View Full Version : FROSK/NGD what is the PLAN? any news?

11-10-2011, 09:47 AM
here it's silent...

11-10-2011, 10:19 AM
Christmas trees event i guess. :play_ball:

11-10-2011, 10:45 AM
Christmas trees event i guess. :play_ball:

tooooo faaaaaar:wish:

11-10-2011, 11:27 AM
Ask ngd threads again???xD

11-10-2011, 04:27 PM
I was thinking the same so we got duel wielding. What is the next move!

11-10-2011, 06:21 PM
They got new AI in an advanced state, they have the foundations of the new UI on the roadmap, they have the net code version xx in the works. They seem to have instancing in the works (or at least on the roadmap) and probably some terrain adjustments to go with that. They have mentioned hunters and upcoming work on pet tree. This is all I have gleaned so far.

At the moment (on Amun) they seem to be fixing under the hood stuff and bugs in the game. A constant undertaking that we probably never notice anyway.


Anyway, they delivered a lot of stuff this year. I would not mind if they did not roll out anything else new and just solidify the platform and content they have now.

11-10-2011, 07:39 PM
Umh well i think we all know what ngd are working on. But i think me and some others mean. What will be the next update? Maybe the new forts? alga trelle meni? Not that i care about it. I just wanna what will be the next move ;)

Sorry for my bad english :D

11-10-2011, 09:51 PM
Whats wrong with the current alga/meni/trelle? xD They still have that new fort smell :)

I think Bois pretty much nailed it, I can't think of anything they mentioned that he's missed.

11-11-2011, 07:21 AM
Also there's a rumor saying they're going to revamp magna and (super)boss items

11-11-2011, 10:48 AM
lots of things need to be finished...

11-11-2011, 03:44 PM
I think Ponter said there would be new things for mages and archers soon (just as dual wielding and the shields thing).

11-11-2011, 03:52 PM
I think most of the RO community would appreciate if NGD starts sharing such info with all sub-communities equally.

@Avernal: did he say anything specific (what, how, when) or it was just a tease post?

11-11-2011, 08:46 PM
Also there's a rumor saying they're going to revamp magna and (super)boss items

11-11-2011, 09:52 PM

What he said is that there's actually no new magna/boss weapons on Amun, not that there won't be or that it's not planned.
Not that I firmly believe to this rumor anyways, I'm just sayin'.

And well, remember the "We're not increasing level cap" NGD's official announcement few weeks before lvl60 raise :D

11-11-2011, 11:13 PM
What he said is that there's actually no new magna/boss weapons on Amun, not that there won't be or that it's not planned.
Not that I firmly believe to this rumor anyways, I'm just sayin'.

And well, remember the "We're not increasing level cap" NGD's official announcement few weeks before lvl60 raise :D
well yeah, you could be right, but when did ngd ever say what they were working on (untill its few days before release) i know he just said "no new mag weps" but dunno, i kinda feel like there are no changes to the current ones planned as well. But oh well, its just a feeling, and feelings can be wrong :D

and yea -.- that was stupid

11-14-2011, 06:39 AM
NGD/FROSK... we need some information

11-14-2011, 02:39 PM
They got new AI in an advanced state, they have the foundations of the new UI on the roadmap, they have the net code version xx in the works. They seem to have instancing in the works (or at least on the roadmap) and probably some terrain adjustments to go with that. They have mentioned hunters and upcoming work on pet tree. This is all I have gleaned so far.

At the moment (on Amun) they seem to be fixing under the hood stuff and bugs in the game. A constant undertaking that we probably never notice anyway.


Anyway, they delivered a lot of stuff this year. I would not mind if they did not roll out anything else new and just solidify the platform and content they have now.

Well most of the info about what's coming up has been written here... at least pretty much close to it :D

There's a lot of new things to come, and other ones getting improved and/or revamped. I can't give out any official info yet, but it's just a matter of time.

Regards! :thumb:

11-14-2011, 02:59 PM
it's just a matter of time.

Yes, but how much exactly ? ;)

11-14-2011, 03:14 PM
Yes, but how much exactly ? ;)

it's name of another thread ?... ;(

11-14-2011, 03:16 PM
AAAh demit cant wait!

11-14-2011, 03:24 PM
AAAh demit cant wait!


Try not to stare at your watch or at a calendar, like if you were on a countdown. It'll only make you feel like time's flowing on slow-mo, complicating things a bit.
Anyway, this advice goes for almost everyone, and it's perfectly applicable on almost everyday situation.


