View Full Version : No news about the hunters ?

11-25-2011, 08:40 PM
Sorry if I have missed some post on this (please direct me to if i have) but i recall some weeks ago about a post saying that there will be a post on hunters pets in a few days, its been some weeks now i still havnt seen the thread/post.

11-25-2011, 08:47 PM
Sorry if I have missed some post on this (please direct me to if i have) but i recall some weeks ago about a post saying that there will be a post on hunters pets in a few days, its been some weeks now i still havnt seen the thread/post.

not only you waiting info

11-25-2011, 08:48 PM
If I remember correctly the "in a few days" part was a mistranslation. It was meant to be soon™.

Hola a todos.

No nos hemos olvidado de este tema y hemos seguido atentamente las sugerencias.

En breve publicaremos algunas novedades con respecto a las mascotas y a algunos cambios que realizaremos en la disciplina.


11-25-2011, 08:52 PM
If I remember correctly the "in a few days" part was a mistranslation. It was meant to be soon™.

Cheers daar, if I knew it was 'soon' i wouldnt of bothered making this thread xD

11-27-2011, 08:03 PM
Cheers daar, if I knew it was 'soon' i wouldnt of bothered making this thread xD
well... I would. I mean... You all know ngd's "soon"s right? :D

11-27-2011, 11:10 PM
well... I would. I mean... You all know ngd's "soon"s right? :D

I can accept the answer of soon, because it is better than no answer at all.

Thank god the developers are not divided up over many countries.

Maybe NGD will give hunter pet a passive armor skill that grants pet more defence around more of your own realm players? Then pets can be useful in war!

11-28-2011, 06:49 AM
Maybe NGD will give hunter pet a passive armor skill that grants pet more defence around more of your own realm players? Then pets can be useful in war!

ha ha xD hunter will be op xD here trouble with pets: pets dont go when you shooting 35 m bow x( pets still 30 m

11-28-2011, 06:01 PM
I can accept the answer of soon, because it is better than no answer at all.

Thank god the developers are not divided up over many countries.

Maybe NGD will give hunter pet a passive armor skill that grants pet more defence around more of your own realm players? Then pets can be useful in war!

Nah, I want pets to have their own skills. If a mob has skills, then why can't a pet have one? For real doesn't make any sense to me.

11-28-2011, 09:24 PM
ha ha xD hunter will be op xD here trouble with pets: pets dont go when you shooting 35 m bow x( pets still 30 m

Would be nice if they were 'weapon range', and if they learned to go behind the tree to hit those treehugging barbs :D

11-28-2011, 09:44 PM
I remember when pets did not have a range limit and would not die when they got left behind. This allowed enemies to track a hunters by following his pet. It was fun back then. Why put a limit on a pet? I heard stories about cats and dogs finding their masters from hundreds of miles away, but our pets die when they are more than 40meters away?

11-28-2011, 10:13 PM
I suppose they are taking a lot of time because they are completely revamping the pet tree. I am expecting a huge change in the tree, because that's exactly what it needs.

11-28-2011, 10:49 PM
I remember when pets did not have a range limit and would not die when they got left behind. This allowed enemies to track a hunters by following his pet. It was fun back then. Why put a limit on a pet? I heard stories about cats and dogs finding their masters from hundreds of miles away, but our pets die when they are more than 40meters away?

"Hunters are supposed to fight with their pets", not let them fight from range 50. Or something like that. Makes sense to me, very much to be honest, the only thing that doesn't make sense is why hunters (and their pets, too) have such a weak defence while they're supposed to go close range. :P

11-28-2011, 10:55 PM
Not really to be a downer (cuz i love hunter) but they also revamped the summon tree and well, im still trying to find any use for nearly every spell in the tree..

Could be very possible i just sucked at using pets though, I think it was the very linear chains that limited pet users while the hunter more or less danced and added some secondary damage in contrast with a 'EVERY HUNTER' has one (troll) for 400+ ranged normals with a pet sticking on you like glue if you happened to be slower than a hunter..which meant almost everyone..

back when pet speed was identical to hunters speed rate to prevent that stupid "oh no pet got stuck behind a pebble while im running for my life..oh..it disappeared.." moments..or watching some hunters pets fall right through bridges.

Glad people are optimistic, i hope it works too..but i sometimes think why a hunter is still bound or needs a fragile melee range pet to do a portion of his dps when the same amount of mana could be used to more or less achieve the same thing..sans pet and lost 19 tree when a barb looks at your pet the wrong way..seems like a nice time to really start picking the class apart and rebuilding it more streamlined and functional, someehow i feel even if pet tree is killer and awesome..we still have tons of broken spells or spells that are far too low in effect to be anything but 5 and still nerfed (2% mobility..etc..reduced evasion making dodge and escapist pretty much half as good..though escapist was fine..as it was, not a barely working other half of what was once sotw..guess thats where it ended up)

anyways hopin for the best..though i am a bit critical about what then..it would realistically only scratch the surface on making the hunter class its own niche role again. cool pet..suck hunter still..it doesnt make me think a pet tree revamp will change anything..though id love to be proved wrong. (i hope)

Id rather see this pet tree being sorted as the new (insert name here) tree to move spells that marks have had for ages (even if some are broke/crap now..some DID work nice once upon a time..) they need to surgically separate that huge 'dont touch shared trees' methodology just because it would break marks as well..only result then is broken or somewhat (ok pretty much) lack of any role hunter that another class couldnt do better or..game tactics changed enough to render remaining uses more or less only semi useful (tracking now that we have portals/guarding chokepoints and bridges when they dont even need to use traditional means of transportation anymore)
(cc support what little there was is also pretty much a gamble, now that we have beacons and with many ccs we are left with having no damage..which means if beacon didnt get it, Di got you covered.)
(we can camo though..oh..one singular spell easily spammed at lvl 1-2 cheaply gets rid of that..only lack of many hunters in war means its not as widely used anymore either..nobody misses them.
You were pretty much the last of a dying breed (living legends haha) like either or love/hate Valorious/Executor or Compoundious..regardless they all were beast at making you die and look around to see that no one else witnessed that epic fail XD so you could at least lie later..
there are players today who probably deserve even more credit for pulling off (if somewhat less stellar) executions using the shadow of what a hunter was once..they deserve alot of props..but it still doesnt make it any more fair to win because you ARE a great player and maybe some luck..vs another class with bad timing and still proving that it isnt a cakewalk with any class out there, too much reliance on a single spell actually working as intended, otherwise wb to save or distract shot and camo like a coward and take the loss or recoup (sit and be bored waiting for pet rez cd because pet weirdly disappears when a player camos..intended sure..but quick and dirty fix to distract shot-rez pet out of camo tactics that were similarly handled in a weird way (pet rez is the only spell i know that has this weird cd increment via pp invested and cooldown timer)

Seher is spot on..all the tools are there..and the concept is blatantly obvious they were meant as melee/close range in your face fighters, only they dont have that evasion? or tanking? ability to back it up..much less the dps except in burst or with OP gear..which isnt an acceptable excuse to me that represents broad class assumptions just cause one player 'hit me for blah blah once so their damage is fine' excuse.

11-28-2011, 11:27 PM
Whatever they'll do with hunter class, for sure they didn't talk with us about it, so i doubt it will be great.

As usual, this will be a random half finished buggy makeover. I know "let's wait and see", as every previous update. After many "balance" changes the game is frustrating as it never was, and seriously i fail to see how "much improved pet AI" will solve anything, let's hope we'll have some explanations soon. I hate NGD's "surprises", in last year, they were never good (but perhaps new castles, aesthetically).

I wish i could be more positive, but the hunter class is broken since a very long time now, and NGD doesn't do much about it, nor communicate about future changes, and since i'm playing only this class, i feel very disappointed and a bit angry.

They promise balance updates every 2 weeks-month, and ... ?

What about OP barbs ? and boring marx ? wm beacons ? balanced ??

So please, NGD, tell us a bit more about your plans ... i failed to see the "big figure", i know you are busy on UI changes, and on this subject you told nothing, on balance fixes , nothing, on hunter changes, nothing, ....


11-30-2011, 08:41 PM
They promise balance updates every 2 weeks-month, and ... ?

In my eyes they say allot and gave up after 1-2weeks. Top players of the week, Main page, ASK NGD thread , ect, ect

11-30-2011, 09:25 PM
Whatever they'll do with hunter class, for sure they didn't talk with us about it, so i doubt it will be great.


11-30-2011, 09:48 PM

Just OP! xD

11-30-2011, 10:15 PM
only news about xim bonus

12-01-2011, 02:32 AM


Ahaha nice...and funny to read^^.
This is sad,but this is like an MMO and many other shits of real life works.
So don't worry,it's not only the way RO works..watch out of your window,and you will see that the whole sistem works like it ^^ .

12-06-2011, 04:53 AM
I'm thinking about coming back to the game...kinda lost on what NGD's been doing to hunters now. Can someone bring me up to speed?

12-06-2011, 07:22 AM
I'm thinking about coming back to the game...kinda lost on what NGD's been doing to hunters now. Can someone bring me up to speed?

only pet tree NGD want to change