccomend SM.. you can always get decent staves (or borrow them from clanmates) and it's a easy way... (no thinking/skill required). That means you can listen to music/watch the tv etc xD
The negative side is that you won't be usefull in combat... and it is somehow monotonic...
The good side is relatively fast and undemanding leveling and good group grind features (you can skill areas).
I grinded with sm from lvl +-45 whole way to 60 (about to finish off tommorow ;))
08-19-2011, 12:25 AM
Knights: (from lvl 29 to get kick and spells at power 4)
Use buff weapon spell(4) and caution(4) as soon as they are not on CD anymore.
1. Feint(4) - 1st damage spell(4) - Normal Hit - Normal Hit - Normal Hit
2. Normal Hit - Kick(4) - 1st damage spell(4) - Normal Hit - Normal Hit
Rinse and repeat until level 60. :cuac:
1st damage spell is cheap, has a very low cooldown, does good damage and is available for any kind of weapon (slash/blunt/pierce).
Don't be afraid to use a lot of mana, it's better since it regens faster than health.
Better to choose fast attack mobs (as felines, wasp, ...) they do very tiny damage cause of high armor points of knights.
Knights: (below lvl 29)
Same as above without feint/kick.
An easily forgotten spell in the Knight's arsenal is taunt. If you are grinding this is a staple. Skill it as high as you can.
As said before you need kick and feint along with your weapon buff. Caution is also a cheap spell that is quite effective at mitigating damage.
Because I used to grind solo most of the time, I found it prudent to skill challenge 1 to 'pull' the mobs to me and as such raise efficiency. I would only use offensive stance if working with conju.
The trade-off is faster kills that is offset by having to stop more frequently. The rest as solo erodes your time. Optionally you can do a non-offensive stance build which means you kill slower but you last much much longer between rests. I have found the latter method to be more efficient. Note that this is for solo grind. If you have a conju it is better to use offensive stance.
I have also done a strange build that incorporates the above but adds a layer of blocks and evades. I use block at least on level 2 and challenge 2 or 3. I have found this method to be very effective in the post 50 grind.
It lengthens my time between rests by a good margin due to the fact that I will evade and block a lot. It is rather effective against ranged mobs. I can pull them , block the attacks and increase efficiency by not having to run to them the whole distance. During this time , I am able to regain mana by just doing normal attacks.
During grind, it is important to figure out what type of damage your mob of choice is doing. Get a shield that is good against these types of damage. You would be surprised what a good shield can do to extend your non rest time. Now the rest of armour is important but they are not as readily accessible when you need them . I normally changed my helm and shield depending on the mob I was grinding on mostly. When doing this you will want to concentrate on the particular mob. If the density of mobs are not good enough then try for the most balanced gear you can get. Emphasis is on the physical damage reduction.
As melee it is important to note what (if any) spells the mob has. Some have dot spells and you will want to avoid these. Oddly enough, some of them are quite nasty like rake and can cramp you up . The best way is to use the knocks and hope to kill them before they get up. Sometimes this is not possible. More often than not the AI throws up the spell as the first or second spell as the mob gets up. I use precise block at this point. then I proceed to kill. Yes it is slower but trust me, it is faster than getting rake every few mobs. If you are able to, it is best to avoid these kinds of mobs.
Good luck grinding your knight and have fun.
08-19-2011, 08:14 AM
I dont really like you, and you know why.
And normally wouldnt say this either.
But very nice guide Bloodraven.
I'm sure it's useful to new players.
08-19-2011, 08:38 AM
I dont really like you, and you know why.
And normally wouldnt say this either.
But very nice guide Bloodraven.
I'm sure it's useful to new players.
Idea's, remarks, etc remain welcome of course :)
08-19-2011, 08:49 AM
Knights: (below lvl 29)
Same as above without feint/kick.
+ dont use South Cross below lvl 29, keep using Charge instead.
SC is less dmg and consumes more mana. Switch to SC after you can skill it to lvl 4.
Also dont forget Taunt, its very good for grind and try to use it as much as possible.
08-19-2011, 09:27 AM
Edited yet again, with more info on barbs, mages, hunters...
All idea's, remarks... remain welcome ;)
08-19-2011, 02:01 PM
An easily forgotten spell in the Knight's arsenal is taunt. If you are grinding this is a staple. Skill it as high as you can.
i really do not agree. if you can kill a mob in 3 normals + 1sc/gutting/forceful blow, you don't have to lower their armor.
if you start the "fight" pulling your mob with taunt, he will surely hit you once before you can knock him, moreover you will probably have 50% of the times positional problems and you will miss 1-2 hits while the mob is knocked, so you won't be able to kill him before he stands up.
otherwise if you start with feint (oh slow/v.slow hitting mobs like golems you can also start with normal+kick without beiing hitted) you won't be hitted unless the mob resists the knock, so you will be able to grind without loosing so much life points.
grinding a knight from 1 to 60 is a real pain in the ass, so the fastest way you can, the better.
i suggest to premium users to buy some life potions (i bought 100 of them at level 50, and i used more or less half of them to reach 60. 100 of them cost as a 100% scroll, so not such a big cost), maximize troll's skin and passive const, so a single potion will replain your 5000-5500 health in few seconds and you will be able to continue grinding after a little rest.
for such this kind of grinding i've always used normal and challenging mobs
[edit] during my grinding sessions i skilled taunt only to level 1 to pull unreachable mobs like the ones on the hillside or upon a high rock.
never forget that when your level is high enough to allow you a nice armor with good bonus, you can start the fight in offensive stance, trying the combo feint+4 hits, and if the knock is resisted, you can exit from the stance and hit the mob with normal armor and killing him in 1-2 more hits without losing too many hp (don't do it with panthers because they will surely cast on you rake that ignores armor, so the best option is to use even the second knock if the first is resisted, or you will go out of hp in a very fast way)
Each player must find his/her own way. This will be coloured by the constraints they have.
I would say try all methods in this thread and then adjust them to your liking. My method caused me little trouble because I used block/ precise block/ challenge and or taunt. For me this was efficient. Yes I got hit but a lot of the times my challenge or block did its job. Those conserved HP. The method allowed me to grind very fast, and rotate between mana and HP conservation. Indeed , past 50 I would rest only when I really wanted to or when the mob resists/evades were really stacked against me. What ever I lost was recovered by my methods. If I lost time doing spells like block/challenge I would make it up in the time I gained by not running around so much. Indeed I would be pulling another mob while still killing the knocked one.
Grinding to me was not only to get to the end. I enjoyed the journey as well. Many will not agree with my philosophy. I accept that.
Each player has to find their own way. I think that is the most important lesson here. Understand the basics of your spells an then apply (through experience) what works best for you. I would encourage new players to explore all your spells and learn as you go.Experiment. It will auger well for you later on.
xD 5000- 5500 Hp . I have 5144 at 60 :facepalm3: I must be worse off than I thought.
Edit: Thank you Frosk, that is the method I was talking about. Taunt then precise block then knock. Well explained. You are doing a great job here so far. Very impressive.
08-19-2011, 02:44 PM
i really do not agree. if you can kill a mob in 3 normals + 1sc/gutting/forceful blow, you don't have to lower their armor.
if you start the "fight" pulling your mob with taunt, he will surely hit you once before you can knock him, moreover you will probably have 50% of the times positional problems and you will miss 1-2 hits while the mob is knocked, so you won't be able to kill him before he stands up.
otherwise if you start with feint (oh slow/v.slow hitting mobs like golems you can also start with normal+kick without beiing hitted) you won't be hitted unless the mob resists the knock, so you will be able to grind without loosing so much life points.
grinding a knight from 1 to 60 is a real pain in the ass, so the fastest way you can, the better.
i suggest to premium users to buy some life potions (i bought 100 of them at level 50, and i used more or less half of them to reach 60. 100 of them cost as a 100% scroll, so not such a big cost), maximize troll's skin and passive const, so a single potion will replain your 5000-5500 health in few seconds and you will be able to continue grinding after a little rest.
for such this kind of grinding i've always used normal and challenging mobs
[edit] during my grinding sessions i skilled taunt only to level 1 to pull unreachable mobs like the ones on the hillside or upon a high rock.
never forget that when your level is high enough to allow you a nice armor with good bonus, you can start the fight in offensive stance, trying the combo feint+4 hits, and if the knock is resisted, you can exit from the stance and hit the mob with normal armor and killing him in 1-2 more hits without losing too many hp (don't do it with panthers because they will surely cast on you rake that ignores armor, so the best option is to use even the second knock if the first is resisted, or you will go out of hp in a very fast way)
Taunt is a very useful skill when it comes to grinding a knight.
And it's also true that when taunted, the mob'll try to (and most of the times will) hit you first or at the same time you get to hit it.
This is why in my grinding days I used to have Precise Block in my config. Using it sistematically with every mob will let you grind almost non-stop (depending on how difficult are the mobs you grind with).
To do this, what you have to do is cast Taunt (any level, I used to have it in lvl 4 or 5) on a mob. Wait for it until it gets really close, and cast Precise Block (you can use it at lvls 3 or 4 the first times; but once you really get the idea, lv1 Precise Block will get the job done.).
Remember that in order to perform this, you have to time your cast with the mob's first (and when perfectly done, only) attack.
Once you blocked it, move a little to cancel Block Precise, and immediately cast Feint, or Normal Attack + Kick.
This way you'll end up having a heavily penalized (no dmg resistance and knocked) mob right in front of you, ready to get killed, and without even getting hurt at all. This way you'll have to rest a only few secs to recover some mana (depending on your level, on higher lvls you won't rest at all). :)
08-19-2011, 02:52 PM
Each player has to find their own way. I think that is the most important lesson here. Understand the basics of your spells an then apply (through experience) what works best for you. I would encourage new players to explore all your spells and learn as you go.Experiment. It will auger well for you later on.
i really like the way you see this game but for me grinding the knight has been a real pain (after grinding a lock and before the marks) and it takes ages if you don't kill in the fastest way.
however i started grinding the knight after 3 years of lock gameplay so i knew the base mechanics of the game. +1 for the experimentations af ALL spells for new players
xD 5000- 550 Hp . I have 5144 at 60 :facepalm3: I must be worse off than I thought.
@60 i've 5050 without troll's skin, but at level 50-51 i used to have more or less the same due to many gears with const/hp (shield included) i use only 5% protection gear XD
08-19-2011, 03:02 PM
+1 to Latan.
Start with feint or hit+kick, you won't lose much health, and you won't get a "unhittable knocked mob".
Taunt(1) is enough to aggro some unreachable mobs.
Moreover, it's much brainless. That way you can do something else when grinding, like watch TV documentaries, listen to radio interviews, and so on. No need to get stuck on your screen and time your spells.
I'm flabbergasted we have a community manager who plays and knows Regnum!!
Great!! :thumb:
08-19-2011, 05:56 PM
I can't speak for lower level grinding knights cause all mine are scrolled xD but..
Knight grinding is pretty chill, there isn't a whole lot of resting or spell spamming. For the chillest knight grind, I recommend the following:
Decent weapon. (a good damage bonus, slow speed)
Two Rings of Lightning (if you can't get two, take one and a Deadly Sight Ring)
The highest armor you can find for your level (with good physical resistances)
Amulets won't matter a lot, I always choose the Medal of Courage though (+150 hp)
As for the setup, all you really need is two knock downs and caution at the highest level you can afford them. I usually grind in my war setup (which has all the basic necessities for grinding) for convenience, plus I don't have to reskill everytime I want to war :)
Basically put on caution, knock down when you can and go to town. Rest when necessary. If your resistances check out, you can usually get mobs hitting you for near minimal damage with each hit :D
Now, if you REALLY want to grind a knight..
Find your best weapon, and max the weapon tree! Get the damage buff, maybe a damage spell, and maybe the passive damage resist.
Skill for maximum tactics, kick level 5, feint level 5, caution level 5, onslaught level 5, martial reflexes level 5.
Skill for maximum vanguard, Army of One 5, Offensive Stance 5
Skill for the highest shield level you can get, and try to get Steadiness, Precise Block, and Defensive Stance (you'll see later ;) ) if you can.
Take off ALL YOUR ARMOR (save for the shield and possibly any attack speed gear you have) else you will have a blast paying for repairs ^^ and set each piece to a hotbar for later.
Use offensive stance + martial reflexes and knock mobs down left and right. If your knocks are not resisted you should be able to kill them without getting a scratch ^^ If your knocks ARE resisted, go into Army of One and keep swinging. If you end up taking too much damage you can rest or put your armor back on and not use offensive stance (or use it in bursts with Ao1), it's still a very effective way to grind.
Now for the kicker... on Imperia Beach (or crystal fjord, whatever) the mobs will change when the sun sets and rises.. so timing is crucial for this part xD Usually about 15-20 minutes in to the sunrise or sunset time, put up defensive stance and run around one hitting mobs and tanking their hits. Use precise block when you can and try not to run too far from one area, else you risk mobs running back to their spots after you hit them ^^ Once the sun rises or sets, those mobs will "die" and you will reap all the experience they give.. for one hit xP
Hope this helps.. may have left out a few things, but there's my knight grinding guide ;P
09-04-2011, 11:08 AM
Maybe its best to paste this under the class differences, cause it's going to slip into the ocean of forgothen posts.
And not to blow my own horn, but this might help new players more then the class differences.
09-05-2011, 05:15 AM
I'm kinda confused. It says you use crash 4 but in your setup crash isn't lvl'ed. :confused2:
09-05-2011, 06:54 AM
Add a tip for warlocks: DoT's (Lightning,Ice Blast) are better to use first, then direct damage spell like Meteor or Fire Ball
Add a tip for warlocks: DoT's (Lightning,Ice Blast) are better to use first, then direct damage spell like Meteor or Fire Ball
Erm is there a difference :O?
09-05-2011, 07:48 AM
Erm is there a difference :O?
You win a time when you cast DoT first, because it begin ticking and then you cast static dmg spell like Meteor.
You win a time when you cast DoT first, because it begin ticking and then you cast static dmg spell like Meteor.
Ehm true GCD ftw. Anyways best way to grind after lvl37 is SM xD
09-10-2011, 12:55 PM
You fell in love with SM huh :D, I always cast Meteor first because it has that nice Dizzy effect :D
09-11-2011, 10:34 AM
Add a tip for warlocks: DoT's (Lightning,Ice Blast) are better to use first, then direct damage spell like Meteor or Fire Ball
That's a very bad tip, using this makes you vulnerable for any kind of CC. Lightning and Iceblast are range 25 range, meteor is 30. Use meteor first, when meteor hits first and you have a waterproof CC chain, the chance you win is like 80% (20% because of the random resists -_____-)
That's a very bad tip, using this makes you vulnerable for any kind of CC. Lightning and Iceblast are range 25 range, meteor is 30. Use meteor first, when meteor hits first and you have a waterproof CC chain, the chance you win is like 80% (20% because of the random resists -_____-)
Erm in mob grinding u need CC higher than lvl1 :D?
09-11-2011, 12:41 PM
He doesn't know what he's talking about.
Furthermore meteor has a normal GCD when ice blast and lightning has very short.
So it's far better to use dot first and finish with meteor.
09-13-2011, 03:51 PM
Erm in mob grinding u need CC higher than lvl1 :D?
Woops, my bad I was talking about PvP.
09-13-2011, 03:52 PM
He doesn't know what he's talking about.
I think I'm a bit more experienced with lock than you are :)
Maybe not..
09-14-2011, 01:48 AM
I think I'm a bit more experienced with lock than you are :)
Maybe not..
maybe not.
read the topic title before start to write such a nonsense.
the best way to chain spells upon a MOB is starting with a DoT and finish it with a direct dmg spell or normals if with a SM setup
09-14-2011, 10:43 AM
No point to troll with him, he jumps on every threads to dispense his wise advices about everything without understanding the main subject of the discussion he is taking part in.
09-14-2011, 10:56 AM
No point to troll with him, he jumps on every threads to dispense his wise advices about everything without understanding the main subject of the discussion he is taking part in.
