View Full Version : Results from polls!

08-15-2012, 09:48 AM
I've done 2 polls / surveys, one on the GS forum and one in this one (NGD forum)

Results are:

GS forum: (22 users vote)

Yes, 100% 24/7 -> 82%

Yes, 100% 4 hours EVERYDAY -> 5%

No boosts -> 9%

NGD forum: (66 users vote)

Yes, 24/7 100% -> 31,82%

Yes, 24/7 150% -> 19.70%

Resturn to Raven's boosts -> 7.58%

No boosts -> 40.91%


So NGD leaders, I'd like you to watch the results, and you could clearly see that a YES to 24/7 BOOST is what people want more.., and I think, users and players are the most important thing in the game (imo) :_)

So thanks for all, good bye!

08-15-2012, 09:57 AM
how many participants in each poll? you cannot add percentages, or just average them. That only works for polls with equal number of participants.

08-15-2012, 10:56 AM
Still the poll is biased. You made options for 24/7 or nothing

08-15-2012, 10:59 AM
ask for 50k xime each day and you will see results of the poll ....

08-15-2012, 11:19 AM
ask for 50k xime each day and you will see results of the poll ....

It's always the same answer man.. change please, and btw 50k xime it's something unimaginable, 24/7 was on untill the merge..

08-15-2012, 11:28 AM
I knew what the results were going to be before this even ended.
Don't expect anything to come out of this either.

As far as I'm concerned, GS forum users should be seen and not heard, preferably not even seen if possible. Bugger off.

08-15-2012, 11:38 AM
What roonwick said. You have to consider the number of participants in the pools. Percentages as this are useless.

Also, even if you do count the percentage from both pools, the result would most likely be invalid, as I'm sure many users voted on both, gamesamba and NGD sites with their accounts.

If a single centralized pool would be set up, perhaps ingame, the results could be clear. So far, there are several votes against the 24/7 boost. In fact, there are more votes against the boost on NGD forums.

I don't see the boost being activated any more due to the results of the pool

Offtopic: can anyone explain me the times of boosts on Haven now? It seems that in my timezone there are absolutely no boost... :/

08-15-2012, 11:49 AM
Offtopic: can anyone explain me the times of boosts on Haven now? It seems that in my timezone there are absolutely no boost... :/

Well because most of GM are USA time zone ,and i am from europe(gmt+2) it was like 4 am for me.Not on ofc ...

08-15-2012, 11:56 AM
It's always the same answer man.. change please, and btw 50k xime it's something unimaginable, 24/7 was on untill the merge..

He has a very valid point. Of course most of the people are going to want it, doesn't mean we should get it. The only person that appears to really need this 24/7 boost is you.

As far as I'm concerned, GS forum users should be seen and not heard, preferably not even seen if possible. Bugger off.

GS players have every right to be heard as they too play the game. Not all of them are on endless crusades to gain permanent freebies such as the OP. As a GS subscriber I voted 'no' to permanent boosts for the same reasons brought up by everyone else.

I've played a lot of mmorpg's and I've seen the methods those other companies use to milk every penny out of their players. Things like mounts and costumes that last 7-30 days only, paying to reset your build, paying to upgrade your gear levels with a ridiculously high failure rate etc. NGD has chosen to not be one of those companies and I appreciate that, but they have to make a profit somehow.

08-15-2012, 12:09 PM

As far as I'm concerned, GS forum users should be seen and not heard, preferably not even seen if possible. Bugger off.

Applicable to 99%. Happy?

08-15-2012, 01:23 PM
Tamui is on spot. The poll was flawed from the start and I rather suspect it was done so on purpose with the aim of getting the desired skewed result. Your poll is invalid.

Besides, what is to stop a player from voting on both polls or even padding the votes with multiple account votes. Now you promote those warped results as some kind of evidence.

Besides, Swish makes a valid point. Because we want it , does that mean it is overall a good thing for the game? Why not make a poll for free horses and other things that players "want". I bet ya, you get 100% yes.

