View Full Version : points disbalance

10-30-2011, 02:46 PM
i have noticed a problem with the regnum points rate and xp points and also the big boss points

explanations :
i hope to be clear , in scene 3 players , 2 allieds and 1 enemy lvl 60 for all (22 rp each)
2 allieds ; 1 archer and 1 barb
enemy: any character we admit he has 3800 hp

the fight : the archer remove in total 2500 hp from the enmies and let him 1300 hp
the 2 last hits are for the barb south cross or beast l attack 1200 hp and 1 crit at 1500 ( and i had already seen very worth ( it s just an example))
points repartition : 13 for the barb , 9 for the archer

the archer does all the job but at the final he gets less points

the rate of the points repartition is not good , actually the rate takes into account the received damages or given and not by who has removed the big part from the 3800 original hp points without exceeding the 3800 hp

in fact the points repartition should be 13 rp for the archer (2500) and 9 for the barb (1300)
Who does take the most hp points the archer so he should get the big part of the rp

and it the same count with the mobs if you re grinding , with my barb i stole the archers's xp points with crits at 1700 when the mobs have only 200hp before dieing

Other points yesterday evenning, evendim was there so i go to place ( marks lvl 60) take a full party buffed by a conju , evendim enter in game so i put all i had on it etheral arrow , lethal , serpent byte, frozen , in fact normal hit 25 , 5 - 10min later evendim died and i got only 42 gold very nice for probably 100 hits and arrows

with my knight lvl 50 i got xp and drops 5000 golds sometimes more sometimes less
only with areas i don't need to hit , you can look at this kind of event but all the archers lets the super boss they haves any chance to drops something in this conditions

they was 2 years old before i already droped but i hited it at 400 not 25 like now , it s a f***k**ing joke

Before to think how to do more money , think how to get more (happy) players, then the cash flow will follow ....

10-30-2011, 03:12 PM
What he is saying is that if you kill an enemy or mob on the last hit with excessive damage, you take the majority of the RP or XP. And this is actually true, the distribution is calculated from the total damage dealt, not the enemy or mob's total health.

And yes, the damage on bosses is far too low for non-barb classes. Not even full debuffs help archers that much.

10-30-2011, 03:14 PM
Currently the group participation credit system is slightly off.
From experience I've noticed versus players that damage contributes to your realm point/exp reward more than casting auras and spells.
Where as it seems to be the reverse when fighting mobs of any description.

People will tend to play their knight when fighting a boss due to a common misconception, a knight has the same chance of dropping an item as any class with the same amount of (area) support spells - for this reason a knight does have a higher rate of dropping than a marksmen for example.
It is blown out of proportion though, players credit knights with more potential of dropping an item than is the reality.
I'll give an example.
If 10 knights, 4 conjurers and 5 barbarians kill a boss it is twice as likely that a knight will drop something as apposed to a barbarian.
I have known conjurers to drop an item just as much as knights.

with my knight lvl 50 i got xp and drops 5000 golds sometimes more sometimes less
only with areas i don't need to hit , you can look at this kind of event but all the archers lets the super boss they haves any chance to drops something in this conditions

I don't know whether this was before the level cap increase but I tend to receive between 10k - 17k gold from a boss playing my knight.

10-30-2011, 03:16 PM
And yes, the damage on bosses is far too low for non-barb classes. Not even full debuffs help archers that much.

None-warrior classes really.
I can hit substantially well depending on how many protection debuffs are active.

10-30-2011, 03:20 PM
None-warrior classes really.
I can hit substantially well depending on how many protection debuffs are active.

And i doing up to 650 crits as SM mage without ons
normals 450s again without ons on tenax

10-30-2011, 04:21 PM
and i don't speak about the hunters with less damages and any areas like all the archers ...

everybody haves areas except the archers so any chance to drops something on the super boss

maybe stalkers works from that ?

and by the way why burst of wind doesn't give rp ? like confuse , ambush or other spells with any damages ?

10-30-2011, 04:22 PM
About the exp/rp distribution: Completely agree, that would actually be just a minor change, really, do it!