Then let's not put extra attention to it...
btw, 1577 views \o/ i hope this has been of help for someone
11-05-2011, 02:17 AM
I'm kinda confused. It says you use crash 4 but in your setup crash isn't lvl'ed. :confused2:
Lol, just noticed, it's 'charge' not crash :p, i fixed it
11-05-2011, 07:55 AM
Nice post,
as for SM, you really do not NEED a OP sm staff now that we have rol's and assuming you have enough points to shore up a weak spot with mental skills (swarm, admittedly havent used domain now though that its 10 rng, so that may be out or still useful to some, ivy) to keep from being reached. I would advise to skip golems as well, sure they have the duration advantage but offer only slightly more damage, though save you a few points (I alternate lich/zarkit which both do around the same damage to mobs as a 'average' sm user with normal gear'
Another point is to skill dragons blood/int gear (if possible, granted the damage isn't much but if going for a max damage build it is something to invest in)
Projection is not always needed, depends whether you skill mental or not (OP staff and decent dps a player can down a challenging mob with ranged summon using no mental typically) The golem melee range means it has to reach 25 range, hit, follow mob, and damage is usually less in the long run unless you utilize immobilizes so your golem can hit a stationary target. Pllus if it dies, you have the lengthy cd, which neither ranged summon has a drawback on, or forced to rest (silly) when its damaged/ waste on blood drinker, which is high cd to just regen a summon anyways so not a good spell to waste points on (swarm still bugged, mobs in motion under swarm run past you, so time the spelll to land as mob stops in melee range when it goes off)
so i don't skill mental skills as often pure normals kill mobs with projection and ranged summon (pref lich as they have range 25 while zarkit needs range 20, values may be off slightly but i think they are pretty close) so its a double edge, use it or not depend on setup.
Another crazy idea many wont agree with maybe, is forgoing most conj defenses other than heals to cover ambitious and mob damage if many evades) even that is simply regen 1 usually, as SM is prebuff heavy and mana use during is covered easily unless you use high mentals (as both summons can be cast and covered with ambitious' return mana every 25 secs.)
But anyways, chances are you are using so many points to maintain a SM setup, defenses are weak or not available anyways, and a zerg hunt party makes any of them in the world pointless, its rarely ever a single enemy. take the loss and go back, (people argue but what if you need to defend a grind group, you'd die without defense...but then you'd be using a support setup not sm anyways..right. Barrier is all i use aside from regen or a heal, i prefer to put those spare points into ally heals, a low synergy etc, just very crude support skills in case you come across wounded grinders in need or a recharge. I'd simply rather use them to support a possible ally if i meet one, without resorting to full support setup, but hey some may enjoy killing enemies so if you want to take a chance, then skill whatever pvp skills you can afford (mb/karma/ss etc)
Then again those are just my opinions, as I also grind my hunter oddly (skilling AS leggings/Cs Pauld/Rol's) using 2 dw shortbows with 10% as and other with 10% cs,
I skill the dmg passives (even specialist lol) dex passives
Start the fight using acro+rapid shot+adapability and as shortbow, using pure normals to kill mobs till duration is up,
bow switch to cs bow and cast evasive (as i dont want to lower acc as rapid shot doesnt work well with another hc malus) casting dual shot first (as its so slow, snare, normals till i can repeat the above process. tons of arrow loss but being rich helps.
I skill cold blood occasionally, or dirty fighting, ambush, stunfist to enhance damage, always skill sudden strike 1 but, admittedly having a rng 30 bow and a rng 25 skill is awkward. tear apart sometimes if having a bad day, tear apart+ stun fist and let the dot tick while i regain range or finish it if possible, or ambush if i can cast it in time due to its pitiful range and cast time.
granted i could do it a much easier way with pets, but i have never used them really since RA, maybe revisions will change my mind, but i find i can grind fine already without one. by no means is it an ideal setup everyone has gear to make it quicker with but thats what i do anyways.
In wz camo and track help as well, even low level, if needed to rest for some reason, rest in camo, and track often. (cant say thats feasible for pet users though with the limitation on them)
I'm guessing i chose a hunter setup that bring a bit of challenge to grinding, since otherwise i get bored, having to focus and pay attention to my cs's, and spells keeps me from quitting so early i guess.
Probably the most important rule though...grind on mobs that are actually worthwhile to kill (rake?/cs debuff from goblins etc) so avoid leopard type cats if possible, ranged mobs unless you outrange them enough to kill them without damage or have good magical resist, i see barbs sometimes attacking ghosts (bad magical resists) and it adds up over time so they have to rest alot more than usual.
same if you have awful blunt gear dont go killing golems much. avoid mobs which give no loot if possible (sadly not always..not high priority for ngd..some mobs do not drop normal loot for 1+ year, and others (golem/kelontes, drop loot far too heavy, I just drop it)
11-05-2011, 09:04 AM
I can't put any more info in the original post (text is too long) so i'll post it here:
My barb now got to 50 but i din't use swords for it, i had a decent lvl 43 magical hammer (very slow one) and i must say, it speeded me up faster then slow swords, you don't need to have a magical one, just a shop gear hammer can help you with grinding.
Grinding with very slow weapons needs to have extra AS (attack speed) on your gear (2 RoL's and if possible +4/5 AS on your leggings).
I also found that the best way to grind a barb is with a second barb, i speeded from lvl 43 to lvl 50 in just a week :p.
With 2 barbs grinding together golems are an exelent target, they take time to deploy and since you're two 1k damage hitting maniacs, they won't have time to hit you.
Grinding with a very slow weapon is even simpler then with a slow or medium, on normal mobs you have a guaranty that mobs die in 2 hits.
You just need to buff berserk and the weapon damage buff, when the later runs into cooldown cast thirst for blood and you can keep going for a while longer.
Frenzy is also a good idea.
This was my setup from 43: agaa
(Notice that you will find kick on the place where feint is in the setup, to be clear: i skilled kick).
Roar is skilled because i had a point left and did not know what to do with them :p.
Roar is handy when suddenly a lot of agro mobs attack you.
Setup lvl 50: azaa
I found challenging roar a good buff to avoid those annoying evades, it's not perfect but i notice a difference.
On higher levels you get more points but that i putted in a higher lvl of kick and caution.
You might wonder why i skilled OWTH (off with there heads), it's for the sole reason of giving your grinding companion an extra damage boost, which really works well.
When you enter the wz to grind it's a good idea to skill UM (unstoppable madness), it's a defence against crowd controle spells.
Cause there are always some freaks who hope mommy will finally love them if they kill grinders.
11-05-2011, 12:38 PM
TL;DR. 10char
11-05-2011, 09:03 PM
For barbarians it's important to skill damage buffs first (berserker, overwhelming stength, thirst for blood, acurate swings (for slash) etc.
Grinding a barb is the most easy thing ever, just buff, run to a mob, watch him die and go to the next one untill your mana is to low or you are near death.
You'll have troubles grinding a barb at low lvls but this will improve with every level you rise.
I grinded my barb from 38 to 40 like this:
Setup lvl 38: (at lvl 39 i made berserker and overwhelming strenght 5) aaaa
cast accurate swings (4) and berserker (4/5) go to a mob use kick (4) kill it, go to next one use charge (4) go to the next, if kick wasnt out of cooldown yet i used south cross (4), kill it and move on, then repeat.
I din't use my defencive buffs alot because i wanted to keep the mana output on buffs minimal to have more for kick, south cross and charge.
I only read the first post in this thread, so i dont know if what im gonna say was already said, so please spare me :P
IMO the smartest way to grind a barb is NOT with slash (I actually think slash is the worst choice possible). As a barb, you should use blunt (1st choice) or pierce (2nd choice), depending on whether you have either a good blunt or piercing weapon.
(at least lvl 37)
Setup should be something like this:
- berserk 5 and overwhelming strength 5
- your weapon's buff 4
- your weapon tree's passive spell (the one that give str (blunt) or str and dex (pierce) ) 4
- your weapon's first damaging spell 4
- the rest of your points go to whatever you want. I used feint (now kick), caution and frenzy
also, spiritual blow can be quite handy to have in your setup, even if its only on lvl 1.
I dont really like TFB for grinding, but whoever wants to have it should get it (as soon as you dont need to give up on something from the above, that is)
Just noticed that raven changed his opinion on how to grind a barb with hammer, too. Well, then you have here a (good) setup for lvl 37 that you can use as a base.
11-05-2011, 10:26 PM
Hope this helps?
When i was grinding i would set up just to grind. If in wz this sometimes meant that yeah i'd be hammered by hunt parties but the grind was fast. More often than not i was solo grinding and i used a conju maybe a handful of times.
Mana/hp potions are your best friend on a scroll, or if you cant access them grinding as close to a save and dying rather than resting works fast too.
With any grinding, if on scrolls go for max damage and 0 protection. You want to kill as fast as you can.
I was shown dot first for locks and it works best.
