View Full Version : Armor stats info needit

03-03-2012, 10:39 AM
Can someone explain me what value have new armor at :

Very bad =?%
Bad= ?%
Very good=?%

From what i heard this values where changed(maybe i am wrong).

I am not sure if this infos are right : http://regnum.wikia.com/wiki/Armor

03-03-2012, 01:09 PM
Every looted armor has random resists now, only at merchants you can see the resists before buying.

Maybe I understood you wrong, sorry if that was not your question.

03-03-2012, 01:35 PM
Every looted armor has random resists now, only at merchants you can see the resists before buying.

Maybe I understood you wrong, sorry if that was not your question.

Is not this that wanted to know.
Ellite armor ar not for sales at merchants..but not this was the point.

Stats of armor like very goo vs fire,bad vs piercing or normal vs ice.

Before it was :

Very bad = -30%
Bad = -15%
Normal =0%
Good = +15%
Very good = +30%

I am not sure if this values are good or not.

Because if this values have been changed to:

Very bad = -3%
Bad = -2%
Normal = 0%
Good= +2%
Very good = +3%
..resists ..does not worth anymore to look for armors with chartain stats.

03-03-2012, 01:39 PM
Maybe try testing it out in the arena? Hadn't noticed but now you mention it I think your right, the damage types don't seem to have the effect they once did.

03-03-2012, 02:05 PM
Maybe try testing it out in the arena? Hadn't noticed but now you mention it I think your right, the damage types don't seem to have the effect they once did.

Not bad idea to test in arena.But this will be a little difficult because range of dmg ...for example bow dmg is 97-118.
At 2%-3% it is very difficult to see diference between a bad and normal resist vs piercing.This values are too small,and dmg himself is printed random between 97 and 118.So can i be confused if is the dmg range or the resist.
Anyway i will give a try in arena :D

03-03-2012, 04:14 PM
Not bad idea to test in arena.But this will be a little difficult because range of dmg ...for example bow dmg is 97-118.
At 2%-3% it is very difficult to see diference between a bad and normal resist vs piercing.This values are too small,and dmg himself is printed random between 97 and 118.So can i be confused if is the dmg range or the resist.
Anyway i will give a try in arena :D

use an initiation weapon, make about 30 hits, add the minimum to the maximum dmg and devide it by 2... Here you have your dmg value.

I am looking forward to the results :D

edit: %-values are bugged. For example, blessed weapon only gives 7-8% instead of 15% dmg bonus.
editē: hm this may be due to the fact that it increases "only" the weapon dmg..

03-04-2012, 12:07 AM
use an initiation weapon, make about 30 hits, add the minimum to the maximum dmg and devide it by 2... Here you have your dmg value.

I am looking forward to the results :D

edit: %-values are bugged. For example, blessed weapon only gives 7-8% instead of 15% dmg bonus.
editē: hm this may be due to the fact that it increases "only" the weapon dmg..
The resistances are working as intended. Very good gives +60% armor, not damage resistance.

This means that because it only increase armor points its only useful against archers and fixed-damage mage spells like Arcane missile and Fireball. It is of semi-use against Knights, but only if they don't use Southcross/Ripost. It does not help much with barbs (too high damage) or locks, as DOTs ignore 80% of your armor.

Try equipping full WM armor and using Evasive Tactics, Caution, Force armor or Defensive stance, You will find that you tank quite alot.

You can find more information on my armor calculator here here (http://kit.snuggly1.com/armor). This was built with testing done over the course of several years by quite a few smart people, it is 98% accurate with the only inaccurates due to rounding errors in the game's user interface character information display (char window).

We did our testing using fixed damage spells like Winter stroke, Serpent bite and Lightning.

P.S. Percent values are not bugged, NGD changed this some months ago, they only give a % of your weapon damage, not your total attack. your average bow and arrows only do about 166 damage, meaning that Bless weapon will only give an archer about 25 damage, although rings and amulet are taken into account.

Level 50-60 Barbarian two-handed weapons start at about 400 damage meaning that they get ~60-80 damage from Bless weapon.

03-04-2012, 08:04 AM
The resistances are working as intended. Very good gives +60% armor, not damage resistance.

This means that because it only increase armor points its only useful against archers and fixed-damage mage spells like Arcane missile and Fireball. It is of semi-use against Knights, but only if they don't use Southcross/Ripost. It does not help much with barbs (too high damage) or locks, as DOTs ignore 80% of your armor.

Try equipping full WM armor and using Evasive Tactics, Caution, Force armor or Defensive stance, You will find that you tank quite alot.

How do you know they gives armor points and not resist vs certain dmg kind?

I've made a few test ..but ofc are basic with two brastplate vs piercing resist:

Using only shield piercing that at lvl 1 it is 90-100 piercing dmg.

armor 165
very good vs piercing
44 dmg
45 dmg
52 dmg
47 dmg
47 dmg
47 dmg
49 dmg
45 dmg

armor 168
Normal vs piercieng

My char stat show only 168 and 165 armor.
Whatever i don't have a WM armor to test ...maybe WM armor works in diferent way.

Nobody told they not work as they are intendet.But wanted to know if this values are now changed to lower values as they was before.
Because they are low,for example WM Marksman armor it is bad vs piercing,you can buy enchantments with piercing resist.So i wanted to know if worth to buy enchantments or use elitte armor with very good resist vs piercing.
Basic almost all bows are piercing dmg,only aditional items give you other kind of dmg(arows,rings,amulets).
But if a bow has around 120 dmg and there are a few spells that give you +30% or +50% weapon dmg bonus,so basic that bonus must be piercing dmg too(not sure).
Yup i tank a lots with very good resist vs piercing ,vs archers....wtv ..vs warriors in fort fight is non-sense barbarians hit damn harder even i am full buffed with all lvl 5 defense.I am not sure if they dmg by-pass this denfese or how it works,i try to find out..but 2500 dmg critical over me full buffed or 2200 sc.... it is too much.
It never was so worse.

03-04-2012, 11:33 AM
How do you know they gives armor points and not resist vs certain dmg kind?

I've made a few test ..but ofc are basic with two brastplate vs piercing resist:

Using only shield piercing that at lvl 1 it is 90-100 piercing dmg.

armor 165
very good vs piercing
44 dmg
45 dmg
52 dmg
47 dmg
47 dmg
47 dmg
49 dmg
45 dmg

armor 168
Normal vs piercieng

My char stat show only 168 and 165 armor.
Whatever i don't have a WM armor to test ...maybe WM armor works in diferent way.

Nobody told they not work as they are intendet.But wanted to know if this values are now changed to lower values as they was before.
Because they are low,for example WM Marksman armor it is bad vs piercing,you can buy enchantments with piercing resist.So i wanted to know if worth to buy enchantments or use elitte armor with very good resist vs piercing.
Basic almost all bows are piercing dmg,only aditional items give you other kind of dmg(arows,rings,amulets).
But if a bow has around 120 dmg and there are a few spells that give you +30% or +50% weapon dmg bonus,so basic that bonus must be piercing dmg too(not sure).
Yup i tank a lots with very good resist vs piercing ,vs archers....wtv ..vs warriors in fort fight is non-sense barbarians hit damn harder even i am full buffed with all lvl 5 defense.I am not sure if they dmg by-pass this denfese or how it works,i try to find out..but 2500 dmg critical over me full buffed or 2200 sc.... it is too much.
It never was so worse.

Well, absolute damage reduction in action. Barb's damage with all their buffs raised way higher than armor did.