11-14-2011, 03:46 PM
its like we open pandora's box ...

but NGD/FROSK pls... Listen our opinion... we are pay for it xD

11-14-2011, 03:52 PM
Try It'll only make you feel like time's flowing on slow-mo,

Slow? Nah lifes goes way 2 fast :(

11-14-2011, 05:20 PM
It's like cooking a steak. You cook it for as long as is needed until it's done the way you like it.

It'll be ready when it's ready. Done "right" and done fast are usually mutually exclusive.

11-15-2011, 09:30 AM
It'll be ready when it's ready. Done "right" and done fast are usually mutually exclusive.

Well, i agree on this, but it doesn't look to me such rule is followed by NGD until now, most of the times they release very buggy code (even when bugs were reported during tests on Amun), and make ages to fix them afterwards.

That's more "It'll be ready when our partners tell so."

11-16-2011, 04:04 PM
I am looking forward to most of the things bois said...

But I fear, people won't like the instances.

RvR is the undeniable strength of Regnum and I am afraid that NGD will modify it due to the instances.
And this cannot mean any good :x

11-16-2011, 04:36 PM
I am looking forward to most of the things bois said...

But I fear, people won't like the instances.

RvR is the undeniable strength of Regnum and I am afraid that NGD will modify it due to the instances.
And this cannot mean any good :x

I totally agree, the strength of RO is the free RvR, instances will kill the (only) game's originality for sure.

11-16-2011, 05:11 PM
I totally agree, the strength of RO is the free RvR, instances will kill the (only) game's originality for sure.


I think it would be a lot better to strengthen the free RvR than to switch to Instancing.

Example: if during a certain time block, one realm outpopulates the other two, the other two should receive some kind of WAR bonus for that time slot. Make it Magnanite, Xim, WM coins, gold, or whatever would help balance out the realms needed for each time-slot they're most underpopulated.

11-16-2011, 05:36 PM
I think most of the RO community would appreciate if NGD starts sharing such info with all sub-communities equally.

All sharing thinks from NGD's side in past just flame community.
Take a look at Dual Welding.
I am sure they have tons of ideas,but developing can meet some code issue,delays etc.Some of them better stay hidden than to wait a delay of 2-3 months or 2-3 years.

Anyway there must be a basic road map about technical at least.
NGD seems to not chose first important tasks ,and they work random at tasks ,some of them even for 3-th party projects and not related to regnum.
Regnum looks as a project that becomes old and just go by inert and bring them some cash.

I don't know how they plan they tasks.I think they go at work and says:"ah wee got a email from a X company to make some spots or animations,ah well wee will drop support from our secondary projects for a wile that allrady work somehow ,and that means Regnum".
I think this is support of regnum,a few devs that work sometime at him.
For me a good support and management of this must sound like this:

[1]Primary tasks:
-That can make a basic road map
-Thinks as new network code,maybe new graphic engine,new version of game

[2]Secondary task:
-support for they publishers
-advertise via a good web site and social networks.

[3]Other tasks:
Community support that contain:
-premium content request
-support for they tickets system
-new features of game
-other tasks

I have no idea how they work but for me look like they go at work daily and make random tasks.
Sorry for this ,but for me look like support of community is almost droped.
Tons of features that can make a better gameplay experiece like dual-hotbar,a better quest system that can help new people or many other request are just ignored...i have no idea why...

11-16-2011, 07:07 PM
What is a roadmap ? :D

11-16-2011, 07:35 PM
Instancing can have its benefits if used sparingly and properly.

For example, Bosses like Tenax etc. can be instanced successfully. Added to this they can expand the instance to multiple levels using the same code and just making the MoB harder. So you have Tenax for level 40-50's and level capped with requisite drops, then you have the level 60 version Tenax normal, hard, insane. Provide drops for each level.

I would not extend instancing to war zone bosses as this will kill the RvR environment.

Another example could be the instancing of my level capped island idea. Players can enter the instance environment and take part in low level battles that have no impact on the game except to gain experience and break the monotony of grinding and questing. These instances can be level capped and offer different levels of the same environment for players to flex their abilities.

Then there are event instances like the Christmas one where players can meet and greet and even collaborate to kill a giant snowman or something.

Duel instances (arena style) for players of opposing realms. Spectators can pay to enter by gold. Competitors can pay by gold, achievement, wm points ,etc. Duel arena can be opened based on war zone events.

The best part is that NGD can switch off instances or boot you from them depending on conditions of the war in the regular zone.

There are many good ways this can be done without harming the game too much. The key will be limiting the availability and frequency of the instances.

11-16-2011, 10:57 PM
Another example could be the instancing of my level capped island idea. Players can enter the instance environment and take part in low level battles that have no impact on the game except to gain experience and break the monotony of grinding and questing. These instances can be level capped and offer different levels of the same environment for players to flex their abilities.

this is exactly what we where thinking about.
We will start working on instancing in January so I have no ETA on this feature.

About our current roadmap:

We have not published our roadmap formally because it has changed many times along the year.

This year we launched Regnum in 2 new markets with two new partners.
Again, we need to look at the early game as Regnum looses many players in the first few minutes of gameplay.

Right now we are working on the new and revamped UI. hopefully out by December. It won't be just a graphical change, we are including some things that will make your lives easier. Even more so for new users (i.e Minimap)

we are also working on some low level things: a new tcp based net-code, a new resource/download system and some critical performance improvements.

Finally, the new net code and engine optimizations will pave the way for what we really want to do. To improve the core gameplay mechanics (as in combat)

We want combat to be more synchronized, to have better animations that provide better feedback, etc. This is not a change of pace but a new level of polish that should make combat more appealing / engaging.

I'm sorry for this very informal message roadmap.
As you see we are very busy.



11-16-2011, 11:26 PM
We have not published our roadmap formally because it has changed many times along the year.

Please, please PLEASE remove that sentence stating that you work on 2009 planning, that's the best way to scare off new users that happen to drop by there ^^
2009! I mean, 2 0 0 9 !!! gosh xD

I'm sorry for this very informal message roadmap.

Much appreciated! I've already translated/spread the word. :-P

Ps: Moar balance, please!

11-17-2011, 06:34 AM
Yep, I would suggest that the roadmap be removed from the website. An alternate approach could be to put up the highlights of what you achieved and delivered for this year so far. This would give the appearance of a game that is alive and improved constantly.

I am actually surprised that the game actually loses too many players in the first few minutes still. I somehow felt that the level 25-35 leaked more.
So much good work was done to improve the first 10 levels and the initiation environment. But, my impression from Raven is that no matter what you did, you could never hold some of those players that leave in the first 3 levels. I honestly don't know how much more could be done for the initiation zone except to maybe turn the quests into game training ones and to bring the game counsellor system to Horus. The main thing is that the game looks empty to those just joining(chat). There are no simple answers for that.

Excellent news on the UI. I think even the most modest of changes as a start will be highly appreciated.
New net code, resource download and performance enhancements will be great.
Melee players will appreciate the effort. Well, at least I do. We will be able to use the spells as the developers intended. We will hopefully get the response we intend.
Better animations and visual feedback? Sounds awesome. Look forward to it.
All in all , Thanks for the info. It is very welcome and hopefully will ease some concerns of the community.

11-17-2011, 06:45 AM
About our current roadmap:



Sounds very nice !
Thanks a lot for the info and for making this game better.

11-17-2011, 09:36 AM
we are also working on some low level things: a new tcp based net-code

You really going to pack movement and actions into tcp? :what:

/me is scared and very curious.

11-17-2011, 09:41 AM
Ummmm TCP? :confused:

This sounds very very odd for a game. Well will see how it goes maybe will be good one.

11-17-2011, 10:19 AM
Thanks for the news Chilko :D

My feeling of why low lvl players are dropping out the game is because there is no introduction and help in the game. For example, one of my friends didn't notice the ressurection altars and therefore had to do much more running around, which is a pain.

It's small details like this that make the new players decide whether to leave or stay.

11-17-2011, 12:40 PM
we don't know anything about hunter... about magna weapons (and wariors/knight only too )...

11-17-2011, 02:02 PM
we don't know anything about hunter... about magna weapons (and wariors/knight only too )...

Ponter wrote they didn't forget of hunter...
But if they are really working on what Chilko said...the hunter update is not that near.
But i can't understand that...i can't understand how a class can be leaved in this heavy unbalance condition for more than 1 year...
Seriusly i'm just curius...i'm not crying...

-can a class be leaved more than 1 year completely not-balanced and not effective in war?
-Do you have any statistic of how many hunter play the game actually,and for how many hours?
I don't understand where is the point of this inactivity in front of weakness and totally usless condition of the hunter class.

