View Full Version : Xim gift to a different currency

03-14-2012, 09:22 AM

I just noticed i can only gift xim to players with the same currency as me. (euro)

But i think i heard of various gifts between currencies. Is there a (legal) way to gift xim from euro to another currency?


03-14-2012, 06:26 PM

I just noticed i can only gift xim to players with the same currency as me. (euro)

But i think i heard of various gifts between currencies. Is there a (legal) way to gift xim from euro to another currency?


Just a speculation: It looks like ngd wanted to prevent situations like you make new account over proxy and then you can pay by USD and buy xim for your previous account where you would have to pay by EUR - thus make them lose little bit of money.
But on the other hand i believe they actually lose money with that implemented, because person might never be able to buy xim and if his friend is willing to buy him ... well he can't, thus ngd actually never get that money at all.

06-24-2012, 01:28 PM
What's with this issue?? When I try to buy some Xim as a gift to a friend, I get:

"Can't buy a gift for that player, currencies don't match!"

Thanks NGD, you won't get any money now.
