View Full Version : Hunter Balance update
09-08-2011, 07:18 AM
We all know how hunters sucks in Zerg vs Zerg.
So i came with an idea to return "head of Pack" to hunters, which motivated them to fight in RVR as it gives damage per ally :D
So what you guys think ?
09-08-2011, 07:29 AM
It is the best spell hunter have ever had.. i liked hunters a lot when that spell was around :D
Look at my damage...
No thanks. Cold blood with hotp will be op.
09-08-2011, 08:13 AM
Do you actually know what is "head of the pack" ? :D
09-08-2011, 12:10 PM
i agree,was a great spell for group situation...cause of the dmg x ally.
Cold blood allow you to have a great dmg output,but for only 6 sec(considering the time the hunter take to make a shot after the cast you have less than 6 sec).
Cooldblood can be used in fort situation too,but then you must wait 60 sec to have some dmg back(his cooldown is too long).
I don't know how much the "old" head of the pack could be effective now,considering the armour update,actually,with coldblood,dunno how much more dmg you can do.
09-08-2011, 06:31 PM
No thanks. Cold blood with hotp will be op.
Hunters OP? Hahaha nice one, you really got me there. xD
09-08-2011, 07:28 PM
/me is too lazy to look it up himself
soo what r the stat/specs/ description of head of the pack.
09-08-2011, 07:29 PM
Hunters OP? Hahaha nice one, you really got me there. xD
He joined couple of months ago, poor guy doesn't know what is he actually talking about xD
09-08-2011, 07:31 PM
/me is too lazy to look it up himself
soo what r the stat/specs/ description of head of the pack.
It's a passive spell that gave lots of damage per ally near you.
/me is too lazy to look it up himself
soo what r the stat/specs/ description of head of the pack.
As far as i read wiki there was +damage per ally don't know exactly but pretty much in zerg v zerg wars will resultative bonus... I heard some hunters old days was doing 1200 ens arrow on mages with this (it was passive seems)
This poll need option:i play mage and don't want it back
09-08-2011, 07:33 PM
As far as i read wiki there was +damage per ally don't know exactly but pretty much in zerg v zerg wars will resultative bonus... I heard some hunters old days was doing 1200 ens arrow on mages with this (it was passive seems)
This poll need option:i play mage and don't want it back
If you are not a hunter, don't vote xD obviously ever non-hunter player hates the spell and don't like it back.
Head of the pack: It increases archer damage with each additional nearby ally up to 5 allies. This operated in a 25 m range I think. Damage boost for each ally was +3, +6 ,+9, +12, +15 (level 1-5)
It was a passive spell. Cold blood replaced it. It was the 4th power on the scouting tree. Hope that helps the lazy.
I won't vote :p
In combo with cold blood and at levels above 3, damage will be pretty strong. But then if it is group vs group, allied buffs and auras should help stifle damages.
If you run outside the aura well, that can't be helped. in situations of 5 vs 1 you are dead anyways so that is a non issue.
09-08-2011, 08:46 PM
Head of the pack: It increases archer damage with each additional nearby ally up to 5 allies. This operated in a 25 m range I think. Damage boost for each ally was +3, +6 ,+9, +12, +15 (level 1-5)
It was a passive spell. Cold blood replaced it. It was the 4th power on the scouting tree. Hope that helps the lazy.
I won't vote :p
In combo with cold blood and at levels above 3, damage will be pretty strong. But then if it is group vs group, allied buffs and auras should help stifle damages.
If you run outside the aura well, that can't be helped. in situations of 5 vs 1 you are dead anyways so that is a non issue.
Arigoto, and yes it does help the lazyxD
Anyway i think hunts should get ally buffs instead of a self buff, but thats just me opinion.
09-08-2011, 09:05 PM
Eh, I'm on the fence for this one. Yeah, Hunters need a balance update, no I don't think HotP alone is the answer.
As it is, NGD took the hunter, nerfed em and tried to fit them into the "supportive" role. I think the job done was a bit half-assed, and hunters really need some different, ally-helping or enemy-hindering skills to make them more viable in fort wars and RvR in general. Yeah we're still pretty dangerous on our own with pets to go ganking grinders, or in small hunting groups, but we don't have a strong focus in RvR as a supportive role.
