View Full Version : Legendary Items

10-24-2012, 03:32 AM
Are we to expect a bigger gap between non-premium users and premium users?

I´ll find it very hard to come back if big premium users utterly demolish those who don´t spam plat boxs even more so than what they already do.

If anyone, or NGD, could shed some light on this...


10-24-2012, 03:40 AM
Are we to expect a bigger gap between non-premium users and premium users?

I´ll find it very hard to come back if big premium users utterly demolish those who don´t spam plat boxs even more so than what they already do.

If anyone, or NGD, could shed some light on this...


well first, which server was this? Cuz Ra use to have way better and more OP items before they started "nerfing" and limiting the production of such items. And when Horus opened they started having a better item regulation. I'm not sure if this drop was recent or not, but should be from years ago.

More information on server/time dropped needed

10-24-2012, 03:45 AM
well first, which server was this? Cuz Ra use to have way better and more OP items before they started "nerfing" and limiting the production of such items. And when Horus opened they started having a better item regulation. I'm not sure if this drop was recent or not, but should be from years ago.

More information on server/time dropped needed

Thats from Amun...NGD is introducing new legendary gear and that is an example.

10-24-2012, 03:47 AM
Can't be from years ago, that there shield is lv 60 xD
Damn, I want one...

10-24-2012, 03:48 AM
It's real, you can box legendary items on Amun.

The chances to drop are probably only like 0.0000000000001% though, considering how rare epic drops are....

NGD pro as always. :p

10-24-2012, 03:51 AM
ohh i see.. lol. my bad. and new legendary items. Hmm, sounds... eh. So i'm guessing they aren't "expanding" the whole magna items, just giving up completely by adding WM items and promoting new legendary items.. typical :/

10-24-2012, 03:53 AM
ohh i see.. lol. my bad. and new legendary items. Hmm, sounds... eh. So i'm guessing they aren't "expanding" the whole magna items, just giving up completely by adding WM items and promoting new legendary items.. typical :/
Nope, there are confirmed magnanite weapons too. They are similar to existing WM weapons except one attack speed higher.

inb4 level 70 gear

10-24-2012, 03:54 AM
Nope, there are confirmed magnanite weapons too. They are similar to existing WM weapons except one attack speed higher.

Ohh. Sounds impressive. :thumb: NGD

on another note, any spell changes that i should be prepared about incase i take another break and come back to a new version of RO? :p

(i ask for so much) Dx

10-24-2012, 03:55 AM
inb4 level 70 gear

lvl.70?!?! holy crap. i barely just got past lvl.50 >.<

10-24-2012, 03:58 AM
If you´ve noticed on amun the auction house has a new category called Legendary...

These items aren´t on live servers yet.

Legendary items have 4 bonuses whilst epic items have 3, further increasing the difference between frequent premium users and non-premium users which is already bad enough.

Vertical scaling is a thing of the past, this gear progression only hurts the difference between those with cash and those without unless they scale elite/wm gear to be as competitive or competitive enough as to not be left behind everytime they decide to add more and more and more bonuses to premium items.

Edit: Very late response sorry.

10-24-2012, 05:27 AM
Looks like another stupid ploy to get people to spend more money, they'll call it a "feature" or "balance adjustment." At some point people must realize that the more ximerin you spend, the more money you're out when they bump the premium shit up a notch again. Perhaps a better way to get people to spend more money would be to make your game not suck.

10-24-2012, 06:26 AM
lvl.70?!?! holy crap. i barely just got past lvl.50 >.<



10-24-2012, 06:34 AM



10-24-2012, 06:44 AM
Would this mean a new type of box that has a small chance to loot a legendary item and large chance to loot an epic item? Because getting an epic from a platinum box is hard enough as it is.

I wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet about the premium imbalance thing. Who knows, maybe NGD introduces these items as craftable or quest/achievement rewards or something similar. As I've heard no official statement about this I would think its planned for the distant future or at least the new expansion. It would make more sense for these items to be attainable via the new instances however ngd plans on making them work.

Until NGD makes announces this, I wouldn't get my heart-rate up over it.

10-24-2012, 06:44 AM

NGD said they won't raise the cap to 55 one week before raising to 60. Its called a clerical error. :p

But you are right, NGD has no reason to raise the level cap. After all, we have a new item class, new magnanite weapons, and they've alluded to redoing boss gear. There will be enough changes to the item system to have people re-gathering items for an entire year or more!

And the auction house won't even be used, because people won't sell anything valueable for just useless gold...

Would this mean a new type of box that has a small chance to loot a legendary item and large chance to loot an epic item? Because getting an epic from a platinum box is hard enough as it is.

I wouldn't jump to conclusions just yet about the premium imbalance thing. Who knows, maybe NGD introduces these items as craftable or quest/achievement rewards or something similar. As I've heard no official statement about this I would think its planned for the distant future or at least the new expansion. It would make more sense for these items to be attainable via the new instances however ngd plans on making them work.

Until NGD makes announces this, I wouldn't get my heart-rate up over it.
It's already implemented (Except for a new box), and works exactly the same as epic items. While I hope NGD does more to it for balance, I doubt they will.
Past evidence has shown that legendary items will likely go straight to live servers in whatever state they end up in on Amun.

10-24-2012, 08:06 AM
Are we to expect a bigger gap between non-premium users and premium users?

I´ll find it very hard to come back if big premium users utterly demolish those who don´t spam plat boxs even more so than what they already do.

If anyone, or NGD, could shed some light on this...


Well, the gap between non-premium users and premium users (and with this I mean ofc box buyers) is now really big. If this gap is going to be even bigger then it's going to be fatal for this game and especially for this server Haven with a low active population. Even now this unbalance is costing NGD lots of players. You can imagine that people get frustrated and quit after being killed 100000 (often by the same known players), not because the others are better than them, but only because they cant afford to buy expensive boxes.

This massive online games cannot survive with only a handfull of (occasional) box buyers. You need a good amount of players to create enough activity in the wz to have some fun. Otherwise even premium buyers will be bored to death and leave.

The solution is to create a stable situation where everybody has the possibility to get the best gear in game. Premium items should not be relevant to win a fight.

10-24-2012, 01:39 PM
If NGD have some sense they adjust the drop rate, so it will be easier to get special and magical items and therefore likely lower or at least maintaining the difference between premium and non-premium.

I think they will still sell “legendary lucky boxes” or whatever they decide to call them.

10-24-2012, 01:47 PM
I think they will still sell “legendary lucky boxes” or whatever they decide to call them.

Uranium lucky boxes. Either u get nothing either u get only legendary items, lol

10-24-2012, 02:00 PM
Nope, there are confirmed magnanite weapons too. They are similar to existing WM weapons except one attack speed higher.

inb4 level 70 gear

where dou you know this from? Any sources, stats, pictures, screens?

wrong meme

10-24-2012, 02:08 PM

Omg...wtf bro. You went full nohan. You never go full nohan

10-24-2012, 02:37 PM
Hello everybody!

We are not planing to modify the level cap in the next update and/or the next expansion.

The "item level" info over the tooltip is an ingame feature that intended to show the real item level in addition to the equipment level. There are some items in the game that overpass level 60 since year 2005, when Regnum Online beta has started.

Please, this kind of rumours does not help anyone. We are open to share our progress in a open test in AMUN, but this kind of behavior make me think in closing that server.

Best regards!

10-24-2012, 02:44 PM
Hello everybody!

We are not planing to modify the level cap in the next update and/or the next expansion.

The "item level" info over the tooltip is an ingame feature that intended to show the real item level in addition to the equipment level. There are some items in the game that overpass level 60 since year 2005, when Regnum Online beta has started.

Please, this kind of rumours does not help anyone. We are open to share our progress in a open test in AMUN, but this kind of behavior make me think in closing that server.

Best regards!

I think people are just joking with you (NGD) since before there were rumors about a lvl increase and NGD said the lvl cap wouldnt be raised to 55 and instead raised it to 60 ( lulz). I dont think many people actually believe there will be another lvl increase this update

10-24-2012, 02:48 PM
Hello everybody!

We are not planing to modify the level cap in the next update and/or the next expansion.

The "item level" info over the tooltip is an ingame feature that intended to show the real item level in addition to the equipment level. There are some items in the game that overpass level 60 since year 2005, when Regnum Online beta has started.

Please, this kind of rumours does not help anyone. We are open to share our progress in a open test in AMUN, but this kind of behavior make me think in closing that server.

Best regards!

Also, since you are here already, can you address whethrr the drop rate for special/magical/epic gear will be increasedwith the introduction of legendary items?

Sry for double post, on my phone.

10-24-2012, 02:50 PM
Will bonuses remain as they are?
Ex. Gauntlets can't have Constitution.

10-24-2012, 03:25 PM
Also, since you are here already, can you address whethrr the drop rate for special/magical/epic gear will be increasedwith the introduction of legendary items?

Sry for double post, on my phone.

Forget that, NGD should introduce more crafting if they want to make legendary weapons (not just by magnanites), for example you have two special swords, craft them both into one magical sword or if that's too hard, just add plain ordinary weapon/armor crafting from various raw materials with special gems or whatever to make them special, magical, epic or even legendary. Same goes for gems, why should anyone be bothered to collect +5 damage gems or +2% attack speed gems if no one is going to use them? Add a feature that allows to combine gems into one greater gem.

Just please anything else except having to drop-grind for drops. Not implying you do, but I find it hard and confusing that some people actually resent to drop grinding or that there can be any kind of joy coming out of that. I don't even think there are such people.

Make it easier for the people, NGD.

10-24-2012, 03:40 PM
Forget that, NGD should introduce more crafting if they want to make legendary weapons (not just by magnanites), for example you have two special swords, craft them both into one magical sword or if that's too hard, just add plain ordinary weapon/armor crafting from various raw materials with special gems or whatever to make them special, magical, epic or even legendary. Same goes for gems, why should anyone be bothered to collect +5 damage gems or +2% attack speed gems if no one is going to use them? Add a feature that allows to combine gems into one greater gem.

Just please anything else except having to drop-grind for drops. Not implying you do, but I find it hard and confusing that some people actually resent to drop grinding or that there can be any kind of joy coming out of that. I don't even think there are such people.

Make it easier for the people, NGD.

And earn less money? NGD has to earn a living, they aren't a charity. What would be interesting is that you collect those things, and then buy in the ximerin store some fusion thing (4k xim, maybe more), with that you can fuse in example: 9 (or 15) minor Lightning gems into 1 great lightning gem (that would be the total damage of those 9 gems divided by 3 (in case of 15 minor gems divided by 5 of course) to have the actual damage on your new great gem, 45/3=15(75/5=15)). Like that minor gems would be useful and NGD would still earn money. And to get 9 or 15 minor gems of the same type with all 5 damage still wouldn't be very easy.

But indeed the sales of lucky boxes for gems might go down. I think this fusion thing could counter that because I myself wouldn't even think about buying a lucky box to get a gem, but with this I am sure I get some bang for my bucks, so I'd definitely buy this.

Something like a fusion scroll for armor and weapons too, but that's kinda hard to realize I think.

10-24-2012, 03:53 PM
mhmh I dont like those new weps.....

10-24-2012, 04:24 PM
so other addition of the game for premium only ..oh well usual for MMORPG-s ...pay to win...

10-24-2012, 05:44 PM
Hello everybody!

We are not planing to modify the level cap in the next update and/or the next expansion.

The "item level" info over the tooltip is an ingame feature that intended to show the real item level in addition to the equipment level. There are some items in the game that overpass level 60 since year 2005, when Regnum Online beta has started.

Please, this kind of rumours does not help anyone. We are open to share our progress in a open test in AMUN, but this kind of behavior make me think in closing that server.

Best regards!

So can you shed some light, on what is on AMUN server ?
Are the old magnanite weapons going to be improved ? Because I start regretting I crafted one. Are you going to add magnanite to auction house ?
Otherwise its wasted effort to introduce auction house as gold is useless.

10-24-2012, 06:30 PM
where dou you know this from? Any sources, stats, pictures, screens?

wrong meme
NGD's only been talking about it for six months... they've even showed screenshots here and there.

I don't have direct links right now, as I don't keep up with their work, But if you want to find these like that, Spanish forum is where.

10-24-2012, 06:44 PM
NGD's only been talking about it for six months... they've even showed screenshots here and there.

I don't have direct links right now, as I don't keep up with their work, But if you want to find these like that, Spanish forum is where.

I don't look there because my Spanish is... crappy, so how am I supposed to find anything there?

10-24-2012, 07:56 PM
NGD's only been talking about it for six months... they've even showed screenshots here and there.

I don't have direct links right now, as I don't keep up with their work, But if you want to find these like that, Spanish forum is where.

ok thanks, I am usually following everything here, too, but I never read anything about the stats of magnanitie weapons.

I don't look there because my Spanish is... crappy, so how am I supposed to find anything there?
google translator. There is a function in google chrome (<3) which translates you every spanish site into english.

10-25-2012, 12:24 PM
bear in mind that gear is trade-able.
The premium users that roll lucky boxes get a lot of stuff that might not be good for them but might be great for a non premium user.
The new auction house will help a lot making these kind of rare items flow.

10-25-2012, 12:25 PM
bear in mind that gear is trade-able.
The premium users that roll lucky boxes get a lot of stuff that might not be good for them but might be great for a non premium user.
The new auction house will help a lot making these kind of rare items flow.

So, worse gear goes to non premium, point remains?

I don't mind though, I just wonder how you will implent it, new premium box? Or even shittier chance?

10-25-2012, 12:39 PM
bear in mind that gear is trade-able.
The premium users that roll lucky boxes get a lot of stuff that might not be good for them but might be great for a non premium user.
The new auction house will help a lot making these kind of rare items flow.

it's the ximboys process, when one ximboy finds crappy gear/weapons that he doesnt need from his lucky boxes he will trade it away for other stuff to other players, so only the ximboys will get the best items, the remainings go to the ppl that dont buy 50 plat boxes, and have to give craplot of stuff for a specific item that isnt that good :)

10-25-2012, 01:09 PM
it's the ximboys process, when one ximboy finds crappy gear/weapons that he doesnt need from his lucky boxes he will trade it away for other stuff to other players, so only the ximboys will get the best items, the remainings go to the ppl that dont buy 50 plat boxes, and have to give craplot of stuff for a specific item that isnt that good :)


None can expect to play for free or with very small cost and still get the same benefits as the once that pay much more.

It quite simple, then none would buy ximerin or at least not even close to as much as required.

You can only sell so many dances and Halloween costumes.

So, worse gear goes to non premium, point remains?

I don't mind though, I just wonder how you will implent it, new premium box? Or even shittier chance?

That and secondhand epic and magical gear that would become available.

But yeah good items will probably be quite expensive, maybe not possible for a more casual player without their own goodies to get that much gold either.

I aslo think it will be hard to get legendary items with better stats than many have epics now. How many boxes would you need to get four useful stats at high enough level to make a difference?

Overtime it will of course have some impact on balance.

It could also be that market will be flooded with decent items at affordable prices, but I doubt it.

Either way, it will be extremely interesting to see what happens with the economy now.

Maybe the best way be to implement, could be to remove or heavily reduce basic items as mob drop and then adjust the current boxes to give one higher quality items.

But its probably not a wild guess that it will be a 10000 xim box or something.

10-25-2012, 01:19 PM
it's the ximboys process, when one ximboy finds crappy gear/weapons that he doesnt need from his lucky boxes he will trade it away for other stuff to other players, so only the ximboys will get the best items, the remainings go to the ppl that dont buy 50 plat boxes, and have to give craplot of stuff for a specific item that isnt that good :)

Back when magnanites were still trade-able, I used to buy a couple of those 5k boxes every week. It gave me a random level 50 epic or magical item for any class which I used for mag trading purposes. I got some pretty awesome epic items for knights and barbs which I cashed in back then while I could.

If mags are going to be trade-able again and the demand for these new legendary items are out there not to mention new magnanite weapons, I don't see why players wouldn't do this again.

10-25-2012, 01:37 PM
I have never bought a box and my gear is all pretty epic. Ill post screeny later. I just think that the drop rate needs to be increased.

10-25-2012, 01:40 PM
bear in mind that gear is trade-able.
The premium users that roll lucky boxes get a lot of stuff that might not be good for them but might be great for a non premium user.
The new auction house will help a lot making these kind of rare items flow.

No one sells shit epics for gold even..... (for the most part)

No one gives anything away for the most part (considering we are talking about magicals and above), 95% of everyone always tries to get another item for their item.

Rich people sell to Rich people...... who can afford these OP items, this perfect world of yours where premium users sell for cheap to non-premiums doesn´t exist unless said user is a good friend of some premium user and or kisses ass all day long to get something.

tldr: Only premium users will trade their op legendary items for other premium users op items, selling epics, legendaries for gold???

10-25-2012, 01:54 PM
bear in mind that gear is trade-able.
The premium users that roll lucky boxes get a lot of stuff that might not be good for them but might be great for a non premium user.
The new auction house will help a lot making these kind of rare items flow.

Since the currency will be gold, I fear no. (Possible solution would be a gold reset? As already said by someone, there are plenty enough bugged gold coins)

So, worse gear goes to non premium, point remains?
This is already the case. Legendary items will not change very much apart from NGD's income which can't be bad.

Furthermore, you can get everything you want by trading with other players.

10-25-2012, 02:04 PM
tldr: Only premium users will trade their op legendary items for other premium users op items, selling epics, legendaries for gold???

Auction houses will force players to trade in gold. Hopefully magnanites would be able to be sold via the auction house too. Players would sell off their unwanted epic gear for the gold to purchase magnanites which I assume will cost alot as when the new magnanite weapons are released due to the high demand. Also players would sell gear to make space in their stash or to purchase better gear for themselves or alts.

Playing the games market adds a whole new dimension of entertainment. I don't know why there's so much negativity on this forum.

10-25-2012, 02:22 PM
No one sells shit epics for gold even..... (for the most part)

I got some very very very nice bow and very very very nice arrows for just 7.5 mil gold ^^

Anyway, when magnanites are trad-able again people can use them to buy epic and legendary items. If you play longer you find more magnanites and eventually you can get gear, trade that for more magnanites etc.. Magnanites used to be the main payment method, remember what happened when we couldn't trade them anymore? RO became a bartering-economy. And usually in bartering-economies the rich stay rich.

10-25-2012, 02:26 PM
No one sells shit epics for gold even..... (for the most part)

Its quite possible, but people really just have to start using the auction house despite the fact that none knows the value of gold.
But even so the market will set the price, If you know you can sell a lvl 60 bow with +30 dmg for 20 mil then you can likely also buy something somewhat equal that you desire, depending supply and demand of course.
It will likely to be rocky start, but as long as people start using it, it should settle after a while.

I for one will throw in everything i have rotting in my stashes directly, but i have no idea if it is a good or bad move and I dont really care either, it will be interesting to see what happens.

Gold should get a value the same moment the first items are submitted to the action house and you see what people are willing to pay for them.

10-25-2012, 02:37 PM
Gold should get a value the same moment the first items are submitted to the action house and you see what people are willing to pay for them.

My suspicions are that players will initially over-charge for gear and after not being able to sell it a number of times, eventually arrive at a value that players are willing to spend on the item of that quality. That's when the economy will stabilize. It will most definitely be chaos for the first couple of weeks though.

10-25-2012, 04:06 PM
My suspicions are that players will initially over-charge for gear and after not being able to sell it a number of times, eventually arrive at a value that players are willing to spend on the item of that quality. That's when the economy will stabilize. It will most definitely be chaos for the first couple of weeks though.


Agree with that ,but ..but ..will take a wile that overprice and inflation to stabilize.
Auction will mean offer and consumers.
Now at begin all will rush with random prices,but when for example all will sell magnas,and they will be for real rare...that price will keep growing up .
I don't think that gold will have much price ,he will devalue very fast ...but at least i will be happy that finally i have a place to buy items for lvl 50+ :D

10-25-2012, 04:18 PM
I havent got to try any auctions, since the house is usually empty or not working yet?

Anyone know if the ending time of an auction are reset when someone place a bit in the last minute?

Ava De Kedavra
10-25-2012, 04:59 PM
I havent got to try any auctions, since the house is usually empty or not working yet?

It was the same for me every time I tried it, never saw any items in the auction house, not even the very item I auctioned...
Tho we may do something wrong :D.

10-25-2012, 05:24 PM
All seems to be ok with auctions here. Had something strange with messages, had 3, double clicked the bottom, message disappears from list and the window pops up to get the item, got the item, 2 messages left in list, double clicked the bottom one (old middle) and nothing happens. Double clicked the top one, opened the message and both messages disappeared from the list, clicked inbox and the message that wasn't working re-appears, opens, get item etc as normal.

10-25-2012, 08:35 PM
I havent got to try any auctions, since the house is usually empty or not working yet?

Anyone know if the ending time of an auction are reset when someone place a bit in the last minute?

When people log off on Amun the items they have put in will get off the list. This means that if there are only 5 people online on Amun, you most likely will find a more or less empty list. When there are 50 people there you will most likely find a lot of gear. But that you get lots of good stuff in amun doesn't mean there will be good items on the live servers as well, since you don't loose your gear in Amun, just relog and you have it back.

