View Full Version : Small things that annoy you about the new GUI

12-21-2011, 10:18 PM

Since it has been open for testing on Amun I bet there are already some threads in the respective subforum. But since the update is now life it is time to deal with "the little things that make you go argh".

A quick glance already revealed 2:
- skill effect icons are now on the other end of the screen, it made a lot more sense to put them below the hp bars. we had everything on one spot, now we have to look all around the screen. I cannot see any improvement over the previous solution
- i *hate* the new hpbars. please bring back the black background to have a "full" comparison. Selecting someone in a group it is often not possible to get his proper position, but now you need it to estimate how much hp he has left. Or look to another place on the screen to check it there. Again, this is far from being an improvement.
- the new font for names and the clan tag is quite hard to read with the shadow
- let the spellbook remember the position like the other windows do

Dont get me wrong, i like the overhaul of the GUI, even though i dont really care for the fancy looks. There is quite some stuff to like about the new interface, I dont want to make it look bad. But nevertheless I have some issues with it that i would like to see changed...


12-21-2011, 10:22 PM
Map is too much zoomed in ><

have to zoom out everytime i look on the map

12-21-2011, 10:28 PM
Check why i leave the game for some time (http://http://www.regnumonline.com.ar/forum/showpost.php?p=1485743&postcount=2).

I have enough of those not-ready releases.

12-21-2011, 10:59 PM
- Not able to choose what mounts go into the mount list.

I just accidentally activated my unique 2 month White Lion Ancient. ;_; I only use it on Amun.
My gold bought 1 day horse will be next, I bet...

12-21-2011, 11:27 PM
I agree that there are just a couple things I don't like about the interface.
Having the active effects shown on the other side of the screen is annoying, I think it should be under your HP bar.
Also I don't like that the numbers on the bar for your skills are now shown in white, the numbers get lost in the icon background and I can't always see them.
I do like the map and its amazing detail. I can zoom in and see every bit of the enemies inner realm.

12-22-2011, 02:26 AM
A short list of small annoying things:

missing borders around health bars
not all party members shown under hp bar
missing shortcut keys for spells 11 & 12 on spellbars
combat log not adjustable in hight while over chat

12-22-2011, 02:39 AM
Just a bug that annoys me, I'm getting random falling damage from running in a straight line. I know a number of other people are getting this issue too. I take 2k damage just after leaving my save ;(

(this is happening on Raven atm, dunno why it'd be any different on Horus or not)

Please fix ASAP, it's a pain to play right now -.-

12-22-2011, 03:30 AM
- Scrolling on the spell bar still makes the screen zoom in even though this was reported in the test thread at least 2 times.

- I can't read Hp or mana values, the bars themselves are too small, font in many other situations is very hard to read.

- For the love of god let me disable the face animation thing or better yet the entire face, make it an option or something as some do seem to like it D:, fps in general is worse for me

12-22-2011, 04:00 AM

Since it has been open for testing on Amun I bet there are already some threads in the respective subforum. But since the update is now life it is time to deal with "the little things that make you go argh".

A quick glance already revealed 2:
- skill effect icons are now on the other end of the screen, it made a lot more sense to put them below the hp bars. we had everything on one spot, now we have to look all around the screen. I cannot see any improvement over the previous solution
- i *hate* the new hpbars. please bring back the black background to have a "full" comparison. Selecting someone in a group it is often not possible to get his proper position, but now you need it to estimate how much hp he has left. Or look to another place on the screen to check it there. Again, this is far from being an improvement.
- the new font for names and the clan tag is quite hard to read with the shadow
- let the spellbook remember the position like the other windows do

Dont get me wrong, i like the overhaul of the GUI, even though i dont really care for the fancy looks. There is quite some stuff to like about the new interface, I dont want to make it look bad. But nevertheless I have some issues with it that i would like to see changed...


totally agreed

1) the icons in the top right corner are a nonsense.
they're totally useless near the map, we need them back near the hp/mana bar

2) the hp/mana bars are way too small. you can't check your status properly during battles, often you can't read the numbers

3) when you select someone it's nearly impossible to estimate how much health he has left

4) you can have only 5 lines of combat log over your selected chat and you can't enlarge this window. my main char is a lock and we are forced to smap dots to be effective, so my log is full of nothing but dots and i can't properly check what enemies cast on me. it should be possible to enlarge that window keeping the chat active

5) too many falls in plain terrain. please fix it asap

6) we REALLY need the rest of the balance work, please focus on that now that new GUI is active

12-22-2011, 04:22 AM
Also the combat log is bugged. It only shows the last 5 events and it's not possible to scroll in it.

