View Full Version : Halloween Event! - Explanation!

10-27-2011, 08:09 PM
Hi everyone! :pumpkin:

Here's a brief explanation about the Halloween Event!

http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/174/werewolfhalloween2011.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/62/werewolfhalloween2011.png/)

1- What are the PumpkinHead Trolls for?

- These guys carry Candies! Eliminate them to obtain their Pumpkin Candies!

2- And what are the Candies for?

-Head to your realm's castle and stash the candies in your container!

Watch out! If you die carrying candies, they'll fall to the ground and they become pickable for other players.

3- What's the point in stashing up candies?

The realm that gathers more candies will be awarded.

Check the event interface to see which realm is winning in real time!

4- When is the event coming to an end?

The event will end on Sunday, Nov. 6th.


I hope it helps! And everyone have a great Halloween! :pumpkin: