View Full Version : resist's rate!

03-07-2012, 11:39 AM
resist's rate has been increased?
i did many pvps lately and every pvp i got resisted at least twice (most spells resisted are kick, roar, rage of eart and UM)
any1 to comfirm this?

i lost most of pvps just cos of resist

Drago I

03-07-2012, 11:54 AM
Yes, they seem to have gone disarray since long now. Knockdowns seem to be resisted a lot more than anything followed by stuns. Afaik, this cannot be fixed coz of various obvious reasons ngd gave long back, not going to repeat here, searching the forum for previous threads on this might be better.

PS: Btw did you notice only now about this... *hint hint* or ignis started getting this only now after all the times they've been resisting.. conspiracy!

03-08-2012, 01:43 AM
/me facepalms

03-08-2012, 04:42 AM
Welcome to my world bro, well at least ill say that when u get an average of 3 resists per fight(aftter the third resist im dead b4 i can get another spell of mine resisted:P)

Anyway the resist rate is a bitch, sometimes more so to certain ppl.
All u can do is pray that its busy with some other poor sap while ur fightingXD

03-08-2012, 12:13 PM
/me facepalms

holy... Wtf?

03-08-2012, 03:08 PM
Just showing how stupid resists in this game are. You cast sotw to get increased spell resistance, you go near lagger, he resists ambush, because this game just loves laggers and gives them spell resistance as reward, and he kicks you from 10m and it gets through sotw, because your ping is 60ms and not 2s as his ^^
And ofc 2-hit you with op damage after teh kick while you had to kitte him with ensnare for whole 150 damage.

03-10-2012, 02:31 AM
ive had this problem for years

ive always thought it was due to my 450 ping.

in my hunter,my ambush only worked 20% of time,my dist shot alot less and only my damage spells would work with more than 50% sucess rate.even my spells like sotw and escapist would fail 75%..again i suspected due to ping.

as ngd told me in an email,i shouldnt be playing regnum due to my high ping.

if it is ping related issues,then you prolly attacked someone who has far better ping than you do.just my guess anyways.

then again jacob resisted 30 spells out of 33 oneday and i have clanny's who can tell the same story with others..so who really knows..and more to the point who really cares right..ngd dont lolz

03-11-2012, 01:49 AM
ive had this problem for years

ive always thought it was due to my 450 ping.

in my hunter,my ambush only worked 20% of time,my dist shot alot less and only my damage spells would work with more than 50% sucess rate.even my spells like sotw and escapist would fail 75%..again i suspected due to ping.

as ngd told me in an email,i shouldnt be playing regnum due to my high ping.

if it is ping related issues,then you prolly attacked someone who has far better ping than you do.just my guess anyways.

then again jacob resisted 30 spells out of 33 oneday and i have clanny's who can tell the same story with others..so who really knows..and more to the point who really cares right..ngd dont lolz

I actually thing he had far worse ping than me. He kept "teleporting" from time to time and my ping is around 60-100ms. From my experience lagging ppl seems to have more resists than ones with nice pings.

03-11-2012, 02:35 AM
/me facepalms


03-11-2012, 06:50 AM
then again jacob resisted 30 spells out of 33 oneday and i have clanny's who can tell the same story with others..so who really knows..


03-11-2012, 09:43 AM
This game is so screwed up that i wouldn't bother. On friday I fought with two greens.
One of them resisted my stunning fist, distracting shot, then he casted SotW and I landed a successful ambush on him. I resisted an ambush and a BoW from him and his pal, but got 2 damaging through my SotW. The worst thing is that both sides have right to be frustrated. We blame each other but guilty is one Anders Chilkowski. Oh, and past few last days I casted 2 ambushes on SotWed guys, both landed well. The game mechanics are so unreliable that the best tactics at the moment is to spam spells and pray that something will land.

And some people say that game is "far superior" to what it was in the past. Bullshit.

03-11-2012, 07:53 PM
....Anders Chilkowski......

And some people say that game is "far superior" to what it was in the past. Bullshit.

LOL at Chilkowski!

Dupa,our actual experience of game,is ruined by our PAST experience of game.
Ofc,who join today the game is less frustrated than us,that play it from his born,and experienced al the update NGD done.

Told that,i agree,and often i feel frustrated too.

03-11-2012, 07:57 PM
Yay 8 resists during 1 fight. /me luvz NGD. Not.

03-11-2012, 08:09 PM
ive had this problem for years

then again jacob resisted 30 spells out of 33 oneday and i have clanny's who can tell the same story with others..so who really knows..and more to the point who really cares right..ngd dont lolz

How come all these amazing things happen to you?

You must really suck.

03-11-2012, 09:06 PM
How come all these amazing things happen to you?

You must really suck.

I donīt get it, why do you always have to provoke people? Even if almost nobody can get along with Tania that doesn't mean you have to burn him/her off if he/she is posting a normal comment..

About the resists, I usually get DS 4 and Ambush 4 resisted when I'm on half hp and a barb is chasing me.. Almost never had succes when trying to DS a rushing barb, not even ambushing :(

03-11-2012, 09:26 PM
Even if almost nobody can get along with Tania
Couldn't it also just be that she's most of the time wrong? It's hard not to mock someone when they're obviously not even trying...

she is posting a normal comment..

If making up statistics and spewing nonsense is normal then I'm outta here.



03-12-2012, 01:25 AM
I donīt get it, why do you always have to provoke people?

What I don't get is why said people are so sentimental.

Like every aspect of life, it's a roll of the dice; if there's a problem, take it up with the dice.