Yes, tracking and stalker are supportive, but not nearly enough, as we don't have any other ways of supporting our allies. And don't say tricks, because we all know Marks get tricks as well. :P We need some hunter-specific support options, either in the pets tree, or in scouting. Something where we can actually aid our allies, and not just a buncha self-buffs, or auras.
(and remember, they removed HotP because it behaved kinda like an aura, and their hardware couldn't handle too many auras going at once, at least that was one of the reasons.)
I don't think we need HotP back really. what we need is a better supportive role in RvR. Some kinda area supportive skills that would help our allies that fits with the hunter/ranger archetype. Many have suggested different types of traps. I still suggest this, and it would fit well in the scouting tree after moving things around a bit.
Or, optionally, give marks the tricks tree, and rename it as trick-shot, and give hunters their own traps tree. (this would also be helpful in further separating marks/hunters, which IMO really needs to be done, and it would put hunters closer to their archetype, and also give them a good defined role overall) Of course, Pets could be reworked as well, and many suggestions have been given on how to do so.
09-08-2011, 09:14 PM
Head of the pack ( : It gave +75 damage at maximum, so level 5 with 5 allies nearby.
Removed in v1.6.3 during aura balance.
I'm playing a hunter and used HOTP before it was removed.
NGD removed it together many auras because such power need to check permanently characters around the caster, and this is bad from server POV, as far i understood.
I don't think we need HOTP back, but instead a base damage increase, together with cold blood effect reduction. Hunter's base dmg is simply too low.
Versus buffed enemies i hit with uber stuff for 17 dmg to 80 dmg normals.
But imho hunter is OP when he chains Ambush + Cold Blood + Ens (eventually with Sudden Strike), then he can hit 3 hits with 900+ dmg ( 2 crits + ens ie.).
And i understand many complain about that. Being knocked and almost dead when waking up is really boring. The fact is hunters have not much choice to win atm (and even more since stage 1, no more Cannot attack). Well, this is not as boring as with barbs, a hunter cannot kill buffed and fully health characters with any combo, so enemy has at least a chance to ripost (well, Confuse still around...).
Hunter need supportive spells, not damage spells.
Few ideas (random numbers):
- Camouflage corpse:
increase duration and allow to move corpse with movement penalty while under camo, allowing the hunter to move dead friends near conjs for resurrection
- ranged casting speed debuff
- mana regeneration speed debuff, than can be cast under camo, area 10m around caster
- Agressive Beasts:
mobs within sight around hunter will attack hunter's enemies and respawn much faster for few mins (level 19 Pets)
- Visible tracks:
when active (mana cost ala Recharged arrows), Enemy Surveillance results are written in General chat
- Wind Runner:
casting time of 6 seconds, hunter movement speed is increased by 50%, any attack or dmg break it, Enemy surveillance cast speed is reduced by half, no duration limit but mana drain depending on spell level, break if mana is 0.
- Poison Arrow:
damage is 2 per sec, but contagious, so enemies near target, during spell effect, can have it too, each dispell attempt has 50% to stop or 50% do increase dmg by 1, duration 1 min/level (2*5*60 = 600 dmg max)
09-08-2011, 10:11 PM
I would like to see HotP back It wasn't the reason why hunters use to be overpowered, It was generally their movement speed
09-08-2011, 11:42 PM
I'm playing a hunter and used HOTP before it was removed.
NGD removed it together many auras because such power need to check permanently characters around the caster, and this is bad from server POV, as far i understood.
I don't think we need HOTP back, but instead a base damage increase, together with cold blood effect reduction. Hunter's base dmg is simply too low.
Versus buffed enemies i hit with uber stuff for 17 dmg to 80 dmg normals.
But imho hunter is OP when he chains Ambush + Cold Blood + Ens (eventually with Sudden Strike), then he can hit 3 hits with 900+ dmg ( 2 crits + ens ie.).
And i understand many complain about that. Being knocked and almost dead when waking up is really boring. The fact is hunters have not much choice to win atm (and even more since stage 1, no more Cannot attack). Well, this is not as boring as with barbs, a hunter cannot kill buffed and fully health characters with any combo, so enemy has at least a chance to ripost (well, Confuse still around...).
Hunter need supportive spells, not damage spells.