I repeat,this is not a flame reply...i really would like to understand the vision,and reason of the APPARENTLY inactivity of the developers facing the problem of the hunter class in 1 year.
But seems there is no way for me to understand that if no one gives a decent and clear reply.

I hope Chilko and the rest of the team,can do a great works to make more player join the game and reach a level cap.

Good work.

11-17-2011, 03:42 PM
i really don't understand... when we ask for balance, ngd add new unicorns or events and they say that no resources are cutted from developing because the devs who implement unicorns/events and the devs that should balance the game aren't the same, so both works should be done at the same time.

BUT when a part of ndg is working upon some others stuff like now, no balance update is in the roadmap for many months

balance together with bug fixes and some minor issues (like map balance, invasion system or stuff like these) is the most needed step because atm hunters don't have a specific role in the game mechanics, knights have OP defense against 5 classes and useless against barbs, marks have too much range and mages don't gain valuable advantages grinding from 37 to 60.

this should be the #1 step to have a better game, but the balancing team is doing nothing to finish the promised balance work

11-17-2011, 04:29 PM
we don't know anything about hunter... about magna weapons (and wariors/knight only too )...

wanna push this one up :x

11-17-2011, 05:55 PM
we don't know anything about hunter... about magna weapons (and wariors/knight only too )...

up ... 10 chars

11-17-2011, 06:11 PM
i really don't understand... when we ask for balance, ngd add new unicorns or events and they say that no resources are cutted from developing because the devs who implement unicorns/events and the devs that should balance the game aren't the same, so both works should be done at the same time.

Ok, let me try to explain:

You can divide regnum's development in different areas of interest

Gameplay programming
Core programming

There are certain tasks such as adding a new mount that is only content related. this requires only artists, designers and content managers (for the data entry involved)

There are other tasks such as balance that depend on the type of balance. If there is a broken spell, it might require core programming or gameplay programming or both. Other balance issues can be addressed by content only (if the problem has to do with the data instead of functionality)

revamping the GUI touches everything, it needs artists, designers, content editors, new core functionality and new gameplay functionality.

What we want to do to balance the hunters is to improve (a lot) pet AI and functionality, this is also a task that requires core, gameplay and content.

We try to work in parallell as much as we can, but there are certain things that need our full attention like the GUI.

This is why recent balance tweaks where only gameplay and content related.

fixing bugs is mostly core stuff, this is the area in which we are more under-staffed as Surak is provably the only one who really understands the whole Regnum Codebase.

In the end, it's quite difficult to balance the requirements from you, our partners and ourselves as developers.

We do as much as we can.

11-17-2011, 08:40 PM
Thank you Chilko for the last statements.

fixing bugs is mostly core stuff, this is the area in which we are more under-staffed as Surak is provably the only one who really understands the whole Regnum Codebase.
Really? Now i understand the problems to solve errors with the game.

But please solve the problem with the missing power points from my barbarian. (http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showthread.php?t=80881)Check the database and see: he has only 83 instead of 85 with level 60. This understanding every person.

11-17-2011, 09:34 PM
What we want to do to balance the hunters is to improve (a lot) pet AI and functionality, this is also a task that requires core, gameplay and content.

So basically you will base hunter's improvements on pet's AI ??
Not sure what you will do ... can you give more infos about this point ?

11-17-2011, 10:00 PM
I am actually surprised that the game actually loses too many players in the first few minutes still. I somehow felt that the level 25-35 leaked more.

I'm not surprised. I've started many MMOs in the last years, and almost never got past level 10. Stumble upon a game, download it, notice hours later that you've downloaded something, install it, play some minutes, and get rid of that trash game again. I did this with many (err actually all) well known ftp titles, and I still wonder why I continued playing Regnum, I guess I just had more time then. ^^

Meaning: I think it's a quite impossible task to try to keep players from leaving in the first minutes. They don't want to play this game, they'll leave. You can't offer them what they need/expect. Players that made it beyond level 20 are far more valuable, they've started the game for at least the second time (this might be a criterion worth looking into) and hence are more likely to stay around.

Surak is provably the only one who really understands the whole Regnum Codebase.

Somehow this is not surprising either xD

11-17-2011, 10:11 PM

You guys already made the best f2p game out there in my opinion so don't beat yourselves up too hard ^^

11-18-2011, 03:55 AM
thank you chilko. Even when people jump in quick with followup stuff etc - your honest explainations are much appreciated.

