View Full Version : East side - West side - WM is pointless - THX NGD
10-04-2011, 08:34 PM
Many many thank you, NGD for juggled money for boosters to reach lvl 60 and time to reach WM state. Now you turned WM state to pointless.
Step-by-step you make this game more wrong. I hoped there is now any surprise, seems like you have more.
Have a nice way to make this game similar as Minesweeper...
10-04-2011, 08:51 PM
You didn't state anything about what you hate about WM teleports.
What is wrong with them? You don't like shorter CDs? You don't like more balanced places to teleport?
10-04-2011, 09:04 PM
I agree, WM skills are a waste, east and west off telle, why not to all 4 bridges in your realm, Why telle to CS, to what end, the only usefull ones are horn and the 15% + stat.
They should have opened up full spell book for WM's , that way there would have been a chance to have a more diverse set up, not more power points, just more places to put the ones you have
10-04-2011, 11:04 PM
As a blue it is my opinion that the only teleport needed ever is the one to central save. Thx NGD! :banana:
10-05-2011, 02:56 AM
+2000 health, insane CC resist, and +30% movement speed all for only 300 mana is completely useless in war, I agree.
10-05-2011, 04:02 AM
+2000 health, insane CC resist, and +30% movement speed all for only 300 mana is completely useless in war, I agree.
This guy is just attempting to troll although the use of Google translate spoils the effect.
10-05-2011, 02:02 PM
Offensive teleport is completely useless now (except for defending secondary forts). Not only does it teleport only to two bridges in your realm, but it places you a long distance away from the bridge. For example, the Alsius teleport to PN2 puts you at Korbus, the merchant, which requires you to walk over unpassable terrain to actually reach PN2. You will take a large amount of damage if you fall from this terrain without taking a detour, completely defeating the point of using it.
(The actual distance to PN2 while taking the detour is about the same as walking from central save.)
Defensive teleport is still useful, but it needs a wall option so it can be used for defending secondary forts and realm gates.
I agree with Kitsunie on some of what was written. There should be 4 or 5 offensive teleport locations.
Your 4 border bridges and one of the distant bridges not adjoining your territory. Kitsunie did not mention it this time but I do agree that these bridges need formal names now. These vague descriptors could be confusing.
Port destinations could be adjusted. However I don't want them too close to the bridge. It could mean me ending up in the river every time (with my luck).
Ask Frosk to make a little competition to get the community involved to name the bridges. Nice short names.
Again , power point sinks are possible here.
Level 1, main local bridges (PB, PN, or PP if you happen to be Alsius or Syrtis)
level 3, secondary bridges (PP2, PB2, PN2)
level 5 , distant , non territorial border bridges.
10-05-2011, 02:30 PM
my opinion on teleports:
offensive teleport: 4 possible targets. bridges from 1 enemy territory to another enemy territory, 1 arrival point at each enemy's side. for alsius this would be pb and pb2, either to syrtis or ignis territory.
defensive teleport: 4 possible targets. each fort in own territory, and realm wall.
10-05-2011, 03:37 PM
What is wrong with them? You don't like shorter CDs? You don't like more balanced places to teleport?
I like the shorter duration, I don't find that the new places are more balanced, i think they are absurd.
10-05-2011, 04:22 PM
NGD simply can't please 100% of the people. First we bitched about teleport gameplay and people said it was killing bridge battles and such. They give us what we want and now more complaining. >.>
NGD just can't win. lol
10-05-2011, 04:25 PM
NGD simply can't please 100% of the people. First we bitched about teleport gameplay and people said it was killing bridge battles and such. They give us what we want and now more complaining. >.>
NGD just can't win. lol
Aren't we as players supposed to keep NGD busy with our demands? It is our job to keep complaining! :rale: hehe
10-05-2011, 04:36 PM
WM skills are RvR spell and like than shall be.
+2000 HP,CC resists,boost of speed and even boost of attributs are nice.Maybe need some adjustments but good.
About no reason to be a WM?...hmm yes there is,WM weapons and armors that are by far better than others.
Hmm:A wile back ...:
1. People complaint about too many teleports bla bla;
2.Ngd nerfred time to 60 minuts;
3.People complaint again about useless teleports to long cd;
4.NDG adjusted to 20 minuts + adet bridges features.