+1 For disabling faces anyways. I found an officious way to disable them and gained around 7 FPS...

12-22-2011, 06:46 AM

Since it has been open for testing on Amun I bet there are already some threads in the respective subforum. But since the update is now life it is time to deal with "the little things that make you go argh".

A quick glance already revealed 2:
- skill effect icons are now on the other end of the screen, it made a lot more sense to put them below the hp bars. we had everything on one spot, now we have to look all around the screen. I cannot see any improvement over the previous solution
- i *hate* the new hpbars. please bring back the black background to have a "full" comparison. Selecting someone in a group it is often not possible to get his proper position, but now you need it to estimate how much hp he has left. Or look to another place on the screen to check it there. Again, this is far from being an improvement.
- the new font for names and the clan tag is quite hard to read with the shadow
- let the spellbook remember the position like the other windows do

Dont get me wrong, i like the overhaul of the GUI, even though i dont really care for the fancy looks. There is quite some stuff to like about the new interface, I dont want to make it look bad. But nevertheless I have some issues with it that i would like to see changed...


agree'd on every point u made.

-skill effects badly placed.
-new hp bars are like roulette - does my ally got 85%hp? or maybe 95%? i dont know. Now i have to check left upper corner to see it in the ally window.
-party window sucks aswell i just can see 2 people even when party is full? lulz

this whole update has so much potential, but NGD just acting totally unprofessional over and over again.
how long has this update been tested on amun? 1 week? trollolo.
really NGD WTH! stop going live with 50% finished updates! this is just awful!

as a conju i have to check the whole screen + chat, to see whats going on?
and i cant even move the bars? really gth!
do u hate ur conju class? or u just never played it? -.- guess both...

time to do another break. lucky its xmas time + lots of working for the most ppl, as i can see :D

celebrate it well and have a great time! Happy X-Mas/New Year everyone

12-22-2011, 07:34 AM
Top annoyments for me.

- If you try to use mouse wheel to change spell bars it zooms in or out. This annoys the cr*p out of me.
- Fonts are awful to read.
- HP bars got no border so we have to guess what is exact value.
- Buff icons on right are real nonsense.
- Animated faces do not need to be animated.
- Minimap and map was alot better for me in 2D. Directions from compass are gone.
- Launcher do not remember user name after i reinstalled today.

12-22-2011, 07:57 AM
- Launcher do not remember user name after i reinstalled today.

My launcher stopped remembering mine a while back too. :cuac:

It's funny the littlest things can be the most irritating problems.

12-22-2011, 09:13 AM
Expel buttons in the clan window don't line up with the members they belong to...


They take up too much vertical space, and are so mismatched that in a big clan the continue pages after the member list stops xD

12-22-2011, 10:17 AM
well little change to ping and fps shiuld come asweel :P

12-22-2011, 10:30 AM
No customization. I was hoping for an xml file for the gui layout allowing any gui item to be tweaked, fonts, positions, number of spellbar slots, number of spellbars etc. and key bindings in the same file.

Instead we get a new gui skin with a few tweaks and a whole lot of bugs, folks are still forced to play at 600x800 if they want big fonts and icons and are still forced to use keys they find clunky and awkward.

I appreciate a lot must have gone into the network code to provide extra feedback but thats off topic. The user interface could have been advanced with this update, instead the issues have been sidestepped with an aero glass look and a minor tweak to the spellbar. The same thing happened with trade, we wanted a trading system, instead we got an extra chat channel.

12-22-2011, 12:24 PM
No customization. I was hoping for an xml file for the gui layout allowing any gui item to be tweaked, fonts, positions, number of spellbar slots, number of spellbars etc. and key bindings in the same file.

Instead we get a new gui skin with a few tweaks and a whole lot of bugs, folks are still forced to play at 600x800 if they want big fonts and icons and are still forced to use keys they find clunky and awkward.