03-12-2012, 03:41 AM
resist's rate has been increased?
i did many pvps lately and every pvp i got resisted at least twice (most spells resisted are kick, roar, rage of eart and UM)
any1 to comfirm this?

i lost most of pvps just cos of resist

Drago I

Old storie, you resist a lot, after tigerīs conspiracy, now new conspiracy, i dont see any difference only UM fail more times

03-12-2012, 09:35 AM
Old storie, you resist a lot, after tigerīs conspiracy, now new conspiracy, i dont see any difference only UM fail more times

i think you are the only one who does not notice the difference cannas :wink:

Drago I

03-12-2012, 05:00 PM
I donīt get it, why do you always have to provoke people?

Always? please quote all my posts where I am behaving like this. Even if almost nobody can get along with Tania that doesn't mean you have to burn him/her off if he/she is posting a normal comment..

If making up statistics and spewing nonsense is NORMAL then I'm outta here.

Daar just said it.

03-12-2012, 05:43 PM
If making up statistics and spewing nonsense is normal then I'm outta here.

Well, she's not trying to troll someone or starting a flame.. Even though she's not right that doesn't give someone the right to be a d*ck. But I guess it's normal for him.

Always? please quote all my posts where I am behaving like this.

Maybe it's because I've seen you talk in game, that'll probably be it.

03-12-2012, 06:18 PM
Couldnt find any of those posts?

Maybe it's because I've seen you talk in game, that'll probably be it.

I thought you were playing on Alsius?

I donīt get it, why do you always have to provoke people?

Or are you always on Ignis? You're unfamiliar to me.

03-12-2012, 08:19 PM
Couldnt find any of those posts?
I thought you were playing on Alsius?
Or are you always on Ignis? You're unfamiliar to me.

I haven't really searched for any because it seems like wasted time to me.
No, I am alsius indeed but I have been on my friend's ignis knight multiple times and you don't really seem like a nice guy. Anyway, let's not take this too personal because we're going off-topic.

03-12-2012, 09:52 PM
Getting your spells resisted is called bad luck

03-12-2012, 10:57 PM
i fought 1 marks just now and he resisted all my spells ( he wasn't under sotw...) and i died badly.
1 min after i fought 3 others ppl and all of them resisted at least twice and evaded many normal hits.
this is not bad luck but somthing is messing up.
wtf NGD? pre wm if the player got skill he was able to kill every class... and now the word skill its just a bad jk!!?
to be honest i hate the word luck in this game because it just ruins everything.

( u can considere this as rage post because it is)

Drago I

03-13-2012, 12:43 AM
.. Even though she's not right that doesn't give someone the right to be a d*ck.

Of course being in the right justifies acting like a dick, what are you talking about?

Getting your spells resisted is called bad luck

Nice to see some common sense for a change.

03-13-2012, 07:19 AM
No, I am alsius indeed but I have been on my friend's ignis knight multiple times and you don't really seem like a nice guy. Anyway, let's not take this too personal because we're going off-topic.

I'm just really fed up with people "making up statistics and spewing nonsense".

I'm also fed up with people that consider every disagreement on the forum an additional threat on their life.

OT; I dont think there are any higher "resist rate's", you just come to pay more attention to them when you are in bad luck, as said before.

And those that do resist a chain of spells are just incredibly lucky.

03-17-2012, 02:42 PM
Spells who had been resisted are killing the game
Spells who had been passed in a SOW or madness are killing the game

The random thing is killing the game , regnum online is the only game where a level 50 can kill a lvl 60.
That is killing the game too ...

A lot of players left the game only for thoses points
A lot of players doesn't level up them others characters only for thoses points (you can give some bonus that will change nothing about that) ....

A barb can kill 2 archers very easier, but a archer can't kill 2 barbs ( at same level of course) let's think about that

03-17-2012, 03:20 PM
A barb can kill 2 archers very easier, but a archer can't kill 2 barbs ( at same level of course) let's think about that

A 60 hunter can't even kill one Barb at the same level. Well, ofc he could theoretically, when Ambush, DS and SF would work like they should. But they don't.

The point is: how to kill a barb, when all stuns fail? No way.
What annoys me most is - a Barb can make lots of mistakes. When he misses there are almost no consequences. He can try again and again.
But when a hunter makes a mistake (in other words: when the barb resists all his stuns) he is dead after 10 sec.

To be honest, i don't even use stunning fist anymore. I replaced it by Sudden Strike (5), just because 8 of 10 times stunning fist was resisted. Sic (!)

03-17-2012, 03:51 PM
...replaced it by Sudden Strike (5)....


03-17-2012, 07:40 PM
Resist rate is pathetic. It should be removed for the sake of game experience.
The players often don't realise they resisted a spell, but they do realise when a spell casted by them was resisted, this causes unneccecary frustration.

01-03-2014, 02:26 PM
Kharbon, actually I've noticed that my resist rate seems very high lately for some reason, and I also hit through SOTW far too often. In PVPing some locks and archers the other day, they were completely screwed by my resists. Of course, mind blank and SOTW is always screwy, but still. In my experience, I do think there is something wrong with this, and with the generator. I've seen players that have cheated, but even on some that don't (or haven't been proven cheats), these rates are completely one sided far too often and far too long. Even with a roll of the dice the odds turn on you. Here it seems to stay for some period.

01-03-2014, 02:44 PM
I was afk, sitting down next to merchant and noticed in my log when I returned I resisted three attacks in a row from an enemy. I guess they got frustrated and just left me alone.. but how does it make sense to resist when you're idle?? Don't get me wrong, I'm kind of glad it happened under that scenerio, but it just shows how random this shit is.