5.People complaint again......
I wonder if people are happy for something....
Maybe a suggestion ,and some constructive ideas?
Yes maybe NGD shall rename bridges instead of wes,est...etc as PN style or just names Herb-Samal bridge ...
A WM must help to change the results of a war ,not to be a god himself....
Some complaints are just selfish and idiotics,care more about others than only yourself and you will understand.
10-05-2011, 04:41 PM
Again , power point sinks are possible here.
Level 1, main local bridges (PB, PN, or PP if you happen to be Alsius or Syrtis)
level 3, secondary bridges (PP2, PB2, PN2)
level 5 , distant , non territorial border bridges.
WM skills don't cost any powerpoints. You just spend discipline points to advance in the tree, skills activate automaticaly.
10-05-2011, 05:38 PM
Many many thank you, NGD for juggled money for boosters to reach lvl 60 and time to reach WM state. Now you turned WM state to pointless.
Step-by-step you make this game more wrong. I hoped there is now any surprise, seems like you have more.
Have a nice way to make this game similar as Minesweeper...
If you want to be more useful in RvR then skill WM tree. If you want to be closer to god-mode then use your DP to other skills. This still gives you big advantage. You always have the choice.
Whiners like you break the team play and fun, because they complain everywhere: forums, chats etc.
Regnum is nice game with good gameplay. If you can't enjoy it, just take a break. If you are already addicted so go and play.
But I think we can see some new type of addiction: addiction to complaining.
Complain about everything! I am sure after position bug and phantom swings will be fixed some players will start to complain that warriors overpowered!
10-05-2011, 07:23 PM
I think off. teleports need to teleport on the enemy side of the bridges at least.
Else I think they're fine, besides for the duration... Well I mean, it's 15 seconds INCLUDING the destination choosing time, so the caster would better not hesitate...
WM skills don't cost any powerpoints. You just spend discipline points to advance in the tree, skills activate automaticaly.
That is not my point.
If you read properly, I am saying that Warmaster spells need to form a sink for power points. I am not talking about what is, I am suggesting what could be.
The point is that the tree should be filled out with spells and , just like the regular trees, you apply power points to activate higher functions of the spells.
Warmaster Spells should move towards that formula in due course . There is just about enough reason to sink discipline points in the tree now so this provides a bit of counterbalance. NGD should go further and seek to provide a sink for power points in the WM tree as well. This is what I am saying.
The portals are in good position to do so.
10-05-2011, 11:08 PM
WM spells are balanced now. Ty NGD
10-08-2011, 11:02 AM
WM spells are balanced now. Ty NGD
Balanced? Fror whom? Not for WMs, who grinded PvP-ed insane for reaching WM state and spells. All players are able to do this. WM state is result for hard and long job. Not too funny when NGD makes that shit. You can call it as a contract but when you reach the WM will mean nothing...
10-08-2011, 12:04 PM
Balanced? Fror whom? Not for WMs, who grinded PvP-ed insane for reaching WM state and spells. All players are able to do this. WM state is result for hard and long job. Not too funny when NGD makes that shit. You can call it as a contract but when you reach the WM will mean nothing...
Only stupid words droped around...
Next time dont grind to Wm if you dont like to help your mates.
I grindet to 60 only to get that spells to help my mates.
10-09-2011, 06:02 AM
Balanced? Fror whom? Not for WMs, who grinded PvP-ed insane for reaching WM state and spells. All players are able to do this. WM state is result for hard and long job. Not too funny when NGD makes that shit. You can call it as a contract but when you reach the WM will mean nothing...
Try using the powers for your allies.
God forbid you have use another Warmaster's beacons. There's enough of them out there, I guess people are just selfish, xD
10-09-2011, 08:31 AM
so you wanted an advantage that was a bit over the top, and now mad cause its not that way now? Anyone whos played ro long enough, learns to check their gear after every update, check their skills, dmg, read the changelog..and find those hidden and snuck in much as it sucks, its constantly being balanced (right word?) I miss god mode hunters, but..that was ages ago. but I still like the class in hopes they will be useful again someday, as all skills/classes went through times of being the underdog or worthless (knight was last i believe, with the biggest nerf from great, to crap, to kinda good with neat skills again)
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