View Full Version : Halloween coming up!!!
10-25-2011, 07:58 PM
Hey Community! (
We're happy to announce that this next Thursday, October 27th, we'll be launching the new Halloween Event for this year!
Please, any doubts you may have about it, feel free to post them here in this same thread!
Best regards!!! :thumb:
10-25-2011, 08:02 PM
hello frosk
thx for reporting this early :)
can u also tell us the exact time when the servers will go down?
10-25-2011, 08:07 PM
The "turn into a werewolf"-thingy looks cool.
Let's hope ^^
10-25-2011, 08:35 PM
"Special prize"... Frosk, after Alienware event I hate "special prizes" from NGD...
10-25-2011, 08:41 PM
ademas de la de lobo pongan la de zapallo x fa gracias =D :clapclap:
10-25-2011, 09:19 PM
lol those costumes are the same as last year.
Anyway those this also mean duel wielding will come this day online?
I assume it is the same across the servers ?
This : (
Anyway, will there be some sort of update system or web page so we know where each realm is compared to the others in terms of candy collection? Will castle conquering have any impact ?
Except for the obvious which is to prevent players from depositing by keeping castles captured.
Do we get also random pumpkins inner realm which give gifts to at least keep the lower levels interested?
It would have been interesting if somehow NGD managed to include invasions in the event. I don't know, add a candy box inner realm that enemies must loot in similar formula to realm gems. The twist would be they have to get it to their castle (no ports allowed) and add to their chest stash there for candy reward. box spawns every 24 hrs after it is taken. Maybe next time.
Edit: you guys should have brought back pumpkin hats. Those are collector's items. They deserve another run for the newer players.
10-25-2011, 11:16 PM
Edit: you guys should have brought back pumpkin hats. Those are collector's items. They deserve another run for the newer players.
I totally agree :hat:
10-25-2011, 11:36 PM
Nooo, different models please! My pumpkin shall stay unique! Foreverrrrrr!
10-26-2011, 04:38 AM
This looks good, but why a reward for only one winning realm, have you ever heard of fairness like second or third prize? This is exactly why Alienware event was such a failure, too little chance to win for casual players, and thus it will be the same here: Weakest realm (Ignis) will probably have no chance to win.
Also, please make it so that everyone can get at least a hat or costume or something permanent, not just a temporary(?) elixer.
10-26-2011, 04:52 AM
Looks Gimmicky but then I wasn't expecting it to be otherwise.
As far as Halloween events go, it looks alright.. Yeah I'm not ecstatic over it.
10-26-2011, 06:56 AM
vote for = Halloween for everyone players xD prizes too xD Halloween - its not "the best" realm ....
10-26-2011, 01:11 PM
OMG the first time i have to go in the new eferia castle , and that to search a quest hahaha
10-26-2011, 05:29 PM
Woohoo :D Thanks Frosk the information.
Go Syrtis!! Of course we will win :D
Woohoo :D Thanks Frosk the information.
Go Syrtis!! Of course we will win :D
prize is xp bonus? yay welcome to ganknum
*charging his gank lasers*
10-26-2011, 06:39 PM
prize is xp bonus? yay welcome to ganknum
*charging his gank lasers*
I don't care about the prize. I just want to win because of the Glory :D
I don't care about the prize. I just want to win because of the Glory :D
that's like... don't know do something incredibly awful for 1 cent :D
10-27-2011, 05:16 PM
Since we noticed a great deal of expectations (globally speaking) on this event and dual wielding, we won't be launching it at 8 pm GMT, but at 6 pm GMT!
Best regards! :thumb:
Since we noticed a great deal of expectations (globally speaking) on this event and dual wielding, we won't be launching it at 8 pm GMT, but at 6 pm GMT!
Best regards! :thumb:
30 mins after time i wrote this message :oc
EDIT: Started.. but where quest info :D?
10-27-2011, 07:56 PM
where do we put the candy? :p
where do we put the candy? :p
somewhere in realm castle
P. S.
can u tame event mobs as hunter :D?
why i ask? this event werewolf hits quite HAAAAAAARD
10-27-2011, 08:22 PM
Being werewolf is awesome, killed goats and ignis and they where all "wtf?" xD
Being werewolf is awesome, killed goats and ignis and they where all "wtf?" xD
and what bonuses it gives except look? on ra while i was running to mont i met over 30 werewolves :D
10-27-2011, 08:32 PM
and what bonuses it gives except look? on ra while i was running to mont i met over 30 werewolves :D
2k hp, but can't cast spells
2k hp, but can't cast spells
so my lock better don't take it :D
P. S. i still interested is it possible to tame cursed werewolf and pumpkin troll
no possible.. FUUUUUUUUUUU
10-27-2011, 08:52 PM
so my lock better don't take it :D
P. S. i still interested is it possible to tame cursed werewolf and pumpkin troll
and extra movement speed, i think something between +15-+25%
And you get fall damage EVERYWHERE -,-
10-28-2011, 08:37 AM
When will halloween event end? Tried to check forums and events-section in the main page says nothing about this event.
Or maybe i just need glasses...
10-28-2011, 10:58 AM
Hey Community! (
We're happy to announce that this next Thursday, October 27th, we'll be launching the new Halloween Event for this year!
Please, any doubts you may have about it, feel free to post them here in this same thread!
Best regards!!! :thumb:
Hi Frosk , i have a question for NGD , we talked few times online, so : Why so low imagination for this event ? You (not you personaly :P) have one year to prepare this event and in 27th October u came with same clothes like old year , same pumpkins troll .... I know u are young , why u dont let your imagination to fly for something more fun ?
10-28-2011, 11:17 AM
When will halloween event end? Tried to check forums and events-section in the main page says nothing about this event.
Or maybe i just need glasses...
It's has ended like 8 hours ago, gelfs won (what a surprise :rolleyes2:).
10-28-2011, 05:19 PM
Halloween Event! - Explanation!
Hi everyone!
Here's a brief explanation about the Halloween Event!
1- What are the PumpkinHead Trolls for?
- These guys carry Candies! Eliminate them to obtain their Pumpkin Candies!
2- And what are the Candies for?
-Head to your realm's castle and stash the candies in your container!
Watch out! If you die carrying candies, they'll fall to the ground and they become pickable for other players.
3- What's the point in stashing up candies?
The realm that gathers more candies will be awarded.
Check the event interface to see which realm is winning in real time!
I hope it helps! And everyone have a great Halloween!
Frosk --- Community Manager --- NGD Studios. Steam ID: Frosk01
Mis opiniones de jugabilidad y balance las hago solamente como jugador.
Van Sack, x-gaz-x, Anthrax, Vicky_x, Isuriel, byaku /// Anon-Karma? Try again.
Frosk, here one problem: not everybody.... whis Halloween just for one realm!
10-28-2011, 06:32 PM
Frosk, please inform NGD that before implementing REALM based events, they should solve realm balance problems.
100 vs 20 active players. Which one will win?
10-29-2011, 08:27 AM
As a werewolf you can get 2-5k falling dmg even by walking on a plain terrain. Can you fix this? I would like to play as a werewolf but pointles if you die while you move.
11-03-2011, 08:21 PM
The whole homepage is old. The pictures are realy old. The Top player of the week. And even the Players guide. And there blog is old. I tough oh handy a blog so i dont need facebook or twitter. But nope. And if you click on gameplay videos than you will go back to the homepage. Also the Development is old. Well just there whole homepage........
11-03-2011, 08:43 PM
Do the werewolf potion stay after the quest? and can u do something about hiigh fall damage in wolf form?
11-04-2011, 07:29 PM
Just wanted to add something new!
The event will be finished on Monday Nov. 7th
The reward for the winning event will be a +50% exp bonus and a +100% drop rate bonus for a whole week!
11-04-2011, 08:12 PM
Might as well give it the gelfs now, how can they lose?