11-18-2011, 07:35 AM
thanks to NGD for what you read our's posts and answer

11-18-2011, 12:40 PM
Ok, let me try to explain:

You can divide regnum's development in different areas of interest

Gameplay programming
Core programming

There are certain tasks such as adding a new mount that is only content related. this requires only artists, designers and content managers (for the data entry involved)

There are other tasks such as balance that depend on the type of balance. If there is a broken spell, it might require core programming or gameplay programming or both. Other balance issues can be addressed by content only (if the problem has to do with the data instead of functionality)

revamping the GUI touches everything, it needs artists, designers, content editors, new core functionality and new gameplay functionality.

What we want to do to balance the hunters is to improve (a lot) pet AI and functionality, this is also a task that requires core, gameplay and content.

We try to work in parallell as much as we can, but there are certain things that need our full attention like the GUI.

This is why recent balance tweaks where only gameplay and content related.

fixing bugs is mostly core stuff, this is the area in which we are more under-staffed as Surak is provably the only one who really understands the whole Regnum Codebase.

In the end, it's quite difficult to balance the requirements from you, our partners and ourselves as developers.

We do as much as we can.

chilko can i ask you how much time did you spend to write this post? i think 2 or 3 minutes, right? even if your whole team is busy with this huge work, i think that posting similar news once or twice a day in both english and spanish forum would be a lot appreciated. it would takes no more than 10 minutes a day, maybe 15

we can understand that a symilar update keep busy almost all ngd's working resources, but you can't think that improving pets'/mobs' AI would solve hunter problems, mage spells, marks/BB opness. you need even only one single person who can undersand the game mechanics/balance and can improve the actual system that cuts away hunters from fort battles, that makes knights not able to tank properly and so on

we have TONS of broken/useless spells and a single ngd person could fix tons of issue and make the game gaining a lot with a minor effort. and i can ensure you that a similar work would be 100 times more appreciated than a well done event or new premium stuff (above all because changes like that would be live everytime for everyone and not only for a week or for premium users)

11-18-2011, 01:53 PM
chilko can i ask you how much time did you spend to write this post? i think 2 or 3 minutes, right? even if your whole team is busy with this huge work, i think that posting similar news once or twice a day in both english and spanish forum would be a lot appreciated. it would takes no more than 10 minutes a day, maybe 15

we can understand that a symilar update keep busy almost all ngd's working resources, but you can't think that improving pets'/mobs' AI would solve hunter problems, mage spells, marks/BB opness. you need even only one single person who can undersand the game mechanics/balance and can improve the actual system that cuts away hunters from fort battles, that makes knights not able to tank properly and so on

we have TONS of broken/useless spells and a single ngd person could fix tons of issue and make the game gaining a lot with a minor effort. and i can ensure you that a similar work would be 100 times more appreciated than a well done event or new premium stuff (above all because changes like that would be live everytime for everyone and not only for a week or for premium users)

AAaah stop complaining all the time!! >.<
Once there is a good statement, there is so much flaming

11-18-2011, 02:47 PM
AAaah stop complaining all the time!! >.<
Once there is a good statement, there is so much flaming

i'm not complaining, i'm only asking if and how ngd plan to balance/improve the gameplay. even if i don't have an hunter character, i can - as averybody - see that players who used to play hunter for years has almost abandoned their main character to grind another one to 60: mainly marks and barbs that are together atm 60/70% of the typical army.

this is the greatest issues together with beacons/tank abilties/mage's spell damage...in few words "balance".

we asked in many posts if the balance work is going to be finished, but nobody replyed anything. ngd lacks in comunication, so it's obvious that everytime chilko, surak or frosk write on some subforum, everyone ask for unreplyed questions that have been posted for months

and btw, this is the real point:

So basically you will base hunter's improvements on pet's AI ??

11-18-2011, 05:03 PM
chilko can i ask you how much time did you spend to write this post? i think 2 or 3 minutes, right? even if your whole team is busy with this huge work, i think that posting similar news once or twice a day in both english and spanish forum would be a lot appreciated. it would takes no more than 10 minutes a day, maybe 15

+1 10chars

11-25-2011, 11:51 AM
Give an inch and take a mile.


New animations would be very much appreciated - tired of seeing about two individual animations for a whole class of spells.
Protect Ally as a prime example, last I checked protecting someone did not constitute an aggressive swing in their direction with a weapon.