View Full Version : Testing - NGD and the Community

10-05-2011, 06:08 AM
Since this update has a lot of very annoying bugs, I was thinking about how the community could get involved into the testing process without forcing the community to become some kind of beta testers of every update on the live servers.

If an update has been published on Amun, those who like to go there and test the new features or the usual gameplay and report a bug at the support system of NGD, may get a bonus of, say, 1000 Xim, if

the reporter has been the first one, who reported the bug
the bug is reproducible by the description of the reporter
the description in a duplicate mainly contributes to fixing a bug

The support system should allow the reporter to know about, if his report has been a duplicate of an already existing report and if the report will be rewarded.

One problem with this is, that people without a NGD account (like german players) also should get the possibility to join this. So they may be able to get the Xim bonus on their Gamigo Account.

What do you guys think about this?

10-05-2011, 03:30 PM
Lol, knowing NGD this would cost them around a million Xim every update... Nice idea for the users, but this would be the end of NGD :D

10-05-2011, 03:58 PM
Lol, knowing NGD this would cost them around a million Xim every update... Nice idea for the users, but this would be the end of NGD :D

In my experience the instability of a software is the most dangerous thing, that can happen to the fame of a software company, break connections to customers and as you have mentioned it, NGD already has a very poor fame, when it comes to the topic of quality management. We all know words like "Bugnum" since years. This update has bugs like being teleported back to the save by trying to enter a captured fort. This is breaking gameplay and fun for their customers and something like this should never ever enter a live server. Therefore I see the immediate need of a change of their testing process, if there even is one.

Yes, I also get the fun part of your post. ;-)

Also, I like to mention JIRA (http://www.atlassian.com/en_UK/software/jira/) as a bug reporting system, which is greatly extendable and whatnot.

Oh btw, NGD could also introduce a new secret achievement then: Bughunter - Find and report a bug and get rewarded for this. :-)

10-05-2011, 07:27 PM
may get a bonus of, say, 1000 Xim,

What do you guys think about this?

Well NGD already passes over half of the reported bugs without bothering to resolve them (yeah even painful 4 years old ones)...
... and you think they'll resolve more by rewarding the reporting people ?

Erm I don't get your point... Do you think the users don't report enough bugs ? Or is the issue on NGD side ?

10-05-2011, 10:48 PM
Erm I don't get your point... Do you think the users don't report enough bugs ? Or is the issue on NGD side ?

All bugs reported on this forum, have been reported after the update was going live and I guess there have been no reports of them before, because we got a very buggy update. If these bugs would have been known to NGD before, I do doubt, that this update would have been going live with these bugs and would have been delayed.

Well NGD already passes over half of the reported bugs without bothering to resolve them (yeah even painful 4 years old ones)

Yea, if NGD would use JIRA for example, you would be able to see, if this bug will be resolved or denied. So we wouldn't sit here and wait for them to get fixed for years, if the report would have been set to "won't fix". All this would greatly improve the experience for the users and developers by handling this more open than secretly like it is now.

10-05-2011, 11:59 PM
Okay now I get it.

But for the Xim reward, don't give NGD one less reason to fix bugs please :D.

I believe enough people like to report bugs and don't need a motivation because they just love the game and want to make it better.

10-06-2011, 12:16 AM
i dont know i think it would bring about a lot of arguing over WHO exactly had found the bug or how that would be decided ect. but its not all bad i see what you were goin for maybe just without the xim bonus? like shining-scias said im sure it would be good to just see the game get better

10-06-2011, 12:34 AM
I don't report bugs because I am scared of beings banned forever.

What does this mean?

1) I only play on main server
2) If I find a bug and duplicate it posting screenshots I will be banned.
3) NGD said one more ban and you are banned forever.

So, I play in a quiet little corner, and sometimes attack syrtis save.

NGD knows about the bugs, just sit back and enjoy the ride.:play_ball::

ban 1 = playing in a clan with no clan name
ban 2 = taking screenshots of bug in syrtis wall and posting how it can be fixed
(people chased me and posted their own screenshots, and ngd said don't test on main server)
ban 3 = didn't happen yet, and I don't want it to. So if I see a bug, I whistle and walk away.

10-06-2011, 02:41 AM
I don't report bugs because I am scared of beings banned forever.

What does this mean?

1) I only play on main server
2) If I find a bug and duplicate it posting screenshots I will be banned.
3) NGD said one more ban and you are banned forever.

So, I play in a quiet little corner, and sometimes attack syrtis save.

NGD knows about the bugs, just sit back and enjoy the ride.:play_ball::

ban 1 = playing in a clan with no clan name
ban 2 = taking screenshots of bug in syrtis wall and posting how it can be fixed
(people chased me and posted their own screenshots, and ngd said don't test on main server)
ban 3 = didn't happen yet, and I don't want it to. So if I see a bug, I whistle and walk away.

wow.... that is a huge steaming pile of bullshit. i mean, i can understand being banned for hacking, or harassment, etc. but this is totally unacceptable in my opinion.

1: i can understand if there is a policy for that, but a warning would be nice.

2: completely unacceptable. the main server is where most of the bugs happen. this tells me that they don't want to deal with bugs.

3: i don't blame you. i would be afraid to just log on and talk to people because they might ban me for not actively warring.

NGD is getting a reputation for having terrible customer service. for instance, my main character had all the items stolen off of it..... 10 months ago. the only response i got from them was them telling me to stop sending them a reply to that ticket every monday(to keep it from closing) because it "sends it to the back of the queue". and, unsurprisingly they haven't said anything since.

10-06-2011, 03:24 AM
wow.... that is a huge steaming pile of bullshit. i mean, i can understand being banned for hacking, or harassment, etc. but this is totally unacceptable in my opinion.

1: i can understand if there is a policy for that, but a warning would be nice.

2: completely unacceptable. the main server is where most of the bugs happen. this tells me that they don't want to deal with bugs.

3: i don't blame you. i would be afraid to just log on and talk to people because they might ban me for not actively warring.

Hehe learn lesson one....never report bugs/people that cheating,never submit tickets....etc.
It's very possible to win a ban.
Yes looks stupid but people get banned if they fall by mistake in a area and a second guy take a screen.
During a fight people focus to fight/run but...but fall sometimes...at least in forts happens any time...wtv....

Reporting bugs is a dead end.
NGD will fix some of them one the way,most of them will never be fixed.
I suppose that why bug fix report never works and worst was disabled.

NGD does no need a report bugs system working because they will never be fixed.

10-06-2011, 07:32 AM
wow.... that is a huge steaming pile of bullshit. i mean, i can understand being banned for hacking, or harassment, etc. but this is totally unacceptable in my opinion.

1: i can understand if there is a policy for that, but a warning would be nice.

2: completely unacceptable. the main server is where most of the bugs happen. this tells me that they don't want to deal with bugs.

3: i don't blame you. i would be afraid to just log on and talk to people because they might ban me for not actively warring.

NGD is getting a reputation for having terrible customer service. for instance, my main character had all the items stolen off of it..... 10 months ago. the only response i got from them was them telling me to stop sending them a reply to that ticket every monday(to keep it from closing) because it "sends it to the back of the queue". and, unsurprisingly they haven't said anything since.
This is exactly why most users stopped reporting bugs or abuses to NGD. Those that did found their accounts mysteriously banned. NGD doesn't want to take the time to properly investigate so they just ban everyone involved an then the account stays "under investigation" forever. It's happened countless times now. However, in the past, they were really fair and just, and all of my issues were handled fairly even when it was against policy. Their biggest mistake was becoming "by the book", as it just kind of comes off as cold now. Automating the systems hasn't helped, either, a machine or script can't feel or make proper judgement.

I guess ultimately every company has to become exactly the same as others in order to survive in the commercial world. Sad.

10-06-2011, 10:24 AM
yeah i second the whole "reporting bugs/cheats" can get YOU banned as well. as much as I would like to, I won't bother now days sadly.

I hate sounding negative, but really, doesn't help to ban people who try to make ngd aware of issues in game and don't exploit them. They seriously need a devoted employee who's job it is to dig through whatever complaints, logs etc etc etc in disputes and cases of 'cheater' and find out what the truth is. So no I won't exploit any bugs, but now will I risk reporting them either. Its ultimately up to NGD to fix flaws in their code, to roll back or revert whatever damage was caused/gained by a player, but to ban them, and leave the bug unfixed for the next person to come along and get a ban for it, is pretty irresponsible.

10-06-2011, 08:32 PM
Are you guys serious? How can a company even dare to ban people for reporting bugs? This is unbelievable.

10-06-2011, 08:49 PM
As told in the previous posts....

I won't report any bugs, as I heard numerous stories of people getting banned for reporting bugs...

Even if people report bugs, most of reports don't get solved (except the most critical ones), therefore, why bother?

Imho, bug reporting should be anonymous - why would anyone report bugs, if they actively abuse them?

10-07-2011, 05:17 AM
Are you guys serious? How can a company even dare to ban people for reporting bugs? This is unbelievable.

it's counter-intuitive, in my opinion, to ban people for notifying developers of bugs, and for a fairly obvious reason too.

its like someone drops their wallet, and instead of passing it by or taking it, you pick it up and give it back to the rightful owner. but instead of thanking you, the owner hits you for pointing out their failure.

if anything, people submitting bug reports shows NGD that said player cares about the game and wishes to better the game as best they can. but then NGD bans player, discouraging other players from submitting bug reports, causing the game to suffer.

it is behavior like this that, i believe, will cause NGD to run their business into the ground.

10-07-2011, 04:52 PM
Are you guys serious? How can a company even dare to ban people for reporting bugs? This is unbelievable.

> www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?p=1425262
Character still banned.

10-08-2011, 02:55 AM
hey guys,

this may or may not be off topic...

but I thought that the bug with teleporting to CS when trying to enter a fort was fixed with yesterday's hotfix.

can you confirm this?

10-08-2011, 03:01 AM
lol yes, random, but I can confirm that I personally don't have any more issues with this bug, chilko

10-08-2011, 03:03 AM
Same here. No weird teleporting has happened so far, to me.

10-09-2011, 01:02 AM
I was hoping to improve something here but sadly it looks like things will stay as they are.