I appreciate a lot must have gone into the network code to provide extra feedback but thats off topic. The user interface could have been advanced with this update, instead the issues have been sidestepped with an aero glass look and a minor tweak to the spellbar. The same thing happened with trade, we wanted a trading system, instead we got an extra chat channel.
Agree with this post... everything that NGD promised the GUI would be, it isn't. Rather, it is nothing at all besides some new code and a new skin. I do enjoy the new , 24-button double spellbar but lets be honest, the overall layout of the GUI is much worse, eats up tons of space and is akward to use. I appreciate the effort that they are making in trying to retain newer players but this GUI is of absolutely no use in a war game, which is what Regnum Online is at the end of the day.

I don't understand why they can't just improve upon what they have, they always have to ruin the good things that already exist. And in doing so, they don't actually come up with anything new or interesting. For example, with new forts a milllion suggestions were made including long threads with diagrams and theroies yet when the new forts came out they were the exact same thing as the old forts, just more problematic. The same goes for the new GUI; its just a rehash, and not as good as the original.

Looks can only do so much, useability and prevalance of bugs are the major sources of problems.

12-22-2011, 03:44 PM
- For some reason game shows 50 fps but when i rotate everything is very choppy :(

12-22-2011, 04:19 PM
- skill effect icons are now on the other end of the screen, it made a lot more sense to put them below the hp bars. we had everything on one spot, now we have to look all around the screen. I cannot see any improvement over the previous solution

- i *hate* the new hpbars. please bring back the black background to have a "full" comparison. Selecting someone in a group it is often not possible to get his proper position, but now you need it to estimate how much hp he has left. Or look to another place on the screen to check it there. Again, this is far from being an improvement.
- the new font for names and the clan tag is quite hard to read with the shadow
- let the spellbook remember the position like the other windows do
Also map keeps zoom back in WTF?! FIX IT!!!


Those things have to be changed ASAP, theyre way too much annyoning!!

12-22-2011, 04:33 PM
Horrible font, can't read names, hp and mana clearly.
Mob and enemy hp? Take a guess.
Game doesn't remember zoom lvl.
Face next to mana and hp, why?
Buffs on the right...
Constantly have to reopen mount tab to actually mount the damn thing.

The only good thing for me is the added spell bar. And even that's not that good... I still can't bind keys the way I want. The new GUI is just eye candy.

12-22-2011, 04:56 PM
With UI on everything is verrry verryy choppy here :X fps doesnt show a big drop but animation and everything in general is sooo choppy,

I heard since they optimized people havent seen any difference so i idk why mine is so choppy even if it shows 60+ fps it feels like im running 15 fps :X

12-22-2011, 05:12 PM
Just another note:

Logging in, WTF?? 3091 hp with lvl60 barb, fever, WTF??!!
Pfft, np lets play----> time passes and fever wears off at last (dont have mediciine to cure it ofc), YAY ITS GONE!! HURRAY!! LETS PLAY AT LAST WITH NORMAL HP!! xD

"Oki guys g2g off a bit, bbl".


Merry Xmas NGD, i hope ya have a good time, coz we players dont (i guess)^^

12-22-2011, 05:34 PM
PLEASE put the buffs back where they belong now its so cluttered, Really hard to fight I don't even notice when arcane devotion or energy barier pops out...

12-22-2011, 05:50 PM
Ami el mapa no me gusta, porque tiene mucho zoom y cada vez que abro tengo que alejarlo :S

12-22-2011, 06:34 PM
PLEASE put the buffs back where they belong now its so cluttered, Really hard to fight I don't even notice when arcane devotion or energy barier pops out...


Seriously what is wrong with the person who came up with this? Sooo freakin' annoying, this can work for a game like WoW which is a LOT less dynamic than RO but in RO every second counts.. Really put it back please, especially for a lock timing is really important -_-.

12-22-2011, 08:32 PM
NGD, if you want to develop the "Best RvR and PvP game", start beeing professional.

The whole update is bugged as everytime.
Every single bug had been already reported but you put it on the live servers.

People can wait 2 months for a update if it is bug-free.

Nobody needs a map zoomed in nearly to the max
or buffs shown on the right top
or a combat log you cannot extend
or a small character picture in the left corner in which you see this
or getting 3k fall damage while stepping over a straight plain
or a HP bar where you cannot even see the end of it
or a game you simply cannot even start anymore

We know why we play Regnum Online: It is unique in its game system... p'ss on the mainstream!

Don't get me wrong, the update could be very nice, but it is so unprofessinal, I could eat my hair off.

