View Full Version : Lost Xim

12-19-2012, 12:52 PM
here is my problem:
i logged on amun last night and bought "hair dye" item and 2s right after that i got the message " server will shut down in 30s". when i logged back on haven i didn't find my xim nor the item i bought in amun.

this is rly annoying and i don't see why i can't get back my xim since amun is exp/test server.

Drago I

12-19-2012, 01:46 PM
here is my problem:
i logged on amun last night and bought "hair dye" item and 2s right after that i got the message " server will shut down in 30s". when i logged back on haven i didn't find my xim nor the item i bought in amun.

this is rly annoying and i don't see why i can't get back my xim since amun is exp/test server.

Drago I


This was due to an unexpected error.

However, do not worry since every Ximerin transaction done in Amun gets registered, so it will all be returned.

We apologize for any inconveniences.