I'll be blunt. This thing stinks of a booster spoiled addict who is driven by selfish desire who refuses to consider the impact of their booster-lust on the game as a whole.

All of Horus got by without them and the game did not die. In fact it made better players because during the curve, they learned the game. Speeding up getting to the end content is not the way. Improving the quality of the journey, is. If you played 5 years as you say, you would understand this sentiment. In any case, IF you played that long and still cannot get a max level character or at least enjoy playing the game no matter your level, well I don't know where to go from there.

But like I wrote in the other thread, you are a blinkered horse. You can't be reasoned with.

TL;DR : You irritate me

08-15-2012, 01:36 PM
As has been said, the results were predictable. I voted yes but ofc I never expected it to happen. I do personally think it could benefit everyone (NGD and players alike) if this... or something similar (lower xp curve *cough cough*) was implemented. But oh well.

However, someone on the GS forum made a point which I'm sure has been discussed elsewhere on this forum; which is that we shouldn't be trying to get new players through the first 45+ levels faster - We should be trying to make the low levels more fun so that people WANT to go through those levels again once they have a war-ready character. Let's be honest, this game is no fun whatsoever until you reach the wz. Even then it's not fun until you're actually able to survive. That's the actual problem, not that it takes too long to get there. There needs to be more to do.

Applicable to 99%. Happy?

No. Not sure what provoked you but it was uncalled for.

Edit (Posted while I was writing my own reply)
Speeding up getting to the end content is not the way. Improving the quality of the journey, is.

Same point I was making in less words. And I'm pretty sure there have been suggestions for this in the past. In fact I thought NGD had once "planned" (like so many other things) to add content allowing lower levels to impact the WZ.

08-15-2012, 01:45 PM

We appreciate that you took your time onto making both polls to inform us about the opinion of some users about boosters.

The thing is that it's pretty difficult to have a variety of valid answers on something that puts up as selectable options "all or nothing".

You see, if you put up a poll to a whole country's population that says:

Option 1: 100k u$s dollars for everyone!
Option 2: Keep things as usual, if you want money, get a job and earn it for yourself.

You'll know that on the first day the poll is set, Option 1's going to win. If the money is given to everybody, those who desperately need it will be really happy, but in the mid-long term, that country's inflation would boost up so bad that you'll have companies and people getting broke.
Those 100k won't be valuable and no one would even be able to buy food with those 100k dollars they were so happy about, a couple of months before the crisis.

Imagine something like that, but instead of money inflation, you'll have a lot of users hitting up the level cap and getting bored on a very short time. Eventually there'll be so many lvl 60 bored players that no one will want to play anymore or they'll try to make some profit by selling their characters to someone who never played and that won't understand what to do... and well, that'd be pretty bad for the game's future itself.

We're grateful for your intentions, as we know you might want to hit lvl 60 as soon as possible, but hey, no one's chasing you! Take your time to grind, make some realm tasks, go to war or practice pvp. You'll be almost there in no time. :thumb:

Best regards!

08-15-2012, 01:51 PM
I agreed with Frosk.
Boosters should be a present, nothing that you can count on it.
If you want a booster, buy it
NGD isnt an charity company, they want to make money.

08-16-2012, 05:20 AM
I seem to recall a previous discussion on this subject, although aimed at the occasional boosts Frosk himself would initiate. The same conclusion was drawn though and as I said then, a server boost should be a treat; the novelty wears off if it becomes routine.

Not sure what provoked you but it was uncalled for.

A detached sense of contempt as my realm is swimming in these types, it's a tiring attitude at best.
Although to take the sting out of it for you, I wasn't being entirely serious.. I have met one or two ex-Raven players who use that forum and we're thick as thieves.

08-16-2012, 06:16 AM
If you really want a permanent boost I would suggest playing in ignis because they have a small underpopulation bonus and could really do with the numbers right now.