For knight i used another knight just knocking or having the final blow to grind with and found this amazingly fast. (my fasted toon to grind)
I see some people say "i wont grind in a party cause I'm on a scroll", but really , the faster you can kill the better it is for you so yeah you might get less xp per creature but your going to kill more of them in the same amount of time.
If your a barb and grinding in a party, think of others and dont use beserk as it sucks up all the xp. (well it used to when i grinded mine). I found the barb the worst to grind.
If grinding an archer/mage in a party with warriors remember its frustrating for them to have to run back and forward to try and get a hit. Let them have the first shot.
Again if scroll grinding, avoid spells like freeze/time master spells as yeah they stop attacks for a while but they suck up a scrolls time too ;)
11-05-2011, 10:39 PM
You're very right about hammers and spears.
I started grinding with a spear now and i think it's even better then with a hammer, since you have the 2m range, if you can set yourself right you can avoid a hit from a mob and being knocked or stunned or what ever nasty things mobs can do at you.
I think tfb is good for grinding cause if you can get tfb+ weapn bonus + berserker at the same time you have a chance on a one hit kill strike, which can only increase the grinding speed :p.
I also like the extra attack speed.
Oh and i use it to bridge the weapon bonus cooldown.
i know it lasts for only 5 hits but that are 3 extra mobs :p.
11-05-2011, 11:51 PM
You're very right about hammers and spears.
I started grinding with a spear now and i think it's even better then with a hammer, since you have the 2m range, if you can set yourself right you can avoid a hit from a mob and being knocked or stunned or what ever nasty things mobs can do at you.
yea, balestra can be really nice sometimes.
I think tfb is good for grinding cause if you can get tfb+ weapn bonus + berserker at the same time you have a chance on a one hit kill strike, which can only increase the grinding speed :p.
one hit kill only at the last mob though... if you use hammer / spear, the mobs should be down after two hits with and without weapon buff, so i didnt really care about this :D as i said (somewhat indirectly), if you needed to choose between two spells, i'd almost never go for tfb.
I also like the extra attack speed.
Oh and i use it to bridge the weapon bonus cooldown.
I didnt look at it this way up to now, but i think it's not that good for this reason:
i know it lasts for only 5 hits but that are 3 extra mobs :p.
11-06-2011, 02:24 AM
i use a crit setup (hammer)(or did) with my barb when using tfb, as criticals don't count toward tfb hit limit. if a mob wasnt 1 shotted, id use a cheap spell like gutting/forceful blow/charge 1 etc, instead of wasting another hit on the mob, so my dmg would accumulate even if i didnt crit the next mob. so thats where 1 extra point went always, and i was glad i skilled it lol.
11-06-2011, 11:26 AM
I'm sorry but i have no experience grinding a knight what so ever, so please if anyone has experience share it here.
Some time ago I wrote this:
After all the changes I am not sure it still works, but it could be useful.
11-06-2011, 11:48 AM
Some time ago I wrote this:
TL;DR. Mad?
11-10-2011, 06:12 PM
Good combo's are: meteor + lightning and fire ball + ice blast.
Well, I use a much more effective way of grinding.
A lock has 3 mob-killer combos:
* lighting + fire ball / meteor
* ice blast + pricking ivy
* ice blast + beetle swarm
In the first combo, you should prefer using fireball over meteor, since it does enough damage in most cases and its mana cost is lower. In some special cases, meteor will be the good choice, since its not area spell and dizzy can be important sometimes (mainly against mobs with knockdown)
I started using these around lvl35 - and i still do so at lvl55 ;) nothing else is needed, only if u are in trouble (too many resists, etc). In most of the time at least 1 of these combos are cooled down.
11-15-2011, 11:35 AM
A lock has 3 mob-killer combos:
* lighting + fire ball / meteor
* ice blast + pricking ivy
* ice blast + beetle swarm
make the 3rd combo:
* beetle swarm + ice blast ==> mob stays in it's place! (else it can get annoying)
i used (allowed higher opponents lvl the with swarm and ivy):
* ice blast + meteor
* ice blast + ivy + vamp
* lightning + fire ball
this allows to kill mobs up to lvl 56
for ghosts of ethernety (lvl 56) i recomend beetle instead of ivy but than i wouldn't fight those. theydo some nice dmg and have 20 range!
+ up to 1 kill every 10 seconds.
- doesn't kill lvl 57+ mobs! (at least not without normal hits! as 1 normal is already needed for lvl 56 but that is wihtin the cd time so it doesn't slow you down or cost you hp.)
since i'm lvl 53 i use following combos:
lightning + fire ball + meteor
ice blast + vamp + fire ball
ice blast + fire ball + meteor
* up to 1 kill every 15 seconds.
* kills up to lvl 58 mobs at lvl 53 (not sure if lvl 59, golem at imp beach, or 60, for example troll of war, will work later/ 61 and 62 won't work)
also a useable combos are:
lightning + ice blast + fire ball/vamp
- up to 1 kill every 20 seconds
* kills up to lvl 60 at lvl 53 (don't know the cap yet)
lightning + ice blast + fireball + meteor
lightning + ice blast + vamp + fireball
- up to 1 kill every 20 seconds
- alot of mana used
+ without resists these combos kills everything ones you hit lvl 50
i love to have twister/icy/beetle (at least twister) free from cd in case of resists. also slow/mind push should be cd free for barbs that try to jump you.
note: i lvl in rvr setup as lvling setup is not recommended in wz if you ask me and i lvl in wz since lvl 35.
11-15-2011, 12:07 PM
I used staff mastery to grind my lock. A lot easier and you can recover faster when one of your spells get resisted (which happens far too much).
11-15-2011, 12:49 PM
at higher levels, locks have another option for grinding solo: areas and hitting multiple mobs. if you're lucky, you can get 4-6 mobs in 1 twister or freeze (twister is preferred, since you can cast more spells on the mobs). start with summon lightning because of it's large area, wait for mobs to come together and cast twister. add fireball to taste and watch their life ticking away. make very sure you have barrier turned on!
there should also be enough room to skill lightning, iceblast and meteor for the single kills.
11-15-2011, 01:42 PM
I used staff mastery. With correct equipment, this is probably the fastest way to grind. Also skill areas for group support ;)
11-15-2011, 02:57 PM
Nice post.
I wanna suggest a very good way to grind a warlock in order to maximize scrolls effectiveness.
At lower levels (about 35-45) you take 2 mobs, Ice blast on first lightining on second then fireball + crystal blast.
At 50+ levels you can take 3/4 mobs with, Ice blast, lightining, meteor, stalagmite, then twister fireball and crystal blast every time twister is available. At the end of this combo should be available ice blast again to go on normal to the next twister.
12-05-2011, 08:41 AM
It seems to me that (all?) the above posters overlooked the obvious:
The by far fastest way to grind any char, is in a party with players of about the same levels, where each member is disciplined enough to take his share of the mob, no more, no less.
It's all about maximising GRP XP and maximising kills per second, which yields a maximum XP per second. Think in terms of combined harvester. Of course XP boost works perfectly well on GRP XP too. (Why buy an expensive boost unless you have a grinding party?)
Let the archers drag the mobs to the group (don't overhit one target, switch to the next instead) where warriors and mages finish them off. Spam yourselves silly with auras. Don't waste time on leader mobs.
You don't need a special grind setup for this since you only need to deal a small amount of damage -- i.e. your share of the damage-dealing subclasses in the party. (healers don't have to deal damage to get xp ofc) Normal hits are usally enough. So go with your normal war setup.
You barely need to use any self-buffs. That also means that you don't have to waste cd's and mana while grinding but can save it in case you have an encounter with enemies during your grinding session.
And as a bonus, when you grind with some friends you can grind almost anywhere in WZ without having to worry much about being attacked by enemies. Every lone hunter roaming around and gets your 4w 3m 3a on the radar will steer clear from you, unless he's completely suicidal.
It baffles me everytime I run into lone grinders who states that they want to grind alone. I have even met people grinding at imp beach saying this. It's like they somehow managed to grind their way all the way to 55+ but still haven't understood the basics of it. :facepalm3:
Grinding alone is mind-bogglingly boring, and slow, and frustrating by getting jumped by enemies all the time. Grinding in a well-disciplined party can be almost fun, but above all: it is efficient.
12-05-2011, 08:58 AM
It seems to me that (all?) the above posters overlooked the obvious:
The by far fastest way to grind any char, is in a party with players of about the same levels, where each member is disciplined enough to take his share of the mob, no more, no less.
It's all about maximising GRP XP and maximising kills per second, which yields a maximum XP per second. Think in terms of combined harvester. Of course XP boost works perfectly well on GRP XP too. (Why buy an expensive boost unless you have a grinding party?)
Let the archers drag the mobs to the group (don't overhit one target, switch to the next instead) where warriors and mages finish them off. Spam yourselves silly with auras. Don't waste time on leader mobs.
You don't need a special grind setup for this since you only need to deal a small amount of damage -- i.e. your share of the damage-dealing subclasses in the party. (healers don't have to deal damage to get xp ofc) Normal hits are usally enough. So go with your normal war setup.
You barely need to use any self-buffs. That also means that you don't have to waste cd's and mana while grinding but can save it in case you have an encounter with enemies during your grinding session.
And as a bonus, when you grind with some friends you can grind almost anywhere in WZ without having to worry much about being attacked by enemies. Every lone hunter roaming around and gets your 4w 3m 3a on the radar will steer clear from you, unless he's completely suicidal.
It baffles me everytime I run into lone grinders who states that they want to grind alone. I have even met people grinding at imp beach saying this. It's like they somehow managed to grind their way all the way to 55+ but still haven't understood the basics of it. :facepalm3:
Grinding alone is mind-bogglingly boring, and slow, and frustrating by getting jumped by enemies all the time. Grinding in a well-disciplined party can be almost fun, but above all: it is efficient.
Actally grind parties can only work in place where is alot of grinders. For example my friend's lock made from 37 to 43 in 2 days in which he was just leeching huge marks party at Orc Camp. To 57 he had to grind solo cause grind parties .... disappeared xD
12-10-2011, 04:00 AM
nice post,great for new players!!,shame it will be lost in archives where alot will never get to see or find it!
i disagree about your marksman grind set up thoough!
marks need only a few spells to grind,recharged arrow,serpent bite,break apart,winter stroke,hawks gaze and ofc the passive range buff.
as a marks once you pass lvl 40,you only need 1 spell(Dot) per mob,then finish off with normal hits,then using hawks gaze while they cool down.
i got my marks to level 60 using that tactic,it was fast efficient and too easy,i was falling alseep through boredom lol.
what i have noticed is that marksman much like barbs and locks(all offensive class) can grind efficiently in the same build without the need to reskill.
class's like conjurer,hunter,knight all need to reskill for WZ and grind,as thier spell needs vary greatly.maybe this fact is a possible effect to the inbalance we see everyday in WZ.
being forced(or as ngd say motivated) into grinding in WZ,they are favouring 3 class's over the other.
i was very lucky,i got my hunter to 60 very early,before all the WM wannabes started to gank grinders,my barb i got to 60 using the same build,so having enemy try to gank me,wasnt really a problem,i got my marks to 60 too without any problems,my warlock at lvl 53 isnt having any issues with grind gankers.
BUT i do see many who are getting fed up with it,they buy a booster,try hard to grind,only to be ganked by WM wannabe's searching for that ever elusive unique kill.they soon stop buying boosters and give up trying to grind,and eventually leave the game because they are too underpowered.
sorry for the change of direction on this thread,it wasnt intended,just stating facts as i have seen them so far.
say NO to drugs,say NO to WM lol
12-16-2011, 10:27 PM
It seems to me that (all?) the above posters overlooked the obvious:
The by far fastest way to grind any char, is in a party with players
Tried parties, found it much faster alone or with a single partner of same lvl and class. Totally dislike grinding warrior with archer or locks.
When i grind i grind. That means no yabbering, no stoppin to look at the scenery (sarcasim), no going backwards to hit 1 creature but always running forward and looking for the next mob with camera view while hitting the present one ect.
And if possible skilling spells to protect/buff grind partner as well. (which they will return likewise).
12-21-2011, 05:42 PM
I'll post a little guide here on how i think is the easiest way to grind a char to higher levels.
Keep DF and parabolic at the same level, you'll notice they have the same duration.
The idea is to lower your range and add a big increase of damage.
I know you wrote this in the Marksman section - but you also said a lot of this applied to Hunters too...
Problem is they (Dirtty Fighting/Parabolic shot) have different cool downs. I also found at around level 42 this was too much mana. Also I prefer short bow to long bow for hunter. Problem is pet doesn't start attacking until too late in my experience - with the parabolic shot/long bow range bonus. Would be good to get others take on this.
I use duel shot, duelist and tear apart in the short bow spells. It seems a good tip to use Dirty Fighting at higher level though. Maybe this is a more recent mod to game - GCD on inq clan trainer is out of date for DF too now...
LOL: Christmas update seems to mess my Short bow config up - Pet now seems to take off before I am in range. Update appeared later same day I posted message.
12-25-2011, 12:53 PM
Df-para combo works best on marks because it makes you spend less mana on spells and up your dps a lot, it's not a perfect one for hunters cause you loose more range then marks do and you need mana to cast shield piercing and ensnaring arrow, but as you said it's a good combo for higher levels.
For the cooldown, they do have a different cooldown but i used the 5 secons of difference to rest a little, it's not much a difference anyway.
12-25-2011, 01:34 PM
hi raven. Can you come online again plz :) i want my bow back
ty :)
01-20-2012, 09:44 PM
Df-para combo works best on marks
I so totally do not agree with Dirty Fighting.
Anything that penalizes range of Marksman means mob is gonna get to you quicker and dish out some damage. Do that 10 times and you are gonna have to rest to heal.
This is the setup I use at level 46 fnfa
I sure miss ensnaring arrows from Hunter - fast nice cool down and slows target en route to you.
Shield Piercing and Recharged arrows are a good combo though. Although I think there is a glitch - I think cooldown is longer than graphic for button bar indicates. I often try clicking button for recharged arrows as soon as it indicates it's ready again and it doesn't work.
I tend to not use many of the other arrow mastery spells or one or two to get me out of trouble. They are mana hungry. When grinding solo, I only go for yellow difficulty level mobs or below. So drops are not as good as you can get with say a mage or warrior. Which is a pain and makes grind slower. It is always best to party with another marks at same level so mana consumption/mob getting to you becomes less of an issue. Then I might go for harder mobs too.
I always use a range 35 ,medium long bow for my Marksman too.
And normally Avenger Amulet with Deadly Sight and Ring of Lightening.
Then switch them out temporarily for constitution bonus items when healing.
03-26-2012, 01:08 PM
moving this up, is there a way to combine this thread with the sticky? (exept ctrl c, ctrl v'ing every post)
I so totally do not agree with Dirty Fighting.
Anything that penalizes range of Marksman means mob is gonna get to you quicker and dish out some damage. Do that 10 times and you are gonna have to rest to heal.
When i grinded my marks (which is a long time ago) the df+ para combo kicked ass, even in war, 700 normals on mages where not rare.
Nowadays, meh, not so much.
it still helps tough, but i suppose it's better to stay on high range.
08-15-2012, 04:15 AM
Well with the RA nerf i don't know if it's a good idea to use it during grind.
Anyone having experience grinding a marks these days?
08-15-2012, 05:01 AM
With the new rech arrows, grinding is pretty much the same until a mob hits me, which I think stops regeneration. That means that if a mob hits me once, my health goes wayyy down and so does my mana. It doesn't help that every 2 minutes some syrtis hunter galumphs down and attacks me when I have really little health. Basically I have to kite and hit mobs that are my level or lower (more damage and fewer hits needed)
08-20-2012, 04:04 AM
i am playing a hunter recently and have it leveled to 51 in inner realm (thanks to the new realm tasks).
I will start to grind in WZ soon and actually i did abit for the last 2 days. I am asking some advices from you fellows about an effective setup for me to reference.
My question is whether i should use a pet to grind or not. It worked fine in inner but with the gank (or rvr) activities in WZ i found my pet sometimes become my burden (sorry my little cat :jacky_chun:). But my pet definitely helped for my grinding.
If i stayed with my pet line, I can only focus on one bow line which is my SB atm. Without using pet, i can add LB or putting more points in other skill line. I tried that but seems i didnt improve my damage alot or in terms of DPS.
Regarding the damage, I can only do like 200 normals on normal mobs but i saw some hunters can do lots more damage than me. I tried using CB and SS to boost but the CD makes it not very efficiency for grinding. I suppose that is the equipment i use in compare with others.
Anyway, I would like to hear some advice from you all so I can learn more to play as a hunter.
08-20-2012, 06:37 AM
Anyway, I would like to hear some advice from you all so I can learn more to play as a hunter.
A pet makes grinding definitely much faster, so i would keep it. The damage a pet makes is also the best dot-skill for a hunter in my opinion, especially combined with Bestial Wrath and SS.
Many 60 lvl hunters who prefere pet-setups don't use lb and sb trees (maybe just some of the first spells). Only Evasion (Son of the Wind is a must-have, without a shadow of a doubt), Tricks, Scouting (many must-haves in this one) and Pet.
You won't be able to avoid 100% of ganking-acts on you, but you can help yourself by using Enemy Surveillance (4)/(5) and camo, to disappear and hide for a while, when you see enemys coming.
08-20-2012, 07:52 AM
Thanks for your advice Freeverse. I havent tried BW before so i will give it a try.
I use Enemy Surveillance (3) as i read from some posts that beyond 250m, the info is sorta incorrect. I current dont have enough points for SOTW yet but will try it once i gain more level. One more question, I saw some players attacked me with Death Sentence and I am not sure whether that give bonus on pet attack too. I know i have be 3m in range 8)
This will be my new hunter setup and at level 53 i will probably make sb to 17 so that i can have hinder mainly for getting some kills for WMC quest.
Appreciate any kind of suggestion and recommendation.
08-20-2012, 09:24 AM
One more question, I saw some players attacked me with Death Sentence and I am not sure whether that give bonus on pet attack too. I know i have be 3m in range 8)
Honestly, i don't have a solid opinion about Death Sentence yet.
It gives a damage bonus to the pet's attacks for sure, but Bestial Wrath has a bigger %-bonus and a longer duration, so i would choose BW.
Ofc you can use both - Death Sentence AND Bestial Wrath - which, combined with SS, can work very fine; in some cases you will see your pet cause even 400-500 dmg on easy/normal mobs or unbuffed low-lvl players.
Appreciate any kind of suggestion and recommendation.
Just ignore people, who call your setup noob just because it is different than theirs.
08-20-2012, 11:32 AM
About Death Sentence: yep, it is great in pets setups (tho in ganking i use it without pet even , cuz 1k enshares), and combined with said BW and SS it can make ur pet do OP dmg on enemy.
On your setup: dunno, i would drop sbs to 7 and get enshare 5. Why? In grinding enshare > dual shot any day. Well, unless u got amu :3
08-20-2012, 12:19 PM
Just ignore people, who call your setup noob just because it is different than theirs.
Ya i will reference all the information i gather here and make a setup which i find fit my style. I admit i am still a noob :hat:
To 71175:
Thanks for your suggestion also, i put Ensnaring 5 now 8) but i keep the sb line and reducing the evasion line to 11, adding distract shot plus upping the camo by 1 to 4 (ie 15s more camo). Wish this to allow me having more cc and longer hidden time to compensate for the lowered defense. I also keep the Dual shot as i dont want to lose the dmg when i use CB (upped CB+1 for the increased scout line).
Just tested the damage i made with ensare after Death Sentence, SS and CB was 8xx. Not bad in my standard 8)
Will try whether i can squeeze in a dual shot within the CB time and will post the result here later 8)
Revised Setup
08-20-2012, 01:05 PM
I'm no expert in hunter as mine is only lvl40 xD
I'd like to point out, why don't you get parabolic shot and perhaps rapid shot?
Also, Spell Elude is useless unless you have Lady Luck on your side.
08-20-2012, 01:53 PM
Most of the times, 2 normals + ensnaring + normal and the mob is dead.
Only applies if you use a pet
08-20-2012, 02:11 PM
What about petless "grind"setups (or hybrid if possible). Any tips on that?
My hunter is only lvl 35 but those pets are more of a nuissance to me than anything else ...
08-20-2012, 02:13 PM
I'm no expert in hunter as mine is only lvl40 xD
I'd like to point out, why don't you get parabolic shot and perhaps rapid shot?
Also, Spell Elude is useless unless you have Lady Luck on your side.
It should be Acrobatic instead of Spell Elude in actual setup, i clicked the wrong one in trainer :bangin:
I only use SB and actually i only have a SB so I didnt spend point of parabolic shot but actually i probably will when i have a 35range slow long bow for ensnaring dmg (i suppose Ensnaring range depends on bow range right? correct me if i am wrong). I once spend 4 pts (tried 1 pt too) on rapid shot, but after using my new setup, i dont have enough points and lazy me that i want to avoid one mouse click action on activating it. Also the hit chance reduction seems scaring to me.
As i said before, i will post my damage result and here is
Again, thanks Tamui pointing out my error
Revised setup here
More comment and recommendation are welcomed. Lets make this topic active again.
Oh...I remember i read somewhere here or Gamesamba about a hunter crit setup. Let me find that later
08-20-2012, 02:29 PM
You only need to spend 1 point in parabolic shot and 1 or 2 in rapid shot. You should consider 1 point in dirty fighting too. And you must have a 35m longer in your inventory, no matter how bad the damage is. If you run into an enemy in the warzone it'll come in handy.
Other than that your grind setup looks pretty solid. Try to learn how to kite as it helps minimize your rest time quite a bit. I really don't think you need death sentence for grinding but its up to you.
Also keep tracking all the time, if you track an archer try to put a tree or rock between you and him to prevent him from tracking you, and camouflauge when he gets too close. Its really hard to kill a level 60 while in a grind setup at that level so its best to just avoid him unless you feel particularly ballsy. Don't use cold blood on mobs, save it for any enemies that you cant avoid.
08-20-2012, 02:48 PM
You only need to spend 1 point in parabolic shot and 1 or 2 in rapid shot. You should consider 1 point in dirty fighting too. And you must have a 35m longer in your inventory, no matter how bad the damage is. If you run into an enemy in the warzone it'll come in handy.
Other than that your grind setup looks pretty solid. Try to learn how to kite as it helps minimize your rest time quite a bit. I really don't think you need death sentence for grinding but its up to you.
Also keep tracking all the time, if you track an archer try to put a tree or rock between you and him to prevent him from tracking you, and camouflauge when he gets too close. Its really hard to kill a level 60 while in a grind setup at that level so its best to just avoid him unless you feel particularly ballsy. Don't use cold blood on mobs, save it for any enemies that you cant avoid.
Thanks Shwish, i will try to check the commerce channel or NPC merchant for a range 35 bow.
I tried DF before and i will certainly practice using that later, at least in "theorycrafting" DF is a good skill.
About Kiting, i read about the strafing thing but I couldnt manage to do that, probably i have to search on youtube 8)
I usually keep tracking once i killed 3 mobs and interestingly see the attached image. I was taking screen shot on my stat and did a tracking for safety sake, 4 archers near (180m) so i immediately logout :lighten: Any comment on my stat?
By the way, who were those 4 archers? Leave your name here for fun 8)
08-21-2012, 01:59 PM
Dark Barbarian, Tigerious, Rhany, and Dejaneer :D
08-21-2012, 05:52 PM
By the way, who were those 4 archers? Leave your name here for fun 8)
May i ask to keep this a serious thread?
I don't see how posting 4 random names will help any of us grind a character.
Non of the above are even archers...
08-22-2012, 12:08 PM
What about petless "grind"setups (or hybrid if possible). Any tips on that?
My hunter is only lvl 35 but those pets are more of a nuissance to me than anything else ...
Already made it to lvl 39 thanks to realm tasks.
08-22-2012, 12:34 PM
I'm sure you already figured out, there is no complicated philosophy.
Either: Shileld piercing - ensnaring - normals - next mob please
or: Dual shot - ensnaring - normals - next mob please
from time to time tear/break apart and Ambush
Nevertheless grinding with pet will always be 50% faster
08-22-2012, 01:15 PM
Bleh, I was hoping for something more spectacular :D
I'll probably stick to pet for the time being (+ realm tasks).
08-22-2012, 01:24 PM
Already made it to lvl 39 thanks to realm tasks.
I've done a couple of levels petless but that was level 50+ with epic bows. If you're leveling within your realm walls I see no need to go petless.
If you're still bent on grinding petless I would firstly advise you to get evasive tactics as this spell cuts the damage you would receive substantially.
