View Full Version : Horus Hunting

03-19-2012, 06:46 PM
So, I've been playing horus a little bit more, think I might start playing more often again

here is a vid with some clips I was able to get

Horus (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBkl5S78rcM)

Hope you enjoy :)

>inb4 Scias complains about the music :p

03-19-2012, 09:04 PM
Nothing impressive, everything is 1vs1 or 2vs2 Sorry not so special

03-19-2012, 09:49 PM
Nothing impressive, everything is 1vs1 or 2vs2 Sorry not so special


>implying every video should only be of some epic shit that took 2 months to compile.

I know it isn't special, that was only from playing for 1 day xD

also, just fyi, usually when a lvl 50 marks and lvl 60 lock own 2 lvl 60 epic geared marks that is a bit special :)

03-19-2012, 09:52 PM

>implying every video should only be of some epic shit that took 2 months to compile.

I know it isn't special, that was only from playing for 1 day xD

Not epic shit, this is just.. Shit.. sorry but it is.
This is how 60% of the people who actually hunt play so dont feel too special.

also, just fyi, usually when a lvl 50 marks and lvl 60 lock own 2 lvl 60 epic geared marks that is a bit special :)
That was probably the only part that was kinda nice, but probably because hepha is a really nice lock. If I'm talking about your skills I wouldn't say theyre that good. Don't get me wrong, you're definitely a decent player but far from special in my view.

03-19-2012, 10:01 PM
Not epic shit, this is just.. Shit.. sorry but it is.
This is how 60% of the people who actually hunt play so dont feel too special.

who said anything about this being epic? I just said that I won't compile epic shit for 2 months just to please some players/people I don't care about. If I wanted to make "epic type shit" only vids then I would wait every 3-5 months before putting out another, as you can obviously see from my amount of videos and the submitting days, I do not do that. Trying to twist my words around to insult my video is pretty cool though ^^

That was probably the only part that was kinda nice, but probably because hepha is a really nice lock. If I'm talking about your skills I wouldn't say theyre that good. Don't get me wrong, you're definitely a decent player but far from special in my view.
yes, because fighting a lvl 60 hunter that gets the jump on you as a lvl 50 molok marks with 2k hp is also not that special either o.O and fighting a lvl 60 barb without kiting to win is obviously something every marks can do.

And whether heph is in my vids or not, they will always be at the very least decent.

Answers in red, thanks for the non-constructive criticism :D

Edit: as for 60% of the people who hunt playing like me, I use lvl 4 acrobatic, lvl 3 sotw, no stun fist, lvl 3 BoW, lvl 4 ambush, lvl 1 lightning arrow, and a SB. 60% of the people use this type of setup? because for them to play like me/me play like them we would have to be using the same type of setup...lolwut?

03-19-2012, 10:58 PM
also, just fyi, usually when a lvl 50 marks and lvl 60 lock own 2 lvl 60 epic geared marks that is a bit special :)

I see you met my fail marksman.

Was a nice fight :p but OP geared, not at all! And my marx is level 56, but close enough! Only gripe I had was the use of horn vs 2 non horned, but other than this, I can't deny you did well.

03-20-2012, 07:48 AM
WOB! WOB! WOB! IIIIIIII!! Fwuuuu! WOB! III! Fuuuu!!!

03-20-2012, 08:53 AM
Type of music made me close it after 10 seconds. :bangin:

03-20-2012, 09:13 AM
Just a tip: you should use keyboard to cast spells. Lots of times you get caught in CCs cause you're too slow with turning and casting.

03-20-2012, 09:30 AM
Omg, dat music....


03-20-2012, 10:43 AM
People hating on da music :(

Ill try to use something different next time :p

@raely, yea, I need to practice that. I mostly just use the keyboard in a must use situation because I've become so comfortable with clicking. As for mouse turning, I do it sometimes but being on a laptop makes it kinda difficult at some times ^^

03-20-2012, 12:44 PM
>inb4 Scias complains about the music :p

See I didn't even need to complain at all :tonguey:.

03-20-2012, 12:49 PM
People hating on da music :(

Ill try to use something different next time :p

@raely, yea, I need to practice that. I mostly just use the keyboard in a must use situation because I've become so comfortable with clicking. As for mouse turning, I do it sometimes but being on a laptop makes it kinda difficult at some times ^^

I guarantee no matter what music you use, somebody's going to have a problem with it. The music you used isn't my cup of tea but it works for the video. So just use whatever you like. I enjoyed most of the videos you made on Oreo even with the wub wub robot noises. Its alot better than the screamo used in every other mmorpg pvp video.

About casting spells with your mouse. Im an old WoW player and using your mouse to cast spells on that game classifies you as a 'noob'. Unfortunately NGD has made it hard for us by not allowing us customize our action bar hotkeys. There's a couple of programs out there to help you remap your keyboard or create keyboard macros to make playing easier.

03-20-2012, 05:05 PM
Edit: as for 60% of the people who hunt playing like me, I use lvl 4 acrobatic, lvl 3 sotw, no stun fist, lvl 3 BoW, lvl 4 ambush, lvl 1 lightning arrow, and a SB. 60% of the people use this type of setup? because for them to play like me/me play like them we would have to be using the same type of setup...lolwut?

Just came across this and I though I had to answer, funny thing is thatīs exactly my setup (except for the bow since Iīm a hunter, and lightning arrow). It's a common used combination, I use sb too but not a marks so that's kinda rare though.