I have met one or two ex-Raven players who use that forum and we're thick as thieves.

You shouldn't base your oppinon of an entire community on one or two individuals.

08-16-2012, 07:17 PM
dear topicstarter, what you think about ppls who spend lot's of CASH to get 60 lvl? you wanna free game? you have it ...

add^ but i think pol have < 100 votes - lol

08-17-2012, 08:09 AM
you think that raven players should be seen not heard... that's just... not even gonna start to argue that, i can see you're like talking with a brick wall

as for boosts, they're a duct-tape way to fix the real problem, the grind in this game is extremely boring... you could fix this by making dungeons, bounty missions that send you into the enemy realm's warzone to kill mobs, more experience from war, and plenty of other creative ways that i'm sure creative minds over at this forum could think of

but until one of those golden ideas (or other golden ideas that aren't thought of yet) are implemented, we need boosts, right now as it is, the grind is terrible. i don't like what frosk said at all, he's completely twisting his words and taking things to the extreme to get his point across, what the analogy should be is that if the united states gave a 24/7 money boost 100% of the time that we could count on to be there for literally forever and not have everyone seizing the moment, life would go on, money would depreciate in value overtime, and people who were poor would still be poor but with twice as much money, people who were rich would be richer, and everyone's work from the good old days would be lost, worthless, and now they'd have to continue working to stay competitive

the thing with that analogy, there is no money cap, there's no point where it says "HEY WAIIIIIIIIIIT A MINUTE I'M NOT GONNA LET YOU HOLD THAT DOLLAR MR. SMITH". in regnum online there is a cap, there's a point where "you want to kill that magma golem 1000 more times? go for it, i might give you loot but no exp"

level 60 is where the game starts, and if the game is boring before that point and people can't make it to level 60 because they're bored out of their mind and could play one of the other 1000 MMORPGs already made

i guess i end with this, the more time spent grinding, the more time thinking why am i not playing gw2 right now

08-17-2012, 10:28 AM

We appreciate that you took your time onto making both polls to inform us about the opinion of some users about boosters.

The thing is that it's pretty difficult to have a variety of valid answers on something that puts up as selectable options "all or nothing".

You see, if you put up a poll to a whole country's population that says:

Option 1: 100k u$s dollars for everyone!
Option 2: Keep things as usual, if you want money, get a job and earn it for yourself.

You'll know that on the first day the poll is set, Option 1's going to win. If the money is given to everybody, those who desperately need it will be really happy, but in the mid-long term, that country's inflation would boost up so bad that you'll have companies and people getting broke.
Those 100k won't be valuable and no one would even be able to buy food with those 100k dollars they were so happy about, a couple of months before the crisis.

Imagine something like that, but instead of money inflation, you'll have a lot of users hitting up the level cap and getting bored on a very short time. Eventually there'll be so many lvl 60 bored players that no one will want to play anymore or they'll try to make some profit by selling their characters to someone who never played and that won't understand what to do... and well, that'd be pretty bad for the game's future itself.

We're grateful for your intentions, as we know you might want to hit lvl 60 as soon as possible, but hey, no one's chasing you! Take your time to grind, make some realm tasks, go to war or practice pvp. You'll be almost there in no time. :thumb:

Best regards!

the only real fun starts at 60..

08-17-2012, 01:19 PM
To be fair, a lot of changes were made by NGD.

1. They modified the experience curve. I do believe that it was almost 6 million to get to level 50 before.

2. They provided (for sale) increased value boosters.

3. They did reduce evades and resists on mobs to some extent. In the old days it was a nightmare.

4. You do get XP for killing enemies. That did not exist in the level 50 cap days.

5. They do offer FREE boosts at selected times. That did not exist before.

6. They now offer random quests which give bonus XP. Usually after 42 and then one at 49 you ran out of standard quests , you had to grind all the rest of the way. Now you have something to give you a hand up.

7 : Events where they spawn a lot of MoBs in a specific area so players can kill them.

Out of all of that I only mentioned one premium item. Now I do understand that some players may have not been here in the old days but because I was, I am compelled to look at it from that context.
They have improved on many fronts.

Besides , that is not where the problem lies. As Kitsunie wrote, the game lacks alternative interesting content in that area after 42 and before say level 58. You can be very competitive at level 58 in the war zone.

Boosting everyone to level 60 to start the game is not the way in my view. If only for the reason that the free super boosted ones will probably drop out of boredom because they realise that there is not that much content at the end either. The ones who paid to boost will probably stick around if only to recover something on their investment.

What the game needs is more content for as Zemepanda mentioned, it is really a duct tape fix. Hopefully instances and probably some alternate persistent world content on offshore islands can fill this space.

08-17-2012, 02:26 PM
+1 to bois. ngd did so much for the game... the things mentioned by bois are just the ones done during the last one year, i think.

if you have played a little longer then you know how much happened. I for example started playing like 5 years ago. I know how it was in the very beginning. Much happened, regnum has become a great game.
I can still remember premium stuff only being buyable at stable's or alchemist's. I can also remember horses lasting only a day ( 10k gold horses ), a week or a month. now they are permanent, once bought.
(admittedly, that only concerns those who use premium content, though...)

but well, you DO have to play some time to know all this. all those users that only started playing during the past one year all won't really know this.

08-17-2012, 03:32 PM
you think that raven players should be seen not heard... that's just... not even gonna start to argue that, i can see you're like talking with a brick wall

as for boosts, they're a duct-tape way to fix the real problem, the grind in this game is extremely boring... you could fix this by making dungeons, bounty missions that send you into the enemy realm's warzone to kill mobs, more experience from war, and plenty of other creative ways that i'm sure creative minds over at this forum could think of

but until one of those golden ideas (or other golden ideas that aren't thought of yet) are implemented, we need boosts, right now as it is, the grind is terrible. i don't like what frosk said at all, he's completely twisting his words and taking things to the extreme to get his point across, what the analogy should be is that if the united states gave a 24/7 money boost 100% of the time that we could count on to be there for literally forever and not have everyone seizing the moment, life would go on, money would depreciate in value overtime, and people who were poor would still be poor but with twice as much money, people who were rich would be richer, and everyone's work from the good old days would be lost, worthless, and now they'd have to continue working to stay competitive

the thing with that analogy, there is no money cap, there's no point where it says "HEY WAIIIIIIIIIIT A MINUTE I'M NOT GONNA LET YOU HOLD THAT DOLLAR MR. SMITH". in regnum online there is a cap, there's a point where "you want to kill that magma golem 1000 more times? go for it, i might give you loot but no exp"

level 60 is where the game starts, and if the game is boring before that point and people can't make it to level 60 because they're bored out of their mind and could play one of the other 1000 MMORPGs already made

i guess i end with this, the more time spent grinding, the more time thinking why am i not playing gw2 right now

If a country decides to give a +100% "money bonus" forever not only it will grow poor because their currency won't be as valuable as before; it will also cause an international crisis (specially if this is done by a country like US, whose currency is used internationally).
Poor will become even poor, which would cause a general state of low morale; which could evolve in suicides, robbery and general riot.
Rich people would become richer in that country, but since internationally the country is poorer, they'd be poorer too. This leads to someone who may have a lot of money but no resources, basically because prices would boost up terribly bad, his currency won't be enough to buy imported products; and he'll end up bankrupting, or may robbed (or worse) by other people due to the enormous gap between social classes.
Except if he decides to move out to another country where he won't be rich, but he'll have something to start from.

I agree with bois and the idea of adding more content; which is already planned (see new expansion in the roadmap, for example), but something as boosters everyday at every hour is something that should be handled with extreme care, since it could lead to a complete transformation of a community's profile and point of view. Since it's about giving away stuff freely with no control, I'm afraid the only change that could come out of it is a negative one.
If you want to experiment this, compare the behavior and the self-esteem of 2 people:
One who learned from his childhood that in order to gain something he'll have to work for it, showing that he deserves a reward because of the effort he put onto something; and other one who always received everything by doing nothing, probably never had a job, lives with his parents by the age of 25-30, and has almost no ability to achieve something by himself.

I don't know if I made myself clear with all these things I said; but in shorter words, 24/7 bonuses are out of the question and I oppose completely to them.


Silent Rock
08-17-2012, 03:44 PM
If a country decides to give a +100% "money bonus" forever not only it will grow poor because their currency won't be as valuable as before; it will also cause an international crisis (specially if this is done by a country like US, whose currency is used internationally).
Poor will become even poor, which would cause a general state of low morale; which could evolve in suicides, robbery and general riot.
Rich people would become richer in that country, but since internationally the country is poorer, they'd be poorer too. This leads to someone who may have a lot of money but no resources, basically because prices would boost up terribly bad, his currency won't be enough to buy imported products; and he'll end up bankrupting, or may robbed (or worse) by other people due to the enormous gap between social classes.
Except if he decides to move out to another country where he won't be rich, but he'll have something to start from.

I agree with bois and the idea of adding more content; which is already planned (see new expansion in the roadmap, for example), but something as boosters everyday at every hour is something that should be handled with extreme care, since it could lead to a complete transformation of a community's profile and point of view. Since it's about giving away stuff freely with no control, I'm afraid the only change that could come out of it is a negative one.
If you want to experiment this, compare the behavior and the self-esteem of 2 people:
One who learned from his childhood that in order to gain something he'll have to work for it, showing that he deserves a reward because of the effort he put onto something; and other one who always received everything by doing nothing, probably never had a job, lives with his parents by the age of 25-30, and has almost no ability to achieve something by himself

I don't know if I made myself clear with all these things I said; but in shorter words, 24/7 bonuses are out of the question and I oppose completely to them.


Man,the fact is that ,i think no one wants 24/7 boost.But what 'bout a 24hr 100% boost twice a week ? I don't think that would be so bad,there will still be war though.

08-17-2012, 04:43 PM
the only real fun starts at 60..

You have been brainwashed by the evil kindness of the GameSamba community. There is no such thing as the "real fun". Fun comes from playing the game. And the ambition to reach your goals is what keeps you playing, for most people this is to see the war zone and check out the best RvR action for free!

When you start, you have a whole new fantasy world with graphics of teh latost teconology to explore, new online friends await with whom, together, you will roam the war zone and kill people that you will spend some of your time arguing against on the forums.
The problem is that nobody tells you that you can go to war at any level you want, you're told about the "real fun" that's only available once you reach the level cap.
So you're sent to read an infinite number of wikia pages to pass through all the quests without caring about having fun exploring and discovering by yourself or interacting with other players in the process, your goal solely becomes reaching level 60 no matter how boring the pure grind process can be.

Once your character is 60 you're going to realize how badly you spent your last weeks killing brainless mobs and begging people to kill enemies for you. It merely turned you pro at spamming South Cross/Shield Piercing/Arcane Missile. If you had participated in a couple of fort wars, you might have earned some experience(literally, you can get experience from enemies too!) and seen for yourself if the game was for you or not(some people just don't like RvR) before you had spent so much time on it.
Now you're in a shitty situation, even worse if you spent money to pimp your character to 60 and are getting nothing out it. Your motivation goes down as you keep failing your realm-mates and being called a noob because you have a hard time coping with "how to play like everyone else wants you to".
At this point you have two choices, either stop wasting your time and quit the game because you're not having a good time or grind a new character of a different class, because, obviously, you chose the wrong class el o el eeksdee eeksdee.