Few ideas (random numbers):
- Camouflage corpse:
increase duration and allow to move corpse with movement penalty while under camo, allowing the hunter to move dead friends near conjs for resurrection
- ranged casting speed debuff
- mana regeneration speed debuff, than can be cast under camo, area 10m around caster
- Agressive Beasts:
mobs within sight around hunter will attack hunter's enemies and respawn much faster for few mins (level 19 Pets)
- Visible tracks:
when active (mana cost ala Recharged arrows), Enemy Surveillance results are written in General chat
- Wind Runner:
casting time of 6 seconds, hunter movement speed is increased by 50%, any attack or dmg break it, Enemy surveillance cast speed is reduced by half, no duration limit but mana drain depending on spell level, break if mana is 0.
- Poison Arrow:
damage is 2 per sec, but contagious, so enemies near target, during spell effect, can have it too, each dispell attempt has 50% to stop or 50% do increase dmg by 1, duration 1 min/level (2*5*60 = 600 dmg max)
OMG, +1 to all that Annavilya said.
09-09-2011, 12:58 AM
It was not removed without sufficient reason. Hunters were outperforming Marksmen in fort wars. They came out with roughly the same damage for normals, marksmen had barely superior range, and in general, Marksmen had no place. Lets not forget this was before the mana regen buffs, so the mana lost to recharged arrows also made the spell completely inferior to Hotp.
Hunters need a buff, but I think this would be one of the worst ways to go about it.
09-09-2011, 06:21 AM
It was not removed without sufficient reason. Hunters were outperforming Marksmen in fort wars. They came out with roughly the same damage for normals, marksmen had barely superior range, and in general, Marksmen had no place. Lets not forget this was before the mana regen buffs, so the mana lost to recharged arrows also made the spell completely inferior to Hotp.
Hunters need a buff, but I think this would be one of the worst ways to go about it.
So doing a normal hit of 11 on a buffed level 60 Barbarian is better how?
Hunter damage without Cold blood is absolutely pathetic now. Even the weakest armors can block most of it.
Good thing I have a pet... oh wait, my pet hits get reduced to 11 too. Damn. :facepalm3:
09-09-2011, 06:36 AM
So doing a normal hit of 11 on a buffed level 60 Barbarian is better how?
Hunter damage without Cold blood is absolutely pathetic now. Even the weakest armors can block most of it.
Good thing I have a pet... oh wait, my pet hits get reduced to 11 too. Damn. :facepalm3:
Yes yes!! you are very right!! +1
Doing these childish damage on a lvl 60 barb with wm gear is stupid, i want damage back :ohill:
09-09-2011, 07:25 AM
Hunter get nerved to much
Ambush r10 = SENSELESS
Stunning Fist Only STUN = Senseless
Speed = Senseless
Pet's = Sensless
But hey it's only a game! NGD like to see Barbs only :clapclap:
09-09-2011, 10:50 AM
Hunter get nerved to much
Ambush r10 = SENSELESS
Stunning Fist Only STUN = Senseless
Speed = Senseless
Pet's = Sensless
You forgot,
Low damage = SENSELESS
Low range = SENSELESS
Low defense = SENSELESS
09-09-2011, 10:53 AM
So doing a normal hit of 11 on a buffed level 60 Barbarian is better how?
Hunter damage without Cold blood is absolutely pathetic now. Even the weakest armors can block most of it.
Good thing I have a pet... oh wait, my pet hits get reduced to 11 too. Damn. :facepalm3:
Sorry..but somehow the same issue is for marksman too....hiting with 90-130 dmg on barbs with WM must watch there are allrady hunters that hit with over 900 up to 1200 ensnare on mage(Ex:spydarcher wtv is named ) is posible to have this.
The true is somehow at middle of story :P
I don't want to see how much will be with head of pack :P...proly new barbs 2-3 hunters in camo 3 x ensnare with Head of the pack +cold blood dead even a knight :P
09-09-2011, 03:51 PM
If you are not a hunter, don't vote obviously ever non-hunter player hates the spell and don't like it back.
If I go and make a poll asking if barbs want both knocks back, but say OMG ONLY BARBS CAN VOTE BECAUSE BALANCE obviously the bias will tip the scales towards 2 knocks.
So doing a normal hit of 11 on a buffed level 60 Barbarian is better how?
Hunter damage without Cold blood is absolutely pathetic now. Even the weakest armors can block most of it.
Good thing I have a pet... oh wait, my pet hits get reduced to 11 too. Damn. :facepalm3:
Its not just a hunter problem, without fantastic gear I see most marksmen spell spamming. Also mages, 350 meteor, oh hawt damn.
09-09-2011, 04:55 PM
Sorry..but somehow the same issue is for marksman too....hiting with 90-130 dmg on barbs with WM must watch there are allrady hunters that hit with over 900 up to 1200 ensnare on mage(Ex:spydarcher wtv is named ) is posible to have this.
The true is somehow at middle of story :P
I don't want to see how much will be with head of pack :P...proly new barbs 2-3 hunters in camo 3 x ensnare with Head of the pack +cold blood dead even a knight :P
I've seen Barbs hitting 3000's on my Conj too, dont say Hunter can be strong too, while only 5 people on Horus or smth can hit that much. Not everyone has good gear. (Do you even play/have played Hunter btw...)...
I like all the ideas of Annavilya, they are great. Hunter definately needs a boost, A lot of people say that they have to remind how Marks was in the past, so that means that, if Marks was hard to play in the past, Hunter must be hard to play now as well? Huh?
09-09-2011, 05:08 PM
I've seen Barbs hitting 3000's on my Conj too, dont say Hunter can be strong too, while only 5 people on Horus or smth can hit that much. Not everyone has good gear. (Do you even play/have played Hunter btw...)...
I don't told Hunters are are damn good...but can become OP vs some classes and very weack vs other classes the same issue with marksman and mages....
Mages and archers hit low vs warriors....
I hit max dmg with lethal strike full buffed dmg on a mage as marks with around 1k dmg...but this take me lots of mana and have very long cd.
Wile hunters spamm once at 8 seconds 500 up to 1200 dmg with cold blod and other DOTS...Head of pack will give too much dmg to gang of 2/3 hunters vs mages ...maybe even vs warriors.
I dont want to think what will happen when 2/3 that allardy make 900 usual ensnare ....
Wtv fail of Poll BIAS not asking all comunnity just as asking some kids :"kids you want candys?"....
I dont want to think what will happen when 2/3 that allardy make 900 usual ensnare ....
Even Stooge And foot Lose don't do that much ON LOCK. so stfu and go get better gear
09-09-2011, 06:02 PM
You're so funny HidrA ><', play a Hunter for a year and then tell me what you have experienced, what does it matter to make Ensnaring of 400 when you do normals of 60...? And then these 3 hits with Cold Blood that make you hit maybe 1200 dmg total on another Hunter...
09-09-2011, 08:41 PM
You're so funny HidrA ><', play a Hunter for a year and then tell me what you have experienced, what does it matter to make Ensnaring of 400 when you do normals of 60...? And then these 3 hits with Cold Blood that make you hit maybe 1200 dmg total on another Hunter...
This is correct, Hunters rely entirely on spells like Confuse and Tear apart/Break apart right now, along with kiting. The problem with kiting is that due to barb's speed, they can't do it anymore (only against Knight, which is easy but time consuming), so it should not be their only way to kill something. Intimidate to barbs was the worst decision NGD ever made, without that Ambush could've maybe been useful.
Relying on Hinder and Caltrops (high in their respective trees), is not a solution either, although they do help alot, but without them, let's look at the facts:
Typcial Hunter configuration:
Wild spirit +7%
Mobility +10%
Ensnare +15% (relative)
Total: 32%
Typical Barb configuration (at least on Raven):
Spring +25%
Intimidate +12% (relative)
Total: 37%
See the problem here? How can an archer be an archer when they cannot keep range? If intimidate is to remain, then Ambush must be changed so it can logically counter it, but at the moment it has less range, more cast time, and can be resisted by UM, making it completely useless.
09-09-2011, 08:46 PM
How can a warrior be a warrior without ever reaching close range? *facehoof
The problem is that archers need their range so much, and that they're screwed once they've lost it.
09-09-2011, 08:49 PM
How can a warrior be a warrior without ever reaching close range? *facehoof
The problem is that archers need their range so much, and that they're screwed once they've lost it.
But the point is that it's become too easy to lose it for Hunters, while Marksmen still have little trouble. Also, for pet users, the Hunter has to fight as a melee anyway because all tameable pets in the game are melee. The best they can do is maybe jump up a rock or something to buy some time while the pet attacks. If not then it
will be killed within seconds as players don't ignore a lone pet when the Hunter is 30m away.
Another problem is that the the whole balance with Kick and Feint was designed so that people could have a chance to get up since with only one knock spell it would not last until their death (hopefully), but when you constantly have intimidate on you, you aren't going nowhere which just lets the barb keep hitting you until you die. In other words, I don't feel that it really solved anything on barbs, only making Ambush and Will domain less useful. Sure you can cast spells, but it rarely saves you.
This is correct, Hunters rely entirely on spells like Confuse and Tear apart/Break apart right now, along with kiting. The problem with kiting is that due to barb's speed, they can't do it anymore (only against Knight, which is easy but time consuming), so it should not be their only way to kill something. Intimidate to barbs was the worst decision NGD ever made, without that Ambush could've maybe been useful.
Relying on Hinder and Caltrops (high in their respective trees), is not a solution either, although they do help alot, but without them, let's look at the facts:
Typcial Hunter configuration:
Wild spirit +7%
Mobility +10%
Ensnare +15% (relative)
Total: 32%
Typical Barb configuration (at least on Raven):
Spring +25%
Intimidate +12% (relative)
Total: 37%
See the problem here? How can an archer be an archer when they cannot keep range? If intimidate is to remain, then Ambush must be changed so it can logically counter it, but at the moment it has less range, more cast time, and can be resisted by UM, making it completely useless.
The Real Facts:
Enemy Surveillance, Camo, Confuse, Stunfist, Sudden Strike, Ambush, Distracting Shot, SOTW, Break Apart, Tear Apart, Ensnare, Caltrops, Cold Blood, Dirty Fighting, Retaliation, Low Profile...
Pro Tip 1: Hunter should never face any offensive class head-on.
Pro Tip 2: Ensnare is a god spell, no barb with his spring will ever catch a sprinting hunter spamming ensnare at every turn.
Pro Tip 3: Range 35 bow.
Level 60 setup: <-- If one can't see how powerful that is, well then good luck.
09-10-2011, 06:34 AM
Are you a Hunter? Come out camo vs a Marks, marks will turn around and freeze, goes to your back cast BoW, Serpent ambush or what ever he buffs and then you hit 40 normal hits ...
Personally I hate lb's on Hunters, and keep range? 50% of the Warriors just go to a tree and hug it, what are we supposed to do then? Wait till he runs towards you? That only happens when you come to close, then they rush if their rush fail, they just go back...
And really ''Never face a offensive class head-on" so Hunters should only be able to kill a grinding barb that is JUST facing a mob, ambush so he helps? I dont want that I want to have a decent fight with any other class if I want to.
09-10-2011, 07:16 AM
I dont want that I want to have a decent fight with any other class if I want to.
ie. I want invisibility, I want immunity, I want a killer debuff, I want good areas and I want to do as much damage as a barb too. Guess what you really want is a different game, one with less difference between classes.
ie. I want invisibility, I want immunity, I want a killer debuff, I want good areas and I want to do as much damage as a barb too. Guess what you really want is a different game, one with less difference between classes.
I think you should not post in this thread before reading twice what people said.
This isn't about making hunter's class op, but only useful and fun for all.
ATM, hunters have all the same setup, with 2 op powers, Confuse and Cold Blood.
Where are rvr support spells???
Hunters are 100% dependent on mana since normals are ridiculously low.
I really dislike being forced to use Confuse , Cold Blood and coward tactics to have a chance to win any fight.
Current class state is nothing that great.
09-10-2011, 09:00 AM
I think NGD once planned to make hunters low dmg dealers, but with the higher chance on critical hits. And actually I think it would be nice.
But since crititcal hit chance is kinda wierd, it never got implemented right.
For example concentration seems still broken and those spells which seems actually increase the critics (pointshot) are shared with marks. So no advantage for hunters.
This is only a guess.
09-10-2011, 09:39 AM
The Real Facts:
Enemy Surveillance, Camo, Confuse, Stunfist, Sudden Strike, Ambush, Distracting Shot, SOTW, Break Apart, Tear Apart, Ensnare, Caltrops, Cold Blood, Dirty Fighting, Retaliation, Low Profile...
Nice hunter-only spells
Pro Tip 1: Hunter should never face any offensive class head-on.
In fact hunters should never face ANY class head-on.
Pro Tip 2: Ensnare is a god spell, no barb with his spring will ever catch a sprinting hunter spamming ensnare at every turn.
