View Full Version : Re: Halloween 2012

10-29-2012, 07:31 AM
Dear NGD,

I don't want to be complaining again, but we had these type of event last year, to your surprise Syrtis won. Guess who will win these year ?

Besides daily portal opening, extra Halloween price, that will solve population balance problems for sure.

Maybe it's good to have more player oriented events, get some feedback from users, how did they enjoy previous events, and which ? By the way...

10-29-2012, 08:01 AM
Actually I liked last year's event. It was fun to kill enemies who were collecting candy and take it all from them. We had fun fights at Eferias, got annoyed many times when died and lost all my candy, but so did alsius and ignis also.
So I like the basic idea of this event, however I must agree with you. It is unfair for lesser populated realms.

Maybe this event would be more fair if ngd changed their formula; divide amount of collected candy by number of active realm members during the event. Not sure though how this would work in practice. Just suggestion.

10-29-2012, 08:02 AM
time-to-die, voted he is not from Syrtis, but his profil says he is William Shakespeare known as Syrtis player and profil also says Realm Syrtis

Be honest, votes are open to public, thanks

Maybe this event would be more fair if ngd changed their formula; divide amount of collected candy by number of active realm members during the event. Not sure though how this would work in practice. Just suggestion.

I think it's best if NGD, after this event, enlists all previous events, and asks about them what players think, which were the best and why.

10-29-2012, 09:04 AM
Just turn this event to "Hunt for syrtis week" and steal their candies.

This event is a good way to cooperate with realm community. Other point is that community doesn't want it. Well... It is easier to complain.

I like NGD's events. I would really like to get :pumpkin: hat from first Helloween...

10-29-2012, 09:09 AM
time-to-die, voted he is not from Syrtis, but his profil says he is William Shakespeare known as Syrtis player and profil also says Realm Syrtis

lol yea you are right XD wanna know why i voted not from syrtis? because i had a miss click. and i couldnt change it back....... anyway it had to be (No, and I am from Syrtis)

10-29-2012, 09:14 AM
time-to-die, voted he is not from Syrtis, but his profil says he is William Shakespeare known as Syrtis player and profil also says Realm Syrtis

Nothing new. You can expect all from Syrtis. Speedhacks, glitching forts, glitching castle GC's, spying, infecting other realms with lowbie chars during purple event, even lying on polls. Yesterday is one Alsius GM (which is apparently Syrtis player) seen killing Trelleborg guards for Syrtis to cap it. Nothing surprises me anymore.

Slartibartfast / Exorcist

10-29-2012, 09:16 AM
Looks like half of other votes not from syrtis also miss clicked, either players are ashamed of their own realm or not honest, guessing... looks like pool is pointless because of most populated realm is most forum active as well. Anyway I leave it to NGD to evaluate event or ask players next time, not only syrtis players but in general ;-)

10-29-2012, 09:32 AM
maybe allow alsius and ignis to work together this week, that should leave the realms balanced enough :lighten:

10-29-2012, 09:52 AM
Nothing new. You can expect all from Syrtis. Speedhacks, glitching forts, glitching castle GC's, spying, infecting other realms with lowbie chars during purple event, even lying on polls. Yesterday is one Alsius GM (which is apparently Syrtis player) seen killing Trelleborg guards for Syrtis to cap it. Nothing surprises me anymore.

Slartibartfast / Exorcist
Provide screenshots to NGD showing this. That kind of behavior is not allowed by GMs.

10-29-2012, 10:06 AM
Last year the PoB clan of Raven proved that having a high population doesn't necissarily mean they would win the event. Hopefully with this event and new updates, a lot of players will return and we can pull a come from behind victory on haven like we did last year.

10-29-2012, 10:08 AM
Nothing new. You can expect all from Syrtis. Speedhacks, glitching forts, glitching castle GC's, spying, infecting other realms with lowbie chars during purple event, even lying on polls. Yesterday is one Alsius GM (which is apparently Syrtis player) seen killing Trelleborg guards for Syrtis to cap it. Nothing surprises me anymore.

Slartibartfast / Exorcist

Instead of accusing "Syrtis", screenshot and report to NGD.

Writing such things on forums is insulting to Syrtis players who don't do what you say, so please, if you see a cheat or something you think isn't a correct behavior, just report it to NGD.

