View Full Version : GameSamba Event - Question

05-10-2012, 11:41 PM
First of all I would like to express my surprise over this event as it actually sounds promising and the rewards well thought out.

However, one issue I wish to bring to light:

"For the outer realm round you will need to be 31~60 to join. Whoever gets the last hit on Shazam will be rewarded!! But first.... you gotta find him and you must be careful, he is very powerful and will hit back!"

The last line implies that the usual level of inter-class co-operation will be necessary. If this is the case, how do you expect conjurers - the class that 95% of the time only ever focuses their attention on allies - to have any chance of being rewarded for this if the only way is to hit the opponent last?

Another question just struck me; It specifically says one kill per day - is this per account or per character?

05-11-2012, 01:12 AM
i know right, personally im probubly ganna hate this event. the class with the most chance to get anything is a barb, and all other classes will just go into damage mode.

1 question from me: does the thing respond only a certain amount of times per day? and if so when? cause i play during inactive when there arnt any GMs online (atleast i dont see their things pop up saying this gm is leaving and this is your new gm ect)
so would i even get a chance to fight the freakin thing?

05-11-2012, 07:13 AM
Question from me, will this Shazam be visible on track?
SM Warju or no fun from this event...

05-11-2012, 09:55 AM
Yay!!, lets all ignore the multiple bugs that are still in the game since the merge and be distracted by a find the GM event!!!! fun when i was erm..wait...12?... >.>

I prolly wont be on, i play maybe once a week now on Haven, mostly due to the epic lag , the FPs drop, the crashes and the fact that the day before the emrge Regnum ran perfectly fine on shader 4..now it struggles to cope on shader 2..no fixed pipleine, i paid you guys money for paint, i want to see it.

Oh dear god..all i seem to be doing is repeating myself over and over...maybe its time for me to hang up le staff and just totaly quit, im getting tired of the sight of my own words (as i guess prolly most of you are too )

Back on Topic, good luck to anyone taking part in the event, good luck to those without mounts, i would say you will need it to find and catch the group..but arriving late, you might just get the last hit in :P

And yeah, as Lek said, its not going to be much fun of your not lvl 60, or a barb, or a marx...

05-11-2012, 10:02 AM
will hi-lvl shazam be in the wz or outside?
and if one realm is killing shazam.. can other realms come over to help the poor guy defend himself from the evil elves?

05-11-2012, 11:40 AM
DOTs counts as last hit?

Orimae told the same as I think, don't be childish and fix these bugs you created and create in every update.

Track seems to be bugged again, coz 2 days ago I had track of Hard mage under... Guard Captain on the beach. 3 tracks around him showed his position :bounce: 5 metre from GC and track, awesome.

Magnanite weapons and Boss ones are useless now, still you can't trade magnanites nor magna ingots :thumb:

There is no difference between healings of lvl 37 conjurer and 60 lvl ones, and you're surprised when enemies overdamage ally under healings...
Mass Resurrection with it's awesome +250-350 hp healings without sanctuary effect on ressed ppl.
And cooldown of Greater Healings , 120 seconds for +550-600 hp to group of ally, I though you wanted big fights :lighten:
Pets with 1,9k hp ? One barb's hit ?

05-11-2012, 01:29 PM
No point grumbling over it. the game is a 13+ title, and I assume gamesamba did this kind of stuff regularly on Raven.

Just like the jump mechanic, I won't be bothered much. As my main is level 60, a gold box is a joke (drop from that is normally not great anyway) and I don't need boosters. So, what me worry?

To the participants, best of luck and have fun !

By the way , on the tests last night, the Shazam was trackable. He also gives a nice amount of XP so it may be still worth the kill. Do expect lots of tricks by shazam like camo and such. Somewhat tough to kill but less difficult than a GC. I would not suggest trying to solo him .

As far as I know the WZ shazam is realm specific. even if they do get in a hit or whatever, it will be the last hit of the eligible realm that gets the credit.

I suppose it is who gets the "defeated by...." message to appear on the GM log gets the prize. If it is by an ineligible realm he/she is disqualified and the last eligible hit is declared the winner. Even if that hit is 1hp .xD

It will be challenging as they do tend to show up in opposing realm space.

05-11-2012, 02:44 PM
i know right, personally im probubly ganna hate this event. the class with the most chance to get anything is a barb, and all other classes will just go into damage mode.

Marks or Hunter with the most attack speed gear and Rapid Shot 5, fast bow are probably the classes witht he biggest chance. As it says, the person who will give the last hit.

05-11-2012, 10:31 PM
or lucky 16 lvl Lamai barb :hat: