View Full Version : Computers!!!!

11-04-2011, 12:17 AM
Hey peoples, my parents are givin me a $1,000 budget to get a laptop for college. My question: Whats the best laptop to get the most bang for me buck?

Ive looked at alienware but i'm sure theres a better one where im not payin extra buying a brand name. My main purpose for this computer: REGNUM ofcoursexD and some other rts games. Oh and i guess i should put college work as a purpose for it tooxD.

Any help in finding the best laptop is appreciated:D

11-04-2011, 01:03 AM
Alienware is a little bit big one :) Take a look at Dell XPS L502x (you can see gameplay quality from videos that i've made).

11-04-2011, 01:03 AM

Check this site out, it's very helpful - especially if you're a bit computer illiterate this is a good way to learn what's what.

I suggest personally on getting a desktop as they're far superior to laptops and usually cheaper but of course they're not quite so mobile.


It also depends on what you want from your computer, obviously you would want to use it for college reasons and I'm assuming for playing RO as well but any other specifics?

11-04-2011, 01:50 AM
Also try www.cyberpowerpc.com - I can personally recommend them, I got my latest rig from them, I can't complain. (With the UK store at least.)

11-04-2011, 12:06 PM
if in usa look at http://www.microcenter.com/
ive used em 4 years now with great deals