As I said before, learn to kite. Without a pet the mob will definately reach you if you're standing still so moving away from the mob while shooting at it will reduce the amount of hits you take. It also prepares you for fighting warriors when you do eventually reach a high enough level to go to war. The wild spirit passive helps a lot with this.
Another very important rule to kiting is to never press your back ("s") key. If I could unbind that key I would. This is generally known as backpedaling and its a bad habbit I see a lot of archers do in a fight. Its better to rotate your camera and use your strafe keys while quickly turning to fire when you need to. This applies to warlocks too.
You should be putting points into the specialist passive in the longbow tree when you have enough to spare. It increases shortbow damage too so don't be shy to use it. It won't make up for the lack of a pet tho.
in terms of tricks you should have ambush ready when the mob gets too close. Retaliations is a handy tool when grinding level 55+. Try to get attack speed leggings, even a small amount makes a big defference. Other than that keep your amour points as high as possible.
Its not going to be easy but at the end of the day it will make you a better hunter. Now I'm starting to regret not doing more levels petless. u.u
12-03-2012, 03:55 PM
So i saw a guy using sticky touch while grinding.
Sticky is not usefull, ever.
Don't waist time to cast it, max out the dmg and that's all you need.
Debuffs on mobs are a waist of time and mana
04-14-2013, 04:16 AM
Completely shameless bump.
Why isn't this stickied?
04-14-2013, 04:42 AM
Lol 21K views xD
I hope people got some help from this thread :p
04-14-2013, 09:01 PM
how grind your chars to 60 lvl without XIM...
Why isn't this stickied?
04-14-2013, 09:15 PM
how grind your chars to 60 lvl without XIM...
Why isn't this stickied?
Oh, nm...
But (I<3 (l) ) If you buy exp scrolls it just makes it go faster. Still great advice.
04-15-2013, 08:19 AM
I mostly agreed with the rest of blood-raven's post here, but beg to differ on certain points or would amend the following statements made...
-Also stay clear of evasion buffs, they don't work properly.
-I think slash is the best tree to grind (with south cross).
-For barbarians it's important to skill damage buffs first (berserker, overwhelming stength, thirst for blood, acurate swings (for slash) etc.
-Forget about arcane devotion (the cast sped buff) and you can skill ambitious sacrifice on 2 because you need a lot less mana.
-The most easy way to grind is when you have enough buffs, for example: fox wits, bear strenght etc (mainly in the enchantments tree) and heals (in the heal tree, obvious).
-Summon tree: skip imps and also zombies, not worth it.
ALWAYS have resurrection on 1!
-The easiest way to grind warlocks is similar to grinding a conj. All tough you don't have heals, giving mana, buffs and later aura's will get you your xp.1. Archers actually SHOULD use evasive tactics & acrobat (or at least skill them in case u get ganked in warzone while grinding). Mana returns while resting alot quicker than health does, so lose less, rest less, grind more...
2. I recommend maxing out the Arrow Mastery tree; using buffed norms (mostly as recommended & starting from max. range) to kill, but opening the engagement with a mob using serp bite, ethe arro, arca stri, (or using brea apar from LB tree as well) or finishing off with igni scor is ftw especially versus chal mobs. Also, it allows u to skill a high lvl of rech arro & wint stro as well. Btw tho, using rech arro isn't really a viable working option til around 45+/- (it's costs are generally just too high; use a heavy hitting slow bow if you do tho).
3. Use whatever tree that goes with the best weapon u have onhand & can use atm. Best = fastest & highest overall damage bonus(es) ... (due to damage rings' additional bonuses, faster IS better: the more often u hit, the more DPS/Damage Per Second). IF you have conj support, then fine be a sc junkie if u like, but if not, this spell will use alot of mana for minimal return (the animation sequence delay makes sc take almost as long as 2 norms, so what have you actually gained really?). Better to save your mana for kick, rage of the earth (once u can skill the tree this high without loss of other tree options) & your buffs as well (weapon buff like accurate swings, frenzy, caution, thirst for blood, berserker). It's a good idea to skill your attribute passives too (at least 1 usually, but more if leftover points have no home): leth anat & vers, with athl optional. Won't hurt to skill a 1 in whatever damage resist passive u get from your weapon of choice tree & skill mart defe as high as tree lvl allows as well to reduce the mob's damage & # of crit's on u either.
4. On Conj or Lock [& armed with a staff with high damage bonus(es)], once u are 33rd, an SM build is indeed far more productive overall for grinding, but those many buffs/spells in the casting cycle (summ gole or the ranged summons, fire magn, ice magn, ligh magn, ener barr, forc armo, ambi sacr, meta cont, arca acce) all take time to cast, so ALWAYS skill arca devo as well to speed this process up. Remember to skill the comb magi passive too btw.
5. ANYone who tells u the easiest & best way for a mage to get most xp quickest is by supporting is probably looking for support & not being truthful really, knowingly or not. Even if u follow the directions blood-raven gives, not all mobs will always give xp & the supported killer will always get the lion's share of it (or often all) at times. Only support others because they need the help (knights most of all & hunters too due to low damage) & because u want to & feel like it. IF u can manage to keep EVERYone in a grind-party double buffed/aura-ed, u will make good xp, but otherwise, Don't ... Get ... Conned ...
6.For conjs below 33 using a cast build, mostly using norms to kill but opening an engagement with a mob using summons like imps & zombies, along with other openers, like pric ivy, beet swar, arca miss, mana burn or finishing off with blaze is also ftw especially versus chal mobs. Switch to SM at 33 tho or perhaps before, at 29th, or even earlier, at 21st IF u have an truly asskickin' SM stick.
7. IF this meant have resu 1 skilled even in your grinding build, I won't argue at all, is good idea. BUT, if this advice was meant to advocate NEVER skilling resu above a 1, then ignore it. Bad idea. In any build u intend to go to war with, skill resu 5 or just don't even bother.
-Lastly, I REALLY can't overemphasize the importance of wearing armor as close to your own level & with the best possible physical resists (versus slash, pierce & blunt) as is possible, REGARDLESS of whether it is unenchanted, special, magical, epic, etc. U take less damage per hit, u rest less, grind more, thus getting more xp over time, period.Grinding in a well-disciplined party can be almost fun, but above all: it is efficient.True 'Dat! (well for all but barbs maybe, who seem to work best alone or with a single barb buddy ... or does having a pet support conj count as a party?;))....very nice guide Bloodraven.
I'm sure it's useful to new players.Word!:hat:
04-15-2013, 08:53 AM
1. Archers actually SHOULD use evasive tactics & acrobat (or at least skill them in case u get ganked in warzone while grinding). Mana returns while resting alot quicker than health does, so lose less, rest less, grind more...
He meant those buffs that add evade chance (Dodge, Cat reflexes).
04-15-2013, 01:26 PM
I mostly agreed with the rest of blood-raven's post here, but beg to differ on certain points or would amend the following statements made...
1. Archers actually SHOULD use evasive tactics & acrobat (or at least skill them in case u get ganked in warzone while grinding). Mana returns while resting alot quicker than health does, so lose less, rest less, grind more...
As pnarp said, i meant buffs that increase evade chance
2. I recommend maxing out the Arrow Mastery tree; using buffed norms (mostly as recommended & starting from max. range) to kill, but opening the engagement with a mob using serp bite, ethe arro, arca stri, (or using brea apar from LB tree as well) or finishing off with igni scor is ftw especially versus chal mobs. Also, it allows u to skill a high lvl of rech arro & wint stro as well. Btw tho, using rech arro isn't really a viable working option til around 45+/- (it's costs are generally just too high; use a heavy hitting slow bow if you do tho).
Serpent bite is good, ethereal is ok but arcana strike is no no, way to much mana cost.
3. Use whatever tree that goes with the best weapon u have onhand & can use atm. Best = fastest & highest overall damage bonus(es) ... (due to damage rings' additional bonuses, faster IS better: the more often u hit, the more DPS/Damage Per Second). IF you have conj support, then fine be a sc junkie if u like, but if not, this spell will use alot of mana for minimal return (the animation sequence delay makes sc take almost as long as 2 norms, so what have you actually gained really?). Better to save your mana for kick, rage of the earth (once u can skill the tree this high without loss of other tree options) & your buffs as well (weapon buff like accurate swings, frenzy, caution, thirst for blood, berserker). It's a good idea to skill your attribute passives too (at least 1 usually, but more if leftover points have no home): leth anat & vers, with athl optional. Won't hurt to skill a 1 in whatever damage resist passive u get from your weapon of choice tree & skill mart defe as high as tree lvl allows as well to reduce the mob's damage & # of crit's on u either.
