View Full Version : Magna Weapons
10-31-2012, 06:30 AM
what about Magna Weapons? I see this screen:
Are they the really new ones?
If 'yes', please give the Staff more values -.-'
10-31-2012, 07:17 AM
Yes the mage staff is very bad, just like old magna staff, and WM staffs. Mages only use them for fusions... when will NGD learn. :/
What's worse is that they're far harder to get these new Magnanite weapons than it is to get the old ones. In the past you could spend all of your gold to buy magnas for magna weapon, which was generally how you obtained them. However, now you need both 5,000 magnas and 20,000,000 gold to get magna weapon, meaning the only way to obtain that many magnas is through trade only (no spending gold), and using magnas boosters... more Premium benefits.
And what about warriors, who don't even have gold to repair?
I just don't get why everything has to be crushing difficulty in this game. Maybe auction house (that nobody will use) will fix it. :p
10-31-2012, 07:42 AM
Do I read correctly? Level 65 weapon? :eek24:
Item level 65. You only need 55 to use it, however.
10-31-2012, 07:54 AM
Yes the mage staff is very bad, just like old magna staff, and WM staffs. Mages only use them for fusions... when will NGD learn. :/
What's worse is that they're far harder to get these new Magnanite weapons than it is to get the old ones. In the past you could spend all of your gold to buy magnas for magna weapon, which was generally how you obtained them. However, now you need both 5,000 magnas and 20,000,000 gold to get magna weapon, meaning the only way to obtain that many magnas is through trade only (no spending gold), and using magnas boosters... more Premium benefits.
And what about warriors, who don't even have gold to repair?
I just don't get why everything has to be crushing difficulty in this game. Maybe auction house (that nobody will use) will fix it. :p
We can see some kind of inlflation in RO. All those repairs for 200,000 Gold, Clan foundation for 2,000,000. Now 20,000,000 for magna weapons.
Looks like NGD is trying to increase self-cost of gold. But would be better to decrease amount of gold in game for that. And divide all prices by 1000.
10-31-2012, 08:18 AM
Item level 65. You only need 55 to use it, however.
For those who aren't familiar with this concept I'll explain it. All weapons have a required level and an item level. The required level is simple enough to understand. The item level of a regular item you get at the merchants would be the same as the required level depending on its quality. If you look at an epic version of that same item, its alot more powerful than a merchants version of it. Although you are required to be say level 40 to use that epic weapon, its damage is of the equivalence of a basic level 50 weapon therefor its item level is ranked 50. Its merely for the sake of comparing the quality of gear.
So what that means is that if level 65 weapons existed, they would be more or less on par with the new magnanite weapons. That in no way means that NGD plans to raise the level cap.
10-31-2012, 08:18 AM
Actually it costs 7500 magna as well as 20 million gold for the L55 magnanite weapons, and there doesn't seem to be any way to upgrade the old magna weapons. So my dreams of ever owning a L55 mag wep have effectively been crushed. Oh well, compared to the warmaster and elite weapons available, the weapons just aren't worth the effort, anyway.
If any players are masochistic enough to try, the quests can be found here:
Montsognir, Alsius: Vekka Fussfritz X=969 Z=1305
Fisgael, Syrtis: Graby Fussfritz X=1068 Z=4626
Altaruk, Ignis: Left side of the city. Maybe right side. Happy hunting!
10-31-2012, 08:20 AM
Nothing for dual wield? I assume one handed weapons are knight only.
If thats the case its probably much easier to get good dual wield equipment, for the same or better damage.
So the short bow looks really nice, the LB quite okey but i doubt its really worth 70-150 million gold or more, considering how much gold farming that would require. ;)
Magnanites are seem extremely overpriced, but who cares.
I have for example lvl 47 SB range 30 medium, with only 24 less damage then magna SB, with 2x10 dmg gems. Sure you probably do little more damage to heavily buffed players due to the (+39), but I dont get the big deal with these weapons.