BTW, the guy you reported on those forums "glitching" at Eferias, didn't glitch (can't find the thread, prolly removed). It is perfectly possible (and useless) to jump where he was, i checked, and you said it wasn't possible to jump there.... so about liers....


Back to topic, i don't like such events for the fact they are more about numbers than anything, and generally i dislike NGD's events.

Also i dislike the fact they are related to real life events, because it doesn't fit the RO virtual world ? Can you explain me what is the relation between Haloween and Lamais ?

10-29-2012, 01:17 PM
Update 14:21 PM (GMT+1):

LucianDeathshield, nohan, Tenel_Ka, time-to-die are from Syrtis, but "missclicked" or don't know from which realm they are.

Current pool status is

After accounting for "missclicked" 4 votes, out of total 13 votes it is

8% Yes (Syrtis)
15% No (Syrtis)
23% Yes (NOT from Syrtis, Alsius and Ignis)
54% No (NOT from Syrtis, Alsius and Ignis)

So in both cases, people don't enjoy population oriented events.

Maybe next time we will have more player oriented event NGD ?

10-29-2012, 01:29 PM
I'm not from Sytrtis, but from Syrtis...maybe thats why time-to-die missclicked?

10-29-2012, 01:32 PM
LucianDeathshield, nohan, Tenel_Ka, time-to-die are from Syrtis, but "missclicked" or don't know from which realm they are.

Lol, Lucian is a Syrtian? That's news to me. I'm fairly sure he played Alsius for the last Halloween event, and so did I. That's why I voted "not from Syrtis", as I had enjoyed the Halloween event as an Alsirian.

Either way, it's 9 players that enjoy the events and 9 that don't. I don't think you should be making statements like "So in both cases, people don't enjoy population oriented events". That's just your opinion, and it's not backed up by the poll.

10-29-2012, 01:35 PM
Nothing new. You can expect all from Syrtis. Speedhacks, glitching forts, glitching castle GC's, spying, infecting other realms with lowbie chars during purple event, even lying on polls. Yesterday is one Alsius GM (which is apparently Syrtis player) seen killing Trelleborg guards for Syrtis to cap it. Nothing surprises me anymore.

Slartibartfast / Exorcist

aaah syrtis hacks syrtis are overpop syrtis syrtis syrtis ....... its getting old news.

Looks like half of other votes not from syrtis also miss clicked, either players are ashamed of their own realm or not honest, guessing... looks like pool is pointless because of most populated realm is most forum active as well. Anyway I leave it to NGD to evaluate event or ask players next time, not only syrtis players but in general ;-)

Yea so also block syrtis players of this forum....

I'm not from Sytrtis, but from Syrtis...maybe thats why time-to-die missclicked?

haha lol no XD i just didnt read well but who cares i'm a gelf so ou can expect those things from Syrtis.

10-29-2012, 01:40 PM
Tears, delicious.

Maybe if you would get up of your arse instead of afking at cs.
Yesterday i tryed my good oll' raven char which is in ignis and there where 10 ppl afk at the save while the others got farmed at farmal...

Maybe you should complain about the afk desease...

10-29-2012, 01:46 PM
being afk is not the problem, an overpopulated realm is.

10-29-2012, 01:53 PM
being afk is not the problem, an overpopulated realm is.

lol this is a topic about halloween event...

10-29-2012, 02:04 PM
@ Mashu

I think we players can be happy that there is a event! ngd is working hard on the new updates you know......

10-29-2012, 02:08 PM
I think we players can be happy that there is a event! ngd is working hard on the new updates you know......


Do we really want NGD to turn their focus to improving events?

10-29-2012, 02:11 PM
Do we really want NGD to turn their focus to improving events?

Mashu wants a event that fixes, realm balance, class balance and which dont even slightly got a favour in a realm.

If such event exists Mashu, please tell us

10-29-2012, 02:14 PM
Update 14:21 PM (GMT+1):

LucianDeathshield, nohan, Tenel_Ka, time-to-die are from Syrtis, but "missclicked" or don't know from which realm they are.

Current pool status is

After accounting for "missclicked" 4 votes, out of total 13 votes it is

8% Yes (Syrtis)
15% No (Syrtis)
23% Yes (NOT from Syrtis, Alsius and Ignis)
54% No (NOT from Syrtis, Alsius and Ignis)

So in both cases, people don't enjoy population oriented events.

