View Full Version : Defend realms against Multi-realmers
12-19-2011, 09:22 AM
"My head is full of chopstick, I don't like it."
There are severals (not a few) players changed her / him original (non as well) realm.
I don't mind it, but that is perfectly uncorrect behaviour when a multi-realmer changes him realm for killing main bosses, or does it under invastions.
I'm sure NGD has a tool to filter these players.
I can order many usernames, but that is not point of me.
I suggest if NGD makes any steps against the multi-realmering.
Eg.: ask multirealmers to decide what is the choozed realm and erase the unwanted by player.
Only for fair play.
12-19-2011, 09:52 AM
I personally do not care. the presence of such players here brings some intrigue to the game.
12-19-2011, 11:28 AM
I don't like multi-realmers. unfortunately I dont see any way to programmatically enforce multi-realming countermeasures. IMO multi-realming should be forbidden by the rules, so that NGD can take action if needed.
12-19-2011, 12:08 PM
i like when a player is openly said that he was a multi and then all of the clanm8's protect him/her that he/she chose only our side. why do it? very funny. but hatred of others is gaining momentum...
I do not care. It is a game. If a player like to play that way - fine good for him. Alot players from Syrtis constantly switch realms. I have fun to see their alts as enemies and experience how they play against us. It is fun.
If a player obeys game rules and plays nice i do not see problem with multi-realming. If they abuse bugs, use this for not so good purpose you can report this to NGD anytime.
Still try to be open minded as much as possible. ;)
12-20-2011, 11:08 AM
If you have evidence that a person is using multi-realming to gain an advantage, send it to NGD and they will take action. However, if you do not have evidence, they probably aren't causing any trouble anyway, since the most problematic people are the ones who more easily stick out amoungst a crowd.
Be careful about multirealming though, I hate it as much as anyone else, but it makes NGD alot of money and they will probably not force against it.
You could end up looking like the bad guy if you take it too far.
12-20-2011, 06:24 PM
I agree but when this touch the balance point, it's related to the gameplay so they should take care about it.
12-20-2011, 10:46 PM
I agree but when this touch the balance point, it's related to the gameplay so they should take care about it.
I never cared about ppl that "switched" realms, and stayed there..
The problem is (on a server like Horus) ppl jumping back and forth from a realm. On a small server (every server except Ra) a few ppl switching back and forth can actually change the +rlm bonus...
wich would nullifie its use, and we will never "solve" realmimbalances
(I am fully aware of that it can never be "solved" completely... but as it stands, this is NGD:s only tool to control realmimbalances)
In the end I guess it's NGD:s call/choice...
12-21-2011, 06:54 AM
Oh cmon, its really not alot of players. No issue. Those who get rage on that topic will probably make a zerg out of a single player, it really has no impact though ;)
Also: The few other-realm-players i encountered mainly came over to *leave* their zerg to have a better fight on the smaller group.
12-23-2011, 10:17 PM
Realm hopping boss campers? The only people I see at alasthor or thorkul are the same people I see at fort wars or their Barb/conjurer alts.
I myself have switch realms once and never logged onto my syrtis character since I started over. I honestly don't remember the login name or password for my syrtis account anyway.
I feel moving realms should be acceptable because when you're new to this game you have no idea what the realm balance or boss items are like. You just chose what realm or races look the coolest and that isn't much to go on. I know a few people who do play in all three realms simultaneously but that merely to chat with friends as they have them in all realms which i don't see a problem with.
01-21-2012, 07:06 AM
Sorry heph, but my realm says I can't follow you around anymore...
I don't see what the problem with multirealming is. I mean, I don't do it, but it's not like it creates that much more of a problem either way. Not enough of one to make a noticeable difference anyway. Can't honestly see why people get so territorial in a game, they take it way too seriously. I got accused and chewed out by a couple people for following heph around... Really?
RIP our relationship. 1/20/12-1/20/12.
I'll never forget you. :ohill:
01-21-2012, 10:12 AM
Sorry heph, but my realm says I can't follow you around anymore...
I don't see what the problem with multirealming is. I mean, I don't do it, but it's not like it creates that much more of a problem either way. Not enough of one to make a noticeable difference anyway. Can't honestly see why people get so territorial in a game, they take it way too seriously. I got accused and chewed out by a couple people for following heph around... Really?
RIP our relationship. 1/20/12-1/20/12.
I'll never forget you. :ohill:
multirealming gets annoying when they log in and out to do bosses or in the case of invasions. its difficult to tell if a player actually plays another realm unless he told everybody himself. I have a lvl 1 character named Hepha in Alsius but that's only for chatting with close friends. therefore, I don't consider myself as a "multi" since I only fight for ignis and i don't do bosses and im not so eagerly interested in invasions or anything like that. I got nothing to hide cuz ive done nothing harmful to the RO community. besides it's all common knowledge that I have been to alsius and I even showed that lvl 1 character on youtube and so what? It seems that I have become this escapegoat that whenever things go south everybody blames me for it. take it easy on this territorial boundary will ya? especially Poe who I would like to mention here.
What's wrong with ppl from 2 different realms say hello and waving at each other? what's wrong with ppl from 2 different realms showing mutual respect? tho by definition we are enemies but at the same time we all have feelings and we are all human. Don't take this territorial boundary too seriously. and this has nothing to do with mutirealming lol some players don't attack me because I showed them respect first, giving them space to grind or letting them have a fair fight with a third party. However, if you treat me like shit i will show no mercy and I dont give a damn if you are grinding or low on hp. respect goes both ways.
01-21-2012, 12:24 PM
In RA server around 75% of the players have characters in more than one realm. This is no secret, NGD knows it as many players speak about their other characters in the forum (many have the list of chars in their signature), in the realm chat and directly to the admins. So it is definetly accepted and tolerated by NGD regardless what the written terms say xD
To me, Multirealmers destroy the game. For instance, when ignis/syrtis invade alsius many players logg off to go to their other chars for the invansion. Same happens with bosses too. I Agree with budapest that NGD can fix this. This is a major problem and strict measures should be take.
I never had a problem with sporting multi-realmers. In fact my clan Mirage had quite a lot. Nearly all were sporting and quite a few just were there to try Ignis out. Quite often they went to another realm and became loyal to that other realm or stayed loyal to Ignis.
I will say this. NGD is probably the victim of their own kindness of design.
Sound strange ?
Well, how do other games ease this problem? One way is to make an impossibly long and sickening experience curve to deter multiple characters especially levelled capped ones. NGD decided to make their curve humane. If you think not just try one of those Korean grinders and find out.
Another problem that magnifies this thing is the chronically low population of Horus. Every single move of a player is in fact a move of 2. Negative one for the losing realm and +1 for the gaining realm. In a game where you may only have 60 to 100 war ready players on at any one time this could be troublesome.
NGD makes money from multirealming. They get to sell bling 3 times or more to one person. You think they going stop that revenue flow?
If they are to enforce this, how will they do it that is not draconian in nature?
To the solutions :
1. We have an achievements system. Use it. Offer inducements of realm loyalty. After you clock X amount of hours/days/years/eons in the game you gain ascending order of achievements. All this on a single character. Here is the kicker, offer a nominal amount of Ximerin for it each level attained.
2. Offer achievement for reaching max level on 3/ 6 characters in the same realm on one account. Offer a premium item as a graduation gift on one character or a special mount (exclusive one not for sale) or something. Tie in with a certain amount of hours clocked on the account.
3. Kill X amount of Ignean/ Alsarians/Syrtians on one character and gain realm loyalty gold/ drop / Xp booster or some other inducement. This will be a high number. Players 12 levels below you do not count.
4.Gain a certain point level with your achievements to gain some sort of prize.
5.Finish all achievements to gain some personal boost (permanent)
.....Anything else that keeps you at your realm. The only way is to keep players by their pursuit of personal gains in their realms of choice.
Players move because there is nothing left to achieve once you reach cap. They get bored. They love the game so they seek new thrills in the same game. Maybe in a different place.
This is why I suggested a system of trait development (by work in war and PvE) and many new skills and branches via the Warmaster system. Keep players reaching for more all the time.
The idea is not to stop multirealming but minimise it via a soft touch. Make players want to stay in their main realm because of the vast benefits of doing so.
01-21-2012, 06:25 PM
It is not a major problem, some people just have an unfortunate habit of taking the game too seriously - if anything, these types have a far worse impact on the in-game community than any potential multi-realmers.
01-21-2012, 11:51 PM
Im multi-realmer
01-22-2012, 06:45 AM
This is a topic I have some pretty strong opinions on.
I already had a long discussion on this over in the gamesamba forum, and what I think it really boils down to is people having a good sense of team spirit. I believe that RvR and the communities around it work because people generally help each other out, have team spirit fighting for their realm, and play honorably.
Sure there are some people who are disruptive, and generally only play for themselves and whatever advantage suits them, but I don't think there are very many of them, and as was said, they tend to stick out.
Honestly, RO has one of the better communities I've seen. (if not one of the best) And I think the reason this works, is people are by and large willing to help each other out, and they stay loyal to whomever they consider to be their home realm. I think most have a good sense of team spirit and realm pride.
If someone in another realm wants to come fight on our side one day or a week, or whatever, no problems there either. When a person (or a couple people) flip-flops in the -middle- of a battle/invasion/fort war/situation/whatever and creates a disruption, I think that can become a problem.
If someone wants to grind with a friend who's in a different realm, fine, no problems. But if that other-realm-friend decides to gank one of our own grinders, then the person grinding with him had better be willing to fight to protect the grinder, or just disappear and not get involved or even be seen. Nothing irks me more than seeing one of our own allies sitting on the sideline doing nothing but staring/watching while his friend tries to gank his own realm-mate. (hopefully that wording is not too confusing)
Maybe it's just the way my brain works, but, having come from a Dark Age of Camelot background, (and having been in high school music ensembles, and other group activities through college and work) I have a strong sense of realm pride, teamwork, and trying to help our allies. If I die in the process while trying to be helpful, then I'm happy to have contributed at least a little. (though I'll probably still grumble about getting killed) If I happen to have a friend of mine in another realm who I'm grinding with (well, this is purely conjecture as I don't really know anyone in any other realms), and I see him start to attack one of our grinders, you bet your sweet button I'm going to fight him, and help protect the grinder.
Anyway, that's my thoughts on it. Multi-realming in and of itself is not a bad thing. However certain individuals can potentially make it a very bad thing.
01-22-2012, 10:19 AM
This is a topic I have some pretty strong opinions on.
I already had a long discussion on this over in the gamesamba forum, and what I think it really boils down to is people having a good sense of team spirit. I believe that RvR and the communities around it work because people generally help each other out, have team spirit fighting for their realm, and play honorably.
Sure there are some people who are disruptive, and generally only play for themselves and whatever advantage suits them, but I don't think there are very many of them, and as was said, they tend to stick out.
Honestly, RO has one of the better communities I've seen. (if not one of the best) And I think the reason this works, is people are by and large willing to help each other out, and they stay loyal to whomever they consider to be their home realm. I think most have a good sense of team spirit and realm pride.
If someone in another realm wants to come fight on our side one day or a week, or whatever, no problems there either. When a person (or a couple people) flip-flops in the -middle- of a battle/invasion/fort war/situation/whatever and creates a disruption, I think that can become a problem.
If someone wants to grind with a friend who's in a different realm, fine, no problems. But if that other-realm-friend decides to gank one of our own grinders, then the person grinding with him had better be willing to fight to protect the grinder, or just disappear and not get involved or even be seen. Nothing irks me more than seeing one of our own allies sitting on the sideline doing nothing but staring/watching while his friend tries to gank his own realm-mate. (hopefully that wording is not too confusing)
Maybe it's just the way my brain works, but, having come from a Dark Age of Camelot background, (and having been in high school music ensembles, and other group activities through college and work) I have a strong sense of realm pride, teamwork, and trying to help our allies. If I die in the process while trying to be helpful, then I'm happy to have contributed at least a little. (though I'll probably still grumble about getting killed) If I happen to have a friend of mine in another realm who I'm grinding with (well, this is purely conjecture as I don't really know anyone in any other realms), and I see him start to attack one of our grinders, you bet your sweet button I'm going to fight him, and help protect the grinder.
Anyway, that's my thoughts on it. Multi-realming in and of itself is not a bad thing. However certain individuals can potentially make it a very bad thing.
big +1 man that's how I would look at this multirealming thing :)
This is a topic I have some pretty strong opinions on.
Agreed. It is not the tool but what the user chooses to do with it will determine a good or bad outcome. It not only applies to multi realming but to operations within realms themselves.
There is absolutely no way you can defend this game from multirealmers.
Keep dreaming.
01-22-2012, 04:09 PM
There is absolutely no way you can defend this game from multirealmers.
Keep dreaming.
I agree..I don't need to add anything to this..
01-22-2012, 04:21 PM
The suspicious types who resort to alienating certain players because they suspect them of multi-realming have a far more inimical effect on the game than those they accuse - rightfully or wrongfully.
01-23-2012, 09:12 AM
I don't mind them, as long as they play the game, and don't multi realm just for the purpose of disrupting players' fun or ruining the flow of the game.
01-24-2012, 06:17 AM
The realm is just treated like a thing that can be switched if its not running well(devious). Its a lo-fi way without major commitment and this hampers realm loyality.
Team spirit and solidarity cant be developed if u cant trust and rely on the readyness of realm mates. There could be conflics in doubt, cause they actual know the enemy(as their realm mate) and hesitate in response.
Its a contradiction to the rvr idea and problematic because it intensifies the fluctuation range of realm balance. And thats a main frustration and breaks bad enough rvr game mechanics even more.
Its a game and has to be fun, yet imo u also need a bit seriousness for the rvr way of mmo.
But i also believe that interdictions doesn't work here and the only way is the explanation of consequences and the insight of multi realmers.
01-24-2012, 06:42 AM
Its a contradiction to the rvr idea and problematic because it intensifies the fluctuation range of realm balance.
Mind you: This solely depends on the player in charge, his character. Those so called "multirealmers" i met didnt fit in that scheme, rather opposite. Their inscentive to switch realm was an imbalance in their original realms favour. Thus to keep have fun at that given time they rather swiched towards the weaker side.
This can of course be different as people swich to sides supposedly yielding more fun and there might be people who like zerging a weaker group, however the opposite was what i encountered so far.
And imo this behavior is very positive in the sense of RO spirit. Shouldnt paint that black n white that easily.
01-24-2012, 06:56 AM
I agree that it also can soften realm weakness, but generally it blurs the image of realm figures and in this way complicates "appropriate" counter maesures(like exp bonus) for a balanced game experience in every realm.
01-24-2012, 07:53 AM
Since coming back I've had 3 people accuse me of being a multi-realmer.. lol
I think the hole " Hur hur durrr You a multi realmer! derp " is just hurting you more then anything most people the players accuse are simply new players and i've seen more then a few leave or switch realms because of it
01-24-2012, 08:00 AM
Since coming back I've had 3 people accuse me of being a multi-realmer.. lol
01-24-2012, 09:02 AM
Since coming back I've had 3 people accuse me of being a multi-realmer.. lol
I think the hole " Hur hur durrr You a multi realmer! derp " is just hurting you more then anything most people the players accuse are simply new players and i've seen more then a few leave or switch realms because of it
C'mon Klutu! One more post for 666 !! :devil:
On topic: I've switched to Ignis once on same account with same name. And some Igneans accused me in multirealming too. Now all my chars are in Aslius.
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