10-31-2012, 09:44 AM
For those who aren't familiar with this concept I'll explain it. All weapons have a required level and an item level. The required level is simple enough to understand. The item level of a regular item you get at the merchants would be the same as the required level depending on its quality. If you look at an epic version of that same item, its alot more powerful than a merchants version of it. Although you are required to be say level 40 to use that epic weapon, its damage is of the equivalence of a basic level 50 weapon therefor its item level is ranked 50. Its merely for the sake of comparing the quality of gear.
So what that means is that if level 65 weapons existed, they would be more or less on par with the new magnanite weapons. That in no way means that NGD plans to raise the level cap.
Still it doesn't work quite well. Dragon items have an item level of 67, and Boss amulet are of 169 xD. However everyone knows there is better gear than Dragon gear but if it's ex. lvl60, it's item rank is 60. kinda flawed.
Actually it costs 7500 magna as well as 20 million gold for the L55 magnanite weapons, and there doesn't seem to be any way to upgrade the old magna weapons.
In translation ...Magna Weapons =Premium only =pay to win game ...
7500 magna(magna boosters) + 20 millions gold (drop loot chances boosters)+repair hammers = magna weapon .
10-31-2012, 12:01 PM
In translation ...Magna Weapons =Premium only =pay to win game ...
7500 magna(magna boosters) + 20 millions gold (drop loot chances boosters)+repair hammers = magna weapon .
Funny you say that, because me and someone else are already at 11ingots (will more than likely have 15 today or tomorrow) and neither of us have ever bought magna boosters or spent any of our money on the game.
Your argument is invalid.
10-31-2012, 12:10 PM
Funny you say that, because me and someone else are already at 11ingots (will more than likely have 15 today or tomorrow) and neither of us have ever bought magna boosters or spent any of our money on the game.
Your argument is invalid.
Isn't it past your bed time?
10-31-2012, 12:11 PM
Funny you say that, because me and someone else are already at 11ingots (will more than likely have 15 today or tomorrow) and neither of us have ever bought magna boosters or spent any of our money on the game.
Your argument is invalid.
For new player is impossible to obtain 7.5k of magnas. You have that amount due to you was playing when magnas where tradeable, about 2 years ago :P
10-31-2012, 12:15 PM
For new player is impossible to obtain 7.5k of magnas. You have that amount due to you was playing when magnas where tradeable, about 2 years ago :P
The other person did, I did not. I used my magn to get the magn sb abd shortly after it became untradeable. But, that doesnt matter, peopple said the same things about old magn weapons, yet, non-premium players, like myself, were able to get them
10-31-2012, 12:15 PM
Isn't it past your bed time?
Im at school :D
10-31-2012, 12:18 PM
The other person did, I did not. I used my magn to get the magn sb abd shortly after it became untradeable. But, that doesnt matter, peopple said the same things about old magn weapons, yet, non-premium players, like myself, were able to get them
In Raven you could easily collect much magnas since the player base is lower, we had the same thing in Tyr. I had like 1.3k in 4 months with my brother and we didnt really "search" for them.
Funny you say that, because me and someone else are already at 11ingots (will more than likely have 15 today or tomorrow) and neither of us have ever bought magna boosters or spent any of our money on the game.
Your argument is invalid.
This argument is very valid for new players ,or player that have no magna ...and in 3 years of play i never managed to collect more than 1k magna ...if you trade maybe is faster ,for sure not collecting them 1 by 1.
And if you want to speed up a little you are forced to do it.
10-31-2012, 11:57 PM
Can someone post a picture of how they look like?
10-31-2012, 11:59 PM
Please, NGD, give all of us the pleasure: Change the new Magna Staff!
Range 25 is useless! Range 35 would be very nice for battles in castles or forts! And why only 2 free values for 2 times 7% casttime?! There is no sense ... Sad, I was really pleased for the new staff ... and now: Why buying the new one, if my normally staff can the same things and the old magna staff too?!