Lamer tactics, yeah. Such behavior shouldn't be rewarded, not for hunters, neither for marksmen.
Pro Tip 3: Range 35 bow.
35 damage. At the best.
Hunters are in no way fine and need a complete revision.
09-10-2011, 03:47 PM
Where are rvr support spells???
Being able to 'see' a zerg 400 meters away, 2 spells to slow a zerg and the ability to stalker 5 barbs to the enemies conjs sounds good to me.
09-10-2011, 05:11 PM
Being able to 'see' a zerg 400 meters away, 2 spells to slow a zerg and the ability to stalker 5 barbs to the enemies conjs sounds good to me.
I don't think anyone is just that noob to ask 5 barbs to stalker with him and go behind the enemies besides stalker is really useless when there are pretty much players and you can't control all of them together and keeps choosing random players to stalk. :play_ball:
09-10-2011, 06:44 PM
Hunters (...) need a complete revision.
Right, a complete revision. Not just some madly insane selfish OP ideas someone can come up with in 5 minutes as I have seen mentioned in this thread. First things first, confuse needs to be removed before hunters can get any buff at all, and thankfully it will be soon enough.
Secondly, other classes defenses are too strong i.e barbs and marks. Sometimes I can't tell whether a barb is a barb or a super knight anymore. Adjusting frenzy and strategic position would also have to result in some kind of small damage nerfs to barbs and marks only to maintain the same damage they deal currently between each other.
Intimidate -> spring + UM -> kick combination is dreadfully strong, take away 5% from spring and please make UM more visible. A barb with kick can still KO someone on the floor. I don't suggest a complete nerf to barbs, but anyone who disagrees with me, ask yourself why we see so many barbs and so little hunters now. Archers have range, hunters 32% speed as someone counted up earlier, but most of the time it won't stop a raging barb with the combination above, but this is all rather a whole different story yet still connected.
Back to hunters. I don't think they need more speed, that is a big exaggeration. How is anyone supposed to catch a hunter then? More specifically knights. There's a problem with the hunter class, if you give them some buffs they're suddenly OP, give them some nerfs they become weak. But I don't really think they are weak, other classes are just too strong. And of course if you look deep into class balance problems items will always have a big effect on that. I thought with the WM update items would have less impact because everyone would be using the same armor/weapons. IMO adding ancient/elite armor/weapons was a mistake and simply a marketing tactic for more money I guess.
Oh and this poll sucks, how is one spell, HotP supposed to magically save hunters? I'd be glad if it came back but I don't think it'd do much. This shouldn't be a poll at all.
And on an unrelated matter. I think the English community just complains too much. This complaining resulted into past nerfs which now turned into rants and pleas to improve the class again. Same thing for other classes.
09-10-2011, 07:33 PM
Oh and this poll sucks, how is one spell, HotP supposed to magically save hunters? I'd be glad if it came back but I don't think it'd do much.
HotP made hunters a bit like another marksman, the damage was somewhat comparable and that cloaked the actual problem, that there's nothing that makes hunters unique. Bringing HotP back would definitely do the magic, but it's not the best magic. Both classes should be completely different, and not basically the same with a few spells being different.
Being able to 'see' a zerg 400 meters away, 2 spells to slow a zerg and the ability to stalker 5 barbs to the enemies conjs sounds good to me.
What is your hunter character name?
09-11-2011, 03:17 PM
Before last summers balance update, every hunter was running around with pets, coming out of camo with confuse 5 ambush 5, full evasion etc. Because of this NGD had to balance hunters around the idea of always getting the advantage of camo and confuse. If you get that advantage of camo and confuse etc. it will be a reasonably balanced fight, but otherwise, you're fucked :)
IMO hunters just need to be moved away from the camo sneaky bastard perspective.
09-11-2011, 04:32 PM
there are several games in witch a class have camo/invisible powers.
how is it possible in regnum only this power cause imbalance?
Camo allow you to be strong in 1 vs1 ,not in RvR,and don't tell me about stalker sorrounding,i can cast it,but i don't take RP,and for me,it do some influence...a class can feel usefull watching his RP least give some reward for areas like stalker.
Don't forget the resist rate of this server.
I cannot go camo beside my enemy and cast confuse,simply because it get resistet to many times(and this problem is for all classes not only hunter).
As just said before in this tread,another problem,is that others classes are too much buffed compared to hunter.