12-22-2011, 09:10 PM
My launcher stopped remembering mine a while back too. :cuac:

It's funny the littlest things can be the most irritating problems.

in ~/.ngdstudios/rolauncher
add the two lines



edit: just to contribute something to the topic, too
small stuff: the "skill selected for casting" rectangle is larger than the skill icons on the skillbars. i find that rather ugly
the login-character-selection still has the old button style for me

12-22-2011, 10:54 PM
The framerate, dear lord the framerate.
It becomes unbearably choppy when rotating the camera angle whilst moving in any direct.
Also the in-party icons displaying fellow party member's health and mana are unnecessary - remove them and put the active buffs/debuffs area back where it was.

12-22-2011, 11:02 PM
My launcher stopped remembering mine a while back too. :cuac:

Launch it as admin. One time is enough.

12-23-2011, 04:50 AM
The framerate, dear lord the framerate.
It becomes unbearably choppy when rotating the camera angle whilst moving in any direct.
Also the in-party icons displaying fellow party member's health and mana are unnecessary - remove them and put the active buffs/debuffs area back where it was.

For the love of God framerate +1

12-23-2011, 03:59 PM
Also the in-party icons displaying fellow party member's health and mana are unnecessary - remove them and put the active buffs/debuffs area back where it was.
While I agree they are too big, they are neccessary. You can click them to select those allies in a pinch (good for Conj and Knight).

12-23-2011, 07:22 PM
Not big problem but when using tele/changing character the game freeze for few secs.

Also another small problem when changing character, see pics:

We really need option to lock spells on spellbar. I keep moving them around all the time by accident. Other ppl have this problem too.

Would be also nice if it was possible to remove all those small buttons, like shortcut to xim shop, spellbook, inventory etc. Simple is beautiful and I use keys to open those windows

12-23-2011, 07:26 PM
I let you guess what are the active buffs on this screenshot.

http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/6362/screenshot2011122312473.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/802/screenshot2011122312473.jpg/)

- Combat log are unresizable in height, I played with 12 lines, now I'm stuck with only 5. It's now practically useless.
- Get rid of those ugly portraits (and I'm a lucky guy, I only play female chars), they don't even fit into their dedicated space. See next screenshot.
- Get rid of this ugly font on players and find a more readable one (and at least never display any font in bold).
- HP bar on players doesn't have border to see how are the current HP compared to max HP.
- UI doesn't save last position, have to resize chat everytime I log in.
- Map always starts with max zoom in, dumb. Map is only useful to see how are forts, so max zoom out is the best option.
- Many more I don't remember right now...

All those bugs have already been reported numerous times in the old closed topic and didn't get fixed before release.
Seriously NGD, stop hiring unpaid trainees and releasing alpha version on live servers. :facepalm3:

http://img811.imageshack.us/img811/1792/screenshot2011122312435.jpg (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/811/screenshot2011122312435.jpg/) <--- What is this green thing on right?

in ~/.ngdstudios/rolauncher
add the two lines

Thx, works fine now. :)

12-23-2011, 07:28 PM
In current state game is unplayable for me. Too many annoyments. Too many bugs. Too many of everything!

See you when things get better. Till then i will play something else.

Have Marry Christmas and Happy New Year.

12-23-2011, 07:31 PM
Well it is tradition to slap in an bugged nearly-functional feature just before they vanish for a few weeks over Christmas and new year. I wonder why I even bother to check if things have improved, I only ever hear about how things have gotten worse.

12-23-2011, 10:09 PM
Unlike most people, I'm fairly happy with the new GUI. Its a first draft and hopefully gets more added on at a later stage.

About the buffs on the top-right now. I can live with it being there. Most mmorpg's have them there and after a few weeks it'll become normal. I'm a bit disappointing that we still cant see enemies buffs and debuffs, it makes playing more of a guessing game than anything else.

The hp/mana bars are fine for me. The only problem I have with them is that we are still undable to unlock them and move them around on our screen. The freedom to resize and stretch them would be nice too. Another problem is that i don't see my or my targets portrait at all, only some funny squiggly things that doesn't really look like anything.

Also moving our cast bar would be nice too and I think showing your targets cast bar is something that should be looked into.

The mini-map is quite cool, it could do with a bit more functionality. The map looks awesome but sometimes takes a long time to load for me. Might just be the shitty pc I'm playing on.

I dont understand why the mount button was necessary or how it works to be honest. I still use my mount on my action bar like I always did.

One last thing I'd really like to see are the spell bar keys to be fully customizable allowing us to use ctrl, shift and alt modifiers along with mouse buttons (middle mouse buttons and the two extras some mouses [or mice?] have). This shouldn't be too hard and would make the game alot more fluid. I never click my skills (old wow habit) but it requires me to use an external keyboard macro program that makes chatting a bit tricky so this would be awesome and I'm sure everyone would appreciate it.

All in all I think its a good job, alot better than it used to be for sure.

12-24-2011, 10:25 AM
A lot has been already reported in the previous posts, however there is more:

- the "active area" of an object, that have been put in the chat window, doesn't match with the written. It's really difficult to make appear the description in the clan chat (I did not test the commerce tab).

Did somebody else notice it?

12-24-2011, 11:36 AM
In the clan administration window it's impossible to do proper actions to the chars you want to do them to. Clan chief tried to kick a banned player out of clan but kicked random chars setteled around the char.

please fix

12-24-2011, 12:48 PM
I like the GUI.

The only thing annoying is that they tried to please the community and forced themselves to deliver this before Christmas break as a gift. It is almost there but just a few tweaks away from being excellent.

Despite the current issues it is still very good and not far off from being excellent.

In any case they gave much more than I expected for a foundation GUI update (expected background code work only) and despite the issues, works quite adequately for me.Yes there are a few irritating things but I think I can live with them for the very short term.

I look forward to the polishing of already partially deployed elements and for even more advancements as time goes along. NGD did mention that they would go the route of customizable GUI elements and I suppose they have laid the foundation for that already. If they did not allow the flags to be modified and sets saved , they probably had a good reason for it.

In any case, they did read the GUI thread and applied some of community wishes. All they need to do now is take constructive criticism of unpopular elements, modify them and make the new GUI into something special. I think it could be if they take the community mass opinions on board. Use the experience of hundreds of years of community experience in the most positive way.


12-24-2011, 02:23 PM
Few bugs from me , not all about new GUI (banner)... Screenshots on the bottom. Max fall dmg from solid ground, no info about party members who are next to me etc. Allahed monument graphic have holes...


12-24-2011, 02:48 PM
-map do not remember zoom
-combat log not rezizable in heigth and not scrollable
-key binding for bar on non us keyboard in linux version
-text bold and/or shadow unreadable

12-24-2011, 02:51 PM
Few bugs from me , not all about new GUI (banner)... Screenshots on the bottom. Max fall dmg from solid ground, no info about party members who are next to me etc. Allahed monument graphic have holes...


Hahah I'm on the last screenshot, woooooot.

Please NGD, Surak, Chilko, who ever can do this.. Please fix the scrolling log, it's at this point one of the most important problems! I don't want to wait half a year just so I can scroll again :(

12-26-2011, 02:10 PM
Hahah I'm on the last screenshot, woooooot.

Please NGD, Surak, Chilko, who ever can do this.. Please fix the scrolling log, it's at this point one of the most important problems! I don't want to wait half a year just so I can scroll again :(

You won't have to.

Log issues have been reported, as long as all of the others things the community has stated like "short life/mana bars", map always starting fully zoomed in and such.

Thanks for all the feedback, and if you find any other issues exclusively concerning the new GUI, please feel free to post it here!

Regards :)

12-26-2011, 06:14 PM
You won't have to.

Log issues have been reported, as long as all of the others things the community has stated like "short life/mana bars", map always starting fully zoomed in and such.

Thanks for all the feedback, and if you find any other issues exclusively concerning the new GUI, please feel free to post it here!

Regards :)

Great to hear that Frosk! So we can expect better HP/MP bars and fixed log next hotfix? That makes me really happy!

12-26-2011, 06:36 PM
Great to hear that Frosk! So we can expect better HP/MP bars and fixed log next hotfix? That makes me really happy!

I am not promising anything; please don't rush into expectations yet :D


12-26-2011, 07:09 PM
I am not promising anything.

Would be nice if you could though. These are only small fixes and wouldn't take long to actually fix them. If you put your mind to it ...

And not just ignore them, like all the rest.

12-27-2011, 01:25 PM
Another thing, which is not unique to the new gui, but happened before at the same rate:
Left click turning stops working sometimes. It is not controls being switched, all other buttons still work as before, also left clicking keeps working. Just click+drag for turning stops working.

It may be related to me playing windowed on linux and switching virtual desktops. But I have not found an exact moment when this happens to me (yet).


edit: ok, apparently this happens when i alt tab out of the game window. simply pressing left alt will restore the function. Since i usually alt-tab back i never noticed that, thanks frankyboy for pointing it out.
It is nevertheless very annoying

12-27-2011, 06:37 PM

Since it has been open for testing on Amun I bet there are already some threads in the respective subforum. But since the update is now life it is time to deal with "the little things that make you go argh".

A quick glance already revealed 2:
- skill effect icons are now on the other end of the screen, it made a lot more sense to put them below the hp bars. we had everything on one spot, now we have to look all around the screen. I cannot see any improvement over the previous solution
- i *hate* the new hpbars. please bring back the black background to have a "full" comparison. Selecting someone in a group it is often not possible to get his proper position, but now you need it to estimate how much hp he has left. Or look to another place on the screen to check it there. Again, this is far from being an improvement.
- the new font for names and the clan tag is quite hard to read with the shadow
- let the spellbook remember the position like the other windows do

Dont get me wrong, i like the overhaul of the GUI, even though i dont really care for the fancy looks. There is quite some stuff to like about the new interface, I dont want to make it look bad. But nevertheless I have some issues with it that i would like to see changed...


huge huge +1 dude i feel EXACTLY the same way about the new UI thank you for bringin this up :)

12-28-2011, 12:37 AM
love the new update in general. My only complains would be---

-The new log, Not being able to scroll back, and as a hunter if I track 3 groups the log cuts of the direction of the first listed and with no way to scroll up its useless. Thankfully Chilko has posted that will be fixed.

-The powers icons moved to the right are very inconveniently located and i cant imagine a benefit with the move.

-The new map, Very annoying to have to click the war zone tab to get a useful view every time I open it. An option for default map view should be add at the very least.

Other than that I can honestly say this is the first update I've ever been happy with.

Keep up the good work guys, good to see you moving in a constructive direction.

12-28-2011, 07:16 PM
Fixed stuff:

- Fixed non animated portraits - great. Only left is an cosmetical bug that shows male pictures too big and ugly. Portraits resize constantly too - maybe a bug?
- Log is fixed - awesome.
- Map zoom is fixed - great. Still there will be good to have option to have old 2D map and minimap.
- Party toggle option - great one.
- Fonts are fixed - horay.

Left to annoy:

- Buff icons place. If not move please add toggle option to have them on old place.
- HP bar now have background. It is ok, but in dark places or at night it serves no purpose. A little border can be added too.

Great work on fixes NGD!

12-29-2011, 12:11 PM
Also, just for the sake of completeness, one other minor annoyance that i haven't seen being mentioned elsewhere: scrolling with the mouse wheel on the spell bar also changes zoom level. I think this action should only change spell bars without interfering with the zoom ;)

12-29-2011, 01:42 PM
it works okay for me, i mean scrolling the spell bars without messing with my zoom. wonder why for some people it doesn't :S

12-29-2011, 02:06 PM
Also, just for the sake of completeness, one other minor annoyance that i haven't seen being mentioned elsewhere: scrolling with the mouse wheel on the spell bar also changes zoom level. I think this action should only change spell bars without interfering with the zoom ;)

I've noticed this problem seems to happen on Mac clients. Is this your OS?


12-29-2011, 02:46 PM
Also, just for the sake of completeness, one other minor annoyance that i haven't seen being mentioned elsewhere: scrolling with the mouse wheel on the spell bar also changes zoom level. I think this action should only change spell bars without interfering with the zoom ;)

It was changing the zoom level for me before the update, but now when trying it, zoom level doesn't change anymore. Maybe it was fixed and not written in changelog? No idea

12-29-2011, 03:06 PM
@Frosk it happens on Linux too. Debian Squeeze 32 bit.

12-29-2011, 03:25 PM
Combat log loses events when they happen with closed chat.

12-29-2011, 05:18 PM
Zoom problem while using mouse wheel on skill bars seems fixed.

I runned on another issue. Rather cosmetic but still. It happens while you switch bars with wheel back and forth and move with keys around. Here is screen:


It happens when "Show quickbar tooltips" option is turned off. If you turn it on and off tooltips show no matter option is not selected. Here how it looks like:


It shows one tooltip only. Seems it is some cached info. :)

12-29-2011, 06:19 PM
Would be nice if you could though. These are only small fixes and wouldn't take long to actually fix them. If you put your mind to it ...

And not just ignore them, like all the rest.