Sorry for being blunt about it but the event is screwed up by the populations, even with this incentive syrtis only need to spend 3/4 the time of the other realms.
Could have been good, could have stored the candies in the forts and given an xp bonus for the percentage held, when the fort is captured the candies go to the capturing players the same way as the captured gold.
Thanks for the pumpkin drops though, grats gelfs
11-04-2011, 10:33 PM
Just wanted to add something new!
The event will be finished on Monday Nov. 7th
The reward for the winning event will be a +50% exp bonus and a +100% drop rate bonus for a whole week!
How long will the bonus remain active?
11-04-2011, 10:42 PM
How long will the bonus remain active?
If im right 1week.
11-04-2011, 11:58 PM
lol frosk said that already in a comment above yours, if you missed it:
The reward for the winning event will be a +50% exp bonus and a +100% drop rate bonus for a whole week!
The reward for the winning event will be a +50% exp bonus and a +100% drop rate bonus for a whole week!
11-05-2011, 12:27 AM
Oh dear.. Guess I over looked that bit - my bad.
11-05-2011, 09:17 AM
Just wanted to add something new!
The event will be finished on Monday Nov. 7th
The reward for the winning event will be a +50% exp bonus and a +100% drop rate bonus for a whole week!
Do you see the irony in rewarding with power for a competition completely driven by population?
Why not reward with bonux xp for the realmwith most playing time on lvl 30+? Oh wait - you do!
More serious:
See - theres a huge flaw in regnum - population inmabalances. You could just admit that you dont have a solution to population imbalances and quit rewarding *always* the biggest realm - for something they achieve with low competition.
Please - do something that does *not* work towards imbalances for your next event. Give gold bonus or i.e give a quest that gives you a hat with a description about winning that event. Make it symbolic rewards until you have a better, a fair solution.
And give the XP boni for evryone.
They all deserve it the same, really.
Event? I gave up on events from NGD. The only one that stays in mind was that Halloween one from 2009. Purple fever was not too bad either.
For this one, the writing was on the wall for Ignis by day 2. I gave up then and went back to playing as if there was no event at all. I did the werewolf one, By the time I used potion 2 times , yawn. What can I say.
Every single event NGD ever made has lots of potential. Problem is that most of them grab failure from the jaws of success. Why? because they are usually slapped together in a hurry to "appease the masses". That's fine once we can see bug fixes, balancing and content in its place. I would gladly give up an event (2 even) for the horse reposition bug and weapon not drawn bug to be fixed.
They all got imagination and potential to be good if they allow player input and are allowed some time and a little resource to gestate properly. Every single one can be recycled and improved (except Valentine's day one of 2009). NGD should , through Frosk, make a few threads as a way to solicit ideas to improve the past events and make events that benefit all despite variances across realms. The old ones can work again, with a few tweaks to them.
This one simply fed the negative feedback loop much like many other facets of the game. NGD is certainly challenged to deliver content that does not feed negative feedback loops.
Anyway ,congrats to Syrtis and I think NGD could have pretty much called this one since Thursday last and give you guys your boosts.
11-05-2011, 03:13 PM
Event? I gave up on events from NGD. The only one that stays in mind was that Halloween one from 2009. Purple fever was not too bad either.
For this one, the writing was on the wall for Ignis by day 2. I gave up then and went back to playing as if there was no event at all. I did the werewolf one, By the time I used potion 2 times , yawn. What can I say.
Every single event NGD ever made has lots of potential. [...]
I agree, i find some mechanics of this event really nice. Candy dropping when killed is kinda funny aswell as these potions. Quite a pity the work thats put into these doesnt pay out to be fun due to mentioned flaws.
11-05-2011, 03:49 PM
I gave up then and went back to playing as if there was no event at all
I pretty much ignored the event in its entirety despite being in Syrtis, I never liked mass collecting activities and I really do not think the reward is worth the fuss.
I totally agree this event is very badly designed (as most), winner is obvious since day one: most populated.
And rewards are increasing the population imbalance... great. :thumb_down:
The candies dropping gave me an idea though.
Do you remember in recent episodes of Metal Gear Solid how the main character can collect enemy's tags ?
To be short, in certain conditions, he can cause the enemy to give it tag plates (?, the necklace with names used in the army).
Moved to Suggestions, here (
11-06-2011, 07:40 PM
I'm going to be soooooo glad this event is over, those werewolfs are damn annoying.
11-06-2011, 07:47 PM
As far as events go for NGD, this one was decent.
Hell, it could've been worse right?
The realm imbalance being rewarded is off topic, it's nothing to do with how the event was executed as it would most likely have cropped up as an excuse anyway.
It's not like they can do anything to regulate the realm populations short of removing the option of choosing which realm you want to play completely.
I found bit weird that chance for getting event mask was from Big Pumpkin was sooo small. Shouldnt event theme related stuff be more accessible to everyone?
11-07-2011, 08:06 AM
- 16 banner duel...
- 17 mana potion...
- 20 helth potion...
- around 200k gold...
no one Mask's and no one exp bonus xD very funny
11-07-2011, 01:35 PM
Do you see the irony in rewarding with power for a competition completely driven by population?
Why not reward with bonux xp for the realmwith most playing time on lvl 30+? Oh wait - you do!
More serious:
See - theres a huge flaw in regnum - population inmabalances. You could just admit that you dont have a solution to population imbalances and quit rewarding *always* the biggest realm - for something they achieve with low competition.
Please - do something that does *not* work towards imbalances for your next event. Give gold bonus or i.e give a quest that gives you a hat with a description about winning that event. Make it symbolic rewards until you have a better, a fair solution.
And give the XP boni for evryone.
They all deserve it the same, really.
1- There are already bonuses (+RLM) for those realms with lower populations. You can actually check who has these whenever you get to pick a realm with a new account.
2- It wouldn't make too much sense to actually promise a reward for a winning realm, and later on announce that the reward goes for everyone, including those who didn't even care about it. If we did, it would have provoked complaints from those who actually worked hard on it because it'd meant that they wasted their time on it, since they could have obtain the bonus anyway.
In any case, I appreciate your interest and suggestions.
Regards! :thumb:
11-07-2011, 01:41 PM
1- There are already bonuses (+RLM) for those realms with lower populations. You can actually check who has these whenever you get to pick a realm with a new account.
2- It wouldn't make too much sense to actually promise a reward for a winning realm, and later on announce that the reward goes for everyone, including those who didn't even care about it. If we did, it would have provoked complaints from those who actually worked hard on it because it'd meant that they wasted their time on it, since they could have obtain the bonus anyway.
In any case, I appreciate your interest and suggestions.
Regards! :thumb:
new ppls come to IGNIS - sow results of EVENT candys and don't care about your's +RLM leave us xD _____ :thumb: ? no ... it's :thumb_down:
11-07-2011, 02:02 PM
new ppls come to IGNIS - sow results of EVENT candys and don't care about your's +RLM leave us xD _____ :thumb: ? no ... it's :thumb_down:
Well, if they're new people, the first thing they see are the population bonuses...
11-07-2011, 02:31 PM
Who won the event?
11-07-2011, 02:32 PM
Well, if they're new people, the first thing they see are the population bonuses...
ok ok...
you meen exp bonuses i think...
i play Ignis realm couse my friend invite me... understand my position?
and i read in Ignis chat why new ppls leave us... low population
11-07-2011, 03:00 PM
x1 Blue fireworks
x1 50% exp booster
x1 Skeleton mask
x15 Minor health potion
x11 Minor mana potion
x17 Duel banner
That's roughly 5k ximerin worth of duel banners - could I perhaps have a refund? I'd rather have 5k ximerin worth of exp boosters :angel1:
11-07-2011, 06:37 PM
Halloween Event finally came to an end!
We are currently checking the logs in order to see if everything went ok, and once we're done we'll activate the reward for each corresponding server.
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