The latter is the path most choose and this is where experience boosts start to get demanded by said players. They feel revolted for having to go through all the grinding again.
So they believe the experience curve should be decreased because nobody should have to spend so much time grinding, not realizing that it's not the experience's curve's fault but the unbalanced ration between the time they spend grinding vs. warring.
The experience needed to reach the maximum level used to be half of what it is today and still back then people complained about it being too much.

What is too much, then?

Everyone will have a different opinion on it, but in general, people want to spend less time on something they find boring so it's natural to see more players interested in infinite experience boosts to fix a problem that doesn't exist outside their point of view. The continuous experience boosts that ran on Raven have simply spoiled half of the RO community. dun dun duuuun

08-17-2012, 04:48 PM
If you want to experiment this, compare the behavior and the self-esteem of 2 people:
One who learned from his childhood that in order to gain something he'll have to work for it, showing that he deserves a reward because of the effort he put onto something; and other one who always received everything by doing nothing, probably never had a job, lives with his parents by the age of 25-30, and has almost no ability to achieve something by himself.

thats exactly what happened with some Raven players, who had boosts every single day, and now dont want to grind as regular RO players do

08-17-2012, 05:13 PM
What about PvP only boosts?


Seriously, everything else reduces war zone activity, and, from time to time, kills it, too. It’s not unbearable, but it’s NGDs’ main income and it bothers me, so why? :P

200% exp boost for war! Please!

08-17-2012, 06:52 PM
You have been brainwashed by the ..... incredible wall of text but still worth the read

Yes I agree with you Daar. They were spoiled by the kind but misplaced guidance on that server . GameSamba's motivation was to fill the server as fast as possible. In the end it spoiled the gamers there. We from the school of hard core, iron man grinding on Horus would be less than impressed. I don't blame the gamers for their position though for they were fed a steady diet of boosters. Withdrawal would be tough.

War booster seems like a good idea.

08-17-2012, 07:09 PM
If you think the game is only fun at lv 60 it's obviously not a game you enjoy.

08-17-2012, 09:41 PM
@Daar and Bois' last two posts:

You both know me fairly well, and I've been around for quite a while (maybe 4 years now?), and I don't really think either of you would say I was "spoiled" by the boosts on Raven.

I think the experience curve and grind in RO is ridiculous. After 3 years on Horus I had never reached max level, and for most of that time it was only the 6 million xp level cap, though now it's like 11 million or so. I imagine the 6 million cap wasn't bad at all for people who could afford to buy boosters, and the 11 million isn't horrible either, for those guys... but the guys who don't use boosters have to do 3 times as much work, and in some cases (500% boosters) more. The difference between a player who can afford to buy anything he wants grinding to 60 and a player who has no boosters is simply too large, even if you're looking at the average or median player, it doesn't really put it into perspective.

That guy spamming 500% boosters to grind 11 million xp takes a while to get to 60, but the guy with no boosters... comparatively it's like he's grinding 66 million xp. Mr. ximerin can grind all 6 classes to 60 for the same amount of effort as f2p guy grinds one. To me that's unacceptable. The xp curve is too steep, and it's compensated for with over-the-top premium experience boosters, and leaves the f2p guys in the dust. In other games I've played (perhaps not those terrible grindfest korean things) the xp to level up is low enough to still be fun without buying boosters, and then the boosters are a small 20 or 30% bonus. I don't even recall seeing a +100% booster in other games, let alone 500% or instant max level scrolls. It's ridiculous.

Anyway, if you really do think the 24/7 xp boost on Raven spoiled all of the players, you've mostly got me to blame. That was my idea, and I pushed hard for it. It was never intended as a "boost" persay though, its purpose was to effectively cut the XP to max level in half (which is why it was 24/7). NGD would never actually decrease the xp to level, or double the xp you gain from mobs, so we just figured out a way to do it with a tool they had given us.