Please, PLEAAASE! :crying1:
11-01-2012, 12:09 AM
Item level 65. You only need 55 to use it, however. Ponter explains that the level
11-01-2012, 02:56 AM
still useless
11-01-2012, 10:29 AM
The barbarian weapons are also junk, using 2 magic weapons (one in each hand) will provide you better stats than a ZOMG MOTHEFOCKA EXPENSIVE magnanite useless weapon
11-02-2012, 02:50 PM
Can someone post the 1h weapons please?
11-02-2012, 08:37 PM
The SS shows the magna staff with no durability!!!
Its a fake!!
11-07-2012, 07:21 PM
But idiots will keep buying magnanite even 1 piece for 1 mil to get weapon far worst then what you can get.
It's a pity we can't upgrade old weapons.
11-07-2012, 08:07 PM
The magna weapons have good stats, what most people don't realize is that the minimum damage is very close to the maximum damage. So the average damage is quite a bit higher than on normal weapons, but yeah, some people only want huge max damage... idiots, not thinking. NGD, I love the new magnanite weapon looks, and I can't say how grateful I am for this update.
11-08-2012, 06:58 AM
The magna weapons have good stats, what most people don't realize is that the minimum damage is very close to the maximum damage. So the average damage is quite a bit higher than on normal weapons, but yeah, some people only want huge max damage... idiots, not thinking. NGD, I love the new magnanite weapon looks, and I can't say how grateful I am for this update.
I have noticed this too. The damage is consistently high unlike regular weapons whose damage fluctuates quite a bit. Not to mention to bows cater to the range and weapon speeds that aren't available in the level 60 ancient bow categories. They are definitely worth effort, aside from the staves which is no better than any other staff with a decent cast speed bonus.
11-08-2012, 05:32 PM
And besides barbarian magnanite weapons which are all two handed. Bascially you can get extra socket and more bonuses with dual welding. So it's definitively not worth collecting that much magnanite for 60lvl barbarian.
11-09-2012, 04:26 PM
Bascially you can get extra socket and more bonuses with dual welding.
which is unfair! i want socket in arrows, shield & bracelet! (or +1 buff to conpensate)
11-09-2012, 04:37 PM
the number of magnas for one weapon (especially for the staff!) is simply too high ...
11-09-2012, 05:51 PM
Frosk, is there any chance to upgrade old Magnanite weapons? They required alot of effort to create and were rendered useless by Warmasters.
They should be upgradeable for 2.5kmags and 20mil gold.
11-09-2012, 06:54 PM
Frosk, is there any chance to upgrade old Magnanite weapons? They required alot of effort to create and were rendered useless by Warmasters.
They should be upgradeable for 2.5kmags and 20mil gold.
Many other items traded to get these manganite weapons are most likely are obsolete as well.
On the other hand, there is lots of magnanites that was traded for "old" items and never got turned into weapons that are still valid.
The point of increased level cap is increase a demand for new items, xp etc to prolong the life span of the game by giving people new goals to reach and for more money to be earned from premium sales of course.
From my point of veiw it would probably be fair if it was possible to get some ingots back, maybe not all of them though.
11-10-2012, 12:24 AM
Many other items traded to get these manganite weapons are most likely are obsolete as well.
On the other hand, there is lots of magnanites that was traded for "old" items and never got turned into weapons that are still valid.
The point of increased level cap is increase a demand for new items, xp etc to prolong the life span of the game by giving people new goals to reach and for more money to be earned from premium sales of course.
From my point of veiw it would probably be fair if it was possible to get some ingots back, maybe not all of them though.
People still wear alot of the "obsolete" level 50 gear due to superior bonuses to their elite armors.
Everyone knows that your entire set doesn't have to be elite to have good damage reduction, look at how popular dragon helms are on level 60s.
On the other hand, all magnanite weapons except bow are completely unused...
