View Full Version : nOOb questions

07-10-2007, 06:45 PM
Ok, I'm noob and everything and so I have some nOOb questions:

1) does the evasion algorithm have a normal distribution, because it doesn't look like! I cast dodge and sometimes I get pounded real hard and I just don't evade, other times I look Jackie Chan and I'm able to cross a Syrtian war party without being touched (and i get a tower of evades over the head :horsey: )

2) what's the difference between "finess" mechanism and "dodge" mechanism?
"target hit chance" Vs "evasion"

3) whats the difference between "curse" and "blindness" mechanism? "hit chance" Vs "miss chance"

4) does spell casting speed improves after using "arcane acceleration", my mage is still very low lvl so I wasn't able to try things out by myself.

I'll update with more nOOb questions.

07-11-2007, 10:31 PM
1) - 3) are just a big mystery
4) yes

07-12-2007, 12:29 AM
4) no

arcane acceleration only speeds up the speed of your weapon shots, the spell arcane devotion in mana control speeds up casting

07-12-2007, 03:54 PM
1) - 3) are just a big mystery


:dumbofme: :dumbofme: :dumbofme:

I guess this goes to gameplay issues.