10-27-2012, 07:47 PM
Wow some really cool stats on the new items,
+2% movement speed
+3% main attribute
+3% spell focus
+3% mana/health regeneration

Just to name a few i found with quick look, havent decided what to think about it yet.

Edit more:
+2% ressit immobilize
+5% resist dizzy

10-27-2012, 07:48 PM
After i saw what kind of new bonus they added.

how about another bonus?

10% chance to instant kill. But only on gloves/gauntlets to keep it balanced.

10-27-2012, 07:52 PM
After i saw what kind of new bonus they added.

how about another bonus?

10% chance to instant kill. But only on gloves/gauntlets to keep it balanced.


Well doubt anyone will have good set of these items anytime soon, besides just because it legendary doesn't make it useful, but surely very expensive for they who wants them.

I dont really see anything that is completely up the wall yet, unless you can full armor of movement speed, but I guess that will cost an arm and a legg, but I doubt it possible.

10-27-2012, 08:18 PM
Just a few of the possible bonus legendaries can have, I've heared the ratio of legendaries is about 25% from boxes though ^^

10-27-2012, 08:40 PM
Just a few of the possible bonus legendaries can have, I've heared the ratio of legendaries is about 25% from boxes though ^^

Yes maybe even 1/5, but i guess you also increase the amount off epic items.

I think an already well equipped player will struggle get better items from this, but definitely worth it if you need to improve you equipment anyway.

10-27-2012, 08:41 PM
A few random legendary items for those interrested.

(Diamond lucky box seemed like: 99% magical, 0.5% epic, 0.5% legendary -.-)

http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/4706/legendaryt.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/12/legendaryt.png/)

Uploaded with ImageShack.us (http://imageshack.us)

10-27-2012, 10:42 PM
6% healing bonus?

So you can get 21% healing bonus by legendary items?
I am quite ok with this new equipment, but that's way too much.

10-28-2012, 06:38 AM
give Leaders the chance to drop Legendary Items!!! Then they would be finally useful! :poster_spam:

10-28-2012, 07:45 AM
That Elite Warrior Sword 70 dmg without any gems lol :D OP!

10-28-2012, 08:36 AM
Spell focus +7% from what? I can´t see my main spell focus, maybe i have spell focus 10 + 7% = useless!

10-28-2012, 09:27 AM
Resist knock +3% - I think there will be lots of non-legendary items with better stats, more useful then this
Regenerate mana +2% - Not bad
Healing bonus +6% - OP ! Way too much
Movement speed +1% - Not bad
Critical hit chance +2% - Skill gives +100% ? Why would I need this ?
Resist stun +3% - Rarely useful, just one CC and low chance
Resist immobilize +3% - Rarely useful, just one CC and low chance
Regenerate health +4% - OP!!
Spell focus on warrior item - Most pathetic bonus on warrior weapon, useless, but maybe its an error in the code ?
Class attribute +4% - This is oke-ish, for knights 6 more const better resists, for barbs str which gives extra 12dmg ... pathetic, but not OP, and if stacked with other items maybe can give 50 more dmg. Sounds ok.

I think some legendary attributes should be revised and class restricted, since some are useless for certain classes, and some are way too OP.

10-28-2012, 09:35 AM
That Elite Warrior Sword 70 dmg without any gems lol :D OP!

Your brain is OP when attempting to understand simple ranged vs non-ranged mechanics, and switches off most likely. Stop trolling. These much dmg was around for much longer, because ranged vs non-ranged.

Topic is about legendary attributes, none of them adds dmg, from what I see, so your brain damaged head is constantly trolling only about one difficult to understand thing. Stop posting. You're not suppose to fight barbarian at 0 ranged, get used to that.

10-28-2012, 09:58 AM
In general ... i like the new 'legendary items'.

Now, there are more, new values for weapons. Now, classes will be more different than before! Really nice thing.

But, on the other side, i dislike the new 'legendary items'. Duels will be dead. The one with the better equip will win for sure. This isn't the sens, is it?

I hope really, that:

NGD give leaders of mobs the chance to drop legendary items (10% dropchance will be okay)
NGD will do a better (!!) balance for all classes in the next update

These 2 points, and I will play more activ :)

10-28-2012, 10:11 AM
In general ... i like the new 'legendary items'.

Now, there are more, new values for weapons. Now, classes will be more different than before! Really nice thing.

But, on the other side, i dislike the new 'legendary items'. Duels will be dead. The one with the better equip will win for sure. This isn't the sens, is it?

I hope really, that:

NGD give leaders of mobs the chance to drop legendary items (10% dropchance will be okay)
NGD will do a better (!!) balance for all classes in the next update

These 2 points, and I will play more activ :)

I think drop system should be revamped. Currently mostly knights drop.
Low level knights without party, casting auras and not hitting.

Drop system should be fixed, and chances should be made equal for every class and sufficient contributor.

Now the NGD policy is that, everyone will make low level knight to get drop chance, I can understand that this gives income. But if NGD would rethink it.
Then there might be more income from players happily leveling extra characters to 60 lvl, and game will be more fair and fun for all. People will not leave disappointed it's a closed circle. Lots of people left game because they never managed to get a drop, and there is frustration and hate rising, that this issue is not solved for so long. This spoils a lot of the fun, and makes boss runs kind of pointless for some players that keep this game going.

10-28-2012, 12:06 PM
I think drop system should be revamped. Currently mostly knights drop.
Low level knights without party, casting auras and not hitting.

Drop system should be fixed, and chances should be made equal for every class and sufficient contributor.

Now the NGD policy is that, everyone will make low level knight to get drop chance, I can understand that this gives income. But if NGD would rethink it.
Then there might be more income from players happily leveling extra characters to 60 lvl, and game will be more fair and fun for all. People will not leave disappointed it's a closed circle. Lots of people left game because they never managed to get a drop, and there is frustration and hate rising, that this issue is not solved for so long. This spoils a lot of the fun, and makes boss runs kind of pointless for some players that keep this game going.

very well said, especially since I am not native speaker I couldn't do better.

Resist knock +3% - I think there will be lots of non-legendary items with better stats, more useful then this
Regenerate mana +2% - Not bad
Healing bonus +6% - OP ! Way too much
Movement speed +1% - Not bad
Critical hit chance +2% - Skill gives +100% ? Why would I need this ?
Resist stun +3% - Rarely useful, just one CC and low chance
Resist immobilize +3% - Rarely useful, just one CC and low chance
Regenerate health +4% - OP!!
Spell focus on warrior item - Most pathetic bonus on warrior weapon, useless, but maybe its an error in the code ?
Class attribute +4% - This is oke-ish, for knights 6 more const better resists, for barbs str which gives extra 12dmg ... pathetic, but not OP, and if stacked with other items maybe can give 50 more dmg. Sounds ok.

I think some legendary attributes should be revised and class restricted, since some are useless for certain classes, and some are way too OP.

Restist knock is great, this means that you resist every 30th kick just by this item.
because it is passive. Same goes for HC: Why should you search for gauntlets with hit chance, if there is a spell which gives you +34%?

10-28-2012, 01:04 PM
Your brain is OP when attempting to understand simple ranged vs non-ranged mechanics, and switches off most likely. Stop trolling. These much dmg was around for much longer, because ranged vs non-ranged.

Topic is about legendary attributes, none of them adds dmg, from what I see, so your brain damaged head is constantly trolling only about one difficult to understand thing. Stop posting. You're not suppose to fight barbarian at 0 ranged, get used to that.

What the hell is your problem dude? Im just saying that I think that is OP. I mean no offence. Get the difference dude. This has nóthing to do with non-ranged vs ranged, since Archers can have weapons with that much damage as well. My brain damaged? Lol you dont even have a brain so it seems.


10-28-2012, 01:14 PM
Your brain is OP when attempting to understand simple ranged vs non-ranged mechanics, and switches off most likely. Stop trolling. These much dmg was around for much longer, because ranged vs non-ranged.

His brain is OP when attempting...

Jij bent dus kolere dom he hahaha idioot die je bent ouwehoer ey.

You're complimenting him, what's wrong with you.. is it that time of the month again?.

10-29-2012, 04:11 AM
The intro of legendary items are gonna start another wave of spending which will generate a large sum of revenue for NGD in this update (from hardcore xim users), and in turn create more imbalance between xim and non xim users. Items have gone from special to magical to epic and now legendary and maybe something godly 1 year from now. Same goes for the lvl cap as it will continue to go up when players lvl reach a saturation point. Back on topic, the special bonus brought by the legendary items are very tempting I have to say but they are like an endless blackhole that sucks your money in. NGD are vampires XD be warned.