You're jumping to warriors here, well i did say that spears and hammers are also good for grinding.
But i have to correct you, if you use a fast weapon as a barb you often have to do 3 hits/mob which mean you take more damage which means more resting time and if you grind on golems for example, more chance they do that annoying stun spell
4. On Conj or Lock [& armed with a staff with high damage bonus(es)], once u are 33rd, an SM build is indeed far more productive overall for grinding, but those many buffs/spells in the casting cycle (summ gole or the ranged summons, fire magn, ice magn, ligh magn, ener barr, forc armo, ambi sacr, meta cont, arca acce) all take time to cast, so ALWAYS skill arca devo as well to speed this process up. Remember to skill the comb magi passive too btw.
Idk if devotion is necessary with an sm setup, the cast time of the buffs arent that high and it feels like a waist of points, especially for lower levels.
And i think ranged summons are better then golems alltough you need to cast em more often (use demon and lich to cover the cooldowns of each spell)
5. ANYone who tells u the easiest & best way for a mage to get most xp quickest is by supporting is probably looking for support & not being truthful really, knowingly or not. Even if u follow the directions blood-raven gives, not all mobs will always give xp & the supported killer will always get the lion's share of it (or often all) at times. Only support others because they need the help (knights most of all & hunters too due to low damage) & because u want to & feel like it. IF u can manage to keep EVERYone in a grind-party double buffed/aura-ed, u will make good xp, but otherwise, Don't ... Get ... Conned ...
For a knight, support grinding in a group is the fastest way to grind, idk for higher levels but deffinatly in lower levels, when you can skill heroic and deflecting + the other support spells you can level up like mad, the problem is there are hardly any grind groups anymore so in the meantime you can use those letter tasks, if you have a horse or grinding alone if not.
For mages, (talking about conjus now cause obviously warlocks don't often support) you might get more xp from grinding alone but i always kept it going longer when in group :p so in the long run i think i got more xp from supporting.
Ofcourse it's how you prefer
6.For conjs below 33 using a cast build, mostly using norms to kill but opening an engagement with a mob using summons like imps & zombies, along with other openers, like pric ivy, beet swar, arca miss, mana burn or finishing off with blaze is also ftw especially versus chal mobs. Switch to SM at 33 tho or perhaps before, at 29th, or even earlier, at 21st IF u have an truly asskickin' SM stick.
Nothing to say here :p
7. IF this meant have resu 1 skilled even in your grinding build, I won't argue at all, is good idea. BUT, if this advice was meant to advocate NEVER skilling resu above a 1, then ignore it. Bad idea. In any build u intend to go to war with, skill resu 5 or just don't even bother.
True, resurrect 1 is goodnuff for grinding :p
-Lastly, I REALLY can't overemphasize the importance of wearing armor as close to your own level & with the best possible physical resists (versus slash, pierce & blunt) as is possible, REGARDLESS of whether it is unenchanted, special, magical, epic, etc. U take less damage per hit, u rest less, grind more, thus getting more xp over time, period.
]Nothing to comment :p
Answers in green
04-15-2013, 04:24 PM
Note: I use the term 'mana siphon' for the spell that takes mana from a target at a % and gives it to you.
I recently made a Mage on another server to learn the Inner of another realm. Anyway, I immediately /reset_powers, put 2 points in Magic Missile and two points in Energy Barrier. My next two points went into staff speed. Cast sequence is Energy Barrier, Staff speed, missile, autoattack until mob is dead; missile second mob, if health remains above initial % damage from Missile by the time it refreshes, second missile; rest; repeat. Staff speed wears off at the beginning of second mob engagement and barrier is typically down before second mob dies, this is why a second missile comes in handy (on second mob), especially on Yellows. For staffwork always choose the fastest staff with the biggest bonus damage, stay away from slow-speed staves. A Med speed staff with a +20 damage vs a fast speed staff with a +12 damage, take the Med speed staff, but if you find a fast staff with +18 damage, that is probably a 10+ level staff.
Later on (around L26) a Conjurer (not sure about locks yet) Should have both pets (demon & Lich), mana siphon, and health to mana exchange, one nuke (I still use missile), energy barrier, summon's passive buff, and Prickling Ivy kept on max; Heal self should be on +2 or 3. Every time mana siphon refreshes, hit it. Mana siphon works best on Monsters (as opposed to animals); a trick with the siphon is if you get low on mana, siphon a leader mob and run like heck. But at L26 a Warju should be able to grind literally non-stop, never having to rest, with this setup. Even if pulls go bad it only takes a few mobs before you have recovered fully, again no need to rest ever. I typically only use Prickling Ivy on Yellows and 'Ooops!' pulls or adds; I nuke once per mob (sometimes two for a yellow), staff it down to two or three summon's hits then move on to my next target, keeping the old mob targeted until I see it is dead then retarget on new mob. Recast Summons right before the old one times out (some timing is needed) not just because you are in between mobs but during fights, too. Rebuffing/health to mana exchange/heal self should be done when ever needed but not at a time that delays a resummon; target switching should not be delayed to do the former, rebuff/mana maintain as needed but keep killing and ALWAYS have a summons up.
Although Staff speed is critically helpful at very low levels, once you start getting mana control spells (self-heal/vampirism, health to mana exchange, mana siphon) then staff speed is not as critical and can be used for only higher level mobs. Once a Warju gets the second summons staff speed can be deskilled in favor of points into other areas.
04-15-2013, 06:49 PM
Note: I use the term 'mana siphon' for the spell that takes mana from a target at a % and gives it to you.
I recently made a Mage on another server to learn the Inner of another realm. Anyway, I immediately /reset_powers, put 2 points in Magic Missile and two points in Energy Barrier. My next two points went into staff speed. Cast sequence is Energy Barrier, Staff speed, missile, autoattack until mob is dead; missile second mob, if health remains above initial % damage from Missile by the time it refreshes, second missile; rest; repeat. Staff speed wears off at the beginning of second mob engagement and barrier is typically down before second mob dies, this is why a second missile comes in handy (on second mob), especially on Yellows. For staffwork always choose the fastest staff with the biggest bonus damage, stay away from slow-speed staves. A Med speed staff with a +20 damage vs a fast speed staff with a +12 damage, take the Med speed staff, but if you find a fast staff with +18 damage, that is probably a 10+ level staff.
Later on (around L26) a Conjurer (not sure about locks yet) Should have both pets (demon & Lich), mana siphon, and health to mana exchange, one nuke (I still use missile), energy barrier, summon's passive buff, and Prickling Ivy kept on max; Heal self should be on +2 or 3. Every time mana siphon refreshes, hit it. Mana siphon works best on Monsters (as opposed to animals); a trick with the siphon is if you get low on mana, siphon a leader mob and run like heck. But at L26 a Warju should be able to grind literally non-stop, never having to rest, with this setup. Even if pulls go bad it only takes a few mobs before you have recovered fully, again no need to rest ever. I typically only use Prickling Ivy on Yellows and 'Ooops!' pulls or adds; I nuke once per mob (sometimes two for a yellow), staff it down to two or three summon's hits then move on to my next target, keeping the old mob targeted until I see it is dead then retarget on new mob. Recast Summons right before the old one times out (some timing is needed) not just because you are in between mobs but during fights, too. Rebuffing/health to mana exchange/heal self should be done when ever needed but not at a time that delays a resummon; target switching should not be delayed to do the former, rebuff/mana maintain as needed but keep killing and ALWAYS have a summons up.
Although Staff speed is critically helpful at very low levels, once you start getting mana control spells (self-heal/vampirism, health to mana exchange, mana siphon) then staff speed is not as critical and can be used for only higher level mobs. Once a Warju gets the second summons staff speed can be deskilled in favor of points into other areas.
Ehm... you use energy borrow in grinding O.o? Just in case: it is 35% of mana drain on lvl5, and mobs have quite LOW mana pool.
04-15-2013, 10:14 PM
Ehm... you use energy borrow in grinding O.o? Just in case: it is 35% of mana drain on lvl5, and mobs have quite LOW mana pool.
Mana borrow on a leader and run :D
04-16-2013, 10:45 PM
Mana borrow on a leader and run :D
^ that :lol:
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