View Full Version : How do you kite?

07-11-2012, 10:15 PM
I've seen people kiting on marx before, and I don't seem to be able to get it right. It seems like you have to strafe and then shoot, strafe and then shoot, but my char just strafes and when he stops he stands for a while and takes too long to shoot. I was wondering if someone could tell me how to do it.


07-11-2012, 11:41 PM
ok,test this:
Shot ; strafe (strafe duration of 2 seconds about ) and stop facing your target now u would be able to shot.When the character is in shot animation,u must already start to move,don't wait the attack animation to end (when u heard the shound of the arrow starting from ur bow,u can already start to move again).

Same thing using the skills: normal hit,strafe about 2 sec and try to face ur enemy before the strafe ends; cast a skill ,and before the skill animation ends,u can already start to move without lose the cast.

I told " strafe duration of about 2 seconds".
This depend on your weapon speed.
Slow bows requires about 2,5 seconds,medium bow require about 2 seconds;fast bows (short bows) requieres around 1,5 seconds.

How to understand how much time u can strafe and suddenly hit?
Take your bow,go on a mob,hit it with normals.Try to notice how much time pass from 1 hit to another 1.
This will be the exact time u can walk/strafe (just adding the few milliseconds of the attack animation ) before a normal hit is ready while you are moving.

In short: while u try to strafe,sync with ur bow (immagine you are immobile shoting a target : the pause required from one normal hit to another one,is the time you can strafe without have to stop and waiting for another normal hit).

P.S: remember to add the few istant of the animation attack before stop strafing to hit again.

07-12-2012, 05:52 PM
Pretty much what taras said. The only thing there is to add to that is that you should have the automatic camera re-orientation off. It can be done with it on but it makes it a lot easier to control multiple enemies with it off.

Also when using skills you don't have to turn your body as much as you would if you where shooting normals.

All you need to do is practice on mobs. Until you have it perfected. It doesn't take too long. Good luck.