11-10-2012, 01:22 AM
I think most lvl 50 items are being replaced as soon as possible, thats the whole idea to make people want to improve their equipment and thats a process, especially if you have many characters.
What happens if level cap get raised once again?
You would want 7500 magnanite and maybe 20m gold then as well.
Regardless, i think you would be lucky if you got anything. But a full refund?
11-10-2012, 01:59 PM
Frosk, is there any chance to upgrade old Magnanite weapons? They required alot of effort to create and were rendered useless by Warmasters.
They should be upgradeable for 2.5kmags and 20mil gold.
This :S. This isn't a weapon that can be dropped with some luck, you have to collect mags or trade loads of items, it's the same with the new bows, the old ones should be upgradeable...
11-11-2012, 03:25 AM
I'm sure the marketing team is just seeing how big this magna economy is going to be ... expect x5 and x10 magna scrolls for a huge xim cost sometime soon would be my tip. If an upgrade option does come along it would prob be from the item shop like the lvl 60 scrolls. NGD would be crazy not to cash in on this magna fever
11-11-2012, 07:19 AM
I'm sure the marketing team is just seeing how big this magna economy is going to be ... expect x5 and x10 magna scrolls for a huge xim cost sometime soon would be my tip. If an upgrade option does come along it would prob be from the item shop like the lvl 60 scrolls. NGD would be crazy not to cash in on this magna fever
Even if they do make it for like 40k Xims, I'll buy it, so get that scroll in NGD :D.
Even if they do make it for like 40k Xims, I'll buy it, so get that scroll in NGD :D.
There will never be a upgrade for old magna weapons.
Old magna weapons most of them was made with no premium contribution.
NGD want cash from new magna weapons ,as for most of new content for lvl 60.
Seems almost any upgrade of your char (if you want a little more faster) you need cash.Some of them seems to be only premium as armor enchantments or legendary weapons.
I don't think any person will ever drop a legendary weapon from normal mobs...maybe 1-2 persons /years.
Once with warmasters add-on even epic /magical drops from normal drops have been completely took out.Very very rare I've heard someone to drop such a item,even normal drops are a pain.
The truth is game is going more and more only in pay to win game.
11-11-2012, 09:39 AM
My Knight is pretty good geared, actually it is waaay above average, I play 3 years, but just 3 months on my Knight and it has OP gear already, just with in-game coins and friends.
11-11-2012, 10:39 AM
I've seen 1 guy drop 2 legendary items and another different guy dropping one as well.
11-11-2012, 10:39 AM
NGD, is there any chance, that you will change the values of the magna weapons? especially of the staff ... ?
11-11-2012, 02:06 PM
NGD, is there any chance, that you will change the values of the magna weapons? especially of the staff ... ?
Why not just be happy that you dont need one? :wink:
11-11-2012, 02:43 PM
Why not just be happy that you dont need one?
Why should I be happy because of that?! Every class can use these nice weapons well. Only mages have again no additive for using the staff :poster_spam:
11-11-2012, 04:53 PM
Why should I be happy because of that?! Every class can use these nice weapons well. Only mages have again no additive for using the staff :poster_spam:
I think you you have be little bit of a masochist if you want to aquire 7500 magnanites and spend 20m gold for that.
These weapons are not that useful for other classes either,
bows definitely need dmg gems to even compare with good lvl 50ish bows.
Damage gems have also a huge disadvantage, because damage modifiers dont apply to the bonus.
Barbs weapons are also quite weak compared to a decent dual wield set.
I honestly dont get either of these weapons, other than at least theoretically they can be acquired without spending money.
Maybe knight weapons are worth it, i havnt seen them yet.
11-12-2012, 08:07 AM
I think you you have be little bit of a masochist if you want to aquire 7500 magnanites and spend 20m gold for that.
These weapons are not that useful for other classes either,
bows definitely need dmg gems to even compare with good lvl 50ish bows.
Damage gems have also a huge disadvantage, because damage modifiers dont apply to the bonus.