Unfortunately instead of simply becoming a server with half the grind, GameSamba and their players decided to promote a "BOOST EVENT LOL OMGGG WE'RE SO MUCH COOLER THAN THOSE NO BOOSTING HORUS PEOPLE CUM 2 RAVEN WE HAFE TEH BOOSTS OMGGG" mentality. In my opinion, a positive promotion (we HAVE boosts) instead of the negative (we REDUCE grind) is what made the entire idea wind up a failure.

Right, probably got way off topic and stuff... point is, the grind is stupid, xp boost is a solution, but a stupid solution. Give us a separate warzone instance for every 15 levels, reduce the xp to level, or add something from level 1-50 besides grind, terrible quests, and being slaughtered by warmaster zergs you have no chance against.

However, someone on the GS forum made a point which I'm sure has been discussed elsewhere on this forum; which is that we shouldn't be trying to get new players through the first 45+ levels faster - We should be trying to make the low levels more fun so that people WANT to go through those levels again once they have a war-ready character. Let's be honest, this game is no fun whatsoever until you reach the wz.
Heyy that wuz me =D

08-17-2012, 10:03 PM
As a Horus player i was when server was young and it was awesome to see people grind together. It was fun and nice and people leveled faster. This can be ressurected and promoted again.

I saw Fatigue system which was removed due to negative feedback, but it was nice to see so many grinders who was - hey i hit red fatigue i came to war to have some fun.

We got no boosts in Horus and i see this ones made by new GM's as good. I do level faster. :)

Today i tried Realm Tasks and i can say they are amazing. With 1 level grind which was 100k XP i finished 3 tasks - 1 kill 400 mobs for 25k and 2 x 150 loot for 90k. This is awesome addition to game for me.

Loot for tasks will make game economy alive again. :thumb:

If more stuff like tasks is made i can say grind will be alot more fun and less tedious task. Even with zero boosts.

08-17-2012, 10:07 PM
the only real fun starts at 60..

The real boring think begin at level 60.... or at lvl 50.... depends of your grown stages that you passed .....

08-18-2012, 01:08 PM
Give us a separate warzone instance for every 15 levels, reduce the xp to level, or add something from level 1-50 besides grind, terrible quests, and being slaughtered by warmaster zergs you have no chance against.

exp through war! exp through war!

08-18-2012, 01:23 PM
bla bla Fatigue bla bla
How nostalgic :D I HATED fatigue xD

But you reminded me of something: the respawn rate

when i started playing and a whole time after, there were always grind parties at the PH's. There were like 7 grinder there who grinded together - really fast.
Out of a reason I dont know, even today, ngd cut the respawn rate of the respective mobs drastically.
Now, one person alone can kill those mobs fast enough for the respawn rate to not catch up... :crying1:

/me wants this back

08-18-2012, 02:55 PM
XP boost through war would work. However it works even better when you are able to outnumber your enemy.
Besides, the gap between level 50s and level 60s are a bit too stark at the moment. War XP boost is for players level 52 and beyond (lower if you are a conju).

Van's idea is one that covers every one else. It is similar to my level cap island idea where players can compete with opponents close to their level. As such the fun factor rises appreciably. No high level over pimped behemoths to one hit KO you.

You can play, gain experience, level up and out of that zone and proceed to the next higher war zone , having fun along the way. The main part is that you can be or have the perception that you can be competitive. If NGD were to offer tiered priced boxes to cater for these low level players, they could make some money too. Few people are going to pay the current price of a platinum box to equip a level 20 toon. They might if the price is more equitable especially if they think it can give them an upper hand in a particular level capped zone.

When you get fed up of that you can grind or quest make boss runs or even explore zones outside your depth.

More than likely you will stay, level up and make it to the big warzone. The game would be enjoyable and you would have a taste of the end content no matter what level you are.

08-18-2012, 02:59 PM
+1 bois!:punk:

08-18-2012, 11:28 PM
exp through war! exp through war!

The exp through war goes up quite a bit with server boosts, but I think it may be bugged.