From a professional point of view, a promise isn't something to give out lightly.
It's understandable when you pause to consider that Frosk is only one member of NGD and a promise from him on something the entire team must deliberate on would be inconsiderate.

12-29-2011, 07:40 PM
About map:

War zone map doesn't fit totally in the map dialog.
When zoom is at minimum, press warzone button, and, depending on where you are, either Imperia, Shaanarid or Eferias isn't visible.
Also world map is taking time to load, grey squares are visible while it loads tiles.

About various windows:
position isn't saved and this is really boring, ie. open spell book, it appears at screen's center, move it to a border, press TAB twice (hide/unhide HUD), spell book is back in the center of the screen.

12-29-2011, 09:59 PM
Another small thing which seems so obvious that i wonder if I missed a configuration option somewhere:
I dont get any tooltips on the current effects anymore. The only option i found was toggling the quickbar tooltips - which works as expected.


12-29-2011, 10:20 PM
Another small thing which seems so obvious that i wonder if I missed a configuration option somewhere:
I dont get any tooltips on the current effects anymore. The only option i found was toggling the quickbar tooltips - which works as expected.

Not sure if this is new, I had the same problem (and same solution) for at least 3 months with the old GUI (64bit linux)

12-30-2011, 02:10 AM
Not sure if this is new, I had the same problem (and same solution) for at least 3 months with the old GUI (64bit linux)

It was bugged at some point in old UI, but was working before the update.
Still, this is needed, we need to know which spell effect is in action, icon isn't sufficient.

12-30-2011, 09:24 PM
Another visual bug:


Close button of trade dialog looks a little strange. :D

12-30-2011, 09:40 PM
Another small thing which seems so obvious that i wonder if I missed a configuration option somewhere:
I dont get any tooltips on the current effects anymore. The only option i found was toggling the quickbar tooltips - which works as expected.


I think this is fixable. Somewhere in the UI options there should be a "show quickbar tooltips" field. Disable and then enable this option and it should work :)

You need to do this for every character separately...

Hope this helps...

12-30-2011, 09:54 PM
It's hard to see HP/MP bar of yourself at 1080p... :(

12-31-2011, 11:02 AM
I'm playing RO for roundabout four years now and yesterday was the first time for me with the new update 1.9.0 + Hotfix.

I think the new GUI was a necessary step to make RO look more attractive for new players, but as an old-established player I've noticed some things which I don't really like:

- skill effect icons are now on the other end of the screen, it made a lot more sense to put them below the hp bars. we had everything on one spot, now we have to look all around the screen. I cannot see any improvement over the previous solution

That's totaly right, it takes me now 3 views to get an overview about my hp/mana points, current buffs and the chatlog(because of the small size).
So I can't focus the same way on an ongoing battle as I could before.
But as the space below the hp bar is now occupied by the party list (which is also a absolutly important and a nice and helpfull tool for conjus) there's no more room for the buff icons. Therefore I propose to switch the buff icons with the face+hp bars of targeted NPCs/allies/enemies (I'm watching these only when there's a dead player)

- the new font for names and the clan tag is quite hard to read with the shadow

True, especially if the clan chat has an green or white backround (yes, I'm playing in Alsius...). Maybe it is possible to enlarge the font size or the space between the letters a little bit to make them more easily readable.

- let the spellbook remember the position like the other windows do

Yes, please fix that - it always appears in the middle of the screen.

Furthermore I would like to see the red/green(or the realm colours) dot next to player names again.

So far, I hopefully expressed myself comprehensible....

Greetings and a happy new year from germany:)

01-02-2012, 10:32 PM
Another one that i forgot to mention, but it is not new:
V shows all allies' hpbars and names in view range. But if you had someone selected and press V, that chars information will not be displayed anymore. Seems like V "inverts" some show-information-about-allies value.

I had so many dumb moments looking for someone in a crowd whom i had already selected because of this...
It is not new, but it happens with the new GUI as well.


01-07-2012, 05:18 PM
Because I dont want to make a new thread for every small thing:
You can select people from your party now - which is great. But manually selecting the characters will not select them in the party window. Infact, even deselection does not work (the party member is not "greyed out" properly).

Furthermore, I would suggest using a different selected/not selected differentiation than making the window semi-transparent. Depending on the background it is very hard to read.
It would be nice to have a resize option for this window. Or an option to get rid of the portrait space. The short bars are a little hard to see and quite short.