Maybe next time we will have more player oriented event NGD ?

haha i missclicked expecting this reply :p worth it, he actually bothers to check who votes and if they vote in the place he wants ppl to vote

10-29-2012, 02:48 PM
Maybe if you would get up of your arse instead of afking at cs.
Yesterday i tryed my good oll' raven char which is in ignis and there where 10 ppl afk at the save while the others got farmed at farmal...

Seriously nobody is going to believe you if you just throw some numbers in the air, if you want people to believe you have some proof. Screenshot dat stuff.

So I was on ma rven shar the other day got 'n de syrtis char of mine, waz like 30 people at save n stuff and them greens had de hole map maann can blieve dat! overpopu ma mannn

10-29-2012, 02:53 PM
Tears, delicious.

Maybe if you would get up of your arse instead of afking at cs.
Yesterday i tryed my good oll' raven char which is in ignis and there where 10 ppl afk at the save while the others got farmed at farmal...

Maybe you should complain about the afk desease...

lol we dont afk half as much as syrtis, ive seen your CS full of people and you had all three alsius forts, at times ive seen syrtis capture back one of their own forts whilst having another realm in danger, if that isnt an overpopulated realm i dont know what is...

10-29-2012, 03:00 PM
lol we dont afk half as much as syrtis, ive seen your CS full of people and you had all three alsius forts, at times ive seen syrtis capture back one of their own forts whilst having another realm in danger, if that isnt an overpopulated realm i dont know what is...

Having all forts and recapturing ours!

10-29-2012, 03:04 PM
Having all forts and recapturing ours!

yeah syrtis does that.

10-29-2012, 03:34 PM
I liked the event last year D:
Dropping the collected items after dying is an awesome idea, it was really fun!
<- Ignean.

10-29-2012, 05:13 PM

Do we really want NGD to turn their focus to improving events?

At this point NO,
I would be far more happy without this event.

The outcome is known, most populated realm will receive the price, probably XP bonus or something for the whole week.

Leaving underpopulated realms behind which given simple logic is equal to punishing other underpopulated realms in event.

10-29-2012, 05:22 PM
At this point NO,
I would be far more happy without this event.

The outcome is known, most populated realm will receive the price, probably XP bonus or something for the whole week.

Leaving underpopulated realms behind which given simple logic is equal to punishing other underpopulated realms in event.

Ok, the winner(Syrtis) will have 1 week purple fever how's that? :thumb:

Nothing new. You can expect all from Syrtis. Speedhacks, glitching forts, glitching castle GC's, spying, infecting other realms with lowbie chars during purple event, even lying on polls. Yesterday is one Alsius GM (which is apparently Syrtis player) seen killing Trelleborg guards for Syrtis to cap it. Nothing surprises me anymore.

Slartibartfast / Exorcist

And seriously stop accusing the whole fucking realm. No sane minded Syrtian ever accused a whole realm of cheating.

10-29-2012, 05:27 PM
No sane minded Syrtian ever accused a whole realm of cheating.

Actually they do.

10-29-2012, 05:29 PM
Actually they do.

I'm just gonna speak for myself then... xD :bangin: :imstupid:

10-29-2012, 06:49 PM
First: Lol @Mashu and @Slartiblast... Mashu for actually checking who voted and who "has been lying", this could be seen as a personal attack! 3... 2... 1... Ban.
Slartiblast for hating Syrtis so much, thinking every Syrtian cheats/hacks/whatever.

Second: If you post who lies, more people will "missclick" to troll you.

Third: I said, yes this event was fun. Dunno why, it's just fun for the Xim bonus and the costumes!

Fourth: Be f*cking happy there is an event, as William said, we should be happy there is something, they have so much more important things to work on.

Fifth: Get on your "You're a troll and sick minded and stuff like that" Mashu or Slarti. Or both for that matter :D

Looking forward to the bloody Zarkit costume :O

10-29-2012, 07:00 PM
Looking forward to the bloody Zarkit costume :O

I can't seem to imagine what that looks like. Definitely getting the wizardly hat for my warlock tho. Cannot wait any longer.

10-29-2012, 07:05 PM
Where is option "Who cares"

10-29-2012, 07:06 PM
I can't seem to imagine what that looks like. Definitely getting the wizardly hat for my warlock tho. Cannot wait any longer.

