View Full Version : Warlock vs. Hunter pre pet camo update (video)

04-04-2012, 05:03 PM
Just want to throw this video in before the era of hunter comes :punk:

04-04-2012, 10:34 PM
Just want to throw this video in before the era of hunter comes :punk:


Nice vids, and truly, with better equip, you would be owned. Or If hunter would step back a bit xD

04-05-2012, 06:07 AM
Most were easy though :D yet nice fights

04-05-2012, 10:19 AM
Well that shows that hunter vs warlock is balanced xD They will just never kill each other unless camo and gear advantage comes in play for hunter.

04-05-2012, 10:54 AM
Well that shows that hunter vs warlock is balanced xD They will just never kill each other unless camo and gear advantage comes in play for hunter.

Not at all. Meteor + Ivy + <other CC chain> = Hunter almost has no chances to win

04-05-2012, 11:14 AM
Not at all. Meteor + Ivy + <other CC chain> = Hunter almost has no chances to win

Actually only if hunter runs backwards he will be caught in ivy after meteor.

04-05-2012, 11:57 AM
Not at all. Meteor + Ivy + <other CC chain> = Hunter almost has no chances to win

Thank you very much.

Actually only if hunter runs backwards he will be caught in ivy after meteor.

Parabolic doesn't last for ever, we have no passive range spell, we have passive speed hower but that's almost unnoticeable if you're just running 3 steps backwards every attack(casting ensnaring). Also, only ensnaring a target until he dies is something that will only happen to unexperienced(unskilled?) locks. Why follow an archer, even if it's a hunter which has lower normals than a conju, if you can treehug. Oh, and if you keep running the chances you will find an enemy will get bigger since you're probably fighting someone in his own territory(hunt) and you keep running he has time to ask for some reinforcements.

I don't think your point is really valid ;p.

04-05-2012, 12:03 PM
Thank you very much.

Parabolic doesn't last for ever, we have no passive range spell, we have passive speed hower but that's almost unnoticeable if you're just running 3 steps backwards every attack(casting ensnaring). Also, only ensnaring a target until he dies is something that will only happen to unexperienced(unskilled?) locks. Why follow an archer, even if it's a hunter which has lower normals than a conju, if you can treehug. Oh, and if you keep running the chances you will find an enemy will get bigger since you're probably fighting someone in his own territory(hunt) and you keep running he has time to ask for some reinforcements.

I don't think your point is really valid ;p.

Ehm, my point was for range 35 bows users. And the only counter to SotW locks have is MoD and luck.
P. S. 180 normals is low? ehm

04-05-2012, 12:21 PM
Ehm, my point was for range 35 bows users. And the only counter to SotW locks have is MoD and luck.
P. S. 180 normals is low? ehm

180 per second as you say. If you'll look at dmg tick for Ice Blast -> Lightning, lock wins at DPS :)

04-05-2012, 12:48 PM
Ehm, my point was for range 35 bows users. And the only counter to SotW locks have is MoD and luck.
P. S. 180 normals is low? ehm

180 normals? Loooool, 180 with what bow..
35 range bows, yes of course... Ensnaring isn't an instant cast spell and it got nerfed (cs whise) with the last cs update.
SotW, Freeze, and TM are enough.. If not go treehug and instant will domain when it stops. Hunters don't have full edged cc chains there's not much we can do. And as Isganderli said, your dots do more damage than a hunter's normal..

04-05-2012, 01:07 PM
180 normals? Loooool, 180 with what bow..
35 range bows, yes of course... Ensnaring isn't an instant cast spell and it got nerfed (cs whise) with the last cs update.
SotW, Freeze, and TM are enough.. If not go treehug and instant will domain when it stops. Hunters don't have full edged cc chains there's not much we can do. And as Isganderli said, your dots do more damage than a hunter's normal..

With short bow -.-. Fast short bow xD
To get throud SotW spell u still need luck and even then it's not garant on hunter's insta death. Will domain ain't instant after recent update too ;) . Well, DoTs don't on me xD.

04-05-2012, 01:40 PM
With short bow -.-. Fast short bow xD
To get throud SotW spell u still need luck and even then it's not garant on hunter's insta death. Will domain ain't instant after recent update too ;) . Well, DoTs don't on me xD.

Fast short bow doing 180 damage? That's still pretty rare, for me at least I guess my gear is normal.
You need Luck? I don't know if luck actually exists in Regnum, it's like NGD Dev's are watching our fights and playing with some tools that predict that our spell will get through or gets resisted.. Yeah that should be it.

Not instant anymore -_-, You're right it's 0,01 second slower now.

04-05-2012, 02:21 PM
Ehm, my point was for range 35 bows users. And the only counter to SotW locks have is MoD and luck.
P. S. 180 normals is low? ehm

The way that hunters play these days leave us with no choice but to use the most OP spell in lock's arsenal: Master of Doom, the only countermeasure to sotw and multiple target situation in close range combat. but then, with the use of Mod, pvps are overkill and boring hehe.

04-05-2012, 02:29 PM
The way that hunters play these days leave us with no choice but to use the most OP spell in lock's arsenal: Master of Doom, the only countermeasure to sotw and multiple target situation in close range combat. but then, with the use of Mod, pvps are overkill and boring hehe.

I would say it is UP RvR wise
Ofc the effect is great but.... how fast u can die vs barb? 3 shots, right.

04-10-2012, 01:10 PM
I feel like this belongs here :bounce:


04-11-2012, 12:19 AM
180 normals? Loooool, 180 with what bow..
35 range bows, yes of course... Ensnaring isn't an instant cast spell and it got nerfed (cs whise) with the last cs update.
SotW, Freeze, and TM are enough.. If not go treehug and instant will domain when it stops. Hunters don't have full edged cc chains there's not much we can do. And as Isganderli said, your dots do more damage than a hunter's normal..

Im a hunter and i have normals around 230-280s.. and i think hunters vs warlocks is not balanced as warlocks are little overpowered with variety of spells which can mobilize the hunter. Moreover, SOTW fails mostly every time i use it :S so i guess there is a very little chance of winning unless you can ambush the opponent and use cold blood :p.. but that can be useless sometimes :bangin:

04-11-2012, 08:27 AM
When a Lock catches you, you're a dead man, they can keep you non able to cast a spell / move or whatever during the whole fight: Beetle - Will domain - MoD - That dizzy spell - freeze --> start it all over :D

04-11-2012, 04:45 PM
Im a hunter and i have normals around 230-280s.. and i think hunters vs warlocks is not balanced as warlocks are little overpowered with variety of spells which can mobilize the hunter. Moreover, SOTW fails mostly every time i use it :S so i guess there is a very little chance of winning unless you can ambush the opponent and use cold blood :p.. but that can be useless sometimes :bangin:

I've seen you once on Amun.
You have Magna bow so that doesn't really count.

04-11-2012, 06:11 PM
I've seen you once on Amun.
You have Magna bow so that doesn't really count.

With a epic lvl 60 bow, here...


04-11-2012, 06:37 PM
With a epic lvl 60 bow, here...


131 dex, you suck.

04-11-2012, 06:41 PM
131 dex, you suck.

And you are great :thumb:

04-11-2012, 06:54 PM
With a epic lvl 60 bow, here...


You're not even showing your bow's stats?

04-11-2012, 06:59 PM
You're not even showing your bow's stats?

i was just showing that it is not magna bow.

04-11-2012, 07:05 PM
You're not even showing your bow's stats?

Someone stole his Magna bow if I'm right.