10-29-2012, 05:31 AM
I like Legendary Items!

For those who in Tank:

Chance of getting Legendary from Diamand Box is about 15-25%
Chance of getting item of same category (two pauldrons or two leggings) is high enough
Chance of getting unwanted item (especially for warriors) also high
You can buy 3 boxes or so. And if you lucky you will get items you will use. But after third there is a big chance that new item won't be need for you. You will sell them. This is the main way how Premium items come to free world.

Don't be troll, respect and help other people, play more and Good items will come to you.

10-29-2012, 07:00 AM
The intro of legendary items are gonna start another wave of spending which will generate a large sum of revenue for NGD in this update (from hardcore xim users), and in turn create more imbalance between xim and non xim users. Items have gone from special to magical to epic and now legendary and maybe something godly 1 year from now. Same goes for the lvl cap as it will continue to go up when players lvl reach a saturation point. Back on topic, the special bonus brought by the legendary items are very tempting I have to say but they are like an endless blackhole that sucks your money in. NGD are vampires XD be warned.

No matter how much classifications of weapons NGD adds, it will never be as OP as an upgrading system that we see so much in other mmo's. Some people don't seem to understand why I keep saying this but I'll explain.

NGD gives us a new option to upgrade our weapons. Upgrading has a chance of failing and destroying your weapon so the higher you go, so does the chance of failing. Say the max is +10. At the level, the (+20) damage bonus on your hunters bow becomes +350 due to the multiplication of it. This means that if this hunter was hitting 150 damage with a +0 bow, he would now be hitting 500's without any buffs. Lets not even talk about marksman or barbs.

NGD would seem like the good guys because this feature is available to everyone. But then we come to realize that after say upgrading to +5 the success rate of a weapon is so low that nobody would risk it. Then NGD implements premium items that doubles, triples your success rate and another that prevents your item from being destroyed in the case of a failed upgrade.

Armour can be upgraded too means that a mage with full +10 armour could tank like a knight in defensive stance to anyone who doesn't have +8-10 weapons. Players without upgraded gear will get blown up by anybody who has spent a couple of hundreds (thousands?) on his gear.

Then and only then does an mmorpg become a Pay-to-Win game. I wouldn't complain about premium items being unfair until NGD decides to destroy the game with a feature like this.

...play more and food items will come to you.

I was feeling kinda hungry. Maybe I should play more.

10-29-2012, 09:23 AM
I was feeling kinda hungry. Maybe I should play more.

XD indeed

I've just edited post.

10-29-2012, 04:13 PM
Edit: accidentaly posted in wrong thread :P

This is ON topic, I copied part of my own post from the "final test" thread:

Legendary items: I suspected, that new items would come sooner or later, in general it is a good step. Increasing NGDs income is a positive thing, non-premium players have small chance to obtain them, but with the addition of auction house, this chance could increase. Depends on how the servers economy turns out.
I dislike the unique bonuses on the Legendary items though. i have nothing agains the heal bonuses, crit chance bonuses or main attribute increases (although this means that the attributes for all sub-classes should be revised). Movement speed bonus struck me a bit, as movement speed is an extremely important factor in the game (by which I mean that in some cases it is more important than damage or armor). Now the weak movement spells such as "mobility" or "wild spirit" will be diminished, due to passive speed from leggings etc. There is not much information on which equipment the speed bonus can be on, or what's the limit. Therefore I will wait until this is explained, untill I comment further on this.

Generaly, I am against the above mentioned bonuses (and others) being only on the new, legendary, gear. This means that no new epic, magic, or special items can have these bonuses, right? This is unfair imo, as the chance of gaining the correct sub-class, specific bonus, good stats gear via non-premium sources, is virtually zero.
Therefore I would like to see special, magical and epic gear being able to have those "new" bonuses (of course side-by-side with the introduction of legendary items), othervise the premium x non-premium imballance would be a bit too great imho.
It also depends on what the chances are of boxing such legendary gear are, but I'm sure that neverless how low they are, "hardcore" premium users will spend money on them. That's fine with me, as long as the bonuses are introduced to less-rare items as well.

I am genuinely interested in this update, as it has several impacts aside from gameplay, such as economy and premium/non-premium balance question. The player-base of the server will decide how things will develop, and I'm quite curious how the server will turn out. It might be "the update", that everyone's hoping for, it might turn out 'ignored', or it might ruin the remains of Haven. We will see.