Ye me2 lol :D but Im sure it MUST BE A W E S O M E :D

My Lamai finally gets some wings :*)

10-29-2012, 07:07 PM
Where is option "Who cares"

where is the option 'tell the idiot to fuck off'

10-30-2012, 01:45 AM
Actually they do.

Well, can ass isnt "sane"

10-30-2012, 05:19 AM
Mashu: Your honestly expecting honesty from this poll? I think you should think clearly before you assume that. Pointing out that people are replying incorrectly is just going to fan the flames of trolldom. This is to be expected.

EdenKirin: Your statements have validity, however, they have been said and re said here so many times, I think most are utterly numb to it, or just in denial. When NGD actually introduces non-cheat engine elements into the game, I suspect all foxes will be shown , rather than the lambs everyone thinks they are. Until that time, patience must be asserted.

As to the OT: The Purple fever fiasco was a clear sign of just how things are probably going to go. I shall not be participating for that reason. I play this game for fun. Part of that fun does not include the bolstering of others egos.

10-30-2012, 06:43 AM
Mashu +1 for the pol... but really who cares... writhing new code for new event? NGD? wtf again and again

10-30-2012, 11:24 AM
i dont see point on this thread :sleep_1:
but mashu is right when he said that Haven would be better with NO halloween event at all.
like it was on the purple fever shit, never saw that much ppl leaving RO at once, because the event was actually made for, in most of cases, all stand a chance, but in Haven alsius and ignis had no chance. same can occour on halloween.
if u evidence how weak ignis and alsius r, u evidence how useless is trying to fight against it, more a motive to a ignean/alsirian leave this game or go to syrtis, making things even worse.
remeber how was the purple fever week and the 2 months after it?
complete domain of gelfs. and if u think it is good for the game, im sorry but u r wrong.

ye its good to have some dynamic things happening some times. but must be in cases that ALL can enjoy it...

10-30-2012, 04:16 PM
So, i predict this is what will occur:

Alsius and Ignis will try to gain "candies" in warzone, attempting to enjoy the event despite other gameplay issues such as balance.

Syrtis will then steamroll over everyone in wz who are trying to make the most of the event, steal their "candies" and get rewards, even though they aren't actually hunting for candies themselves.

Syrtis will get realm reward, whatever that may be, further strengthening their realm and weakening others, compounding the frustration and despair felt by Alsius and Ignis players already.

We will be allowed to continue this cycle in a couple of months for christmas event, which will be similar, most likely.

Like Purple Fever event, I will most likely stay logged out until this event is over. Thanks NGD. This'll give me time to search for a new game to give my money to.

10-30-2012, 04:30 PM
It would be quite easy to solve though.. Just calculate the collected candy per the number of active users..

10-30-2012, 04:45 PM
So, i predict this is what will occur:

Alsius and Ignis will try to gain "candies" in warzone, attempting to enjoy the event despite other gameplay issues such as balance.

Syrtis will then steamroll over everyone in wz who are trying to make the most of the event, steal their "candies" and get rewards, even though they aren't actually hunting for candies themselves.

Syrtis will get realm reward, whatever that may be, further strengthening their realm and weakening others, compounding the frustration and despair felt by Alsius and Ignis players already.

We will be allowed to continue this cycle in a couple of months for christmas event, which will be similar, most likely.

Like Purple Fever event, I will most likely stay logged out until this event is over. Thanks NGD. This'll give me time to search for a new game to give my money to.

Well, I totally agree with you and I'll tell you what I did during last candy-collect event. When you get candies from an enemy and you're too bored to bring them wherever they need to go: drop them. Like this they'll disappear and can't be obtained when you die. Or if you do want to collect them but you're about to die by gankers: also drop the candies, no candies lost to them. Sure, it's not fun, but camping Efe road and ganking candy bringers and drop them was all I could do to help Alsius :(

10-30-2012, 05:05 PM
LOL.... All Alsius should agree right now to drop all candies upon getting them, to prevent Syrtis from getting any from us. Just let the multirealming bastids get them, then they can come and kill their toon for them. That would normally be considered "exploitation", but it would be Syrtis, so they don't care, lol.

10-30-2012, 05:23 PM
LOL.... All Alsius should agree right now to drop all candies upon getting them, to prevent Syrtis from getting any from us. Just let the multirealming bastids get them, then they can come and kill their toon for them. That would normally be considered "exploitation", but it would be Syrtis, so they don't care, lol.

This idea actually has merit.

Good for you bro brian. Excellent idea. :)