About archers hitting too low on bosses: Another rant topic. (http://regnumonlinegame.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1448790)

10-30-2011, 06:07 PM
And i doing up to 650 crits as SM mage without ons
normals 450s again without ons on tenax

If you want in depth I tend to hit 800-900 normals and 1.4k South Cross - I managed 2k once with Onslaught.

10-30-2011, 06:08 PM
If you want in depth I tend to hit 800-900 normals and 1.4k South Cross - I managed 2k once with Onslaught.

that was supposed to mean that ranged classes do good damage too :D

10-30-2011, 06:10 PM
If you want in depth I tend to hit 800-900 normals and 1.4k South Cross - I managed 2k once with Onslaught.
It's important to realize that not everyone is level 60 with WM gear. The warzone bosses can be killed from 45+, and the dragons from 55+ with a party.

10-30-2011, 07:04 PM
It's important to realize that not everyone is level 60 with WM gear. The warzone bosses can be killed from 45+, and the dragons from 55+ with a party.

me looks on his 1st drop date: lvl51 wooot?

10-30-2011, 07:25 PM
It's important to realize that not everyone is level 60 with WM gear.

Elite gear tops warmaster gear depending on what bonuses you can find.

The warzone bosses can be killed from 45+, and the dragons from 55+ with a party.

Of course they can but they can do so more efficaciously at a higher level.
This is the basic incentive to level up.

me looks on his 1st drop date: lvl51 wooot?

Actually it was level 60, I tend to not have the best of luck with these things :hat:

10-30-2011, 07:54 PM
Here is a stat from 6th and 7th page of boss drop history from Syrtis forum for Vesper:
Knight: 10
Barbarian: 1
Conjurer: 2
Warlock: 1
Marksman: 0
Hunter: 0

Possible mistake could be in barb / knight ratio, in one player (9 / 2).

At Vesper following classes can be seen (descending order):

Warlock - usually some 43-52, rarely higher level
hunter and marksman could be seen periodically in total number of 2.

While conjurers had earlier high chance for dropping, after NGD introduced changes to knights (area buffs and auras), knight became #1 alt char for bosses. Archers stopped visiting bosses since "armor fix", as their damage is laughable even if boss is debuffed. Either way, a quick stat above shows enough with numbers that there is something heavily wrong for long time. And then Frosk comes and asks us to wait for balance as they need to roll on few more eye-candies. No problemo amigo, we waited balance a couple of years already, we can wait few more years.

Just one thing would be damn good: to finish what you started. If you started fixing armor then finish it. If you started fixing invasions, finish it. Dont throw in a bunch of more stuff without fixing previous. You re just stacking problems. I believe many old annoying smaller bugs could be fixed for the time you spent making achievements which by the way had no proper introduction nor use.

11-06-2011, 11:01 PM
may be if they place some good aura to hunter,you will see hunter class back at boss killing....lol...

Anyway it's an old story guys,never solved.

and +1 to who said "more happy player=more premium users"and i'd like to add, "MORE USERS too!!",is not that hard to understand.
If well balanced this game,would require the queque to join every single server at the evening....

11-07-2011, 12:57 AM
In the same vein, there's still a very old issue concerning XP reward repartition for leader kill.

A leader mob will only give XP to the two characters who did the more damage.
So i let you imagine what occurs when 2 barbs and 1 hunter kill 10 leader mobs together....

In fact, no one bothers to kill leader mobs, they are so tough, and don't give that much XP or drops for the time you spend on.

Nevertheless, i think this should be addressed.

11-12-2011, 03:54 PM
In the same vein, there's still a very old issue concerning XP reward repartition for leader kill.

A leader mob will only give XP to the two characters who did the more damage.
So i let you imagine what occurs when 2 barbs and 1 hunter kill 10 leader mobs together....

In fact, no one bothers to kill leader mobs, they are so tough, and don't give that much XP or drops for the time you spend on.

Nevertheless, i think this should be addressed.

True and that why the leaders are almost never killed by some archers( and the others also lol:clapclap:xD) too much arrows for nothing or only 200 gold and 350 xp ( syrtis- RA )