Again,don't forget cold blod cd is 60 seconds...and when active,if you are lucky,and your enemy don't evade,or resist during cold blood duration,you can do some dmg.
I 1 vs 1 hunter is/was strong.The problem is rvr.
Dunno after the last update what happends to hunter(stun,ambush etc),cause i refuse to play/log in, till they balance hunter class.
As just the only class that exclude the use of one main power,using another one (camo exclude pet).
Low armor is another problem....if i go out from a fort door = i'm death .
I just can go out in camo and cowardly kill the nemy that is resting far away from the fort...or cast a caltro (useless at door) or cast repetition shot (doing...100 dmg?if i'm lucky)....but....after i done one of this things...i have the bigger problem..return safe inside fort...cause if i go outside i will take at least 4 kick...and with the bugged SotW i'm not safe.
Pet powers of the beast have too long cd.
If i use pet,i must use tricks....and i will never have enough point to skill scout+pet+trick + evade in the proper way.
This is why pet tree is not used..usless pet + sacrifice scout or tricks or evasion tree to skill pet properly.
Don't make me the example of spydarcher that is able to do shitload of dmg....
Ppls that have dragon amulet will ever do some more dmg.....
I have magna long bow,and belive me,my hits on enemy barbs are a joke....with magna bow i hit 60,and if a barb is on knogh protective aura,i hit for 17 dmg...yes 17...seems to be my standard dmg........and mine,it's one of the most powerfull weapons in game.
In the end,while my realm is in a fort..i have to grind,or to hunt alone to have some fun....even the grind is more fun than a fort war with hunter,or then the alone huning on a desert server.i must wait 15 minutes first to find an enemy..
Log in,play 10 min and the frustation goes thanks....
Head of the pack....well i'd like to have it back,cause it would help a bit in fort wars...(considering the new armour,protective aura effect).
At least i can hit 80 instead of 60...
To make an happy ending,i've read someone who told that the english comunity is the one that give problems...and all the nerf/update are based on english comunity complaint.
Well,engish comunity plays on a desert server,where dinamics are different from a bigger server like RA.
Others small server got problems with warmaster update,so don't come to tell me bullshit and go around to read smaller server forums.
English comunity,first to become only a big complaint book,tried many times to speak with NGD,but,we never got any kind of answer. you think is normal that i ask you something and you ignore me?
I don't think is normal..
You can't even say "oh developers cannot waste the whole life to answer questions" right...when there are 100/1000/5000 different users asking for 100000 different questions...
The little problems is....the whole english comunity is speaking about the same 10 question,without have a single answer(the standard answer is "your comment is not fair" when ppls go out of head after 100 attempt to have a fking answer to a single question)...think we are still waiting for "ask to ngd" return.....
That's all,regards.
09-11-2011, 05:03 PM
The little problems is....the whole english comunity is speaking about the same 10 question,without have a single answer(the standard answer is "your comment is not fair" when ppls go out of head after 100 attempt to have a fking answer to a single question)...think we are still waiting for "ask to ngd" return.....
That's all,regards.
The main issue is that 10-20 people use bias questions.
And that 100000 questions are bias all of them and the others 100 are with real problems/features.
95% of forum are fight between classes that acusing one each other about OP-ness.
Bars that are acused about OP:
Warlock that are acused about OP:
Marksmen that are acused about OP:
I belive people need to split balance of classes between RvR/PvP situations because once with WM there are 2 big diferent kind of issues.
And second think,ppl take in consideration only dmg/konocks/dizzy spells (general) and not other of them that can be very useful doring a fight.
All of them want to win fast with no problem and his class to be best of.
09-11-2011, 10:27 PM
Hunters can be very powerful during zerg vs zerg.
You only need the following
1) All hunters
2) All skilled shortbow 19 with repetition 5
3) All skilled scouting with camo 5 stalker 5
4) Camo + move into the zerg
5) Cast repetition same time and no more zerg problems
09-11-2011, 10:41 PM
95% of forum are fight between classes that acusing one each other about OP-ness.
Bars that are acused about OP:
Warlock that are acused about OP:
Marksmen that are acused about OP:
You do realize that two of those threads were not intended to be taken at face value, and were just made to poke fun at how ridiculous the original was, right?
09-11-2011, 10:49 PM
Hunters can be very powerful during zerg vs zerg.
You only need the following
1) All hunters
2) All skilled shortbow 19 with repetition 5
3) All skilled scouting with camo 5 stalker 5
4) Camo + move into the zerg
5) Cast repetition same time and no more zerg problems
Yeahh... and now imagine what the same amount of <insert any other class> could do in an equally synchronized action...
09-12-2011, 12:29 AM
Yeahh... and now imagine what the same amount of <insert any other class> could do in an equally synchronized action...
I do not have to imagine.
Some of us have seen the original power of Warlock Groups(terror), Knight Groups(uber defence), Hunter groups (repetition 3 hunters vs 18+ alsius)
Marksman Groups, Barbarian Raiding Groups.
The only thing I have not seen would be conjurer group that goes around for active pk hunting. We have all seen how effective conji groups can be in fort war situations (endless battles)
Most of what I have spoken of happened at least a year before you came to the game.
09-12-2011, 03:33 AM
Sorry..but somehow the same issue is for marksman too....hiting with 90-130 dmg on barbs with WM must watch there are allrady hunters that hit with over 900 up to 1200 ensnare on mage(Ex:spydarcher wtv is named ) is posible to have this.
The true is somehow at middle of story :P
I don't want to see how much will be with head of pack :P...proly new barbs 2-3 hunters in camo 3 x ensnare with Head of the pack +cold blood dead even a knight :P
Spadarcher has at least two dragon amulets,as far as i know he maxed damge on lb setup and passive with ds ring, it's acceptale to do over 900 damge on mages, i too could do over 900 damage on mages if i have dragon amlut, but plz don't forget most hunters doesn't have dragon amlut!!
09-12-2011, 04:19 AM
The Real Facts:
Enemy Surveillance, Camo, Confuse, Stunfist, Sudden Strike, Ambush, Distracting Shot, SOTW, Break Apart, Tear Apart, Ensnare, Caltrops, Cold Blood, Dirty Fighting, Retaliation, Low Profile...
Pro Tip 1: Hunter should never face any offensive class head-on.
Pro Tip 2: Ensnare is a god spell, no barb with his spring will ever catch a sprinting hunter spamming ensnare at every turn.
Pro Tip 3: Range 35 bow.
Level 60 setup: <-- If one can't see how powerful that is, well then good luck.
I face barbs head on when they're alone numerous times, even when they're full hp and lvl60, it's not only for the fat 22rps but also to prove myself, to face chanlenges. Outcomes, sometimes good sometimes bad. Lucky plays a big role in a fight, some radom resists can mess the whole thing up. Let me tell u a hunter can kill a lvl60 barb alone, we have the combo, if u think hunters are OP then u' re wrong! I have heard some ppl say cold blood are OP, it' not , it last like 5,6 secs, with evades and blocks sometimes u can only land one or two hits on ur target if u're unlucky, and also cold blood has long CD , it consumes lots of mana( as u all know it takes alot combo and tricks for a hunter to kill a melee class), in the end mana becomes ur worst enemy. Overall it takes a long time to understnad how hunter operates.
09-12-2011, 06:13 AM
If Cold Blood is OP so is Fulmi then, if they remove Cold Blood so must they do with Fulmi!
Hunters can be very powerful during zerg vs zerg.
You only need the following
1) All hunters
2) All skilled shortbow 19 with repetition 5
3) All skilled scouting with camo 5 stalker 5
4) Camo + move into the zerg
5) Cast repetition same time and no more zerg problems
It is far easier to sync with barbs or warlocks areas, just camo, wait, and repshot when appropriate.
But atm i see not much hunters skilling repetition shot (hunter + sb + repshot were nerfed...)
09-21-2011, 04:33 AM
Hunter should be buffed, but...
Head of the pack: It increases archer damage with each additional nearby ally up to 5 allies. This operated in a 25 m range I think. Damage boost for each ally was +3, +6 ,+9, +12, +15 (level 1-5)
It was a passive spell. Cold blood replaced it. It was the 4th power on the scouting tree. Hope that helps the lazy. a bad thing, because it is a skill-less power, that only helps the Zerg.
09-21-2011, 12:07 PM
Hunter should be buffed, but... a bad thing, because it is a skill-less power, that only helps the Zerg.
first hotp can reach +75 damage and regnum is mostly based on RVR, and cold blood is terrible when it comes to RVR cuz there are always mana pylon in the way, it's just an idea to encourage hunters in RVR ;)
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