Barbs weapons are also quite weak compared to a decent dual wield set.
I honestly dont get either of these weapons, other than at least theoretically they can be acquired without spending money.
Maybe knight weapons are worth it, i havnt seen them yet.
That doesn't justify the fact that all other classes continually get stronger through increased stats and gear but a mages damage output remains the same as it was at level 37. All mages got in the past three years that I've been playing was their only useful stat nerfed to oblivion.
The issue is not with the magnanite/epic/legendary mage gear, but with the mage class in general. There are already too much threads about this so there's no point being an echo. I'm fairly disappointed that the level cap was raised a long time ago and NGD is yet to address this issue. And now better gear for all classes who aren't mages.
11-12-2012, 12:08 PM
majority of people only want weapons for the stats, i can relate with the people who make the magnanite weapons, i prefeer a pretty sword other than an ugly and stronger one
11-12-2012, 12:34 PM
That doesn't justify the fact that all other classes continually get stronger through increased stats and gear but a mages damage output remains the same as it was at level 37. All mages got in the past three years that I've been playing was their only useful stat nerfed to oblivion.
The issue is not with the magnanite/epic/legendary mage gear, but with the mage class in general. There are already too much threads about this so there's no point being an echo. I'm fairly disappointed that the level cap was raised a long time ago and NGD is yet to address this issue. And now better gear for all classes who aren't mages.
+1, still waiting for the day that intelligence will actually help a mage.
11-12-2012, 03:34 PM
That doesn't justify the fact that all other classes continually get stronger through increased stats and gear but a mages damage output remains the same as it was at level 37. All mages got in the past three years that I've been playing was their only useful stat nerfed to oblivion.
The issue is not with the magnanite/epic/legendary mage gear, but with the mage class in general. There are already too much threads about this so there's no point being an echo. I'm fairly disappointed that the level cap was raised a long time ago and NGD is yet to address this issue. And now better gear for all classes who aren't mages.
+1 and ....
still waiting for the day that intelligence will actually help a mage.
+1 and ...
... look the thread ''Mage the outdated class''
btt: The Magna weapons aren't good -.-' please change the values!
That doesn't justify the fact that all other classes continually get stronger through increased stats and gear but a mages damage output remains the same as it was at level 37. All mages got in the past three years that I've been playing was their only useful stat nerfed to oblivion.
The issue is not with the magnanite/epic/legendary mage gear, but with the mage class in general. There are already too much threads about this so there's no point being an echo. I'm fairly disappointed that the level cap was raised a long time ago and NGD is yet to address this issue. And now better gear for all classes who aren't mages.
I am not agree at all with this.
Everything is about scaling.
In fact mages (warlocks) are scalled for maximum damage by far early at lvl 37 than other classes.
If you compare vs other classes or even vs archers,warlock has advantage to cast hight damage spells in PvP and RvR.
Wile archers have very weack areas warlocks have lots of power with many powerful areas and good damage.
A archer or a warrior need to run all his road till lvl 60 to get his powerfull weapons ,a warlock not.
The difference between a level 37 warlock and lvl 60 one is that a lvl 37 can't have both RvR and PvP spells.
I play a warlock at lvl 44 ,i play him a lots ,it's damn powerful ,but because not enaugth power points i can't have both spells for areas or pvp.
A level 60 warlock is ready to face to RvR and PvP situation with easy because he can have all spells .
I don't see many reasons to complaint about ,maybe only cast speed and int,but also he has spells to drain mana and health.
11-12-2012, 08:05 PM
Wile archers have very weack areas warlocks have lots of power with many powerful areas and good damage.
Don't think so .. ''powerful areas'' .. well... Damage of 400 ^^
A archer or a warrior need to run all his road till lvl 60 to get his powerfull weapons ,a warlock not.
But this is what most of the warlocks don't want to!
11-13-2012, 02:28 AM
I play a warlock at lvl 44
This explains everything.
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